986 resultados para Wilcoxon signed ranks test
INTRODUCTION: A relationship between inflammatory response and coagulation is suggested by many observations. In particular, pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNFalpha, promote the activation of coagulation and reduce the production of anticoagulant molecules. It is known that inflammatory bowel diseases show a prothrombotic state and a condition of hypercoagulability. Aim of our study was to evaluate whether anti-TNFalpha therapy induces changes in the levels of coagulation activation markers in IBD patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed 48 plasma samples obtained before and 1 hour after 24 infliximab infusions (5 mg/kg) in 9 IBD patients (5 men and 4 women; mean age: 47.6+17.6 years; 4 Crohn's disease, 4 Ulcerative Colitis,1 Indeterminate Colitis). F1+2 and D-dymer levels were measured in each sample using ELISA methods.The data were statistically analyzed by means of Wilcoxon matched paired test. RESULTS: Median F1+2 levels were markdely reduced 1 hour after anti-TNFα infusion (median pre-infusion levels were 247.0 pmol/L and median post-infusion levels were 185.3 pmol/L) (p<0.002). Median D-dymer levels were also significantly reduced, from 485.2 ng/mL to 427.6 ng/mL (p< 0.001). These modifications were more evident in patients naive for infliximab therapy (p<0.02 for F1+2 and p<0.02 for D-dymer) and in Crohn's disease compared with Ulcerative Colitis patients (p=0.01 for F1+2 and p<0.007 for D-dymer).CONCLUSIONS: Infusion of infliximab significantly reduces the activation of coagulation cascade in IBD patients. This effect is early enough to suggest a direct effect of infliximab on the coagulation cascade and a possible new anti-inflammatory mechanism of action of this molecule.
Compliance lebertransplantierter Patienten mit der immunsuppressiven Therapie ist unerlässlich für den lang-fristigen Erfolg der Lebertransplantation. Aus Non-Compliance mit der immunsuppressiven Therapie können Abstoßungsreaktionen, Organverlust oder sogar Tod resultieren. Hauptziel der vorliegenden Studie war die erstmalige Evaluation der Compliance bei Einnahme von Prograf® (zweimal tägliche Einnahme von Tacrolimus) im Vergleich zur Einnahme von Advagraf® (einmal tägliche Einnahme von Tacrolimus). Von Interesse war außerdem die Fragestellung, ob sich die Compliance bezüglich der immunsuppressiven Therapie mit dem Zeitabstand zur Transplantation verändert. rnDie Compliancemessung wurde offen mittels MEMS® (Aardex Ltd., Schweiz) durchgeführt, der Patient war also über die Compliancekontrolle informiert. Mittels MEMS® konnten Datum und Uhrzeit der Dosisentnahme dokumentiert und damit zuverlässig das gesamte Compliancemuster über im Durchschnitt 176 Tage mit der zweimal täglichen Einnahme und 188 Tage mit der einmal täglichen Einnahme pro Patient erfasst werden. 65 Patienten mit dem Basisimmunsuppressivum Prograf® wurden in die prospektive, nicht-interventionelle Studie eingeschlossen und nach Per Protokoll-Analyse konnten die Daten von 63 in Mainz lebertransplantierten Patienten ausgewertet werden (Prograf®: Gruppe 1: 15 Patienten (Pat.), Gruppe 2: 23 Pat., Gruppe 3: 22 Pat., Drop-outs: 3 Pat.; Advagraf®: Gruppe 1: 16 Pat., Gruppe 2: 23 Pat., Gruppe 3: 23 Pat., Drop-outs: 1 Pat.). Die Dosing Compliance (DC), definiert als Prozent der Tage, an denen der MEMS®-Behälter korrekt geöffnet und die Dosis höchstwahrscheinlich korrekt eingenommen wurde, war der primäre Zielparameter. Weitere Methoden der Compliancemessung, wie der Pill Count, mehrere Fragebögen (Selbsteinschätzung, Patientenwissen-, Morisky-, MESI-, HADS-, SF-36- und Patientenzufriedenheit-Fragebogen) sowie die Blutspiegelmessung wurden eingesetzt, um die Compliance der Patienten umfassend charakterisieren zu können. rnDer Median der DC mit der zweimal täglichen Einnahme betrug 97% bei