832 resultados para Violoncello -- Instruction and study


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Contract Law Concentrate is a high quality revision guide which covers the main topics found on undergraduate courses. The clear, succinct coverage of key legal points within a specific topic area, including key cases, enables students to quickly grasp the fundamental principles of Contract law. Written by Jill Poole, an experienced teacher and examiner and author of Textbook on Contract Law and Casebook on Contract law. The book focuses on the needs of students to pass their exams with a number of pedagogical features which help with the preparation for exams and suggest ways to improve marks. Endorsed by students and lecturers for level of coverage, accuracy and exam advice. Online Resource Centre Interactive flashcards Glossary Exam and revision guidance.


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A student-centred approach to teaching has been conceptualized as a key driver in higher education to facilitate understanding of concepts and improve attainment. The occurrence of student study team behaviours is diagnostic of this approach to teaching. However, the extent to which team behaviours are performed outside the parameters of formal teacher-learner environments remains under-researched. This is problematic as it is unclear whether study teams are maintained outside the confines of lectures, and the extent to which they impact on individual student grades. A naturalistic observational study was carried out that utilized short message text service communication as a means to record the frequency of team behaviours within informal environments. The findings suggest the frequency of team behaviours: 1) were positively associated with student grades; 2) increased after lectures independently rated as low in employing a student-centred focus; and 3) were facilitated by students' trait emotional intelligence.


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A facile and reproducible template free in situ precipitation method has been developed for the synthesis of Ag3PO4 nanoparticles on the surface of a g-C3N4 photocatalyst at room temperature. The g-C3N4–Ag3PO4 organic–inorganic hybrid nanocomposite photocatalysts were characterized by various techniques. TEM results show the in situ growth of finely distributed Ag3PO4 nanoparticles on the surface of the g-C3N4 sheet. The optimum photocatalytic activity of g-C3N4–Ag3PO4 at 25 wt% of g-C3N4 under visible light is almost 5 and 3.5 times higher than pure g-C3N4 and Ag3PO4 respectively. More attractively, the stability of Ag3PO4 was improved due to the in situ deposition of Ag3PO4 nanoparticles on the surface of the g-C3N4 sheet. The improved performance of the g-C3N4–Ag3PO4 hybrid nanocomposite photocatalysts under visible light irradiation was induced by a synergistic effect, including high charge separation efficiency of the photoinduced electron–hole pair, the smaller particle size, relatively high surface area and the energy band structure. Interestingly, the heterostructured g-C3N4–Ag3PO4 nanocomposite significantly reduces the use of the noble metal silver, thereby effectively reducing the cost of the Ag3PO4 based photocatalyst.


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Materials known as Mn+1AXn phases, where n is 1, 2, or 3, and M represents an early transition metal, A an A-group element, and X is either Carbon and/or Nitrogen [1], are fast becoming technologically important materials due to the interesting combination of unique properties. However, a lot of important information about the high temperature and high pressure behavior of many of these compounds is still missing, which needs to be determined systematically. ^ In this dissertation the synthesis of M2AC (M = Ti, V, Cr, Nb, Zr) and A = (Al, Sn, S) compounds by arc melting, vacuum sintering and piston cylinder synthesis is presented along with the synthesis of Zr 2SC, which has been synthesized for first time in bulk form, by piston cylinder technique. The microstructural analysis by electron microscopy and phase analysis by x-ray diffraction is presented next. Finally, a critical analysis of the behavior of these compounds under the application of extreme pressure (as high as 50 GPa) and temperature (≈ 1000°C) is presented. ^ The high pressure studies, up to 50 GPa, showed that these compounds were structurally intact and their bulk moduli ranged from 140 to 190 GPa. The high temperature studies in the inert atmosphere showed that the M 2SnC compounds were unstable above 650°C and the expansion along the a-axis was higher than that along the c-axis, unlike the other phases. M2SC compounds on the other hand showed negligible difference in the thermal expansion along the two axes. The oxidation study revealed that Ti2AC (Al, S) compounds had highest resistance to oxidation while the M2SnC compounds had the least. Furthermore, from the oxidation study of these compounds, which were short time oxidation experiments, it was found that all of these compounds oxidized to their respective binary oxides. ^


