692 resultados para Wrist Rests


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[Es] Esta aportación sintetiza el estudio que están desarrollando profesores del Área de Didáctica y Organización escolar de la UPV y de la UAB (2005-06). Su contenido aborda las relaciones entre los estadios de desarrollo organizativo y curricular y los resultados escolares. Los primeros datos sugieren que hay una mayor cohesión y coherencia en los centros pequeños, de titularidad pública y de un solo modelo lingüístico. Curiosamente, esta aparente identidad común se apoya más en la estructura participativa y en los sistemas de aprendizaje organizacional y no tanto en la cultura institucional y la cultura colaborativa. Estas últimas dependen más del tamaño del centro y del modelo lingüístico que de la titularidad. Llama la atención que el liderazgo transformacional se vincula más a la titularidad pública y a los centros de secundaria, no relacionándose significativamente con el tamaño del centro, el modelo lingüístico o los años vinculados al ejercicio de cargos.


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Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is a technique that consists on applying electrical current pulses to artificially activate motor nerve fibers and produce muscle contractions to achieve functional movements. The main applications of FES are within the rehabilitation field, in which this technique is used to aid recovery or to restore lost motor functions. People that benefit of FES are usually patients with neurological disorders which result in motor dysfunctions; most common patients include stroke and spinal cord injury (SCI). Neuroprosthesis are devices that have their basis in FES technique, and their aim is to bridge interrupted or damaged neural paths between the brain and upper or lower limbs. One of the aims of neuroprosthesis is to artificially generate muscle contractions that produce functional movements, and therefore, assist impaired people by making them able to perform activities of daily living (ADL). FES applies current pulses and stimulates nerve fibers by means of electrodes, which can be either implanted or surface electrodes. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages. Implanted electrodes need open surgery to place them next to the nerve root, so these electrodes carry many disadvantages that are produced by the use of invasive techniques. In return, as the electrodes are attached to the nerve, they make it easier to achieve selective functional movements. On the contrary, surface electrodes are not invasive and are easily attached or detached on the skin. Main disadvantages of surface electrodes are the difficulty of selectively stimulating nerve fibers and uncomfortable feeling perceived by users due to sensory nerves located in the skin. Electrical stimulation surface electrode technology has improved significantly through the years and recently, multi-field electrodes have been suggested. This multi-field or matrix electrode approach brings many advantages to FES; among them it is the possibility of easily applying different stimulation methods and techniques. The main goal of this thesis is therefore, to test two stimulation methods, which are asynchronous and synchronous stimulation, in the upper limb with multi-field electrodes. To this end, a purpose-built wrist torque measuring system and a graphic user interface were developed to measure wrist torque produced with each of the methods and to efficiently carry out the experiments. Then, both methods were tested on 15 healthy subjects and sensitivity results were analyzed for different cases. Results show that there are significant differences between methods regarding sensation in some cases, which can affect effectiveness or success of FES.


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Traditional software development captures the user needs during the requirement analysis. The Web makes this endeavour even harder due to the difficulty to determine who these users are. In an attempt to tackle the heterogeneity of the user base, Web Personalization techniques are proposed to guide the users’ experience. In addition, Open Innovation allows organisations to look beyond their internal resources to develop new products or improve existing processes. This thesis sits in between by introducing Open Personalization as a means to incorporate actors other than webmasters in the personalization of web applications. The aim is to provide the technological basis that builds up a trusty environment for webmasters and companion actors to collaborate, i.e. "an architecture of participation". Such architecture very much depends on these actors’ profile. This work tackles three profiles (i.e. software partners, hobby programmers and end users), and proposes three "architectures of participation" tuned for each profile. Each architecture rests on different technologies: a .NET annotation library based on Inversion of Control for software partners, a Modding Interface in JavaScript for hobby programmers, and finally, a domain specific language for end-users. Proof-of-concept implementations are available for the three cases while a quantitative evaluation is conducted for the domain specific language.


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Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a key linear algebraic operation in many scientific and engineering applications. In particular, many computational intelligence systems rely on machine learning methods involving high dimensionality datasets that have to be fast processed for real-time adaptability. In this paper we describe a practical FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) implementation of a SVD processor for accelerating the solution of large LSE problems. The design approach has been comprehensive, from the algorithmic refinement to the numerical analysis to the customization for an efficient hardware realization. The processing scheme rests on an adaptive vector rotation evaluator for error regularization that enhances convergence speed with no penalty on the solution accuracy. The proposed architecture, which follows a data transfer scheme, is scalable and based on the interconnection of simple rotations units, which allows for a trade-off between occupied area and processing acceleration in the final implementation. This permits the SVD processor to be implemented both on low-cost and highend FPGAs, according to the final application requirements.


