979 resultados para Wet natuurbescherming
Large-scale atmospheric dynamics of the wet winter 2009–2010 and its impact on hydrology in Portugal
The anomalously wet winter of 2010 had a very important impact on the Portuguese hydrological system. Owing to the detrimental effects of reduced precipitation in Portugal on the environmental and socio-economic systems, the 2010 winter was predominantly beneficial by reversing the accumulated precipitation deficits during the previous hydrological years. The recorded anomalously high precipitation amounts have contributed to an overall increase in river runoffs and dam recharges in the 4 major river basins. In synoptic terms, the winter 2010 was characterised by an anomalously strong westerly flow component over the North Atlantic that triggered high precipitation amounts. A dynamically coherent enhancement in the frequencies of mid-latitude cyclones close to Portugal, also accompanied by significant increases in the occurrence of cyclonic, south and south-westerly circulation weather types, are noteworthy. Furthermore, the prevalence of the strong negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) also emphasises the main dynamical features of the 2010 winter. A comparison of the hydrological and atmospheric conditions between the 2010 winter and the previous 2 anomalously wet winters (1996 and 2001) was also carried out to isolate not only their similarities, but also their contrasting conditions, highlighting the limitations of estimating winter precipitation amounts in Portugal using solely the NAO phase as a predictor.
Global warming is expected to enhance fluxes of fresh water between the surface and atmosphere, causing wet regions to become wetter and dry regions drier, with serious implications for water resource management. Defining the wet and dry regions as the upper 30% and lower 70% of the precipitation totals across the tropics (30° S–30° N) each month we combine observations and climate model simulations to understand changes in the wet and dry regions over the period 1850–2100. Observed decreases in precipitation over dry tropical land (1950–2010) are also simulated by coupled atmosphere–ocean climate models (−0.3%/decade) with trends projected to continue into the 21st century. Discrepancies between observations and simulations over wet land regions since 1950 exist, relating to decadal fluctuations in El Niño southern oscillation, the timing of which is not represented by the coupled simulations. When atmosphere-only simulations are instead driven by observed sea surface temperature they are able to adequately represent this variability over land. Global distributions of precipitation trends are dominated by spatial changes in atmospheric circulation. However, the tendency for already wet regions to become wetter (precipitation increases with warming by 3% K−1 over wet tropical oceans) and the driest regions drier (precipitation decreases of −2% K−1 over dry tropical land regions) emerges over the 21st century in response to the substantial surface warming.
While changes in land precipitation during the last 50 years have been attributed in part to human influences, results vary by season, are affected by data uncertainty and do not account for changes over ocean. One of the more physically robust responses of the water cycle to warming is the expected amplification of existing patterns of precipitation minus evaporation. Here, precipitation changes in wet and dry regions are analyzed from satellite data for 1988–2010, covering land and ocean. We derive fingerprints for the expected change from climate model simulations that separately track changes in wet and dry regions. The simulations used are driven with anthropogenic and natural forcings combined, and greenhouse gas forcing or natural forcing only. Results of detection and attribution analysis show that the fingerprint of combined external forcing is detectable in observations and that this intensification of the water cycle is partly attributable to greenhouse gas forcing.
This study analyzes evapotranspiration data for three wet and two seasonally dry rain forest sites in Amazonia. The main environmental (net radiation, vapor pressure deficit, and aerodynamic conductance) and vegetation (surface conductance) controls of evapotranspiration are also assessed. Our research supports earlier studies that demonstrate that evapotranspiration in the dry season is higher than that in the wet season and that surface net radiation is the main controller of evapotranspiration in wet equatorial sites. However, our analyses also indicate that there are different factors controlling the seasonality of evapotranspiration in wet equatorial rain forest sites and southern seasonally dry rain forests. While the seasonality of evapotranspiration in wet equatorial forests is driven solely by environmental factors, in seasonally dry forests, it is also biotically controlled with the surface conductance varying between seasons by a factor of approximately 2. The identification of these different drivers of evapotranspiration is a major step forward in our understanding of the water dynamics of tropical forests and has significant implications for the future development of vegetation-atmosphere models and land use and conservation planning in the region.
Aircraft measurements of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) during the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) were conducted over the Southwestern Amazon region in September-October 2002, to emphasize the dry-to-wet transition season. The CCN concentrations were measured for values within the range 0.1-1.0% of supersaturation. The CCN concentration inside the boundary layer revealed a general decreasing trend during the transition from the end of the dry season to the onset of the wet season. Clean and polluted areas showed large differences. The differences were not so strong at high levels in the troposphere and there was evidence supporting the semi-direct aerosol effect in suppressing convection through the evaporation of clouds by aerosol absorption. The measurements also showed a diurnal cycle following biomass burning activity. Although biomass burning was the most important source of CCN, it was seen as a source of relatively efficient CCN, since the increase was significant only at high supersaturations.
