978 resultados para VOLATILE COMPOUNDS
Aerosol particles are strongly related to climate, air quality, visibility and human health issues. They contribute the largest uncertainty in the assessment of the Earth´s radiative budget, directly by scattering or absorbing solar radiation or indirectly by nucleating cloud droplets. The influence of aerosol particles on cloud related climatic effects essentially depends upon their number concentration, size and chemical composition. A major part of submicron aerosol consists of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) that is formed in the atmosphere by the oxidation of volatile organic compounds. SOA can comprise a highly diverse spectrum of compounds that undergo continuous chemical transformations in the atmosphere.rnThe aim of this work was to obtain insights into the complexity of ambient SOA by the application of advanced mass spectrometric techniques. Therefore, an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization ion trap mass spectrometer (APCI-IT-MS) was applied in the field, facilitating the measurement of ions of the intact molecular organic species. Furthermore, the high measurement frequency provided insights into SOA composition and chemical transformation processes on a high temporal resolution. Within different comprehensive field campaigns, online measurements of particular biogenic organic acids were achieved by combining an online aerosol concentrator with the APCI-IT-MS. A holistic picture of the ambient organic aerosol was obtained through the co-located application of other complementary MS techniques, such as aerosol mass spectrometry (AMS) or filter sampling for the analysis by liquid chromatography / ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry (LC/UHRMS).rnIn particular, during a summertime field study at the pristine boreal forest station in Hyytiälä, Finland, the partitioning of organic acids between gas and particle phase was quantified, based on the online APCI-IT-MS and AMS measurements. It was found that low volatile compounds reside to a large extent in the gas phase. This observation can be interpreted as a consequence of large aerosol equilibration timescales, which build up due to the continuous production of low volatile compounds in the gas phase and/or a semi-solid phase state of the ambient aerosol. Furthermore, in-situ structural informations of particular compounds were achieved by using the MS/MS mode of the ion trap. The comparison to MS/MS spectra from laboratory generated SOA of specific monoterpene precursors indicated that laboratory SOA barely depicts the complexity of ambient SOA. Moreover, it was shown that the mass spectra of the laboratory SOA more closely resemble the ambient gas phase composition, indicating that the oxidation state of the ambient organic compounds in the particle phase is underestimated by the comparison to laboratory ozonolysis. These observations suggest that the micro-scale processes, such as the chemistry of aerosol aging or the gas-to-particle partitioning, need to be better understood in order to predict SOA concentrations more reliably.rnDuring a field study at the Mt. Kleiner Feldberg, Germany, a slightly different aerosol concentrator / APCI-IT-MS setup made the online analysis of new particle formation possible. During a particular nucleation event, the online mass spectra indicated that organic compounds of approximately 300 Da are main constituents of the bulk aerosol during ambient new particle formation. Co-located filter analysis by LC/UHRMS analysis supported these findings and furthermore allowed to determine the molecular formulas of the involved organic compounds. The unambiguous identification of several oxidized C 15 compounds indicated that oxidation products of sesquiterpenes can be important compounds for the initial formation and subsequent growth of atmospheric nanoparticles.rnThe LC/UHRMS analysis furthermore revealed that considerable amounts of organosulfates and nitrooxy organosulfates were detected on the filter samples. Indeed, it was found that several nitrooxy organosulfate related APCI-IT-MS mass traces were simultaneously enhanced. Concurrent particle phase ion chromatography and AMS measurements indicated a strong bias between inorganic sulfate and total sulfate concentrations, supporting the assumption that substantial amounts of sulfate was bonded to organic