974 resultados para Visual Tracking
This article presents a novel system and a control strategy for visual following of a 3D moving object by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UAV. The presented strategy is based only on the visual information given by an adaptive tracking method based on the color information, which jointly with the dynamics of a camera fixed to a rotary wind UAV are used to develop an Image-based visual servoing IBVS system. This system is focused on continuously following a 3D moving target object, maintaining it with a fixed distance and centered on the image plane. The algorithm is validated on real flights on outdoors scenarios, showing the robustness of the proposed systems against winds perturbations, illumination and weather changes among others. The obtained results indicate that the proposed algorithms is suitable for complex controls task, such object following and pursuit, flying in formation, as well as their use for indoor navigation
This article describes a new visual servo control and strategies that are used to carry out dynamic tasks by the Robotenis platform. This platform is basically a parallel robot that is equipped with an acquisition and processing system of visual information, its main feature is that it has a completely open architecture control, and planned in order to design, implement, test and compare control strategies and algorithms (visual and actuated joint controllers). Following sections describe a new visual control strategy specially designed to track and intercept objects in 3D space. The results are compared with a controller shown in previous woks, where the end effector of the robot keeps a constant distance from the tracked object. In this work, the controller is specially designed in order to allow changes in the tracking reference. Changes in the tracking reference can be used to grip an object that is under movement, or as in this case, hitting a hanging Ping-Pong ball. Lyapunov stability is taken into account in the controller design.
This article presents a visual servoing system to follow a 3D moving object by a Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MUAV). The presented control strategy is based only on the visual information given by an adaptive tracking method based on the colour information. A visual fuzzy system has been developed for servoing the camera situated on a rotary wing MAUV, that also considers its own dynamics. This system is focused on continuously following of an aerial moving target object, maintaining it with a fixed safe distance and centred on the image plane. The algorithm is validated on real flights on outdoors scenarios, showing the robustness of the proposed systems against winds perturbations, illumination and weather changes among others. The obtained results indicate that the proposed algorithms is suitable for complex controls task, such object following and pursuit, flying in formation, as well as their use for indoor navigation
Automatic visual object counting and video surveillance have important applications for home and business environments, such as security and management of access points. However, in order to obtain a satisfactory performance these technologies need professional and expensive hardware, complex installations and setups, and the supervision of qualified workers. In this paper, an efficient visual detection and tracking framework is proposed for the tasks of object counting and surveillance, which meets the requirements of the consumer electronics: off-the-shelf equipment, easy installation and configuration, and unsupervised working conditions. This is accomplished by a novel Bayesian tracking model that can manage multimodal distributions without explicitly computing the association between tracked objects and detections. In addition, it is robust to erroneous, distorted and missing detections. The proposed algorithm is compared with a recent work, also focused on consumer electronics, proving its superior performance.
In this paper, two techniques to control UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), based on visual information are presented. The first one is based on the detection and tracking of planar structures from an on-board camera, while the second one is based on the detection and 3D reconstruction of the position of the UAV based on an external camera system. Both strategies are tested with a VTOL (Vertical take-off and landing) UAV, and results show good behavior of the visual systems (precision in the estimation and frame rate) when estimating the helicopter¿s position and using the extracted information to control the UAV.
La integración de las nuevas tecnologías en el proceso de rehabilitación permite la generación de terapias personalizadas, ubicuas y basadas en la evidencia. Tecnologías como el vídeo interactivo son propicias para el desarrollo de entornos virtuales en los que el paciente se ve inmerso dentro de actividades de la vida diaria en los que tiene que lograr un objetivo ecológico en un contexto seguro, controlado y adaptado a su perfil disfuncional. Dentro de este marco de rehabilitación la interacción visual paciente-entorno virtual se entiende como el mecanismo de comunicación principal, siendo además la atención visual un reflejo del estado cognitivo del paciente. El trabajo presentado en este artículo permite la integración de un sistema de eye-tracking con un entorno de neurorrehabilitación basado en vídeo interactivo. El objetivo último del sistema es la monitorización en tiempo real de la atención visual del usuario durante el proceso de neurorrehabilitación. Esta monitorización permite no sólo reproducir la ejecución de la actividad junto con el foco de la mirada, sino también detectar faltas de atención por parte del usuario, que permiten al vídeo interactivo reaccionar y adaptar la presentación de estímulos para ayudar a centrar su atención y así completar el objetivo de la actividad.
