990 resultados para Willoughby, Elizabeth, d. 1661


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Using 2 sequential studies in HOPE (Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation) study–type patients, the aims of this study were: 1) to test the hypothesis that ramipril improves platelet nitric oxide (NO) responsiveness: and 2) to explore biochemical and physiological effects of ramipril in a cohort selected on the basis of platelet NO resistance.

Ramipril prevents cardiovascular events, but the bases for these effects remain uncertain. NO resistance at both the platelet and vascular levels is present in a substantial proportion of patients with diabetes or ischemic heart disease and is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular events.

Study 1 was a double-blind, randomized comparison of ramipril (10 mg) with placebo in a cohort of patients (n = 119) with ischemic heart disease or diabetes plus additional coronary risk factor(s), in which effects on platelet responsiveness to NO were compared. Study 2 was a subsequent short-term evaluation of the effects of ramipril in a cohort of subjects (n = 19) with impaired platelet NO responsiveness in whom additional mechanistic data were sought.

In study 1, ramipril therapy increased platelet responsiveness to NO relative to the extent of aggregation (p < 0.001), but this effect occurred primarily in patients with severely impaired baseline NO responsiveness (n = 41). In study 2, ramipril also improved platelet NO responsiveness (p < 0.01), and this improvement was correlated directly with increased NO-stimulated platelet generation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (p < 0.02) but not with changes in plasma thrombospondin-1 levels.

Ramipril ameliorates platelet NO resistance in HOPE study&ndash;type patients, with associated increases in soluble guanylate cyclase responsiveness to NO. This effect is likely to contribute to treatment benefit and define patients in whom ramipril therapy is particularly effective.


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Abnormalities in glutamatergic signalling are proposed in schizophrenia in light of the schizophreniform psychosis elicited by NMDA antagonists. The metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) interacts closely with the NMDA receptor and is implicated in several behavioural endophenotypes of schizophrenia. We have demonstrated that mice lacking mGluR5 have increased sensitivity to the hyperlocomotive effects of the NMDA antagonist MK-801. Mice lacking mGluR5 also show abnormal locomotor patterns, reduced prepulse inhibition (PPI), and deficits on performance of a short-term spatial memory task on the Y-maze. Chronic administration of the antipsychotic drug clozapine ameliorated the locomotor disruption and reversed the PPI deficit, but did not improve Y-maze performance. Chronic clozapine increased NMDA receptor binding ([3H]MK-801) but did not alter dopamine D2 ([3H]YM-09151), 5-HT2A ([3H]ketanserin), or muscarinic M1/M4 receptor ([3H]pirenzepine), binding in these mice. These results demonstrate behavioural abnormalities that are relevant to schizophrenia in the mGluR5 knockout mouse and a reversal of behaviours with clozapine treatment. These results highlight both the interactions between mGluR5 and NMDA receptors in the determination of schizophreniform behaviours and the potential for the effects of clozapine to be mediated by NMDA receptor regulation.
Key words


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar a comparação entre dois sítios de coleta sanguínea em 24 exemplares de tigre-d'água-americano (Trachemys scripta elegans) oriundos de um criadouro comercial, localizado no município de Antonina, litoral do Paraná, Brasil. Os animais foram submetidos a contenção física e as venopunções foram realizadas no seio supraocciptal e na veia coccígea dorsal. As amostras heparinizadas foram identificadas e refrigeradas para posterior análise laboratorial. A contagem total de eritrócitos e leucócitos foi realizada pela técnica de hemocitometria. O hematócrito (Ht) e a hemoglobina (Hb) foram determinados pelo método de microhematócrito e cianometahemoglobina, respectivamente. A proteína plasmática total (PPT) foi determinada por refratometria e a contagem diferencial de leucócitos foi realizada através da técnica de Shilling. Houve diferença significativa no número de leucócitos e no valor da proteína plasmática total, e em ambos os casos os valores encontrados nas amostras provenientes da veia coccígea dorsal foram inferiores. A diferença encontrada no número de leucócitos provavelmente foi devido à contaminação por linfa, que também justifica o menor valor na concentração da proteína plasmática total. Conclui-se que é mais indicada a venopunção no seio supraocciptal quando comparado a veia coccígea dorsal.


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A esclerose múltipla (EM) é uma doença inflamatória, autoimune, desmielinizante e degenerativa do sistema nervoso central. Estudos epidemiológicos têm identificado associações de hipovitaminose D com doenças autoimunes. O principal objetivo desta revisão é responder se há evidncias que indiquem o uso terapêutico de vitamina D em monoterapia para pacientes com EM. Por meio dos sites PUBMED, EMBASE, LILACS e Scielo foram realizadas buscas usando os descritores “vitamin D, e “multiple sclerosis” até 12/09/2013. Estudos clínicos randomizados, controlados e duplo-cegos foram selecionados para avaliar a resposta terapêutica da vitamina D na EM. Não foram encontradas evidncias científicas que justifiquem o uso da vitamina D em monoterapia no tratamento da EM, na prática clínica.


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Nomadic Plains peoples such as the Cheyenne and Sioux have become the stereotypical image of North American Indians in general. In contrast to the hunting and gathering lifestyle of these groups, however, many Plains tribes lived in settled villages and grew extensive garden crops through much of the past millennium. These groups developed a habitation distinctly characteristic of the Plains village way of life-sturdy, earth-covered timber structures known as earth lodges. The remains of thousands of these structures dot the landscape of the Central and Northern Plains. Lodges of various forms persisted from about 1000 CE into the twentieth century. Particularly characteristic of the Pawnee, Arikara, Mandan, and Hidatsa, earthlodges were also adopted by several other Plains tribes. In this well-illustrated volume eight authors offer nine essays that explore the earth lodge as a subject warranting archaeological and anthropological research in its own right and from numerous perspectives.