molecules.rnFinally, the comprehensive chemical analysis of the aerosol composition was compared to the hygroscopicity parameter kappa, which was derived from cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) measurements. Simultaneously, organic aerosol aging was observed by the evolution of a ratio between a second and a first generation biogenic oxidation product. It was found that this aging proxy positively correlates with increasing hygroscopicity. Moreover, it was observed that the bonding of sulfate to organic molecules leads to a significant reduction of kappa, compared to an internal mixture of the same mass fractions of purely inorganic sulfate and organic molecules. Concluding, it has been shown within this thesis that the application of modern mass spectrometric techniques allows for detailed insights into chemical and physico-chemical processes of atmospheric aerosols.rn
Die Erdatmosphäre besteht hauptsächlich aus Stickstoff (78%), Sauerstoff (21%) und Edelga¬sen. Obwohl Partikel weniger als 0,1% ausmachen, spielen sie eine entscheidende Rolle in der Chemie und Physik der Atmosphäre, da sie das Klima der Erde sowohl direkt als auch indirekt beeinflussen. Je nach Art der Bildung unterscheidet man zwischen primären und sekundären Partikeln, wobei primäre Partikel direkt in die Atmosphäre eingetragen werden. Sekundäre Partikel hingegen entstehen durch Kondensation von schwerflüchtigen Verbindungen aus der Gasphase, welche durch Reaktionen von gasförmigen Vorläufersubstanzen (volatile organic compounds, VOCs) mit atmosphärischen Oxidantien wie Ozon oder OH-Radikalen gebildet werden. Da die meisten Vorläufersubstanzen organischer Natur sind, wird das daraus gebil¬dete Aerosol als sekundäres organisches Aerosol (SOA) bezeichnet. Anders als die meisten primären Partikel stammen die VOCs überwiegend aus biogenen Quellen. Es handelt sich da¬bei um ungesättigte Kohlenwasserstoffe, die bei intensiver Sonneneinstrahlung und hohen Temperaturen von Pflanzen emittiert werden. Viele der leichtflüchtigen Vorläufersubstanzen sind chiral, sowohl die Vorläufer als auch die daraus gebildeten Partikel werden aber in den meisten Studien als eine Verbindung betrachtet und gemeinsam analysiert. Die mit Modellen berechneten SOA-Konzentrationen, welche auf dieser traditionellen Vorstellung der SOA-Bil¬dung beruhen, liegen deutlich unterhalb der in der Atmosphäre gefundenen, so dass neben diesem Bildungsweg auch noch andere SOA-Bildungsarten existieren müssen. Aus diesem Grund wird der Fokus der heutigen Forschung vermehrt auf die heterogene Chemie in der Partikelphase gerichtet. Glyoxal als Modellsubstanz kommt hierbei eine wichtige Rolle zu. Es handelt sich bei dieser Verbindung um ein Molekül mit einem hohen Dampfdruck, das auf Grund dieser Eigenschaft nur in der Gasphase zu finden sein sollte. Da es aber über zwei Alde¬hydgruppen verfügt, ist es sehr gut wasserlöslich und kann dadurch in die Partikelphase über¬gehen, wo es heterogenen chemischen Prozessen unterliegt. Unter anderem werden in An¬wesenheit von Ammoniumionen Imidazole gebildet, welche wegen der beiden Stickstoff-He¬teroatome lichtabsorbierende Eigenschaften besitzen. Die Verteilung von Glyoxal zwischen der Gas- und der Partikelphase wird durch das Henrysche Gesetz beschrieben, wobei die Gleichgewichtskonstante die sogenannte Henry-Konstante ist. Diese ist abhängig von der un¬tersuchten organischen Verbindung und den im Partikel vorhandenen anorganischen Salzen. Für die Untersuchung chiraler Verbindungen im SOA wurde zunächst eine Filterextraktions¬methode entwickelt und die erhaltenen Proben anschließend mittels chiraler Hochleistungs-Flüssigchromatographie, welche an ein Elektrospray-Massenspektrometer gekoppelt war, analysiert. Der Fokus lag hierbei auf dem am häufigsten emittierten Monoterpen α-Pinen und seinem Hauptprodukt, der Pinsäure. Da bei der Ozonolyse des α-Pinens das cyclische Grund¬gerüst erhalten bleibt, können trotz der beiden im Molekül vorhanden chiralen Zentren nur zwei Pinsäure Enantiomere gebildet werden. Als Extraktionsmittel wurde eine Mischung aus Methanol/Wasser 9/1 gewählt, mit welcher Extraktionseffizienzen von 65% für Pinsäure Enan¬tiomer 1 und 68% für Pinsäure Enantiomer 2 erreicht werden konnten. Des Weiteren wurden Experimente in einer Atmosphärensimulationskammer durchgeführt, um die Produkte der α-Pinen Ozonolyse eindeutig zu charakterisieren. Enantiomer 1 