803 resultados para Workplace Wellness
Purpose – A growing body of literature provides evidence for the efficacy of workplace health promotion (WHP). However, little is known about effective dissemination strategies for WHP interventions. The purpose of this paper is to describe how a WHP agency in Zurich, Switzerland, used bulk mailings, information events, telephone marketing and free initial consultations for the large-scale geographic marketing of WHP services, with a focus on tobacco prevention (TP). Design/methodology/approach – To analyze the number of companies responding positively to solicitation, examine the predictors of positive responses and explore the reasons for negative responses, the authors used both quantitative (e.g. a standardized questionnaire) and qualitative (telephone interviews) methods. Findings – The results show that except for telephone marketing (69 percent), the success rates of dissemination activities were very low (3-9 percent). Predictors for a positive response were institutionalization of WHP, the representative’s personal concern about TP, and problems with environmental tobacco smoke within the company. The most prominent reason for a negative Response was that the companies had already implemented TP measures by themselves and needed no further external support. Practical implications – It is suggested that TP was the wrong emphasis for a WHP program to be disseminated at that particular time, because a law on protection from passive smoking was introduced in Switzerland shortly afterwards. Originality/value – The study examines dissemination strategies under real-life Consulting conditions. It builds on on a large sample of companies and uses both quantitative and qualitative research methods. It reports specific numbers and success rates of marketing activities and thereby contributes to the knowledge about an important issue for intervention planning in the field of WHP.
Women form a large part of many workforces throughout Europe. Many will be working throughout their menopausal years. Whilst the menopause may cause no significant problems for some, for others it is known to present considerable difficulties in both their personal and working lives. During the menopausal transition women report that fatigue and difficulties with memory and concentration can have a negative impact on their working lives. Furthermore, hot flushes can be a source of embarrassment and distress. Some consider that these symptoms can impact on their performance. Greater awareness among employers, together with sensitive and flexible management can be helpful for women at this time. Particular strategies might include: fostering a culture whereby employees feel comfortable disclosing health problems, allowing flexible working, reducing sources of work-related stress, providing easy access to cold drinking water and toilets, and reviewing workplace temperature and ventilation.
Current toxic tort cases have increased national awareness of health concerns and present an important avenue in which public health scientists can perform a vital function: in litigation, and in public health initiatives and promotions which may result. This review presents a systematic approach, using the paradigm of interactive public health disciplines, for the design of a matrix framework for medical surveillance of workers exposed to toxic substances. The matrix framework design addresses the required scientific bases to support the legal remedy of medical monitoring for workers injured as a result of their exposure to toxic agents. A background of recent legal developments which have a direct impact on the use of scientific expertise in litigation is examined in the context of toxic exposure litigation and the attainment of public health goals. The matrix model is applied to five different workplace exposures: dental mercury, firefighting, vinyl chloride manufacture, radon in mining and silica. An exposure matrix designed by the Department of Energy for government nuclear workers is included as a reference comparison to the design matrix. ^
In most epidemiological studies, historical monitoring data are scant and must be pooled to identify occupational groups with homogeneous exposures. Homogeneity of exposure is generally assessed in a group of workers who share a common job title or work in a common area. While published results suggest that the degree of homogeneity varies widely across job groups, less is known whether such variation differs across industrial sectors, classes of contaminants, or in the methods used to group workers. Relying upon a compilation of results presented in the literature, patterns of homogeneity among nearly 500 occupational groups of workers were evaluated on the basis of type of industry and agent. Additionally, effects of the characteristics of the sampling strategy on estimated indicators of homogeneity of exposure were assessed. ^ Exposure profiles for occupational groups of workers have typically been assessed under the assumption of stationarity, i.e., the mean exposure level and variance of the distribution that describes the underlying population of exposures are constant over time. Yet, the literature has shown that occupational exposures have declined in the last decades. This renders traditional methods for the description of exposure profiles inadequate. Thus, work was needed to develop appropriate methods to assess homogeneity for groups of workers whose exposures have changed over time. A study was carried out applying mixed effects models with a term for temporal trend to appropriately describe exposure profiles of groups of workers in the nickel-producing industry over a 20-year period. Using a sub-set of groups of nickel-exposed workers, another study was conducted to develop and apply a framework to evaluate the assumption of stationarity of the variances in the presence of systematic changes in exposure levels over time. ^
The biological safety profession has historically functioned within an environment based on recommended practices rather than regulations, so summary data on compliance or noncompliance with recommended practices is largely absent from the professional literature. The absence of safety performance outcome data is unfortunate since the concept of biosafety containment is based on a combination of facility based controls and workplace practices, and persistent failures in either type of controls could ultimately result in injury or death. In addition, the number of laboratories requiring biosafety containment is likely to grow significantly in the coming years in the wake of the terrorist events of 2001. In this study, the outcomes of 768 biosafety level 2 (BSL-2) safety surveys were analyzed for commonalities and trends. Items of non-compliance noted were classified as facility related or practice related. The most frequent item of noncompliance encountered was the failure to re-certify biosafety cabinetry. Not surprisingly, the preponderance of the other frequent items of non-compliance encountered were practice related, such as general housekeeping orderly, changes in compliance levels, as well as establish trends in the elements of items of non-compliance during the sequential survey period. The findings described in this study are significant because, for the first time, the outcomes of compliance with recommended biosafety practices can be characterized and thus used as the basis for focused interventions. Since biosafety is heavily reliant on adherence to specific safety practices, the ability to focus interventions on objectively identified practice-related items of non-compliance can assist in the reduction of worker risk in this area experiencing tremendous growth. The information described is also of heighten importance given the number of workplaces expected to involve potentially infectious agents in the coming years. ^
