920 resultados para Wasson, Ellis
Four officials with shovel at the groundbreaking ceremony for West Hall, renamed Braden Hall, Chapman College, Orange, California, 1959. Partially identified, left to right: Randolph Cutlip; Colleen Richardson; Ellis Steiner; Rod ___. The men's dormitory was demolished in 2007.
Groundbreaking for Left to right: unBraden Residence Hall [formerly West Hall], Chapman University, Orange, California. It was constructed by Chapman College in 1959 for a men's dormitory. Left to right: Randolph Cutlip, Colleen Richardson, Ellis Stiner, and Rod _____.
Ellis (2004) argues that auto ethnography is a methodology that begins with the researcher as the site of study. Employing a qualitative storytelling structure shows, instead of tells. As the audience reads, they are encouraged to relate the research to their experiences, provoking reflective knowledge development. As an outdoor educator, I began to question the nature of my craft and how it was being shaped by my personal educational philosophy. So, drawing on a reflective journal I kept while employed as an outdoor educator in 2007, three outdoor educators published narratives, and a historical review of newspaper articles about Ontario-based outdoor education, conducted an autoethnographic inquiry and built a fictional story about my craft. I exposed five faultlines or areas of ideological tension, shaping my views about outdoor education and my craft.
In 1946 the cemetery committee reported at least twice to the Welland County council. The reports included the state of cemeteries within the county boundaries and recommendations for grants to be made for their maintenance. The committee consisted of George F. Broadley, Chairman, and Herbert T. Guess, Irvin Edward Michener and Ellis P. Morningstar.
This research is a self-study into my life as an athlete, elementary school teacher, leamer, and as a teacher educator/academic. Throughout the inquiry, I explore how my beliefs and values infused my lived experiences and ultimately influenced my constructivist, humanist, and ultimately my holistic teaching and learning practice which at times disrupted the status quo. I have written a collection of narratives (data generation) which embodied my identity as an unintelligent student/leamer, a teacher/learner, an experiential learner, a tenacious participant, and a change agent to name a few. As I unpack my stories and hermeneutically reconstruct their intent, I question their meaning as I explore how I can improve my teaching and learning practice and potentially effect positive change when instructing beginning teacher candidates at a Faculty of Education. At the outset I situate my story and provide the necessary political, social, and cultural background information to ground my research. I follow this with an in depth look at the elements that interconnect the theoretical framework of this self-study by presenting the notion of writing at the boundaries through auto ethnography (Ellis, 2000; Ellis & Bochner, 2004) and writing as a method of inquiry (Richardson, 2000). The emergent themes of experiential learning, identity, and embodied knowing surfaced during the data generation phase. I use the Probyn' s (1990) .. metaphor of locatedness to unpack these themes and ponder the question, Where is experience located? I deepen the exploration by layering Drake's (2007) KnowlDo/Be framework alongside locatedness and offer descriptions of learning moments grounded in pedagogical theories. In the final phase, I introduce thirdspace theory (Bhabha, 1994; Soja, 1996) as a space that allowed me to puzzle educational dilemmas and begin to reconcile the binaries that existed in my life both personally, and professionally. I end where I began by revisiting the questions that drove this study. In addition, Ireflect upon the writing process and the challenges that I encountered while immersed in this approach and contemplate the relevance of conducting a self-study. I leave the reader with what is waiting for me on the other side of the gate, for as Henry James suggested, "Experience is never limited, and it is never complete."
The present thesis is an attempt to bring into dialogue what appear to be two radically different approaches of negotiating subjectivity in late Western Modernity. Here the thought of Julia Kristeva as well as Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari are fully engaged. These thinkers, the latter two being considered as one, have until now remained strangers to one another. Consequently much confusion has amassed concerning their respective philosophical, as well as social/political projects. I take up the position that Deleuze and Guattari's account of subjectivity is a commendable attempt to understand a particular type of historical subject: late modern Western man. However I claim that their account comes up short insofar as I argue that they lack the theoretical language in order to fully, and successfully, make their point. Thus I argue that their system does not stand up to its own claims. On the contrary, by embracing the psychoanalytic tradition - staying rather close to the Freudian and Kleinian schools of thought - I argue that it is in fact Kristeva that is better equipped to provide an account of this particular subject. Considerable time is invested in fleshing out the notion of the Other insofar as this Other is central to the constitution of subjectivity. This Other - insofar as this Other is to be found in Kristeva's notion of the chora -- is something I claim that Deleuze and Guattari simply undervalued.