Pat. > 6 m.p.t. < 2 y.p.t., 97% bei Pat. > 2 y.p.t. < 5 y.p.t. und 98% bei Pat. > 5 y.p.t. (p=0,931; Kruskal-Wallis-Test). Der Median der DC von Tacroli-mus bei einmal täglicher Einnahme (Advagraf®) betrug 99% bei Pat. > 6 m.p.t. < 2 y.p.t., 98% bei Pat. > 2 y.p.t. < 5 y.p.t. und 97% bei Pat. > 5 y.p.t. (p=0,158; Kruskal-Wallis-Test). Insgesamt zeigten die Patienten während des gesamten Beobachtungszeitraums von 12 Monaten eine gute Compliance für die Einnahme ihres Immun-suppressivums. Die Timing Compliance (TiC)-raten lagen auf einem niedrigeren Niveau als die Dosing- und Taking Compliance (TC)-raten. Die Complianceraten der drei Subgruppen unterschieden sich nicht signifikant. Die Patienten mit dem geringsten Abstand zur Transplantation zeigten bei beinahe allen Messmethoden die höchste Compliance im Gegensatz zur etwas geringeren Compliance der Patienten mit größerem Abstand zur Transplantation. Die während der Advagraf®-Phase mittels MEMS® gemessenen DC-, TC- und TiC-raten fielen höher aus als bei Einnahme von Prograf® (p(DC)=0,003; p(TC)=0,077; p(TiC)=0,003; Wilcoxon Vorzeichen-Rang-Test). Dieses Ergebnis untermauert die in anderen Indikationen gefundene Complianceverbesserung durch die einmal tägliche Arzneimittelgabe im Vergleich zur zweimal täglichen Gabe. Die Auswertung der Drug Holidays ergab für die Advagraf®-Phase hingegen niedrigere Complianceraten als für die Prograf®-Phase. Dieses Ergebnis ist auf die Definition des Drug Holidays (keine Arzneimitteleinnahme über 48 h) zurück zu führen. Die Chance Advagraf® einmal pro Tag zu vergessen ist doppelt so hoch, als Prograf® dreimal aufeinander fol-gend zu vergessen. Mit einer verhältnismäßigeren Definition von Drug Holidays (Einnahmepause von 72 Stun-den bei einmal täglicher Einnahme von Advagraf® entsprechend drei ausgelassenen Dosen von Prograf®) ist die Compliancerate 81%. Die Ergebnisse des Pill Counts waren sowohl bei Einnahme von Prograf® als auch von Advagraf® mit der jeweils gemessenen TC vergleichbar, was die Zuverlässigkeit der Messergebnisse bes-tätigt. rnDie zusätzlich eingesetzten Methoden verifizierten das Ergebnis der höheren Compliance mit der einmal tägli-chen Einnahme. Die während der Advagraf®-Phase beantworteten Fragebögen zeigten einen Trend zu besserer Compliance und Lebensqualität. Lediglich die Ergebnisse des MESI-Fragebogens und der Blutspiegelmessungen wichen sowohl während der Prograf®- als auch während der Advagraf®-Phase stark von den Ergebnis-sen der anderen Methoden ab. rnUnter Einbeziehung aller mittels MEMS® und Pill Count objektiv gemessenen Complianceparameter konnten während der Prograf®-Einnahme 54 von 60 Pat. (90%) und während der Advagraf®-Phase 59 von 62 Pat. (95%) als compliant eingestuft werden. Aufgrund subjektiver Compliancemessungen waren 49 von 58 Pat. (84%) während der Prograf®- und 54 von 59 Pat. (92%) während der Advagraf®-Phase als compliant einzustufen. Es wurde beobachtet, dass die zeitlich korrekte Einnahme der Morgendosis einfacher und bei Einmalgabe zu bevorzugen ist. Die wochentagsbezogene Auswertung ergab erwartungsgemäß, dass am Wochenende (Samstag und Sonntag) am häufigsten Dosen ausgelassen wurden. rnDie Umstellung von Prograf® auf Advagraf® stellte kein Problem dar. Beinahe alle Patienten waren dankbar und zufrieden mit der Reduzierung der Dosierungsfrequenz und der größeren Unabhängigkeit durch die entfallene abendliche Einnahme. Der positive Einfluss der geringeren Dosierungshäufigkeit auf die Langzeitcompliance der Patienten, ist ein hinreichender Grund die Entwicklung von Formulierungen zur einmal täglichen Ein-nahme für weitere Immunsuppressiva zu fordern. Insbesondere bei den häufig eingesetzten Kombinationstherapien von Immunsuppressiva würde der Effekt der Complianceverbesserung noch verstärkt werden, wenn alle eingesetzten Immunsuppressiva zur einmal täglichen Gabe geeignet wären.
