180 resultados para Weyl


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In an equiaffine space q N E using the connection define with projective tensors na and ma the connections 1 , 2 and 3 . For the spaces N N 1A ,2A and N 3A , with coefficient of connection 1 , 2 and 3 respectively, we proved that the affinor of composition and the projective affinors have equal covariant derivatives. It follows that the connection 3 is equaffine as well, and the connections and 3 are projective to each other. In the case where q N E and N 3A have equal Ricci tensors, we find the fundamental nvector . In [4] compositions with structural affinor a are studied. Space containing compositions with symmetric connection and Weyl connection are studied in [6] and [7] respectively.


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In an equiaffine space q N E using the connection define with projective tensors na and ma the connections 1 , 2 and 3 . For the spaces N N 1A ,2A and N 3A , with coefficient of connection 1 , 2 and 3 respectively, we proved that the affinor of composition and the projective affinors have equal covariant derivatives. It follows that the connection 3 is equaffine as well, and the connections and 3 are projective to each other. In the case where q N E and N 3A have equal Ricci tensors, we find the fundamental nvector . In [4] compositions with structural affinor a are studied. Space containing compositions with symmetric connection and Weyl connection are studied in [6] and [7] respectively.


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MSC 2010: 26A33, 33E12, 33C60, 35R11


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2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 42B10, 47A07, 35S05.


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MSC 2010: 35R11, 42A38, 26A33, 33E12


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This thesis comprises some studies on the Weyl, Vaidya and Weyl distorted Schwarzschild (WDS) spacetimes. The main focal areas are : a) construction of near horizon metric(NHM) for WDS spacetime and subsequently a "stretched horizon" prescribed by the membrane formalism for black holes, b) application of membrane formalism and construction of stretched horizons for Vaidya spacetime and c) using the thin shell formalism to construct an asymptotically flat spacetime with a Weyl interior where the construction does not violate energy conditions. For a), a standard formalism developed in [1] has been used wherein the metric is expanded as a Taylor series in ingoing Gaussian null coordinates with the affine parameter as the expansion parameter. This expansion is used to construct a timelike "stretched horizon" just outside the true horizon to facilitate some membrane formalism studies, the theory for which was first introduced in [2]. b) applies the membrane formalism to Vaidya spacetime and also extends a part of the work done in [1] in which event horizon candidates were located perturbatively. Here, we locate stretched horizons in close proximity to every event horizon candidate located in [1]. c) is an attempt to induce Weyl distortions with a thin shell of matter in an asymptotically flat spacetime without violating energy conditions.


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L'elaborato fornisce una introduzione alla funzione di Wigner, ovvero una funzione di fase che gioca un ruolo chiave in alcuni ambiti della fisica come l'ottica quantistica. Nel primo capitolo viene sviluppato sommariamente l'apparato matematico-fisico della quantizzazione di Weyl e quindi introdotta l'omonima mappa di quantizzazione tra funzioni di fase ed operatori quantistici. Nella seconda parte si delinea la nozione di distribuzione di quasi-probabilit\`a e si danno alcune importanti esemplificazioni della funzione di Wigner per gli autostati dell'oscillatore armonico. Per finire l'ultimo capitolo tratteggia il panorama sperimentale all'interno del quale la funzione di Wigner viene utilizzata.


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This dissertation focuses on two vital challenges in relation to whale acoustic signals: detection and classification.

In detection, we evaluated the influence of the uncertain ocean environment on the spectrogram-based detector, and derived the likelihood ratio of the proposed Short Time Fourier Transform detector. Experimental results showed that the proposed detector outperforms detectors based on the spectrogram. The proposed detector is more sensitive to environmental changes because it includes phase information.

In classification, our focus is on finding a robust and sparse representation of whale vocalizations. Because whale vocalizations can be modeled as polynomial phase signals, we can represent the whale calls by their polynomial phase coefficients. In this dissertation, we used the Weyl transform to capture chirp rate information, and used a two dimensional feature set to represent whale vocalizations globally. Experimental results showed that our Weyl feature set outperforms chirplet coefficients and MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) when applied to our collected data.

Since whale vocalizations can be represented by polynomial phase coefficients, it is plausible that the signals lie on a manifold parameterized by these coefficients. We also studied the intrinsic structure of high dimensional whale data by exploiting its geometry. Experimental results showed that nonlinear mappings such as Laplacian Eigenmap and ISOMAP outperform linear mappings such as PCA and MDS, suggesting that the whale acoustic data is nonlinear.

We also explored deep learning algorithms on whale acoustic data. We built each layer as convolutions with either a PCA filter bank (PCANet) or a DCT filter bank (DCTNet). With the DCT filter bank, each layer has different a time-frequency scale representation, and from this, one can extract different physical information. Experimental results showed that our PCANet and DCTNet achieve high classification rate on the whale vocalization data set. The word error rate of the DCTNet feature is similar to the MFSC in speech recognition tasks, suggesting that the convolutional network is able to reveal acoustic content of speech signals.