Intraseasonal and interannual variability of extreme wet and dry anomalies over southeastern Brazil and the western subtropical South Atlantic Ocean are investigated. Precipitation data are obtained from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) in pentads during 23 austral summers (December-February 1979/80-2001/02). Extreme wet (dry) events are defined according to 75th (25th) percentiles of precipitation anomaly distributions observed in two time scales: intraseasonal and interannual. The agreement between the 25th and 75th percentiles of the GPCP precipitation and gridded precipitation obtained from stations in Brazil is also examined. Variations of extreme wet and dry anomalies on interannual time scales are investigated along with variations of sea surface temperature (SST) and circulation anomalies. The South Atlantic SST dipole seems related to interannual variations of extreme precipitation events over southeastern Brazil. It is shown that extreme wet and dry events in the continental portion of the South Atlantic convergence zone (SACZ) are decoupled from extremes over the oceanic portion of the SACZ and there is no coherent dipole of extreme precipitation regimes between tropics and subtropics on interannual time scales. On intraseasonal time scales, the occurrence of extreme dry and wet events depends on the propagation phase of extratropical wave trains and consequent intensification (weakening) of 200-hPa zonal winds. Extreme wet and dry events over southeastern Brazil and subtropical Atlantic are in phase on intraseasonal time scales. Extreme wet events over southeastern Brazil and subtropical Atlantic are observed in association with low-level northerly winds above the 75th percentile of the seasonal climatology over central-eastern South America. Extreme wet events on intraseasonal time scales over southeastern Brazil are more frequent during seasons not classified as extreme wet or dry on interannual time scales.
O presente trabalho trata da validação de uma metodologia de análise para a determinação de dibenzo-p-dioxinas policloradas (PCDDs) em cinzas obtidas através de um processo de incineração de aparas de couro wet-blue. As dioxinas, compostos de extrema toxicidade, podem ser formadas na superfície das partículas de cinzas em reações de combustão. O mecanismo de formação de PCDDs requer uma atmosfera rica em oxigênio, uma fonte de cloro e a presença na cinza de um metal capaz de catalizar uma reação Deacon. O couro wet-blue apresenta em sua composição os precursores para a formação de dioxinas tais como o cloro e o metal catalisador sódio, cuja presença destes elementos foi comprovada por análises de superfície realizadas no couro e nas cinzas usando as técnicas de Rutherford Back-scattering Spectrometry (RBS) e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). Desta forma, torna-se necessária a análise de dioxinas em cinzas de couro para especificar seu tratamento e destino final. As cinzas de couro foram obtidas numa unidade de bancada de incineração com reator de leito fixo, processo conhecido como GCC (Gaseificação e Combustão Combinadas). A metodologia utilizada para analisar dioxinas nas cinzas de couro foi baseada no Método 8280B da Agência de Proteção Ambiental dos Estados Unidos da América (EPA-USA). Este método descreve os procedimentos de extração de matrizes específicas, o clean-up para os analitos específicos e a determinação de dioxinas através das técnicas de cromatografia gasosa de alta resolução e espectrometria de massa de baixa resolução. O sucesso da análise depende da preparação dos extratos das amostras, etapa conhecida como clean-up, a qual é descrita minuciosamente neste trabalho, incluindo a montagem das colunas cromatográficas. A eficiência de extração das dioxinas foi obtida com os resultados comparativos das análises entre matrizes contaminadas com solução padrão de dioxinas e o padrão analítico. A validação deste método para análise de dioxinas policloradas em cinzas de couro wet-blue foi considerada satisfatória para os objetivos do trabalho, uma vez que a eficiência de extração de dioxinas obtida ficou dentro dos critérios estabelecidos pelo método.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo a determinação quantitativa da concentração de cromo (III, VI e total) nas cinzas de serragem de couro wet-blue, incineradas em reatores de leito fixo nas temperaturas de 450, 550 e 650 C e reator de leito fluidizado nas temperaturas de 730, 780, 830 e 850 C, verificando se estes resultados estão dentro dos limites permitidos pelas normas ambientais brasileiras e, consequentemente, se em relação à concentração de cromo, os processos de incineração utilizados são uma maneira adequada de promover a eliminação ambientalmente aceitável da serragem de couro wet-blue. Realizou-se, neste trabalho, o estudo dos procedimentos para digestão da amostra, dos métodos analíticos quantitativos para a determinação da concentração de cromo que constatou-se depender da valência a ser analisada. As determinações de cromo total e cromo hexavalente contido nas cinzas foram realizadas após digestão ácida e digestão alcalina da amostra, respectivamente. Após o processo de digestão o cromo total (na forma de Cr (VI)) e o cromo hexavalente foram determinados por dois métodos espectrofotométricos na forma de Cr (VI) em meio ácido com difenilcarbazida (DPC) e após redução na forma de Cr (III), complexado com EDTA. O cromo total também foi determinado por volumetria empregando o método titulométrico. Este método não foi empregado na determinação de cromo hexavalente devido aos baixos teores deste nas cinzas. O teor de Cr (III) foi obtido pela diferença entre o cromo total e cromo hexavalente Procedendo-se a análise estatística dos resultados de cromo hexavalente e total nas cinzas pelos diferentes técnicas analíticas, independente do tipo de incinerador, verificou-se que não há diferenças significativas entre os mesmos. Podendo, portanto, utilizar quaisquer uma das técnicas para avaliá-los. Comparando-se os resultados das análises obtidos na incineração da serragem de couro wet-blue em reator de leito fixo e reator de leito fluidizado em diferentes temperaturas, verificou-se que no reator de leito fixo o teor de Cr (VI) nas cinzas geradas foi muito baixa, praticamente inexistente; enquanto que no reator de leito fluidizado se a temperatura de combustão não for muito alta o teor de Cr (VI) ficará dentro dos limites aceitáveis. As cinzas provenientes de qualquer um dos processos de incineração analisadas, neste trabalho, tanto do reator de leito fixo como de leito fluidizado não é conveniente que seja descartada diretamente no solo. As mesmas devem ser aproveitadas na indústria de cerâmicos, ou mesmo em algum processo que visa recuperar o cromo.