This study evaluated the operator variability of different finishing and polishing techniques. After placing 120 composite restorations (Tetric EvoCeram) in plexiglassmolds, the surface of the specimens was roughened in a standardized manner. Twelve operators with different experience levels polished the specimens using the following finishing/polishing procedures: method 1 (40 ?m diamond [40D], 15 ?m diamond [15D], 42 ?m silicon carbide polisher [42S], 6 ?m silicon carbide polisher [6S] and Occlubrush [O]); method 2 (40D, 42S, 6S and O); method 3 (40D, 42S, 6S and PoGo); method 4 (40D, 42S and PoGo) and method 5 (40D, 42S and O). The mean surface roughness (Ra) was measured with a profilometer. Differences between the methods were analyzed with non-parametric ANOVA and pairwise Wilcoxon signed rank tests (?=0.05). All the restorations were qualitatively assessed using SEM. Methods 3 and 4 showed the best polishing results and method 5 demonstrated the poorest. Method 5 was also most dependent on the skills of the operator. Except for method 5, all of the tested procedures reached a clinically acceptable surface polish of Ra?0.2 ?m. Polishing procedures can be simplified without increasing variability between operators and without jeopardizing polishing results.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate effects of racemic ketamine and S-ketamine in gazelles. ANIMALS: 21 male gazelles (10 Rheem gazelles [Gazella subgutturosa marica] and 11 Subgutturosa gazelles [Gazella subgutturosa subgutturosa]), 6 to 67 months old and weighing (mean+/-SD) 19 +/- 3 kg. PROCEDURES: In a randomized, blinded crossover study, a combination of medetomidine (80 mug/kg) with racemic ketamine (5 mg/kg) or S-ketamine (3 mg/kg) was administered i.m.. Heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, rectal temperature, and oxygen saturation (determined by means of pulse oximetry) were measured. An evaluator timed and scored induction of, maintenance of, and recovery from anesthesia. Medetomidine was reversed with atipamezole. The alternate combination was used after a 4-day interval. Comparisons between groups were performed with Wilcoxon signed rank and paired t tests. RESULTS: Anesthesia induction was poor in 2 gazelles receiving S-ketamine, but other phases of anesthesia were uneventful. A dominant male required an additional dose of S-ketamine (0.75 mg/kg, i.m.). After administration of atipamezole, gazelles were uncoordinated for a significantly shorter period with S-ketamine than with racemic ketamine. Recovery quality was poor in 3 gazelles with racemic ketamine. No significant differences between treatments were found for any other variables. Time from drug administration to antagonism was similar between racemic ketamine (44.5 to 53.0 minutes) and S-ketamine (44.0 to 50.0 minutes). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Administration of S-ketamine at a dose 60% that of racemic ketamine resulted in poorer induction of anesthesia, an analogous degree of sedation, and better recovery from anesthesia in gazelles with unremarkable alterations in physiologic variables, compared with racemic ketamine.