The aim of the present study was to analyze the visual strategies prior to a throw from 7 metres in elite and amateur handball goalkeepers. To this end we analyzed the visual fixations in number and order of 10 goalkeepers (29.7±5.4 years; 14.7±8.6 years of experience), 3 elite and 7 amateurs, during the life size projection of 14 different throws, made by different players. During each throw the movement of the eyeballs, the dilation of the pupil (pupillometry) and the subject?s blinking were recorded thanks to a technological system which permitted eye tracking with high speed cameras, and the subsequent presentation of the visual data for each action studied. The elite goalkeepers performed a greater number of visual fixations than the amateur goalkeepers, revealing large and significant differences. Equally the priority zones observed were differed, with the amateur goalkeepers fixating more on the thrower?s face, and the elite goalkeepers paying more attention to the area of the arm/ball. It can therefore be inferred that elite goalkeepers have a greater perceptive capacity and also use different visual strategies from the amateur goalkeepers.
Los sistemas de seguimiento mono-cámara han demostrado su notable capacidad para el análisis de trajectorias de objectos móviles y para monitorización de escenas de interés; sin embargo, tanto su robustez como sus posibilidades en cuanto a comprensión semántica de la escena están fuertemente limitadas por su naturaleza local y monocular, lo que los hace insuficientes para aplicaciones realistas de videovigilancia. El objetivo de esta tesis es la extensión de las posibilidades de los sistemas de seguimiento de objetos móviles para lograr un mayor grado de robustez y comprensión de la escena. La extensión propuesta se divide en dos direcciones separadas. La primera puede considerarse local, ya que está orientada a la mejora y enriquecimiento de las posiciones estimadas para los objetos móviles observados directamente por las cámaras del sistema; dicha extensión se logra mediante el desarrollo de un sistema multi-cámara de seguimiento 3D, capaz de proporcionar consistentemente las posiciones 3D de múltiples objetos a partir de las observaciones capturadas por un conjunto de sensores calibrados y con campos de visión solapados. La segunda extensión puede considerarse global, dado que su objetivo consiste en proporcionar un contexto global para relacionar las observaciones locales realizadas por una cámara con una escena de mucho mayor tamaño; para ello se propone un sistema automático de localización de cámaras basado en las trayectorias observadas de varios objetos móviles y en un mapa esquemático de la escena global monitorizada. Ambas líneas de investigación se tratan utilizando, como marco común, técnicas de estimación bayesiana: esta elección está justificada por la versatilidad y flexibilidad proporcionada por dicho marco estadístico, que permite la combinación natural de múltiples fuentes de información sobre los parámetros a estimar, así como un tratamiento riguroso de la incertidumbre asociada a las mismas mediante la inclusión de modelos de observación específicamente diseñados. Además, el marco seleccionado abre grandes posibilidades operacionales, puesto que permite la creación de diferentes métodos numéricos adaptados a las necesidades y características específicas de distintos problemas tratados. El sistema de seguimiento 3D con múltiples cámaras propuesto está específicamente diseñado para permitir descripciones esquemáticas de las medidas realizadas individualmente por cada una de las cámaras del sistema: esta elección de diseño, por tanto, no asume ningún algoritmo específico de detección o seguimiento 2D en ninguno de los sensores de la red, y hace que el sistema propuesto sea aplicable a redes reales de vigilancia con capacidades limitadas tanto en términos de procesamiento como de transmision. La combinación robusta de las observaciones capturadas individualmente por las cámaras, ruidosas, incompletas y probablemente contaminadas por falsas detecciones, se basa en un metodo de asociación bayesiana basado en geometría y color: los resultados de dicha asociación permiten el seguimiento 3D de los objetos de la escena mediante el uso de un filtro de partículas. El sistema de fusión de observaciones propuesto tiene, como principales características, una gran precisión en términos de localización 3D de objetos, y una destacable capacidad de recuperación tras eventuales errores debidos a un número insuficiente de datos de entrada. El sistema automático de localización de cámaras se basa en la observación de múltiples objetos móviles y un mapa esquemático de las áreas transitables del entorno monitorizado