989 resultados para Warming, Eugenius, 1841-1924.
Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve; Instituto Español de Oceanografia; 2015
Letter, Prairie Bluff, Wilcox County, AL, to Rebecca Spencer Powe, Chesterfield, SC, 1841 February 3
A special meeting of the Association was held as it was resolved that Chancellor Harper was requested to prepare a memoir of the late Chancellor De Saussure.
This document contains Power W. Bethea’s discussion on South Carolina public schools progress of South Carolina, during the decennium of 1914-1924. It includes purpose of the study, method of study, and information sources. It also provides descriptions of statewide and nationwide accomplishments from 1914 to 1924.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2013
Prior research has found that affect and affective imagery strongly influence public support for global warming. This article extends this literature by exploring the separate influence of discrete emotions. Utilizing a nationally representative survey in the United States, this study found that discrete emotions were stronger predictors of global warming policy support than cultural worldviews, negative affect, image associations, or sociodemographic variables. In particular, worry, interest, and hope were strongly associated with increased policy support. The results contribute to experiential theories of risk information processing and suggest that discrete emotions play a significant role in public support for climate change policy. Implications for climate change communication are also discussed.
This revisits Churchill's decision, as Chancellor of the Exchequer 1924-29, to restore the Gold Standard in 1925. This is considered within the wider context of the overall aims of Churchill's policies, including his efforts to: tackle Anglo-American economic and financial relations in the aftermath of the Great War; address budgetary pressures; widen the tax base through innovations such as the Betting Duty; spread the social burden of taxes; and revive the economy, not least through his de-rating scheme.
River-dwelling fish, such as European graylings (Thymallus thymallus), are susceptible to changes in climate because they can often not avoid suboptimal temperatures, especially during early developmental stages. We analyzed data collected in a 62-year-long (1948-2009) population monitoring program. Male and female graylings were sampled about three times/week during the yearly spawning season in order to follow the development of the population. The occurrence of females bearing ripe eggs was used to approximate the timing of each spawning season. In the last years of the study, spawning season was more than 3 weeks earlier than in the first years. This shift was linked to increasing water temperatures as recorded over the last 39 years with a temperature logger at the spawning site. In early spring water temperatures rose more slowly than in later spring. Thus, embryos and larvae were exposed to increasingly colder water at a stage that is critical for sex determination and pathogen resistance in other salmonids. In summer, however, fry were exposed to increasingly warmer temperatures. The changes in water temperatures that we found embryos, larvae, and fry were exposed to could be contributing to the decline in abundance that has occurred over the last 30-40 years.
Mountain regions worldwide are particularly sensitive to on-going climate change. Specifically in the Alps in Switzerland, the temperature has increased twice as fast than in the rest of the Northern hemisphere. Water temperature closely follows the annual air temperature cycle, severely impacting streams and freshwater ecosystems. In the last 20 years, brown trout (Salmo trutta L) catch has declined by approximately 40-50% in many rivers in Switzerland. Increasing water temperature has been suggested as one of the most likely cause of this decline. Temperature has a direct effect on trout population dynamics through developmental and disease control but can also indirectly impact dynamics via food-web interactions such as resource availability. We developed a spatially explicit modelling framework that allows spatial and temporal projections of trout biomass using the Aare river catchment as a model system, in order to assess the spatial and seasonal patterns of trout biomass variation. Given that biomass has a seasonal variation depending on trout life history stage, we developed seasonal biomass variation models for three periods of the year (Autumn-Winter, Spring and Summer). Because stream water temperature is a critical parameter for brown trout development, we first calibrated a model to predict water temperature as a function of air temperature to be able to further apply climate change scenarios. We then built a model of trout biomass variation by linking water temperature to trout biomass measurements collected by electro-fishing in 21 stations from 2009 to 2011. The different modelling components of our framework had overall a good predictive ability and we could show a seasonal effect of water temperature affecting trout biomass variation. Our statistical framework uses a minimum set of input variables that make it easily transferable to other study areas or fish species but could be improved by including effects of the biotic environment and the evolution of demographical parameters over time. However, our framework still remains informative to spatially highlight where potential changes of water temperature could affect trout biomass. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.-
1 kartta : vär. ; 40,9 x 54,9 cm, lehti 45 x 60 cm. - Mittakaava [1:4000]. - Sisältää luettelon julkisista rakennuksista.
Claes Wilhelm Gyldén (1802-1872) oli maanmittauksen ja metsänhoidon ylihallituksen ylitirehtööri vuosina 1854-72. Ylitirehtööri omisti paljon aikaansa metsänhoidon ja maanjakotoiminnan lisäksi myös maamme kartastotoiminnalle. Hän julkaisi vuonna 1853 Suomenmaan korko-kartan, joka on maailman ensimmäisiä korkeusvyöhykekarttoja. Myös Suomen yleiskartan 1:400 000 (Karta över Finland) ensimmäisen painoksen karttalehdet painettiin vuosina 1864-1872 hänen johtajakaudellaan. Vuosina 1837-1843 toimiessaan maanmittausinsinöörinä maanmittaushallituksessa C. W. Gyldén julkaisi Suomen kaikkien silloisten kaupunkien kaupunkikartat, yhteensä 31 karttalehteä. Nämä asemakaavakartat painettiin kaikki samassa koossa 50,8 x 65,9 cm. Tästä johtuen karttojen mittakaavat vaihtelivat asteikkojen 1:3200 – 1:10000 välillä. Kaupungin asemakaavan lisäksi jokaisessa kartassa on yleissilmäyskartta, julkisten rakennusten luettelo sekä niiden sijainti. Lisäksi hän julkaisi vuonna 1844 näiden kaupunkien historiaa ja tilastotietoja kuvaavan selityskirjan.
Naanatalin kartta. - 1 kartta : vär. ; 40 x 53,7 cm, lehti 45 x 60 cm. - Mittakaava [1:4000]. - Sisältää luettelon julkisista rakennuksista.