296 resultados para Washout


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Objective: To assess the comparative bioavailability of two formulations (250 mg/5 mL suspension) of cefuroxime axetil (CAS 64544-07-6), administered with food, in healthy volunteers of both sexes. Methods: The study was conducted using an open, randomized, two-period crossover design with a 1-week washout interval. Plasma samples were obtained for up to 12 h post dose. Plasma cefuroxime axetil concentrations were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) with negative ion electrospray ionization using multiple reactions monitoring (MRM). From the cefuroxime axetil plasma concentration vs. time curves, the following pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained: AUC(last) and C(max). Results: The limit of quantification was 0.1 mu g/mL for plasma cefuroxime axetil analysis. The geometric mean and 90% confidence interval CI of test/reference product percent ratios were: 106.1% (100.8%-111.8%) for C(max), 109.4% (104.8%-114.2%) for AUC(last). Conclusion: Since the 90% Cl for AUC(last) and C(max) ratios were within the 80-125 % interval proposed by the US FDA, it was concluded that cefuroxime axetil (test formulation, 250 mg/5 mL suspension) was bioequivalent to a reference formulation under fed conditions, for both the rate and extent of absorption.


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Objective: To assess the bioequivalence of three ibuprofen formulations (Test formulation: ibuprofen (400 mg capsule) manufactured by Cardinal Health Brasil 402 Ltda. (Sorocaba, Brazil) and licensed to Boehringer Ingelheim do Brasil Quim. e Farm. Ltda. (Sao Paulo, Brazil); Reference formulation (1): ibuprofen (Advil (R); 2 x 200 mg coated tablet) from Wyeth-Whitehall Ltda. (Itapevi, Brazil); Reference formulation (2): ibuprofen (Alivium (R); 8 ml x 50 mg/ml solution) from Schering Plough S.A. (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)) in 24 healthy volunteers of both sexes. Methods: The study was conducted using an open, randomized, three-period crossover design with at least 5-day washout interval. Plasma samples were obtained over a 24-h period. Plasma ibuprofen concentrations were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) with negative ion electrospray ionization using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). The following pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained from the ibuprofen plasma concentration vs. time curves: AUC(last), AUC(trunctmax) AUC(inf) and C-max. Results: The limit of quantification for ibuprofen was 0.1 mu g x ml(-1). The geometric mean with corresponding 90% confidence interval (CI) for Test/Reference (1) percent ratios were 114.24% (90% CI = 105.67, 123.50%) for C-max, 98.97% (90% CI = 94.69, 103.44%) for AUC(last) and 99.40% (90% CI = 95.21, 103.78%) for AUCinf. The geometric mean and respective 90% confidence interval (CI) for Test/Reference (2) percent ratios were 108.38% (90% Cl = 100.195, 117.25%) for C-max, 100.79% (90% CI = 96.39, 105.40%) for AUC(last) and 101.26% (90% CI = 96.94, 105.77%) for AUC(inf); t(max) for the 400 mg Test capsule was shorter than that for the 2 x 200 mg Reference (1) tablets (p < 0.002). Conclusion: Since the 90% CI for AUC(last), AUC(inf) and C-max ratios were within the 80 - 125% interval proposed by the US FDA, it was concluded that ibuprofen formulation manufactured by Cardinal Health Brasil 402 Ltda. and licensed to Boehringer Ingelheim do Brasil Quim. e Farm. Ltda. is bioequivalent to the Advil (R) and Alivium (R) formulations with regard to both the rate and the extent of absorption.


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Backgound and aims: The main purpose of the PEDAL study is to identify and estimate sample individual pharmacokinetic- pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) models for duodenal infusion of levodopa/carbidopa (Duodopa®) that can be used for in numero simulation of treatment strategies. Other objectives are to study the absorption of Duodopa® and to form a basis for power calculation for a future larger study. PK/PD based on oral levodopa is problematic because of irregular gastric emptying. Preliminary work with data from [Gundert-Remy U et al. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1983;25:69-72] suggested that levodopa infusion pharmacokinetics can be described by a two-compartment model. Background research led to a hypothesis for an effect model incorporating concentration-unrelated fluctuations, more complex than standard E-max models. Methods: PEDAL involved a few patients already on Duodopa®. A bolus dose (normal morning dose plus 50%) was given after a washout during night. Data collection continued until the clinical effect was back at baseline. The procedure was repeated on two non-consecutive days per patient. The following data were collected in 5 to 15 minutes intervals: i) Accelerometer data. ii) Three e-diary questions about ability to walk, feelings of “off” and “dyskinesia”. iii) Clinical assessment of motor function by a physician. iv) Plasma concentrations of levodopa, carbidopa and the metabolite 3-O-methyldopa. The main effect variable will be the clinical assessment. Results: At date of abstract submission, lab analyses were currently being performed. Modelling results, simulation experiments and conclusions will be presented in our poster.