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[EUS] Egungo informazioaren gizartean, etengabeko aldaketa sakonak jasaten eta sortzen ditugu, halaber gure gizabanako harremanetan ere. Hala ere, hezkuntzak oraindik ez du aldaketa handirik egin, izan ere, nahiko estatikoa izaten jarraitzen du eta bertan ematen diren harremanak zeharo hierarkikoak dira. Honengatik guztiagatik, ikerketa honen xede nagusia, Ikas-Komunitateak eta honen barruan dagoen Etxebarriko KUKULLAGA LHI (Bizkaia) aztertzea izango da. Horrez gain, eskolarekin batera diseinatu dudan proiektua aurkeztuko dut, zeinean Ikas-Komunitateen bi jarduera burutzen diren: irakur-laguna eta solasaldi dialogiko literarioak. Bertan, Lehen Hezkuntzako 6. mailako eta 5 urteko ikasleek parte hartu dute. Aipatzekoa da lortutako emaitzak guztiz baikorrak izan direla eta epe-laburrerako ezarritako helburuak lortu direla. Horrez gain, epe-luzerako helburuak hein handi batean beteko direla aurreikusten da. Beraz, argi dago, zentroetan antolakuntza egoki bat ematen bada, Ikas- Komunitateen proiektuarekiko inplikazioa badago eta komunitatearen kohesioa lortzen bada, hezkuntza sistema hein batean alda daitekeela. Hori gertatuz gero, edozein motatako pertsonak hezkuntza emaitzarik onenak lor ditzake eta baita informazioaren gizarte honetan jarduten ikas dezake ere.


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The problem motivating this investigation is that of pure axisymmetric torsion of an elastic shell of revolution. The analysis is carried out within the framework of the three-dimensional linear theory of elastic equilibrium for homogeneous, isotropic solids. The objective is the rigorous estimation of errors involved in the use of approximations based on thin shell theory.

The underlying boundary value problem is one of Neumann type for a second order elliptic operator. A systematic procedure for constructing pointwise estimates for the solution and its first derivatives is given for a general class of second-order elliptic boundary-value problems which includes the torsion problem as a special case.

The method used here rests on the construction of “energy inequalities” and on the subsequent deduction of pointwise estimates from the energy inequalities. This method removes certain drawbacks characteristic of pointwise estimates derived in some investigations of related areas.

Special interest is directed towards thin shells of constant thickness. The method enables us to estimate the error involved in a stress analysis in which the exact solution is replaced by an approximate one, and thus provides us with a means of assessing the quality of approximate solutions for axisymmetric torsion of thin shells.

Finally, the results of the present study are applied to the stress analysis of a circular cylindrical shell, and the quality of stress estimates derived here and those from a previous related publication are discussed.


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This investigation deals with certain generalizations of the classical uniqueness theorem for the second boundary-initial value problem in the linearized dynamical theory of not necessarily homogeneous nor isotropic elastic solids. First, the regularity assumptions underlying the foregoing theorem are relaxed by admitting stress fields with suitably restricted finite jump discontinuities. Such singularities are familiar from known solutions to dynamical elasticity problems involving discontinuous surface tractions or non-matching boundary and initial conditions. The proof of the appropriate uniqueness theorem given here rests on a generalization of the usual energy identity to the class of singular elastodynamic fields under consideration.

Following this extension of the conventional uniqueness theorem, we turn to a further relaxation of the customary smoothness hypotheses and allow the displacement field to be differentiable merely in a generalized sense, thereby admitting stress fields with square-integrable unbounded local singularities, such as those encountered in the presence of focusing of elastic waves. A statement of the traction problem applicable in these pathological circumstances necessitates the introduction of "weak solutions'' to the field equations that are accompanied by correspondingly weakened boundary and initial conditions. A uniqueness theorem pertaining to this weak formulation is then proved through an adaptation of an argument used by O. Ladyzhenskaya in connection with the first boundary-initial value problem for a second-order hyperbolic equation in a single dependent variable. Moreover, the second uniqueness theorem thus obtained contains, as a special case, a slight modification of the previously established uniqueness theorem covering solutions that exhibit only finite stress-discontinuities.