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A 250-year, high-resolution, multivariate ice core record from LGB65 (70degrees50'07"S, 77degrees04'29"E; 1850 m asl), Princess Elizabeth Land (PEL), is used to investigate sea level pressure (SLP) variability over the southern Indian Ocean (SIO). Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis reveals that the first EOF (EOF1) of the glaciochemical record from LGB65 represents most of the variability in sea salt throughout the 250-year record. EOF1 is negatively correlated (95% confidence level and higher) to instrumental mean sea level pressure (MSLP) at Kerguelen and New Amsterdam islands, SIO. On the basis of comparison with NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, strong correlations were found between sea-salt variations and a quasi-stationary low that lies to the north of Prydz Bay, SIO. Comparison with a 250-year-long summer transpolar index (STPI) inferred from sub-Antarctic tree ring records reveals strong coherency. Decadal-scale SLP variability over SIO suggests shifting of the polar vortex. Prominent decadal-scale deepening of the southern Indian Ocean low (SIOL) exists circa 1790, 1810, 1835, 1860, 1880, 1900, and 1940 A. D., continuously after the 1970s, and prominent weakening circa 1750, 1795, 1825, 1850, 1870, 1890, 1910, and 1955 A. D. The LGB65 sea-salt record is characterized by significant decadal-scale variability with a strong similar to21-year periodic structure (99.9% confidence level). The relationship between LGB65 sea salt and solar irradiance changes shows that this periodicity is possibly the solar Hale cycle ( 22 years).


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The purpose of this thesis will be to examine how two acts of rebellion against Queen Elizabeth I influenced Shakespeare's writing of Richard II and Henry V, as well as the performance and publication of these plays. The treasonous plots and execution of Mary, Queen of Scots in the 1580s, as well as the failed Essex Rebellion of 1601, resulted in a sensitivity towards any writings that seemed to support a coup d'état. Shakespeare, being a well-informed and fairly well-connected playwright, wrote passages in the afore mentioned plays that clearly reflect the political turmoil of the times. Thus, his plays were censored both on stage and in print until after the death of Elizabeth in 1603.


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Lymphocyte development requires the assembly of diversified antigen receptor complexes generated by the genetically programmed V(D)J recombination event. Because germline DNA is cut, introducing potentially dangerous double-stranded breaks (DSBs) and rearranged prior to repair, its activity is limited to the non-cycling stages of the cell cycle, G0/G1. The potential involvement of a key mediator, Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated or ATM, in the DNA damage response (DDR) and cell cycle checkpoints has been implicated in recombination, but its role is not fully understood. Thymic lymphomas from ATM deficient mice contain clonal chromosomal translocations involving the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR). A previous report found ATM and its downstream target p53 associated with V(D)J intermediates, suggesting the DDR senses recombination. In this study, we sought to understand the role of ATM in V(D)J recombination. Developing thymocytes from ATM deficient mice were analyzed according to the cell cycle to detect V(D)J intermediates. Examination of all TCR loci in the non-cycling (G0/G1) and cycling (S/G2/M) fractions revealed the persistence of intermediates in ATM deficient thymocytes, contrary to the wild-type in which intermediates are found only during G0/G1. Further analysis found no defect in end-joining of intermediates, nor were they detected in developed T-cells. Based upon the presence of persisting intermediates, the recombination initiating nuclease Rag-2 was examined; strict regulation limits it to G 0/G1. Rag-2 regulation was not affected by an ATM deficiency as Rag-2 expression remained contained within G0/G 1, indicating recombination is not continuous. To determine if an ATM deficiency affects recognition of V(D)J breaks, sites of recombination identified by a TCR locus or Rag expression were analyzed according to co-localization with a DDR factor phosphorylated immediately after DNA damage, phosphorylated H2AX (γH2AX). No differences in co-localization were found between the wild-type and ATM deficiency, demonstrating ATM deficient lymphocytes retain the ability to recognize DSBs. Together, these results suggest ATM is necessary in the cell cycle regulation of recombination but not essential for the identification of V(D)J breaks. ATM ensures the containment of intermediates within G0/G1 and maintains genomic stability of developing lymphocytes, emphasizing its fundamental role in preventing tumorigenesis.^


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O tema desta pesquisa é a formação do discurso da responsabilidade social empresarial por meio da revista especializada publicada pelo Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CEBDS), a Brasil Sustentável. A análise de um veículo de comunicação especializado no tema da responsabilidade social tem o objetivo de definir características que concorram para a elaboração de um discurso que ganha divulgação e relevância na sociedade, e assim contribuir para uma melhor compreensão desse fenômeno. Levando-se em conta um cenário de transformações do capitalismo no pós-moderno, o trabalho vai investigar como ocorre o processo de ressignificação do papel da empresa privada para uma nova inserção na agenda política de debates. O trabalho será desenvolvido com a base teórica das formulações da análise do discurso (AD), utilizando-se seus conceitos e ferramentas para um estudo do discurso da responsabilidade social empresarial inscrito num quadro social e histórico ampliado.(AU)