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Objective Levodopa in presence of decarboxylase inhibitors is following two-compartment kinetics and its effect is typically modelled using sigmoid Emax models. Pharmacokinetic modelling of the absorption phase of oral distributions is problematic because of irregular gastric emptying. The purpose of this work was to identify and estimate a population pharmacokinetic- pharmacodynamic model for duodenal infusion of levodopa/carbidopa (Duodopa®) that can be used for in numero simulation of treatment strategies. Methods The modelling involved pooling data from two studies and fixing some parameters to values found in literature (Chan et al. J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn. 2005 Aug;32(3-4):307-31). The first study involved 12 patients on 3 occasions and is described in Nyholm et al. Clinical Neuropharmacology 2003:26:156-63. The second study, PEDAL, involved 3 patients on 2 occasions. A bolus dose (normal morning dose plus 50%) was given after a washout during night. Plasma samples and motor ratings (clinical assessment of motor function from video recordings on a treatment response scale between -3 and 3, where -3 represents severe parkinsonism and 3 represents severe dyskinesia.) were repeatedly collected until the clinical effect was back at baseline. At this point, the usual infusion rate was started and sampling continued for another two hours. Different structural absorption models and effect models were evaluated using the value of the objective function in the NONMEM package. Population mean parameter values, standard error of estimates (SE) and if possible, interindividual/interoccasion variability (IIV/IOV) were estimated. Results Our results indicate that Duodopa absorption can be modelled with an absorption compartment with an added bioavailability fraction and a lag time. The most successful effect model was of sigmoid Emax type with a steep Hill coefficient and an effect compartment delay. Estimated parameter values are presented in the table. Conclusions The absorption and effect models were reasonably successful in fitting observed data and can be used in simulation experiments.