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The effects of stress on both microalgal and macroalgal communities are considered. On one hand the contrasting approaches of studies of these two communities reflect intrinsic differences in plant size, longevity and ease of handling. On the other hand they reveal that biological monitoring of the potentially deleterious effects of man's activities has focused largely on freshwater environments in which macroalgae only occasionally dominate. Large conspicuous plants can be readily investigated as individuals, whereas it is virtually impossible to trace effects of stress on an individual cell of a vegetatively-reproducing microalga; a population approach is almost inevitably necessary. However, rapid turnover rates, a spectrum of ecological characteristics distributed between many taxa, and the potential for statistical analysis, have facilitated the use of microalgae in environmental impact studies. Failure to extend such investigations into marine systems rests as much on man's ability to ignore environmental deterioration until it affects his quality of life as on the visual dominance of seaweeds around our coasts. However, large gaps remain in our knowledge of both large and small algae; some reported community changes over time are suspect, and the causes of even blatant changes are not always apparent.


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In this study we employed a dynamic recurrent neural network (DRNN) in a novel fashion to reveal characteristics of control modules underlying the generation of muscle activations when drawing figures with the outstretched arm. We asked healthy human subjects to perform four different figure-eight movements in each of two workspaces (frontal plane and sagittal plane). We then trained a DRNN to predict the movement of the wrist from information in the EMG signals from seven different muscles. We trained different instances of the same network on a single movement direction, on all four movement directions in a single movement plane, or on all eight possible movement patterns and looked at the ability of the DRNN to generalize and predict movements for trials that were not included in the training set. Within a single movement plane, a DRNN trained on one movement direction was not able to predict movements of the hand for trials in the other three directions, but a DRNN trained simultaneously on all four movement directions could generalize across movement directions within the same plane. Similarly, the DRNN was able to reproduce the kinematics of the hand for both movement planes, but only if it was trained on examples performed in each one. As we will discuss, these results indicate that there are important dynamical constraints on the mapping of EMG to hand movement that depend on both the time sequence of the movement and on the anatomical constraints of the musculoskeletal system. In a second step, we injected EMG signals constructed from different synergies derived by the PCA in order to identify the mechanical significance of each of these components. From these results, one can surmise that discrete-rhythmic movements may be constructed from three different fundamental modules, one regulating the co-activation of all muscles over the time span of the movement and two others elliciting patterns of reciprocal activation operating in orthogonal directions.


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Esse estudo tem por objetivo principal analisar as reflexões do filósofo e psicanalista teórico esloveno Slavoj iek acerca dos impactos subjetivos das transformações normativas ocorridas no Ocidente nos últimos cinqüenta anos. O problema do chamado declínio do Simbólico passou a ser amplamente discutido pela comunidade de psicanalistas lacanianos na qual se insere o filósofo a partir do final da década de 1990, o que constituiu uma inovação em um campo fortemente influenciado pela concepção estruturalista da subjetividade. Situando o autor como pioneiro na utilização de ferramentas conceituais lacanianas para a análise do social, o estudo divide-se em duas partes. Na primeira delas, exponho as bases teóricas do pensamento de iek, contextualizando o seu itinerário intelectual e político, e abordando as suas três linhas fundamentais de investigação: a filosofia política, a discussão sobre o ato ético e a ontologia do sujeito. Assim, o primeiro capítulo retraça o percurso que vai dos primeiros estudos sobre o funcionamento ideológico nos regimes totalitários à abordagem pop filosófica da ideologia na atualidade. Em seguida, apresento a sua redescrição da noção de comunismo à luz da tese dos novos antagonismos do capitalismo tardio. Por fim, trato da perspectiva universalista do filósofo a partir de sua leitura materialista do cristianismo, lançando mão sobretudo dos estudos de Alain Badiou sobre São Paulo. No segundo capítulo, delineamos as coordenadas centrais da concepção de sujeito em iek, cuja originalidade reside na articulação das formulações de Lacan e Hegel. As noções de grande Outro, objeto pequeno a, pulsão de morte e negatividade são tomadas como os pilares nos quais se assenta a descrição do sujeito iekiano. Na segunda parte do estudo, examinamos as teses de iek a respeito das relações entre subjetividade e cultura, com ênfase nos novos impasses que daí decorrem. As inibições que sucedem à injunção de gozar sem entraves, a melancolização do laço social, as metamorfoses da culpa, a vitimologia e a culpabilização do Outro são os tópicos centrais que sobressaem desse recorte. Nessa parte do trabalho, as reflexões de iek são cotejadas com as análises de autores de orientação lacaniana, considerados representativos desse tipo de discussão, como Jean-Pierre Lebrun, Charles Melman, Dany-Robert Dufour e Roland Chemama. Pretende-se com isso enriquecer a discussão, apontando as aproximações e distâncias que o pensamento de iek entretém com os referidos autores. O capítulo final do trabalho é consagrado ao exame crítico da démarche iekiana acerca do declínio do Simbólico. Dois tópicos de seu discurso são analisados, a saber: a) seu posicionamento ambivalente no que tange à crítica do catastrofismo; b) seu esforço de expurgar da noção de ato ético na qual ele quer encontrar saídas para os embaraços engendrados pelo dito declínio do Simbólico qualquer traço de pertencimento à tradição moral judaico-cristã, guardando dessa tradição apenas o exemplo do aspecto formal do ato. Para empreender tal exame, nos servimos, de um lado, do estudo crítico do sociólogo francês Alain Ehrenberg sobre a declinologia noção por ele cunhada para se referir ao conjunto de estudos que enfatizam o atual risco da dissolução dos laços sociais , e de outro lado, nos apoiamos na concepção de ética do filósofo neo-pragmatista Richard Rorty.