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Mn+1AXn compounds, the ternary layered nanolaminates have gathered momentum in the last decade since its advent because of their unusual but exciting properties. These technologically important compounds combine some of the best properties of metals and ceramics. Like ceramics they are refractory, oxidation resistant, elastically stiff and relatively light. They also exhibit metallic properties like excellent machinability, thermal and electrical conductivity. This dissertation concentrates on the synthesis of germanium-based 211 Mn+1AXn compounds. The main objective of the research was to synthesize predominantly single phase samples of Cr2GeC, V2GeC and Ti2GeC. Another goal was to study the effect of solid substitutions on the M-site of Mn+1AXn compounds with Ge as an A-element. This study is in itself the first to demonstrate the synthesis of (Cr0.5V0.5)2GeC a novel Mn+1AXn compound. Scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction and electron probe microanalysis were employed to confirm the presence of predominantly single phase samples of M2GeC compounds where M = Ti, V, Cr and (Cr 0.5V0.5). A large part of the dissertation also focuses on the effect of the compressibility on the Ge-based 211 Mn+1AXn compounds with the aid of diamond anvil cell and high energy synchrotron radiation. This study also concentrates on the stability of these compounds at high temperature and thereby determines its suitability as high temperature structural materials. In order to better understand the effect of substitutions on A-site of 211 Mn+1 AXn compounds under high pressure and high temperature, a comparison is made with previously reported 211 Mn+1AXn compounds with Al, Ga and S as A-site elements.


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Popular Singing serves as a practical guide to exploring the singing voice while helping to enhance vocal confidence in a range of popular styles. The book provides effective alternatives to traditional voice training methods, and demonstrates how these methods can be used to create a flexible and unique sound.


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This study concerns the manuscript music book of Robert Edward (c. 1614–c. 1697), minister, author and musician. The manuscript, formerly part of the library at Panmure House, is now held in the National Library of Scotland and is commonly referred to as ‘Robert Edward’s Commonplace Book’ (GB-En MS.9450). The present study is in two parts and begins with an exploration of the physical book, including the structure, compilation, hands and ownership before a second chapter explores the biography of the eponymous owner, contextualising GB-En MS.9450 locally and nationally. The third chapter concerns the function of the manuscript which, it is argued, is closely related to pedagogy. The final three chapters discuss the content of the manuscript, taking in turn the vocal music, instrumental music and the selection of Italian three-part villanelle. The implications for dating and use arising from the first part of this


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This study used Q methodology to measure the extent to which individuals with five educational roles (student teacher, elementary music teacher, principal, high school music teacher, and music consultant) held five proposed philosophies of music education (hedonic, utilitarian, aesthetic cognitivism, aesthetic formalist, and praxial). Twenty-seven sUbjects participated in the Q study. These subjects were a convenience sample based on their educational role, accessibility, and willingness to participate. Participants completed a background sheet which indicated their background in music, and their responsibility for teaching music. The sUbjects in this Q study rank-ordered a set of 60 Q sort items (each item representing a proposed philosophical position) twice: Sort P to reflect current practice, and Sort I to reflect the ideal situation. The results of the sorting procedures were recorded by the participant on the response page which organized the rankings according to an approximated normal distribution as required by Q methodology. The analysis of the data suggested that the comparison across philosophical positions was significant and that the results of the interaction between philosophical position and educational role were significant, although educational role alone was not significant. Post-hoc analysis of the data was used to determine the significant differences between the levels of the, independent variables used in the model: philosophical position, educational role, and music background. A model of the association of the five philosophical positions was presented and discussed in relation to the Q study results. Further research could refine the Q sort items to better reflect each philosophical position.