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A prolactina (PRL) é um hormônio peptídico sintetizado e secretado, principalmente, pelas células lactotróficas da glândula hipófise anterior, tendo como principal função a indução e manutenção da lactação. Existem três formas moleculares de PRL na circulação: PRL monomérica (little prolactin) com massa molecular de cerca de 23KDa, PRL dimérica (big prolactin) com 45 a 50KDa, e macroprolactina (big big prolactin) maior do que 150KDa. Esta última está geralmente ligada a imunoglobulinas G. Em condições normais, ou em pacientes com hiperprolactinemia sintomática, predomina em circulação a forma monomérica. A hiperprolactinemia é uma das disfunções endócrinas hipotálamo-hipofisárias mais comuns em mulheres em idade reprodutiva. Ocorre mais freqüentemente por adenomas hipofisários (prolactinomas) e secundária ao uso de drogas com ação central. Na ausência de causas conhecidas, a hiperprolactinemia é considerada como idiopática. Finalmente, pode estar associada ao predomínio de macroprolactina no soro, sendo denominada macroprolactinemia. A suspeita de macroprolactinemia ocorre quando um paciente com hiperprolactinemia não apresenta os sintomas típicos e/ou não tem evidências radiográficas de tumor na hipófise, embora a macroprolactinemia possa estar ocasionalmente associada a prolactinomas. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: avaliar a freqüência de macroprolactinemia, através da precipitação com PEG, numa amostra de mulheres com hiperprolactinemia; descrever associações da macroprolactinemia com variáveis clínicas, hormonais e de imagem da hipófise; e caracterizar a evolução clínica e dos níveis de prolactina durante o seguimento desta coorte. Realizou-se um estudo descritivo, onde foi estudada uma coorte de pacientes do sexo feminino (n = 32), consultando no HCPA de 1989 a 2005, com diagnóstico de hiperprolactinemia (>26ng/mL) e seguimento com agonistas da dopamina. Após um período de 3 meses sem tratamento (washout), as pacientes dosaram prolactina para investigação dos níveis séricos e presença de macroprolactina, e foram classificadas como aquelas que normalizaram os níveis séricos de prolactina durante estes anos de seguimento (Grupo Hprl prévia) e as que continuaram hiperprolactinêmicas. Estas foram reclassificadas como grupo de hiperprolactinêmicas cuja forma circulante predominante é a prolactina monomérica (Grupo Hprl mono) e o grupo de hiperprolactinêmicas com predominância de macroprolactina (Grupo Hprl macro). O percentual de macroprolactina foi calculado através dos valores de PRL totais obtidos das amostras íntegras em comparação com os níveis de PRL encontrados nas amostras precipitadas com PEG. Recuperações de prolactina monomérica > 50% classificaram a amostra como tendo predomínio de formas monoméricas, o percentual de recuperação  40% foi considerado como predomínio de formas de alto peso molecular (macroprolactinemia), e recuperação entre 40 e 50% indicou indefinição da forma predominante de PRL. A freqüência de macroprolactina foi de 28,1% (n = 32). Pacientes hiperprolactinêmicas com macroprolactinemia são significativamente mais jovens do que as hiperprolactinêmicas com a forma monomérica. Como esperado, tanto as pacientes do grupo Hprl macro como Hprl mono apresentam níveis de prolactina significativamente mais elevados que as pacientes Hprl prévia. Através do método de precipitação com PEG, identificou-se a forma predominante de prolactina na circulação em 71,8% dos casos (n = 32). Verificamos ainda que as pacientes com predominância de macroprolactina não apresentam os sintomas da síndrome hiperprolactinêmica, e na maioria dos casos, possuem exames de imagem por TC normal.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study evaluated the adverse effects of carprofen in seven healthy cats. Values for CBC, biochemical profiles and platelet aggregation were measured before and at seven days after SID treatment with subcutaneous carprofen: 4 mg/kg (day 1), 2 mg/kg (day 2 and 3) and 1 mg/kg (day 4 and 6) (CG) or 0.35 ml of saline (SG) for six days in a randomized, blinded, cross-over study with a four-week washout period. No treatment was given on day 5. Endoscopy of the GI tract was performed pre-treatment and on day 7 post-treatment. There were no significant changes in hematological profiles, biochemical profiles and endoscopy grading scores within nor between groups, except for lower albumin values at baseline than on day 7 (CG), and globulin and ALP values were higher at baseline than on day 7 in CG and SG. SC administration of carprofen over six days did not cause any adverse effects on gastrointestinal, hematological, or serum biochemical variables. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The goal of this work comprises the detailed mapping of the coastal zone of the south coast of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The emphasis of the study is the units of beachrocks and the features of the physical environment associated. The mapping of the beachrocks and of the adjacent coastal features is justified, among other aspects, by the fact that the beachrocks constitute an important protection agent against the sea erosion. By one side, they dissipate the energy of the sea waves and make possible the imprisonment of sediments in the foreshore. The beachrocks in the studied area are constituted of discontinuous strips, parallel to the coast line presenting emerged in some places, even in the highest tides, entirely submerged or partially buried by coastal sediments. These sandstones compose the landscape of big part of the coast and they are responsible for the partial dissipation of the energy of the waves on the studied coast. The methodology used in this work consisted of different techniques were used, as the use of aerial pictures of small format (FAPEFs), acquisition of data of system of global positioning (GPS) and later elaboration of thematic maps and of digital models of soil (MDTs). The results obtained in the mapping of the use and occupation of the soil, demonstrate the existence of strong human pressure in the coastal area (built lots and no built), occupying about 54,74% of built areas. This problem has been taking to degradation risks due to the inconsequent expansion of divisions into lots and tourist enterprises. The MDT came as an excellent resource, as visual as functional, being possible to visualize several angles and to act in three dimensions the relief of the area in study, as well as to identify the present features in the coastal area. By the importance of the bodies of beachrocks as a protection agent against the coastal erosion, faces were delimited in the sandstones based in geometric criteria, classifying them in, central face, outside face, inside face, break and undermiming. These last two associates to the erosion and washout in the base of these bodies. Field data indicate clearly that the most important process in the fracturing of the bodies is associated with mechanisms related to the gravity, being the joints formed by processes of gravitational sliding. Finally, the mapping of the coastal zone starting from aerial pictures of small format it made possible the identification of the elements that compose the beach strip, for accomplishing with larger detailed level and by presenting a better monitoring of the dynamics of the coastal zone


