930 resultados para Weakly Compact Sets


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Tämä insinöörityö tehtiin SEW Industrial Gears Oy:lle, joka valmistaa hammasvaihteita teollisuuden eri sovellutuksiin. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää modulaarinen paisuntaastiasarja compact -sarjan teollisuusvaihteeseen. Työn alkuvaiheessa käytössä oli kahdenlaisia paisunta-astioita: kosteissa oloissa käytettävä suljettu astiamalli ja kuiviin olosuhteisiin soveltuva malli. Koska käytössä oleva suljettu astiamalli oli kallis ja kuivien olosuhteiden mallin käyttö oli rajoitettu, oli uudelle modulaariselle paisunta-astialle selkeä tarve. Uuden astiamallin tuli olla yhteensopiva vaihteen yleisimpien varusteiden ja asennusasentojen kanssa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli puolittaa uuden konseptin hinta vanhaan verrattuna ja paikata vanhoissa konstruktioissa olleita puutteita. Työ aloitettiin analysoimalla olemassa olevat paisunta-astiatyypit, minkä jälkeen paisuntaastialle ideoitiin uusia ominaisuuksia. Toisessa vaiheessa perehdyttiin modulaariseen järjestelmään sekä öljynpaisunnan teoriaan teollisuusvaihteessa. Viimeisessä vaiheessa tehtiin konseptin varsinainen suunnittelutyö, valittiin astian valmistustapa ja materiaali sekä optimoitiin hinta. Uudesta mallista valmistettiin myös prototyyppi, jotta suunniteltua tuotetta päästiin kokeilemaan myös käytännössä. Näin voitiin varmistaa tuotteen toimivuus. Suunnittelutyön tuloksena saatiin uuden paisunta-astiasarjan piirustukset tarvittavista osista ja kokoonpanoista sekä komponenttistandardi ja myyntiä tukevaa materiaalia. Käytännön osuus antoi tietoa laskelmien oikeellisuudesta sekä öljyn täyttöön ja paisuntaan liittyvistä asioista.


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We consider the application of normal theory methods to the estimation and testing of a general type of multivariate regressionmodels with errors--in--variables, in the case where various data setsare merged into a single analysis and the observable variables deviatepossibly from normality. The various samples to be merged can differ on the set of observable variables available. We show that there is a convenient way to parameterize the model so that, despite the possiblenon--normality of the data, normal--theory methods yield correct inferencesfor the parameters of interest and for the goodness--of--fit test. Thetheory described encompasses both the functional and structural modelcases, and can be implemented using standard software for structuralequations models, such as LISREL, EQS, LISCOMP, among others. An illustration with Monte Carlo data is presented.


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Models incorporating more realistic models of customer behavior, as customers choosing froman offer set, have recently become popular in assortment optimization and revenue management.The dynamic program for these models is intractable and approximated by a deterministiclinear program called the CDLP which has an exponential number of columns. However, whenthe segment consideration sets overlap, the CDLP is difficult to solve. Column generationhas been proposed but finding an entering column has been shown to be NP-hard. In thispaper we propose a new approach called SDCP to solving CDLP based on segments and theirconsideration sets. SDCP is a relaxation of CDLP and hence forms a looser upper bound onthe dynamic program but coincides with CDLP for the case of non-overlapping segments. Ifthe number of elements in a consideration set for a segment is not very large (SDCP) can beapplied to any discrete-choice model of consumer behavior. We tighten the SDCP bound by(i) simulations, called the randomized concave programming (RCP) method, and (ii) by addingcuts to a recent compact formulation of the problem for a latent multinomial-choice model ofdemand (SBLP+). This latter approach turns out to be very effective, essentially obtainingCDLP value, and excellent revenue performance in simulations, even for overlapping segments.By formulating the problem as a separation problem, we give insight into why CDLP is easyfor the MNL with non-overlapping considerations sets and why generalizations of MNL posedifficulties. We perform numerical simulations to determine the revenue performance of all themethods on reference data sets in the literature.


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Asymptotic chi-squared test statistics for testing the equality ofmoment vectors are developed. The test statistics proposed aregeneralizedWald test statistics that specialize for different settings by inserting andappropriate asymptotic variance matrix of sample moments. Scaled teststatisticsare also considered for dealing with situations of non-iid sampling. Thespecializationwill be carried out for testing the equality of multinomial populations, andtheequality of variance and correlation matrices for both normal andnon-normaldata. When testing the equality of correlation matrices, a scaled versionofthe normal theory chi-squared statistic is proven to be an asymptoticallyexactchi-squared statistic in the case of elliptical data.


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In the homogeneous case of one-dimensional objects, we show that any preference relation that is positive and homothetic can be represented by a quantitative utility function and unique bias. This bias may favor or disfavor the preference for an object. In the first case, preferences are complete but not transitive and an object may be preferred even when its utility is lower. In the second case, preferences are asymmetric and transitive but not negatively transitive and it may not be sufficient for an object to have a greater utility for be preferred. In this manner, the bias reflects the extent to which preferences depart from the maximization of a utility function.