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O estudo do crescimento e desenvolvimento é essencial para a Ortodontia, pois cada criança possui um padrão único. Na presença de doenças sistêmicas como as cardiopatias, um exame mais detalhado deve ser feito, uma vez que estas podem alterar o crescimento e desenvolvimento. Um dos métodos mais utilizados nesta avaliação é a análise da calcificação dos ossos da mão e punho. Porém, as modificações no tamanho e forma das vértebras cervicais vêm sendo muito utilizadas nas últimas décadas pelo fato de ser realizada em radiografias cefalométricas laterais, rotineiramente utilizadas no diagnóstico ortodôntico. Inicialmente, os objetivos deste trabalho foram verificar a correlação entre os métodos de obtenção da idade óssea e dos estágios de maturação óssea que utilizam os indicadores presentes na região de mão e punho e os presentes nas vértebras cervicais em um grupo de crianças cardiopatas e não cardiopatas. A partir da correlação positiva e significativa, utilizou-se o método das vértebras cervicais para comparar a idade óssea, a diferença entre idade óssea e cronológica e os estágios de maturação óssea entre crianças cardiopatas e não cardiopatas. A amostra foi formada por 120 crianças com idades entre 4,83 a 14,66 anos, atendidas no Ambulatório de Pediatria do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto. Entre estas, 73 eram cardiopatas, todas portadoras de cardiopatias congênitas cianóticas e 47 não cardiopatas, que faziam apenas acompanhamento de rotina, com idades médias de 9,3 e 8,9 anos respectivamente. A idade e maturação óssea foram verificadas através de radiografias cefalométricas laterais e carpais. A determinação da idade óssea foi realizada pelo método de Mito et al. nas radiografias cefalométricas laterais e pelo método de Greulich e Pyle nas radiografias carpais. E, os estágios de maturação óssea foram obtidos pelo método de Hassel e Farman nas radiografias cefalométricas laterais e pelo método de Singer nas radiografias carpais. A correlação entre os métodos de obtenção da idade óssea e dos estágios de maturação óssea apresentou valores positivos e significativos; tanto para o grupo cardiopata, com r = 0,478 (p<0,001) para idade óssea e r = 0,616 (p<0,001) para os estágios de maturação óssea, quanto para o grupo não cardiopata, com r = 0,366 (p=0,024) para idade óssea e r = 0,613 (p<0,001) para os estágios de maturação óssea. As idades ósseas não apresentaram diferença significativa entre os grupos (p=0,394). As diferenças entre as idades cronológicas e ósseas não apresentaram diferença significativa tanto no grupo cardiopata (p=0,418), quanto para o grupo não cardiopata (p=0,143). Também não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos quando avaliada a quantidade de crianças que apresentavam idade óssea atrasada em relação à idade cronológica (p=0,395). O mesmo ocorreu quando avaliados os gêneros masculino (p = 0,060) e feminino (p = 0,313). A distribuição da amostra pelos estágios de maturação óssea não apresentou diferenças significativas entre os grupos (p=0,447). Os resultados do presente trabalho sugerem que a cardiopatia congênita, nesta faixa etária avaliada, não altera o padrão de maturação óssea analisado pelas vértebras cervicais.