para inferir la posición absoluta de dicho sensor. Para este propósito, se propone un novedoso marco bayesiano que combina modelos dinámicos inducidos por el mapa en los objetos móviles presentes en la escena con las trayectorias observadas por la cámara, lo que representa un enfoque nunca utilizado en la literatura existente. El sistema de localización se divide en dos sub-tareas diferenciadas, debido a que cada una de estas tareas requiere del diseño de algoritmos específicos de muestreo para explotar en profundidad las características del marco desarrollado: por un lado, análisis de la ambigüedad del caso específicamente tratado y estimación aproximada de la localización de la cámara, y por otro, refinado de la localización de la cámara. El sistema completo, diseñado y probado para el caso específico de localización de cámaras en entornos de tráfico urbano, podría tener aplicación también en otros entornos y sensores de diferentes modalidades tras ciertas adaptaciones. ABSTRACT Mono-camera tracking systems have proved their capabilities for moving object trajectory analysis and scene monitoring, but their robustness and semantic possibilities are strongly limited by their local and monocular nature and are often insufficient for realistic surveillance applications. This thesis is aimed at extending the possibilities of moving object tracking systems to a higher level of scene understanding. The proposed extension comprises two separate directions. The first one is local, since is aimed at enriching the inferred positions of the moving objects within the area of the monitored scene directly covered by the cameras of the system; this task is achieved through the development of a multi-camera system for robust 3D tracking, able to provide 3D tracking information of multiple simultaneous moving objects from the observations reported by a set of calibrated cameras with semi-overlapping fields of view. The second extension is global, as is aimed at providing local observations performed within the field of view of one camera with a global context relating them to a much larger scene; to this end, an automatic camera positioning system relying only on observed object trajectories and a scene map is designed. The two lines of research in this thesis are addressed using Bayesian estimation as a general unifying framework. Its suitability for these two applications is justified by the flexibility and versatility of that stochastic framework, which allows the combination of multiple sources of information about the parameters to estimate in a natural and elegant way, addressing at the same time the uncertainty associated to those sources through the inclusion of models designed to this end. In addition, it opens multiple possibilities for the creation of different numerical methods for achieving satisfactory and efficient practical solutions to each addressed application. The proposed multi-camera 3D tracking method is specifically designed to work on schematic descriptions of the observations performed by each camera of the system: this choice allows the use of unspecific off-the-shelf 2D detection and/or tracking subsystems running independently at each sensor, and makes the proposal suitable for real surveillance networks with moderate computational and transmission capabilities. The robust combination of such noisy, incomplete and possibly unreliable schematic descriptors relies on a Bayesian association method, based on geometry and color, whose results allow the tracking of the targets in the scene with a particle filter. The main features exhibited by the proposal are, first, a remarkable accuracy in terms of target 3D positioning, and second, a great recovery ability after tracking losses due to insufficient input data. The proposed system for visual-based camera self-positioning uses the observations of moving objects and a schematic map of the passable areas of the environment to infer the absolute sensor position. To this end, a new Bayesian framework combining trajectory observations and map-induced dynamic models for moving objects is designed, which represents an approach to camera positioning never addressed before in the literature. This task is divided into two different sub-tasks, setting ambiguity analysis and approximate position estimation, on the one hand, and position refining, on the other, since they require the design of specific sampling algorithms to correctly exploit the discriminative features of the developed framework. This system, designed for camera positioning and demonstrated in urban traffic environments, can also be applied to different environments and sensors of other modalities after certain required adaptations.