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We represent interval ordered homothetic preferences with a quantitative homothetic utility function and a multiplicative bias. When preferences are weakly ordered (i.e. when indifference is transitive), such a bias equals 1. When indifference is intransitive, the biasing factor is a positive function smaller than 1 and measures a threshold of indifference. We show that the bias is constant if and only if preferences are semiordered, and we identify conditions ensuring a linear utility function. We illustrate our approach with indifference sets on a two dimensional commodity space.


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Na actual monografia intitulada “Sistemas de Tratamento e Disposição dos Resíduos Sólidos” adoptar-se-á as teorias clássicas de solos, para representar os resíduos sólidos urbanos. No que diz ao tratamento e disposição, diversos métodos e técnicas vão ser apresentados. Assim esta pesquisa tem como objectivo principal avaliar o Aterro Sanitário proposto para Santiago, 1999 e a tecnologia do Compact Power (pirólise/gasificação). Os dados dos resíduos sólidos ficaram restringidos aos resíduos urbanos, encontrando-se uma grande heterogeneidade e constantes questionamentos em diversas bibliografias. Analisa-se os elementos base para o dimensionamento do Aterro Sanitário abrangendo um estudo mais aprofundado sobre a estabilização dos taludes. Quanto ao Compact Power, far-se-á a apresentação da planta que incluiu duas linhas, uma para o resíduo misturado e o outro para resíduos separados, uma planta de compostagem e uma planta de conversão térmica avançada (empregando os processos de pirólises, gaseificação e oxidação a alta temperatura). Na compilação deste documento, encontra-se uma análise SWOT, com o intuito de melhor analisar as referidas tecnologias apresentadas.


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The function of most proteins is not determined experimentally, but is extrapolated from homologs. According to the "ortholog conjecture", or standard model of phylogenomics, protein function changes rapidly after duplication, leading to paralogs with different functions, while orthologs retain the ancestral function. We report here that a comparison of experimentally supported functional annotations among homologs from 13 genomes mostly supports this model. We show that to analyze GO annotation effectively, several confounding factors need to be controlled: authorship bias, variation of GO term frequency among species, variation of background similarity among species pairs, and propagated annotation bias. After controlling for these biases, we observe that orthologs have generally more similar functional annotations than paralogs. This is especially strong for sub-cellular localization. We observe only a weak decrease in functional similarity with increasing sequence divergence. These findings hold over a large diversity of species; notably orthologs from model organisms such as E. coli, yeast or mouse have conserved function with human proteins.


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Reprints from the Iowa Official Register, 1951-1952 of The Flag, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, the Constitution of the State of Iowa, the Declaration of Independence, the "Mayflower" Compact and the Constitution of the United States.


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This article examines the extent and limits of nonstate forms of authority in international relations. It analyzes how the information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure for the tradability of services in a global knowledge-based economy relies on informal regulatory practices for the adjustment of ICT-related skills. By focusing on the challenge that highly volatile and short-lived cycles of demands for this type of knowledge pose for ensuring the right qualification of the labor force, the article explores how companies and associations provide training and certification programs as part of a growing market for educational services setting their own standards. The existing literature on non-conventional forms of authority in the global political economy has emphasized that the consent of actors, subject to informal rules and some form of state support, remains crucial for the effectiveness of those new forms of power. However, analyses based on a limited sample of actors tend toward a narrow understanding of the issues concerned and fail to fully explore the differentiated space in which non state authority is emerging. This article develops a three-dimensional analytical framework that brings together the scope of the issues involved, the range of nonstate actors concerned, and the spatial scope of their authority. The empirical findings highlight the limits of these new forms of nonstate authority and shed light on the role of the state and international governmental organizations in this new context.


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A frequency-dependent compact model for inductors in high ohmic substrates, which is based on an energy point-of-view, is developed. This approach enables the description of the most important coupling phenomena that take place inside the device. Magnetically induced losses are quite accurately calculated and coupling between electric and magnetic fields is given by means of a delay constant. The later coupling phenomenon provides a modified procedure for the computation of the fringing capacitance value, when the self-resonance frequency of the inductor is used as a fitting parameter. The model takes into account the width of every metal strip and the pitch between strips. This enables the description of optimized layout inductors. Data from experiments and electromagnetic simulators are presented to test the accuracy of the model.


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Whereas numerical modeling using finite-element methods (FEM) can provide transient temperature distribution in the component with enough accuracy, it is of the most importance the development of compact dynamic thermal models that can be used for electrothermal simulation. While in most cases single power sources are considered, here we focus on the simultaneous presence of multiple sources. The thermal model will be in the form of a thermal impedance matrix containing the thermal impedance transfer functions between two arbitrary ports. Eachindividual transfer function element ( ) is obtained from the analysis of the thermal temperature transient at node ¿ ¿ after a power step at node ¿ .¿ Different options for multiexponential transient analysis are detailed and compared. Among the options explored, small thermal models can be obtained by constrained nonlinear least squares (NLSQ) methods if the order is selected properly using validation signals. The methods are applied to the extraction of dynamic compact thermal models for a new ultrathin chip stack technology (UTCS).