Throughout Nietzsche's writings we find discussions of the proper relationship of the scholar/scientist to the philosopher, wi th the scholar of ten being presented in a derogatory light. In this thesis, I examine Nietzsche's por t rai t of the scholar through the lens of his physiological or clinical perspective as articulated by Dr. Daniel R. Ahern in his monograph entitled Nietzsche as Cultural Physician. My aim in doing so is to grasp the affirmative, creative aspect of this seemingly destructive polemic against scholars. I begin wi th a detailed discussion of Nietzsche's por t rai t of the scholar in Beyond Good and Evil. This includes an explication of Ahern's position, followed by an application of the diagnostic perspective to Nietzsche's discussion of the objective type, the skeptic, and the critic. I then look at how the characteristics of all three types are present in the Nietzschean 'free spirit.' I also discuss the physiological basis of esotericism in Nietzsche's work, as well as Nietzsche's revaluation of the scholarly vi r tue known as Red/ichkeit (or 'honesty'). I conclude wi th comments on the free spirit's relationship to the future.
In 1893 Attorney Henry Drushel Perky and William H. Ford invented a machine for the preparation of cereals for food. Perky soon realized that the actual cereal biscuits were more popular than the machines and he opened Shredded Wheat plants in Massachusetts and Niagara Falls, New York. In 1904, the Niagara Falls, Canada plant was opened. These factories also served as tourist attractions. In 1907, one hundred thousand people visited the plants on both sides of the border. In 1928, the company was sold to The National Biscuit Company and the product name changed to Nabisco Shredded Wheat. The name of the plant was changed to Nabisco Foods in 1956 to reflect the variety of foods that were being produced at that time. In 1985, Nabisco was purchased by J.R. Reynolds thus forming RJR Nabisco. In 1994, RJR sold its breakfast cereal business to Kraft Foods and the international licenses to General Mills. Shredded Wheat is now integrated into the Post Foods portfolio. with information from: Niagara Falls Canada a History by The Kiwanis Club of Stamford, Ontario Inc. and Business Source Complete
Depuis quelques années, les statistiques indiquent une croissance exponentielle de l’incidence de certaines infections transmissibles sexuellement chez les jeunes adultes. Certaines enquêtes témoignent en outre des comportements peu responsables en matière de santé sexuelle chez cette population, bien que l’offre d’information sur les conséquences de tels comportements soit importante et diversifiée. Par ailleurs, le comportement informationnel de cette population en matière de santé sexuelle demeure peu documenté. La présente étude porte sur le comportement informationnel de jeunes adultes québécois en matière de santé sexuelle. Plus spécifiquement, elle répond aux quatre questions de recherche suivantes : (1) Quelles sont les situations problématiques auxquelles les jeunes adultes sont confrontés en santé sexuelle?, (2) Quels sont les besoins informationnels exprimés par les jeunes adultes lors de ces situations problématiques?, (3) Quels sont les processus et les sources d’information qui soutiennent la résolution de ces besoins informationnels? et (4) Quelle est l’utilisation de l’information trouvée? Cette recherche descriptive a utilisé une approche qualitative. Le milieu retenu est l’Université de Montréal pour deux raisons : il s’agit d’un milieu cognitivement riche qui fournit un accès sur place à des ressources en santé sexuelle. Les huit jeunes adultes âgés de 18 à 25 ans qui ont pris part à cette étude ont participé à une entrevue en profondeur utilisant la technique de l’incident critique. Chacun d’entre eux a décrit une situation problématique par rapport à sa santé sexuelle et les données recueillies ont été l’objet d’une analyse de contenu basée sur la théorisation ancrée. Les résultats indiquent que les jeunes adultes québécois vivent des situations problématiques relatives à l’aspect physique de leur santé sexuelle qui peuvent être déclenchées par trois types d’éléments : un événement à risques, un symptôme physique subjectif et de l’information acquise passivement. Ces situations problématiques génèrent trois catégories de besoins informationnels : l’état de santé actuel, les conséquences possibles et les remèdes. Pour répondre à ces besoins, les participants se sont tournés en majorité vers des sources professionnelles, personnelles et verbales. La présence de facteurs contextuels, cognitifs et affectifs a particularisé leur processus de recherche d’information en modifiant les combinaisons des quatre activités effectuées, soit débuter, enchaîner, butiner et différencier. L’automotivation et la compréhension du problème représentent les deux principales utilisations de l’information. D’un point de vue théorique, les résultats indiquent que le modèle général de comportement informationnel de Choo (2006), le modèle d’environnement d’utilisation de l’information de Taylor (1986, 1991) et le modèle d’activités de recherche d’information d’Ellis (1989a, 1989b, 2005) peuvent être utilisés dans le contexte personnel de la santé sexuelle. D’un point de vue pratique, cette étude ajoute aux connaissances sur les critères de sélection des sources d’information en matière de santé sexuelle.