Los sistemas de seguimiento mono-cámara han demostrado su notable capacidad para el análisis de trajectorias de objectos móviles y para monitorización de escenas de interés; sin embargo, tanto su robustez como sus posibilidades en cuanto a comprensión semántica de la escena están fuertemente limitadas por su naturaleza local y monocular, lo que los hace insuficientes para aplicaciones realistas de videovigilancia. El objetivo de esta tesis es la extensión de las posibilidades de los sistemas de seguimiento de objetos móviles para lograr un mayor grado de robustez y comprensión de la escena. La extensión propuesta se divide en dos direcciones separadas. La primera puede considerarse local, ya que está orientada a la mejora y enriquecimiento de las posiciones estimadas para los objetos móviles observados directamente por las cámaras del sistema; dicha extensión se logra mediante el desarrollo de un sistema multi-cámara de seguimiento 3D, capaz de proporcionar consistentemente las posiciones 3D de múltiples objetos a partir de las observaciones capturadas por un conjunto de sensores calibrados y con campos de visión solapados. La segunda extensión puede considerarse global, dado que su objetivo consiste en proporcionar un contexto global para relacionar las observaciones locales realizadas por una cámara con una escena de mucho mayor tamaño; para ello se propone un sistema automático de localización de cámaras basado en las trayectorias observadas de varios objetos móviles y en un mapa esquemático de la escena global monitorizada. Ambas líneas de investigación se tratan utilizando, como marco común, técnicas de estimación bayesiana: esta elección está justificada por la versatilidad y flexibilidad proporcionada por dicho marco estadístico, que permite la combinación natural de múltiples fuentes de información sobre los parámetros a estimar, así como un tratamiento riguroso de la incertidumbre asociada a las mismas mediante la inclusión de modelos de observación específicamente diseñados. Además, el marco seleccionado abre grandes posibilidades operacionales, puesto que permite la creación de diferentes métodos numéricos adaptados a las necesidades y características específicas de distintos problemas tratados. El sistema de seguimiento 3D con múltiples cámaras propuesto está específicamente diseñado para permitir descripciones esquemáticas de las medidas realizadas individualmente por cada una de las cámaras del sistema: esta elección de diseño, por tanto, no asume ningún algoritmo específico de detección o seguimiento 2D en ninguno de los sensores de la red, y hace que el sistema propuesto sea aplicable a redes reales de vigilancia con capacidades limitadas tanto en términos de procesamiento como de transmision. La combinación robusta de las observaciones capturadas individualmente por las cámaras, ruidosas, incompletas y probablemente contaminadas por falsas detecciones, se basa en un metodo de asociación bayesiana basado en geometría y color: los resultados de dicha asociación permiten el seguimiento 3D de los objetos de la escena mediante el uso de un filtro de partículas. El sistema de fusión de observaciones propuesto tiene, como principales características, una gran precisión en términos de localización 3D de objetos, y una destacable capacidad de recuperación tras eventuales errores debidos a un número insuficiente de datos de entrada. El sistema automático de localización de cámaras se basa en la observación de múltiples objetos móviles y un mapa esquemático de las áreas transitables del entorno monitorizado para inferir la posición absoluta de dicho sensor. Para este propósito, se propone un novedoso marco bayesiano que combina modelos dinámicos inducidos por el mapa en los objetos móviles presentes en la escena con las trayectorias observadas por la cámara, lo que representa un enfoque nunca utilizado en la literatura existente. El sistema de localización se divide en dos sub-tareas diferenciadas, debido a que cada una de estas tareas requiere del diseño de algoritmos específicos de muestreo para explotar en profundidad las características del marco desarrollado: por un lado, análisis de la ambigüedad del caso específicamente tratado y estimación aproximada de la localización de la cámara, y por otro, refinado de la localización de la cámara. El sistema completo, diseñado y probado para el caso específico de localización de cámaras en entornos de tráfico urbano, podría tener aplicación también en otros entornos y sensores de diferentes modalidades tras ciertas adaptaciones. ABSTRACT Mono-camera tracking systems have proved their capabilities for moving object trajectory analysis and scene monitoring, but their robustness and semantic possibilities are strongly limited by their local and monocular nature and are often insufficient for realistic surveillance applications. This thesis is aimed at extending the possibilities of moving object tracking systems to a higher level of scene understanding. The proposed extension comprises two separate directions. The first one is local, since is aimed at enriching the inferred positions of the moving objects within the area of the monitored scene directly covered by the cameras of the system; this task is achieved through the development of a multi-camera system for robust 3D tracking, able to provide 3D tracking information of multiple simultaneous moving objects from the observations reported by a set of calibrated cameras with semi-overlapping fields of view. The second extension is global, as is aimed at providing local observations performed within the field of view of one camera with