BACKGROUND: Clustering ventricular arrhythmias are the consequence of acute ventricular electrical instability and represent a challenge in the management of the growing number of patients with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). Triggering factors can rarely be identified. OBJECTIVES: Several studies have revealed seasonal variations in the frequency of cardiovascular events and life-threatening arrhythmias, and we sought to establish whether seasonal factors may exacerbate ventricular electrical instability leading to arrhythmia clusters and electrical storm. METHODS: Two hundred and fourteen consecutive defibrillator recipients were followed-up during 3.3 +/- 2.2 years. Arrhythmia cluster was defined as the occurrence of three or more arrhythmic events triggering appropriate defibrillator therapies within 2 weeks. Time intervals between two clusters were calculated for each month and each season, and were compared using Kruskal-Wallis test and Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test with Bonferroni adjustment. RESULTS: During a follow-up of 698 patient years, 98 arrhythmia clusters were observed in 51 patients; clustering ventricular arrhythmias were associated with temporal variables; they occurred more frequently in the winter and spring months than during the summer and fall. Accordingly, the time intervals between two clusters were significantly shorter during winter and spring (median and 95% CI): winter 16 (5-19), spring 11.5 (7-25), summer 34.5 (15-55), fall 50.5 (19-65), P = 0.0041. CONCLUSION: There are important seasonal variations in the incidence of arrhythmia clusters in ICD recipients. Whether these variations are related to environmental factors, change in physical activity, or psychological factors requires further study.
PURPOSE: To prospectively assess the depiction rate and morphologic features of myocardial bridging (MB) of coronary arteries with 64-section computed tomographic (CT) coronary angiography in comparison to conventional coronary angiography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients were simultaneously enrolled in a prospective study comparing CT and conventional coronary angiography, for which ethics committee approval and informed consent were obtained. One hundred patients (38 women, 62 men; mean age, 63.8 years +/- 11.6 [standard deviation]) underwent 64-section CT and conventional coronary angiography. Fifty additional patients (19 women, 31 men; mean age, 59.2 years +/- 13.2) who underwent CT only were also included. CT images were analyzed for the direct signs length, depth, and degree of systolic compression, while conventional angiograms were analyzed for the indirect signs step down-step up phenomenon, milking effect, and systolic compression of the tunneled segment. Statistical analysis was performed with Pearson correlation analysis, the Wilcoxon two-sample test, and Fisher exact tests. RESULTS: MB was detected with CT in 26 (26%) of 100 patients and with conventional angiography in 12 patients (12%). Mean tunneled segment length and depth at CT (n = 150) were 24.3 mm +/- 10.0 and 2.6 mm +/- 0.8, respectively. Systolic compression in the 12 patients was 31.3% +/- 11.0 at CT and 28.2% +/- 10.5 at conventional angiography (r = 0.72, P < .001). With CT, a significant correlation was not found between systolic compression and length (r = 0.16, P = .25, n = 150) but was found with depth (r = 0.65, P < .01, n = 150) of the tunneled segment. In 14 patients in whom MB was found at CT but not at conventional angiography, length, depth, and systolic compression were significantly lower than in patients in whom both modalities depicted the anomaly (P < .001, P < .01, and P < .001, respectively). CONCLUSION: The depiction rate of MB is greater with 64-section CT coronary angiography than with conventional coronary angiography. The degree of systolic compression of MB significantly correlates with tunneled segment depth but not length.
PURPOSE: To evaluate multislice spiral computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in hanging and manual strangulation cases and compare them with forensic autopsy results. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Postmortem MSCT and MRI of nine persons who died from hanging or manual strangulation were performed. The neck findings were compared with those discovered during forensic autopsy. In addition, two living patients underwent imaging and clinical examination following severe manual strangulation and near-hanging, respectively. For evaluation, the findings were divided into "primary" (strangulation mark and subcutaneous desiccation (i.e., soft-tissue thinning as a result of tissue fluids being driven out by mechanical compression) in hanging, and subcutaneous and intramuscular hemorrhage in manual strangulation) and "collateral" signs. The Wilcoxon two-tailed test was used for statistical analysis of the lymph node and salivary gland findings. RESULTS: In hanging, the primary and most frequent collateral signs were revealed by imaging. In manual strangulation, the primary findings were accurately depicted, with the exception of one slight hemorrhage. Apart from a vocal cord hemorrhage, all frequent collateral signs could be diagnosed radiologically. Traumatic lymph node hemorrhage (P = 0.031) was found in all of the manual strangulation cases. CONCLUSION: MSCT and MRI revealed strangulation signs concordantly with forensic pathology findings. Imaging offers a great potential for the forensic examination of lesions due to strangulation in both clinical and postmortem settings.