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We give a new proof that for a finite group G, the category of rational G-equivariant spectra is Quillen equivalent to the product of the model categories of chain complexes of modules over the rational group ring of the Weyl group of H in G, as H runs over the conjugacy classes of subgroups of G. Furthermore, the Quillen equivalences of our proof are all symmetric monoidal. Thus we can understand categories of algebras or modules over a ring spectrum in terms of the algebraic model.


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Gran parte de la República de El Salvador está cubierta por productos de explosiones volcánicas, originarias de los diferentes volcanes activos y apagados, estos depósitos volcánicos no son solamente testigos importantes de la actividad volcánica, sino también representan un factor determinativo del paisaje Salvadoreño y son como rocas madres de la cual se origina el suelo de importancia básica para la agricultura. En la Carretera del Norte entre Villa Delgado y Apopa, hay depósitos de cenizas volcánicas en buena exposición por la construcción de la carretera, en los paredones de los cortes se observa la sucesión de 4 a 5 capas distintas de materiales diferentes, unas encimas de las otras. Estos estratos están separados por horizontes de descomposición, es decir de tierras negras. Fue objeto de este estudio reconocer la composición de dichas capas y aquella de las resultantes tierras descompuestas. Para tal fin se tomo 10 muestras de un perfil situado a unos 400 metros al norte del tercer cruce ferroviario al norte de Villa Delgado, en la propia carretera.


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En los alrededores de la ciudad de San Salvador abundan cenizas blancas de pómez, la llamada “Tierra blanca”, resultantes de erupciones del volcán El Boquerón. Los horizontes de descomposición permiten estudiar la estratificación de las cenizas de pómez tal como se detalladamente en vista de 3 perfiles. El contenido mineral y el análisis químico indican un magma acido, rico en cal. Una investigación de las distintas capaz de ceniza, respecto a la distribución de granos y minerales, da a conocer diferencias cuantitativas apropiadas para la comprobación de los perfiles. En la descomposición de las cenizas el vidrio se transforma de preferencia en metahaloisa los demás minerales se muestran bastante estables, a excepción de los piroxenes. Por consiguiente la descomposición se efectúa solamente con pocas transformaciones químicas, la descomposición de depósitos de edad conocida, parece realizarse muy lentamente bajo las condiciones climáticas actuales en El Salvador. De eso resultan algunos datos para la historia de las expulsiones del volcán El Boquerón que muestra una actividad muy larga con largos tiempos de calma y periodos breves de erupciones violentas.


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The spherical reduction of the rational Calogero model (of type A n−1 and after removing the center of mass) is considered as a maximally superintegrable quantum system, which describes a particle on the (n−2)-sphere subject to a very particular potential. We present a detailed analysis of the simplest non-separable case, n=4, whose potential is singular at the edges of a spherical tetrahexahedron. A complete set of independent conserved charges and of Hamiltonian intertwiners is constructed, and their algebra is elucidated. They arise from the ring of polynomials in Dunkl-deformed angular momenta, by classifying the subspaces invariant and antiinvariant under all Weyl reflections, respectively.


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Como la historia lo viene diciendo, en general los resultados importantes y trascendentales en Matemática son los capaces de vincular dos estructuras, en su esencia, totalmente distintas. En el año 1973, el matemático Noruego Marius Sophus Lie (1849-1925) estudiando propiedades de soluciones de sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales, dio origen a las ideas que conformaron la hoy denominada Teoría de Lie, la cual plantea la relación entre geometría, álgebra y la topología, este matemático creó en gran parte la teoría de la simetría continua, y la aplicó al estudio de la geometría y las ecuaciones diferenciales. Con aportes posteriores de los matemáticos Weyl, Cartan, Chevalley, Killing, Harish Chandra y otros estructuran la teoría de Lie, se presentan en este trabajo de investigación las nociones básicas que subyacen en dicha teoría. En los primeros trabajos de Sophus Lie, la idea subyacente era construir una teoría de grupos continuos, que complementara la ya existente teoría de grupos.


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O presente trabalho aborda a questão do saneamento ambiental nos municípios integrantes da Região Integrada de Desenvolvimento do Entorno do Distrito Federal e a sua configuração espacial. O processo de ocupação territorial dessa região funda-se na implantação da cidade de Brasília que encontra-se sob processo de metropolização. Tal situação é agravada pela forte atração populacional exercida pela oferta de empregos  fez com que surgissem cidades dormitórios ao redor de Brasília. Mesmo que o desenvolvimento econômico se deva em grande parte a essa população, a mesma não é beneficiada pela elevada concentração de renda e índices excelentes de infra-estrutura urbana que não chegam a suas cidades. A pesquisa analisa a questão do saneamento básico enquanto serviço inserido na noção de direito a cidade. A pesquisa resulta na identificação de territórios de tensão em nove municípios caracterizados por forte processo de degradação ambiental, pobreza urbana, violência entre outros problemas.