a global context relating them to a much larger scene; to this end, an automatic camera positioning system relying only on observed object trajectories and a scene map is designed. The two lines of research in this thesis are addressed using Bayesian estimation as a general unifying framework. Its suitability for these two applications is justified by the flexibility and versatility of that stochastic framework, which allows the combination of multiple sources of information about the parameters to estimate in a natural and elegant way, addressing at the same time the uncertainty associated to those sources through the inclusion of models designed to this end. In addition, it opens multiple possibilities for the creation of different numerical methods for achieving satisfactory and efficient practical solutions to each addressed application. The proposed multi-camera 3D tracking method is specifically designed to work on schematic descriptions of the observations performed by each camera of the system: this choice allows the use of unspecific off-the-shelf 2D detection and/or tracking subsystems running independently at each sensor, and makes the proposal suitable for real surveillance networks with moderate computational and transmission capabilities. The robust combination of such noisy, incomplete and possibly unreliable schematic descriptors relies on a Bayesian association method, based on geometry and color, whose results allow the tracking of the targets in the scene with a particle filter. The main features exhibited by the proposal are, first, a remarkable accuracy in terms of target 3D positioning, and second, a great recovery ability after tracking losses due to insufficient input data. The proposed system for visual-based camera self-positioning uses the observations of moving objects and a schematic map of the passable areas of the environment to infer the absolute sensor position. To this end, a new Bayesian framework combining trajectory observations and map-induced dynamic models for moving objects is designed, which represents an approach to camera positioning never addressed before in the literature. This task is divided into two different sub-tasks, setting ambiguity analysis and approximate position estimation, on the one hand, and position refining, on the other, since they require the design of specific sampling algorithms to correctly exploit the discriminative features of the developed framework. This system, designed for camera positioning and demonstrated in urban traffic environments, can also be applied to different environments and sensors of other modalities after certain required adaptations.
El Daño Cerebral Adquirido (DCA) se ha convertido en una de las principales causas de discapacidad neurológica de las sociedades desarrolladas. La alteración de las funciones cognitivas como consecuencia del DCA, limita no sólo la calidad de vida del paciente sino también la de las persona de su entorno. Aunque la neurorrehabilitación permite recuperar algunas de las funciones alteradas aprovechando la naturaleza plástica del sistema nervioso, su práctica siguiendo procesos tradicionales no permiten en muchos casos ajustarse a las necesidades de cada individuo ni, en general, cubrir todos los aspectos necesarios que conviertan al proceso rehabilitador en un tratamiento realmente efectivo. La incorporación al proceso de rehabilitación de las nuevas tecnologías ha permitido aumentar la intensidad del tratamiento, personalizando y prolongándolo en el tiempo de forma sostenible. Los entornos virtuales (EV) apoyados en esta tendencia permiten reproducir Actividades de Vida Diaria (AVD) controladas que incrementan el valor ecológico de las terapias. Este Trabajo Fin de Grado aborda el uso pionero de la tecnología de Vídeo Interactivo (VI) para el desarrollo de dichos entornos en el campo de la rehabilitación cognitiva. En concreto, el objetivo del TFG es la evaluación de un EV de rehabilitación desarrollado mediante tecnología de VI e integrado con un sistema de Eye-Tracking, capaz de capturar y analizar la información referente al comportamiento visual del paciente. Para este fin, se realiza el diseño, implementación y evaluación de un estudio experimental que registre el comportamiento de diferentes sujetos ante dos modalidades de AVD.
A more natural, intuitive, user-friendly, and less intrusive Human–Computer interface for controlling an application by executing hand gestures is presented. For this purpose, a robust vision-based hand-gesture recognition system has been developed, and a new database has been created to test it. The system is divided into three stages: detection, tracking, and recognition. The detection stage searches in every frame of a video sequence potential hand poses using a binary Support Vector Machine classifier and Local Binary Patterns as feature vectors. These detections are employed as input of a tracker to generate a spatio-temporal trajectory of hand poses. Finally, the recognition stage segments a spatio-temporal volume of data using the obtained trajectories, and compute a video descriptor called Volumetric Spatiograms of Local Binary Patterns (VS-LBP), which is delivered to a bank of SVM classifiers to perform the gesture recognition. The VS-LBP is a novel video descriptor that constitutes one of the most important contributions of the paper, which is able to provide much richer spatio-temporal information than other existing approaches in the state of the art with a manageable computational cost. Excellent results have been obtained outperforming other approaches of the state of the art.