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the characteristics of the sward canopy of Marandu grass during the rainy season, the wet-to-dry transition and the dry seasons, between March and September 2004, under intermittent grazing, and to correlate those characteristics with the performance of crossbred heifers receiving mineral supplements ad libitum or protein supplements. The experiment consisted of a randomized block design with three blocks (set of 13 paddocks), each containing five crossbred heifers per experimental unit, totaling 15 replicates. The heifers were given protein supplements daily in individual stalls and received an average 4 g/kg/day of the supplement during the rainy season and 5 g/kg/day during the dry season. Their weight gain was assessed monthly. The pasture structure was assessed through destructive sampling, and the bromatological composition of esophageal extrusa samples was also assessed. Analysis of variance was used to assess performance, and regression analysis was used to evaluate the sward canopy characteristics in relation to the months of the year. A cluster procedure was used to determine the similarity between the months of the year under assessment. Two different groups were formed for pasture evaluation: one group including the months of March to July and another group including the months of August and September. The first group exhibited a better canopy structure than the second group. This fact was corroborated by the animal performance, which was lower during the months of the second group. Low-intake protein supplementation was effective in increasing the performance of the grazing heifers. Pasture structure is critical for animal performance in a grazing environment, regardless of the type of supplementation.
Gochnatia polymorpha (Less.) Cabrera is a widespread tree species found in different physiognomies of neotropical savanna (cerrado) formations of south-eastern Brazil. The present study describes some leaf anatomical characteristics of this species as a function of the time of leaf flush, during dry or wet seasons. This species presents anatomical plasticity in the cuticle, palisade parenchyma and abaxial epidermis as well as in stomatal size and stomatal and trichome density, which are leaf structures linked with water-status control. Leaf structure changed to suit the particular environmental conditions during dry and wet seasons. The production of different wet-and dry-season leaf types in G. polymorpha could be a response to drought and an adaptation to environmental constraints in the cerrado.
This study aimed at evaluating the effect of total replacement of dry corn by wet grain corn silage (WGCS) in the feed of label broilers older than 28 days of age on performance, mortality, carcass, parts, breast meat and thighs meat yields, and meat quality. A mixed-sex flock of 448 ISA S 757-N (naked-neck ISA JA Label) day-old chicks was randomly distributed in to randomized block experimental design with four treatments (T1 - with no WGCS; T2 - WGCS between 28 and 83 days; T3 - WGCS between 42 and 83 days; and T4 - WGCS between 63 and 83 days) and four replicates of 28 birds each. Birds were raised under the same management and feeding conditions until 28 days of age, when they started to have free access to paddock with pasture (at least 3m²/bird) and to be fed the experimental diets. Feed and water were offered ad libitum throughout the rearing period, which was divided in three stages: starter (1 to 28 days), grower (29 to 63 days), and finisher (64 to 83 days) according to the feeding schedule. During the short periods of WGCS use (group T2 during grower stage and T4 during the finisher stage), performance and mortality results were similar as to those of the control group (T1). At the end of the experiment, it was observed that the extended use of WGCS (T2 and T3) determined a negative effect on feed conversion ratio. However, the best results of breast meat yield were observed with birds fed WGCS since 28 days (T2). It was concluded that WGCS can replace dry corn grain for short periods during the grower and finisher stages with no impairment of meat quality and yield in slow growth broilers.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Analysis of 141 seats of maned wolf Chrysocyon brachyurus collected in a region of upland forest and meadows of south-eastern Brazil yielded 351 food items in the wet season (60 seats) and 407 in the dry season (81 seats). Scarabaeidae and rodents were the most frequent animal food in both seasons, complemented by birds in the wet season and unidentified mammals in the dry season. Seeds revealed Solanum lycocarpum to be the most frequent plant food in the dry season and an Annonaceae and a Cactaceae the most frequent in the wet season. A total of 33 seed morphospecies were retrieved. Although our results reveal some shared and some divergent trends from dietary studies undertaken in savanna ('cerrado') areas, we found a very high frequency of potentially harmful tourists' garbage. This highlights the necessity for better environmental education and confirms that the maned wolf is a generalist and opportunist omnivore.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)