Le concept des Sociétés de fictions élaboré dans le cadre de ce mémoire vise l’exploration de la médiation à l’ère du numérique. Pour penser les modalités de fictions littéraires avec l’idée qu’elles puissent former des sociétés distinctes, ce travail d’analyse propose d’examiner diverses fictions, plus précisément des expressions gothiques américaines en littérature contemporaine, afin d’en extraire un mode de pensée significatif. Dans le dessein d’analyser la manière dont ces fictions se relient entre elles, cette recherche se focalise sur le rapport qu’entretient la fiction littéraire avec la technologie ainsi qu’avec divers modes de diffusion et de médiation. Afin de comprendre comment les mécanismes du discours positionnent des œuvres de fictions les unes par rapport aux autres, ces fictions individuées seront d’abord examinées au sein d’une société qui leur est propre. Ceci mènera à exposer en quoi et comment les rapports qu’entretient l’humain avec la littérature et la technologie se reconfigurent par le biais de nouvelles formes de médiations. La présente réflexion se penche ainsi sur les modes d’interactions des fictions qui s’organisent en sociétés afin de pouvoir analyser comment le glissement du paradigme de l’imprimé et des supports matériels, à l’âge du numérique, peut se traduire par une manière inédite de penser notre relation au littéraire. En somme, cette réflexion sur la mobilité des formes et des plateformes liées aux fictions et à leur société devrait permettre de mieux analyser les individus qui inventent et consomment ces fictions, leur univers social ainsi que leur rapport intime à la technologie et ses médiations. Ces sociétés de fictions deviennent alors une clé pour comprendre notre rapport à la virtualisation de nos univers sociaux. Entre les sociétés de fictions et les sociétés des Hommes se noue un lien substantiel laissant entrevoir une véritable co-évolution de ces univers distincts. Les principales œuvres de fiction étudiées et citées seront celles du romancier et scénariste américain Bret Easton Ellis, plus précisément les romans Less Than Zero et Imperial Bedrooms. Il sera également question de la série télévisuelle Twin Peaks, diffusée sur la chaîne ABC en 1990 et réalisée par David Lynch, ainsi que d’une nouvelle de John Cheever, The enormous radio, parue en 1947, dans le New Yorker.
Compte rendu de l'album « Récits d'Ellis Island : histoires d'errance et d'espoir » (POL, 1994).
Using a relativistic selfconsistent correlation diagram a first interpretation of the shape and position of L MO X-rays is given within a quasi-adiabatic model.
The result of the first calculation of a self-consistent relativistic many electron correlation diagram ever done (for the system Au - I) leads to a good agreement of the spectral shape and position of the observed noncharacteristic X-rays within the quasi adiabatic model.
Relativistic molecular calculations within the Dirac-Slater scheme have been used in a study of the electronic structure of 6d-metal superheavy hexafluorides. The theoretical results are compared with calculations and measurements of the homolog 4d- and 5d-metal hexafluorides. Large spin-orbit splitting dominates the electronic structure and even has the same order of magnitude as the crystal-field splitting for the valence electrons for the superheavy molecules. Ionization energies have been calculated using a transition state procedure.
Quasi-molecular X-rays observed in heavy ion collisions are interpreted within a relativistic calculation of correlation diagrams using the Dirac-Slater model. A semiquantitative description of noncharacteristic M X rays is given for the system Au-I.