There is strong converging evidence that the intermediate and medial part of the hyperstriatum ventrale of the chick brain is a memory store for information acquired through the learning process of imprinting. Neurons in this memory system come, through imprinting, to respond selectively to the imprinting stimulus (IS) neurons and so possess the properties of a memory trace. Therefore, the responses of the intermediate and medial part of the hyperstriatum ventrale neurons to a visual imprinting stimulus were determined before, during, and after training. Of the total recorded population, the proportions of IS neurons shortly after each of two 1-h training sessions were significantly higher (approximately 2 times) than the pretraining proportion. However, ≈4.5 h later this proportion had fallen significantly and did not differ significantly from the pretraining proportion. Nevertheless, ≈21.5 h after the end of training, the proportion of IS neurons was at its highest (approximately 3 times the pretraining level). No significant fluctuations occurred in the proportions of neurons responding to the alternative stimulus. In addition, nonmonotonic changes were found commonly in the activity of 230 of the neurons tracked individually from before training to shortly after the end of training. Thus the pattern of change in responsiveness both at the population level and at the level of individual neurons was highly nonmonotonic. Such a pattern of change is not consistent with simple models of memory based on synaptic strengthening to asymptote. A model is proposed that accounts for the changes in the population responses to the imprinting stimulus in terms of changes in the responses of individual neurons.
O presente estudo buscou entender a influência da utilização da celebridade Gisele Bundchen em anúncios de propaganda no comportamento do consumidor por meio de uma das técnicas de Neuromarketing: o eye tracking. Sendo assim, esta pesquisa objetivou analisar se é realmente importante a presença da celebridade em propagandas de anúncio impresso analisada sob o ponto de vista do Neuromarketing por meio da análise da atenção visual ao estímulo \'celebridade\'. Para a verificação dos objetivos, das hipóteses e da proposição advindas destes objetivos, foi empregada uma metodologia em que se buscou avaliar a atenção visual dos consumidores acerca do estímulo \'celebridade\' em relação aos demais estímulos presentes nos anúncios impressos como a logomarca, nome ou símbolo que representa a marca; o produto; e outras pessoas não famosas. Essa avaliação foi realizada por meio da técnica de Neuromarketing que utiliza o equipamento de eye tracking. Assim, os participantes foram divididos em três grupos (um que avaliou os anúncios das seis marcas com a celebridade; o outro que avaliou os anúncios destas mesmas marcas com a presença de pessoas não famosas e um último grupo que avaliou os anúncios das marcas sem a presença de pessoas). No final do foi aplicado um questionário para confirmação de alguns dados e para análise em relação à lembrança da marca. Os resultados, no geral, demonstraram que, de alguma forma, os participantes prestaram atenção na celebridade considerada na pesquisa (o que foi evidenciado, principalmente, pelos mapas de calor apresentados). Quando as celebridades foram comparadas às pessoas não famosas, em alguns casos (com a confirmação de algumas hipóteses), foi evidenciada a importância da presença da celebridade; porém, em outros casos, houve mais destaque para a presença da pessoa não famosa. Na pesquisa ficou evidente, também, que a presença de pessoas (sendo elas celebridade ou não) pode atrapalhar no processo de atenção para a marca e o produto e que, quando não se utilizou pessoas, houve mais atenção dos participantes para estes outros estímulos.
Póster presentado en OPTYKA Optical Fair 2012, Poznan, Polonia, 9-10 noviembre 2012.
Event-based visual servoing is a recently presented approach that performs the positioning of a robot using visual information only when it is required. From the basis of the classical image-based visual servoing control law, the scheme proposed in this paper can reduce the processing time at each loop iteration in some specific conditions. The proposed control method enters in action when an event deactivates the classical image-based controller (i.e. when there is no image available to perform the tracking of the visual features). A virtual camera is then moved through a straight line path towards the desired position. The virtual path used to guide the robot improves the behavior of the previous event-based visual servoing proposal.