Based on the success of a community health and wellness program, Wellness in the City, delivered in Dallas County by trained volunteers, Texas Cooperative Extension (TCE) decided to pilot the program in 16 counties in North and East Texas. Before implementing the program, TCE wanted the Dallas County program to be reviewed and revised as needed to meet the diverse community needs in the pilot counties. TCE also asked for an implementation manual to be developed for the county agents to utilize. ^ To achieve these objectives, I first reviewed literature on other volunteer-implemented health interventions in the U.S. to see how they were planned, disseminated, implemented, and evaluated. Next, I reviewed the Wellness in the City program and materials. I applied all the information I gathered up to that point to the program development committee meetings (committee included seven TCE county agents, a TCE regional program director, and me). The program structure and training materials were revised based on our research and program implementation experience. These changes were made to ensure adequate training for the volunteers and to create a program that is applicable in the communities it will be piloted in. ^ With the program structure and training presentations developed, next I focused on compiling the implementation manual, which includes program details and volunteer recruitment, training, and management materials. The goal was to create a manual with everything the county agents will need to implement the program, so they can focus their efforts on putting the manual to use and recruiting and managing the volunteers. The final step was developing a program evaluation form for the agents to complete. It includes questions to assess the agents' thoughts about the training content, the feasibility of implementing the program using the manual, and the challenges of the program. ^
Children with Special Health Care Needs comprise approximately 13% of children within the state of Texas. In addition to their primary diagnosis, it is estimated that approximately 18% of these children with special health care needs are overweight. Many times parents of children with special health care needs are extremely busy dealing with the daily responsibilities required to care for a child with a chronic illness, and thus, lose connections with their local communities and available resources for health needs such as obesity. Texas Children’s Hospital’s Wellness Program for Children with Special Health Care Needs is a family-centered wellness program to prevent obesity in this population; however, no formal evaluation of the program has been conducted. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the Texas Children’s Saturday Wellness Program on weight status, nutrition knowledge, and the frequency of physical activity of children who participated in the program. A secondary data analysis was conducted with 50 children with special health care needs and their families who participated in the program during 2007 and 2008. A pre post-test study design was used with data collected immediately before and after participation in the 4 week program. Data measures included demographics (age, race, etc.), anthropometrics (height and weight), a quality of life survey focusing on nutrition and physical activity behaviors, and a knowledge survey on physical activity and nutrition. Of 50 participants, 33 (66%) completed the program. Children participating in the program showed a significant decrease in BMI (mean=29.83 to mean=29.22, BMI z score p<0.01), as well as frequency of physical activity (p<0.05) and knowledge (p<0.01). Texas Children’s Hospital’s wellness program for children with special health care needs provided a promising structure for a wellness program within a multi-ethnic special needs population; however, long term effect research is needed with a larger sample size and more comprehensive outcomes and process measures. Nonetheless, this program indicates the effectiveness and feasibility of a family-based approach to weight loss in children with special needs.^
Asthma is a serious and continuing health problem that affects millions of Americans. Our study was conducted in response to this serious health problem and for purposes of addressing the issue of potential health disparities as outlined in Healthy People 2010. Data from sub-populations of subjects who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 1999-2004 were used to complete the following specific aims: (1) to update nationally-based estimates of the prevalence of current and lifetime (ever) asthma among adults in the United States (U.S.) and describe by gender the relationships between potential risk factors (e.g., sociodemographics and lifestyle) and asthma; (2) to describe demographic characteristics among working adults in the U.S. and update estimates of the prevalence of asthma in this sub-population, stratified by occupation and industry; and 3) to determine the utility of adapting a population-based Job Exposure Matrix (JEM) for classifying workplace exposures to asthmagens. ^ Our findings suggest the prevalence of asthma among U.S. adults is continuing to rise, with women having a higher prevalence of asthma than men. Living below the poverty threshold, obesity, and prior history of smoking remain important determinants of asthma. Our study also adds to the increasing evidence that health care workers (HCWs) and those employed in education remain at high risk and that appropriate evaluation and control measures need to be implemented. Over 78% of HCWs and 71% of teachers in our study were females suggesting that further exploration of gender-specific risk factors of asthma in working populations is needed. ^ Our study also addressed the feasibility of adapting a population-based asthma-specific JEM to NHANES (1999-2004). We were not able to apply the asthma-specific JEM due to the broad occupational categories within NHANES. This represents a missed opportunity to examine the association between workplace exposures and asthma in U.S. working adults. However, we have identified steps that may be implemented in future population-based studies that would allow the asthma-specific JEM (and other population-based job exposure matrices) to be used in future studies of the U.S. working population.^