OBJECTIVE To biomechanically test the properties of three different Universal Micro External Fixator (UMEX™) configurations with regard to their use in very small animals (<5kg) and compare the UMEX system to the widely used IMEX External Skeletal Fixation (SK™) system in terms of stiffness, space needed for pin placement and weight. METHODS Three different UMEX configurations (type Ia, type Ib, and type II modified) and one SK configuration type Ia were used to stabilize Delrin plastic rods in a 1 cm fracture gap model. These constructs were tested in axial compression, craniocaudal bending, mediolateral bending, and torsion. Testing was conducted within the elastic range and mean stiffness in each mode was determined from the slope of the linear portion of the load-deformation curve. A Kruskal Wallis one-way analysis of variance on ranks test was utilized to assess differences between constructs (p <0.05). RESULTS The UMEX type II modified configuration was significantly stiffer than the other UMEX configurations and the SK type Ia, except in craniocaudal bending, where the SK type Ia configuration was stiffer than all UMEX constructs. The UMEX type Ia configuration was significantly the weakest of those frames. The UMEX constructs were lighter and smaller than the SK, thus facilitating closer pin placement. CONCLUSIONS Results supported previous reports concerning the superiority of more complex constructs regarding stiffness. The UMEX system appears to be a valid alternative for the treatment of long-bone fractures in very small animals.
BACKGROUND Survival rates in implant dentistry today are high, although late failures do occur for many reasons, including peri-implant infections. The primary objective of this study is to investigate microbiota around single turned implants after 16 to 22 years. Secondary objectives are to compare teeth and implants and to correlate microbiologic, radiographic, and clinical parameters. METHODS A total of 46 patients with single implants were invited for a clinical examination. Clinical data were collected from implants and contralateral natural teeth. Radiographic bone level was measured around implants. Microbiologic samples were taken from implants, contralateral teeth, and the deepest pocket per quadrant. Samples were analyzed with DNA-DNA hybridization including 40 species. Statistical analysis was performed using Wilcoxon signed-rank tests, McNemar tests, and Spearman correlation coefficients with a 0.05 significance level. RESULTS Mean follow-up was 18.5 years (range 16 to 22 years). Tannerella forsythia (1.5 × 10(5)) and Veillonella parvula (1.02 × 10(5)) showed the highest concentrations around implants and teeth, respectively. Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, and T. forsythia were significantly more present around implants than teeth. Mean counts were significantly higher around implants than teeth for Parvimonas micra, P. gingivalis, P. intermedia, T. forsythia, and Treponema denticola. Total DNA count was correlated to interproximal bleeding index (r = 0.409) and interproximal probing depth (r = 0.307). No correlations were present with plaque index or radiographic bone level. CONCLUSIONS In the present study, bacterial counts around single implants in periodontally healthy patients are rather low. Although pathogenic bacteria are present, some in higher numbers around implants than teeth (five of 40), the majority of implants present with healthy peri-implant tissues without progressive bone loss.
Digital analysis of the occlusal contacts can be performed with the T-scan device (T Scan III, TekScan, Boston, USA). However, the thickness of the interocclusal T-scan sheet (100 μm) may lead to a displacement of the mandible. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the T-scan sheet on the position of the mandibular condyles in maximum intercuspidation. Twenty dentate subjects with healthy jaw function were enrolled in the study. An ultrasonic axiography device was used to measure the position of the condyles. Ten 3D condyle positions in maximum intercuspidation of the teeth were recorded: first the reference position without the sheet, then 3 times without the sheet, 3 times with the sheet, and finally again 3 times without the sheet. There was a statistically significant difference (Wilcoxon matched pairs test) between the condyle positions with and without the interocclusally positioned T-scan sheet (P < 0.0005). The T-scan device lead to a displacement of the condyles of about 1 mm mainly in ventral direction (P = 0.005). Thus, occlusal analysis is not performed in physiological, maximum intercuspidation. This has to be considered when interpreting the measured contact points.