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OBJECTIVE: The participation of humans in clinical cardiology trials remains essential, but little is known regarding participant perceptions of such studies. We examined the factors that motivated participation in such studies, as well as those that led to participant frustration.METHODS: Patients who had participated in hypertension and coronary arterial disease (phases II, III, and IV) clinical trials were invited to answer a questionnaire. They were divided into two groups: Group I, which included participants in placebo-controlled clinical trials after randomization, and Group II, which included participants in clinical trials in which the tested treatment was compared to another drug after randomization and in which a placebo was used in the washout period.RESULTS: Eighty patients (47 patients in Group I and 33 patients in Group II) with different socio-demographic characteristics were interviewed. Approximately 60% of the patients were motivated to participate in the trial with the expectation of personal benefit. Nine participants (11.2%) expressed the desire to withdraw, which was due to their perception of risk during the testing in the clinical trial (Group I) and to the necessity of repeated returns to the institution (Group II). However, the patients did not withdraw due to fear of termination of hospital treatment.CONCLUSIONS: Although this study had a small patient sample, the possibility of receiving a benefit from the new tested treatment was consistently reported as a motivation to participate in the trials.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate, over 24 months, the intake of dietary fiber (DF) and the bowel habit (BH) of constipated children advised a DF-rich diet containing wheat bran.Patients and Methods: BH and dietary data of 28 children with functional constipation defined by the Boston criteria were obtained at visit 1 (V1, n = 28) and at 4 follow-up visits (V2-V5, n = 80). At each visit the BH was rated BAD (worse/unaltered; improved but still complications) or RECOVERY (REC) (improved, no complications; asymptomatic), and a food intake questionnaire was applied. DF intake was calculated according to age (year)+5 to 10 g/day and bran intake according to international tables. Nonparametric statistics were used.Results: Median age (range) was 7.25 years (0.25-15.6 years); 21 children underwent bowel washout (most before V1/V2), and 14 had the last visit at V3/V4. DF intake, bran intake, and the BH rate significantly increased at V2 and remained higher than at V1 through V2 to V5. At V1, median DF intake was 29.9% below the minimum recommended and at the last visit 49.9% above it. Twenty-four children accepted bran at 60 visits, at which median bran intake was 20 g/day and median proportion of DF due to bran 26.9%. Children had significantly higher DF and higher bran intake at V2 to V5 at which they had REC than at those at which they presented BAD BH. DF intake > age+10 g/day was associated with bran acceptance and REC. At the last visit 21 children presented REC (75%); 20 of them were asymptomatic and 18 were off washout/laxatives.Conclusions: High DF and bran intake are feasible in constipated children and contribute to amelioration of constipation.


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Objective To measure cutaneous electrical nociceptive thresholds in relation to known thermal and mechanical stimulation for nociceptive threshold detection in cats.Study design Prospective, blinded, randomized cross-over study with 1-week washout interval.Animals Eight adult cats [bodyweight 5.1 +/- 1.8 kg (mean + SD)].Methods Mechanical nociceptive thresholds were tested using a step-wise manual inflation of a modified blood pressure bladder attached to the cat's thoracic limb. Thermal nociceptive thresholds were measured by increasing the temperature of a probe placed on the thorax. The electrical nociceptive threshold was tested using an escalating current from a constant current generator passed between electrodes placed on the thoracic region. A positive response (threshold) was recorded when cats displayed any or all of the following behaviors: leg shake, head turn, avoidance, or vocalization. Four baseline readings were performed before intramuscular injection of meperidine (5 mg kg(-1)) or an equal volume of saline. Threshold recordings with each modality were made at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 minutes post-injection. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and paired t-tests (significance at p < 0.05).Results There were no significant changes in thermal, mechanical, or electrical thresholds after saline. Thermal thresholds increased at 15-60 minutes (p < 0.01) and mechanical threshold increased at 30 and 45 minutes after meperidine (p < 0.05). Maximum thermal threshold was +4.1 +/- 0.3 degrees C above baseline at 15 minutes while maximum mechanical threshold was 296 +/- 265 mmHg above baseline at 30 minutes after meperidine. Electrical thresholds following meperidine were not significantly different than baseline (p > 0.05). Thermal and electrical thresholds after meperidine were significantly higher than saline at 30 and 45 minutes (p < 0.05), and at 120 minutes (p < 0.05), respectively. Mechanical thresholds were significantly higher than saline treatment at 30 minutes (p <= 0.05).Conclusion and clinical relevance Electrical stimulation did not detect meperidine analgesia whereas both thermal and mechanical thresholds changed after meperidine administration in cats.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)