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Dins del procés d’avaluació i optimització del plans d’estudi d’Educació musical per afrontar amb èxit les exigències del nou Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior, des del Departament de Didàctica de l’Expressió Musical i Corporal de la Facultat de Formació del Professorat de la UB hem realitzat, aquest darrers dos anys, dues investigacions consecutives i complementàries destinades a recollir la informació més valuosa des de la pròpia veu dels estudiants de l’ensenyament. En un primer moment, el Grup de Recerca en Educació Musical i Innovació (GREMI), va portar a terme un estudi basat en l’opinió dels alumnes en pràctiques a les escoles (durant el darrer semestre d’estudis), i en l’opinió dels mestres especialistes tutors de les escoles que els acollien. L’anàlisi i la valoració de la informació recollida d’aquestes dues fons va permetre detectar els punts forts i febles de la seva formació inicial. En un segon moment, (en l’actualitat), es realitza un segon estudi amb la mostra corresponent a l’alumnat egressat en educació musical de la UB dels darrers tres anys. La intenció final és la de triangular els resultats obtinguts des de les diverses fonts en els dos estudis realitzats i utilitzar aquestes opinions en discussions i reflexions per conèixer les necessitats actuals tant en l’ensenyament de la música a l’etapa d’educació primària, com en les necessitats de formació dels futurs mestres que impartiran l’esmentada matèria artística a l’escola. Aquesta comunicació posarà l’èmfasi no tant en les conclusions dels dos treballs de recerca realitzats (interessants, bàsicament, pel propi ensenyament), sinó en el propi procés investigador tant quant el que representa que la mostra estigui formada per alumnes i ex-alumnes, com les tècniques de recollida d’informació elaborades i emprades en els estudis (i adaptables a qualsevol altre ensenyament)


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Ya desde el siglo pasado músicos de la talla de Bela Bartok o Kodaly hablaron de la importancia de comenzar la educación musical alrededor de los dos o tres años. Investigadores más recientes como Tafuri recomiendan que el niño se desenvuelva en un ambiente musical rico desde que está en el vientre de su madre. Sin embargo, en los planes de estudio de las Diplomaturas de Magisterio de Educación Infantil la música ocupa un papel secundario y como consecuencia de ello, los niños de los centros infantiles se ven privados de la oportunidad de acceder a una materia que enriquece su vida personal y social. En la investigación que se describe en esta comunicación nos interesaba conocer cómo se vive la música en los centros de infantil de la Comunidad de Madrid. Para ello se invitó a una muestra de 650 maestros de segundo ciclo de infantil de la Comunidad de Madrid, siendo la muestra final aceptante 185 maestros, de los cuales 62 impartían clase en las aulas de 3-4 años, 68 eran maestros de 4-5 años, y los 55 restantes de 5-6 años. La mayoría de estos maestros eran tutores y solo unos pocos eran especialistas de música


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Entre las tareas complementarias de la Titulación de Magisterio en la especialidad de Educación Musical de la Universidad de Granada, se lleva a cabo desde el curso académico 1996-97 y hasta la actualidad de manera ininterrumpida, una actividad singular protagonizada por los estudiantes de esta titulación que anualmente solicitan participar en el Coro de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación; surgió como un instrumento de acercamiento a la música coral para los estudiantes universitarios, pero con el paso del tiempo ha ido abriendo el espacio de su actuación a otras competencias propias de un grupo mixto vinculado a tareas educativas y culturales. Por esta razón ha ampliado el campo de sus actividades dirigiendo la atención no sólo hacia la interpretación de obras del repertorio polifónico, sino también hacia la producción de conciertos escolares y la elaboración de recursos y materiales didácticos, como sucede con este proyecto de innovación docente en torno a las Canciones populares granadinas. En este contexto, el Coro se constituye como un grupo de trabajo e investigación interdisciplinar para llevar a cabo estas tareas, y así desarrolla por primera vez un proyecto monográfico de semejantes características, aunque la experiencia colaborativa del trabajo en equipo forma ya parte de la esencia misma del Coro como agrupación vocal. Igualmente, es preciso subrayar que este grupo cuenta con experiencias en otras tareas de innovación, experimentación e investigación con el diseño de guiones y producciones didácticas puestas en práctica en conciertos escolares ofrecidos en distintos centros educativos. Este trabajo ha consistido en la edición de un audio-libro basado en la música tradicional de distintas comarcas de la provincia de Granada, extraído de diversas fuentes ya publicadas, con el fin de difundir repertorios vocales de música popular en los centros educativos, a través de la grabación, estudio, aplicación y análisis de las obras que se han publicado