AIM Assess the ability of a panel of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) biomarkers as predictors of periodontal disease progression (PDP). MATERIALS AND METHODS In this study, 100 individuals participated in a 12-month longitudinal investigation and were categorized into four groups according to their periodontal status. GCF, clinical parameters and saliva were collected bi-monthly. Subgingival plaque and serum were collected bi-annually. For 6 months, no periodontal treatment was provided. At 6 months, patients received periodontal therapy and continued participation from 6 to 12 months. GCF samples were analysed by ELISA for MMP-8, MMP-9, Osteoprotegerin, C-reactive Protein and IL-1β. Differences in median levels of GCF biomarkers were compared between stable and progressing participants using Wilcoxon Rank Sum test (p = 0.05). Clustering algorithm was used to evaluate the ability of oral biomarkers to classify patients as either stable or progressing. RESULTS Eighty-three individuals completed the 6-month monitoring phase. With the exception of GCF C-reactive protein, all biomarkers were significantly higher in the PDP group compared to stable patients. Clustering analysis showed highest sensitivity levels when biofilm pathogens and GCF biomarkers were combined with clinical measures, 74% (95% CI = 61, 86). CONCLUSIONS Signature of GCF fluid-derived biomarkers combined with pathogens and clinical measures provides a sensitive measure for discrimination of PDP (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00277745).
BACKGROUND The discrepancy between the extensive impact of musculoskeletal complaints and the common deficiencies in musculoskeletal examination skills lead to increased emphasis on structured teaching and assessment. However, studies of single interventions are scarce and little is known about the time-dependent effect of assisted learning in addition to a standard curriculum. We therefore evaluated the immediate and long-term impact of a small group course on musculoskeletal examination skills. METHODS All 48 Year 4 medical students of a 6 year curriculum, attending their 8 week clerkship of internal medicine at one University department in Berne, participated in this controlled study. Twenty-seven students were assigned to the intervention of a 6×1 h practical course (4-7 students, interactive hands-on examination of real patients; systematic, detailed feedback to each student by teacher, peers and patients). Twenty-one students took part in the regular clerkship activities only and served as controls. In all students clinical skills (CS, 9 items) were assessed in an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) station, including specific musculoskeletal examination skills (MSES, 7 items) and interpersonal skills (IPS, 2 items). Two raters assessed the skills on a 4-point Likert scale at the beginning (T0), the end (T1) and 4-12 months after (T2) the clerkship. Statistical analyses included Friedman test, Wilcoxon rank sum test and Mann-Whitney U test. RESULTS At T0 there were no significant differences between the intervention and control group. At T1 and T2 the control group showed no significant changes of CS, MSES and IPS compared to T0. In contrast, the intervention group significantly improved CS, MSES and IPS at T1 (p < 0.001). This enhancement was sustained for CS and MSES (p < 0.05), but not for IPS at T2. CONCLUSIONS Year 4 medical students were incapable of improving their musculoskeletal examination skills during regular clinical clerkship activities. However, an additional small group, interactive clinical skills course with feedback from various sources, improved these essential examination skills immediately after the teaching and several months later. We conclude that supplementary specific teaching activities are needed. Even a single, short-lasting targeted module can have a long lasting effect and is worth the additional effort.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate whether magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is effective as computed tomography (CT) in determining morphologic and functional pulmonary changes in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) in association with multiple clinical parameters. MATERIALS AND METHODS Institutional review board approval and patient written informed consent were obtained. In this prospective study, 30 patients with CF (17 men and 13 women; mean (SD) age, 30.2 (9.2) years; range, 19-52 years) were included. Chest CT was acquired by unenhanced low-dose technique for clinical purposes. Lung MRI (1.5 T) comprised T2- and T1-weighted sequences before and after the application of 0.1-mmol·kg gadobutrol, also considering lung perfusion imaging. All CT and MR images were visually evaluated by using 2 different scoring systems: the modified Helbich and the Eichinger scores. Signal intensity of the peribronchial walls and detected mucus