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Oliveira Vianna é claro em seu anti-liberalismo. Mas nem por isto é fácil arguir simplesmente que quando fala em tom elogioso da experiência inglesa, por exemplo, o faz com finalidade argumentativa, com vistas a tornar seu discurso informado e palatável. Nada disso. A hipótese a ser explorada aqui é a de que a reflexão teórica de Oliveira Vianna repousa sobre dois recursos à história. Um que formula uma narrativa sobre o passado e põe para frente um objetivo, a solidariedade. E outro ao qual recorre com menos frequência, de forma menos clara, e que guarda relação com uma finalidade mais ampla: a de inscrever o Brasil na rubrica da modernidade. Sim, como quem concebe um movimento certo para a história, mas inscrevendo nele mais de um projetos possíveis. Isto é, se por um lado a Europa moderna é liberal, coisa que o Brasil não pode ser, por outro, a Europa do corporativismo coloca a possibilidade de uma modernidade que, como não é etapa, mas substituto do liberalismo, representaria um caminho mais curto para a realidade pátria.


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[ES] Durante la excavación de la cueva de Praile Aitz I (Deba, Gipuzkoa) se ha hallado una azagaya de base hendida sobre un suelo de cantos de caliza en el que se definió un contexto de habitación constituido por un hogar, escasos restos de industria y fauna, y varios colgantes. Estos materiales se atribuyen al Magdaleniense Inferior Cantábrico con fechas que se sitúan entre el 15.190 y 15.810 BP. Aprovechando este descubrimiento se realiza una revisión de ejemplares de similares características hallados en otros yacimientos cantábricos (Balmori, El Castillo) y se plantea la posible cronología magdaleniense del ejemplar de Santimamiñe.


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In the 'free-ball' version of the micro-scale abrasion or ball-cratering test the rotating ball rests against a tilted sample and a grooved drive shaft. Tests under nominally identical conditions with different apparatus commonly show small but significant differences in measured wear rate. An indirect method has been developed and demonstrated for continuous on-line measurement of the coefficient of friction in the free-ball test. Experimental investigation of the effects of sample tilt angle and drive shaft groove width shows that both these factors influence the stability of the rotation of the ball, and the shape of the abrasive slurry pool, which in turn affect the coefficient of friction in the wear scar area and the measured wear rate. It is suggested that in order to improve the reproducibility of this method the geometry of the apparatus should be specified. For the apparatus used in this work with a steel ball of 25 mm diameter, a sample tilt angle of 60-75° and a shaft groove width of about 10mm provided the most stable ball motion and a wear rate which showed least variability. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aquatic agricultural systems (AAS) are systems in which the annual production dynamics of freshwater and/or coastal ecosystems contribute significantly to total household income. Improving the livelihood security and wellbeing of the estimated 250 million poor people dependent on AAS in Bangladesh, Cambodia, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands and Zambia is the goal of the Worldfish Center-led Consortium Research Program (CRP), “Harnessing the development potential of aquatic agricultural systems for development.” One component expected to contribute to sustainably achieving this goal is enhancing the gender and wider social equity of the social, economic and political systems within which the AAS function. The CRP’s focus on social equity, and particularly gender equity, responds to the limited progress to date in enhancing the inclusiveness of development outcomes through interventions that offer improved availability of resources and technologies without addressing the wider social constraints that marginalized populations face in making use of them. The CRP aims to both offer improved availability and address the wider social constraints in order to determine whether a multi-level approach that engages with individuals, households and communities, as well as the wider social, economic and political contexts in which they function, is more successful in extending development’s benefits to women and other excluded groups. Designing the research in development initiatives to test this hypothesis requires a solid understanding of each CRP country’s social, cultural and economic contexts and of the variations across them. This paper provides an initial input into developing this knowledge, based on a review of literature on agriculture, aquaculture and gender relations within the five focal countries. Before delving into the findings of the literature review, the paper first justifies the expectation that successfully achieving lasting wellbeing improvements for poor women and men dependent on AAS rests in part on advances in gender equity, and in light of this justification, presents the AAS CRP’s conceptual framew