on T2-weighted images as well as signal enhancement of the peribronchial walls on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted sequences were additionally assessed on MRI. For the clinical evaluation, the pulmonary exacerbation rate, laboratory, and pulmonary functional parameters were determined. RESULTS The overall modified Helbich CT score had a mean (SD) of 15.3 (4.8) (range, 3-21) and median of 16.0 (interquartile range [IQR], 6.3). The overall modified Helbich MR score showed slightly, not significantly, lower values (Wilcoxon rank sum test and Student t test; P > 0.05): mean (SD) of 14.3 (4.7) (range, 3-20) and median of 15.0 (IQR, 7.3). Without assessment of perfusion, the overall Eichinger score resulted in the following values for CT vs MR examinations: mean (SD), 20.3 (7.2) (range, 4-31); and median, 21.0 (IQR, 9.5) vs mean (SD), 19.5 (7.1) (range, 4-33); and median, 20.0 (IQR, 9.0). All differences between CT and MR examinations were not significant (Wilcoxon rank sum tests and Student t tests; P > 0.05). In general, the correlations of the CT scores (overall and different imaging parameters) to the clinical parameters were slightly higher compared to the MRI scores. However, if all additional MRI parameters were integrated into the scoring systems, the correlations reached the values of the CT scores. The overall image quality was significantly higher for the CT examinations compared to the MRI sequences. CONCLUSIONS One major diagnostic benefit of lung MRI in CF is the possible acquisition of several different morphologic and functional imaging features without the use of any radiation exposure. Lung MRI shows reliable associations with CT and clinical parameters, which suggests its implementation in CF for routine diagnosis, which would be particularly important in follow-up imaging over the long term.
PURPOSE To evaluate the utility of attenuation correction (AC) of V/P SPECT images for patients with pulmonary emphysema. MATERIALS AND METHODS Twenty-one patients (mean age 67.6 years) with pulmonary emphysema who underwent V/P SPECT/CT were included. AC/non-AC V/P SPECT images were compared visually and semiquantitatively. Visual comparison of AC/non-AC images was based on a 5-point likert scale. Semiquantitative comparison assessed absolute counts per lung (aCpLu) and lung lobe (aCpLo) for AC/non-AC images using software-based analysis; percentage counts (PC = (aCpLo/aCpLu) × 100) were calculated. Correlation between AC/non-AC V/P SPECT images was analyzed using Spearman's rho correlation coefficient; differences were tested for significance with the Wilcoxon rank sum test. RESULTS Visual analysis revealed high conformity for AC and non-AC V/P SPECT images. Semiquantitative analysis of PC in AC/non-AC images had an excellent correlation and showed no significant differences in perfusion (ρ = 0.986) or ventilation (ρ = 0.979, p = 0.809) SPECT/CT images. CONCLUSION AC of V/P SPECT images for lung lobe-based function imaging in patients with pulmonary emphysema do not improve visual or semiquantitative image analysis.
PURPOSE The objective of this study was to evaluate stiffness, strength, and failure modes of monolithic crowns produced using computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacture, which are connected to diverse titanium and zirconia abutments on an implant system with tapered, internal connections. MATERIALS AND METHODS Twenty monolithic lithium disilicate (LS2) crowns were constructed and loaded on bone level-type implants in a universal testing machine under quasistatic conditions according to DIN ISO 14801. Comparative analysis included a 2 × 2 format: prefabricated titanium abutments using proprietary bonding bases (group A) vs nonproprietary bonding bases (group B), and customized zirconia abutments using proprietary Straumann CARES (group C) vs nonproprietary Astra Atlantis (group D) material. Stiffness and strength were assessed and calculated statistically with the Wilcoxon rank sum test. Cross-sections of each tested group were inspected microscopically. RESULTS Loaded LS2 crowns, implants, and abutment screws in all tested specimens (groups A, B, C, and D) did not show any visible fractures. For an analysis of titanium abutments (groups A and B), stiffness and strength showed equally high stability. In contrast, proprietary and nonproprietary customized zirconia abutments exhibited statistically significant differences with a mean strength of 366 N (Astra) and 541 N (CARES) (P < .05); as well as a mean stiffness of 884 N/mm (Astra) and 1,751 N/mm (CARES) (P < .05), respectively. Microscopic cross-sections revealed cracks in all zirconia abutments (groups C and D) below the implant shoulder. CONCLUSION Depending on the abutment design, prefabricated titanium abutment and proprietary customized zirconia implant-abutment connections in conjunction with monolithic LS2 crowns had the best results in this laboratory investigation.