wurde demnach aus (+)-α-Pinen gebildet und Enantiomer 2 entstand aus (-)-α-Pinen. Auf Filterproben aus dem brasilianischen Regenwald konnte ausschließlich Pinsäure Enantiomer 2 gefunden werden. Enantiomer 1 lag dauerhaft unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze von 18,27 ng/mL. Im borealen Nadelwald war das Verhältnis umgekehrt und Pinsäure Enantiomer 1 überwog vor Pinsäure Enantiomer 2. Das Verhältnis betrug 56% Enantiomer 1 zu 44% Enantiomer 2. Saisonale Verläufe im tropischen Regenwald zeigten, dass die Konzentrationen zur Trockenzeit im August höher waren als wäh¬rend der Regenzeit im Februar. Auch im borealen Nadelwald wurden im Sommer höhere Kon¬zentrationen gemessen als im Winter. Die Verhältnisse der Enantiomere änderten sich nicht im jahreszeitlichen Verlauf. Die Bestimmung der Henry-Konstanten von Glyoxal bei verschiedenen Saataerosolen, nämlich Ammoniumsulfat, Natriumnitrat, Kaliumsulfat, Natriumchlorid und Ammoniumnitrat sowie die irreversible Produktbildung aus Glyoxal in Anwesenheit von Ammoniak waren Forschungs¬gegenstand einer Atmosphärensimulationskammer-Kampagne am Paul-Scherrer-Institut in Villigen, Schweiz. Hierzu wurde zunächst das zu untersuchende Saataerosol in der Kammer vorgelegt und dann aus photochemisch erzeugten OH-Radikalen und Acetylen Glyoxal er¬zeugt. Für die Bestimmung der Glyoxalkonzentration im Kammeraerosol wurde zunächst eine beste¬hende Filterextraktionsmethode modifiziert und die Analyse mittels hochauflösender Mas¬senspektrometrie realisiert. Als Extraktionsmittel kam 100% Acetonitril, ACN zum Einsatz wo¬bei die Extraktionseffizienz bei 85% lag. Für die anschließende Derivatisierung wurde 2,4-Di¬nitrophenylhydrazin, DNPH verwendet. Dieses musste zuvor drei Mal mittels Festphasenex¬traktion gereinigt werden um störende Blindwerte ausreichend zu minimieren. Die gefunde¬nen Henry-Konstanten für Ammoniumsulfat als Saataerosol stimmten gut mit in der Literatur gefundenen Werten überein. Die Werte für Natriumnitrat und Natriumchlorid als Saataerosol waren kleiner als die von Ammoniumsulfat aber größer als der Wert von reinem Wasser. Für Ammoniumnitrat und Kaliumsulfat konnten keine Konstanten berechnet werden. Alle drei Saataerosole führten zu einem „Salting-in“. Das bedeutet, dass bei Erhöhung der Salzmolalität auch die Glyoxalkonzentration im Partikel stieg. Diese Beobachtungen sind auch in der Litera¬tur beschrieben, wobei die Ergebnisse dort nicht auf der Durchführung von Kammerexperi¬menten beruhen, sondern mittels bulk-Experimenten generiert wurden. Für die Trennung der Imidazole wurde eine neue Filterextraktionsmethode entwickelt, wobei sich ein Gemisch aus mit HCl angesäuertem ACN/H2O im Verhältnis 9/1 als optimales Extrak¬tionsmittel herausstellte. Drei verschiedenen Imidazole konnten mit dieser Methode quanti¬fiziert werden, nämlich 1-H-Imidazol-4-carbaldehyd (IC), Imidazol (IM) und 2,2‘-Biimidazol (BI). Die Effizienzen lagen für BI bei 95%, für IC bei 58% und für IM bei 75%. Kammerexperimente unter Zugabe von Ammoniak zeigten höhere Imidazolkonzentrationen als solche ohne. Wurden die Experimente ohne Ammoniak in Anwesenheit von Ammoni¬umsulfat durchgeführt, wurden höhere Imidazol-Konzentrationen gefunden als ohne Ammo¬niumionen. Auch die relative Luftfeuchtigkeit spielte eine wichtige Rolle, da sowohl eine zu hohe als auch eine zu niedrige relative Luftfeuchtigkeit zu einer verminderten Imidazolbildung führte. Durch mit 13C-markiertem Kohlenstoff durchgeführte Experimente konnte eindeutig gezeigt werden, dass es sich bei den gebildeten Imidazolen und Glyoxalprodukte handelte. Außerdem konnte der in der Literatur beschriebene Bildungsmechanismus erfolgreich weiter¬entwickelt werden. Während der CYPHEX Kampagne in Zypern konnten erstmalig Imidazole in Feldproben nach¬gewiesen werden. Das Hauptprodukt IC zeigte einen tageszeitlichen Verlauf mit höheren Kon¬zentrationen während der Nacht und korrelierte signifikant aber schwach mit der Acidität und Ammoniumionenkonzentration des gefundenen Aerosols.
This study investigates the growth and metabolite production of microorganisms causing spoilage of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) fillets packaged under air and modified atmosphere (60 % CO2, 40 % O2). Samples were provided by two different retailers (A and B). Storage of packaged fillets occurred at 4 °C and 8 °C. Microbiological quality and metabolite production of cod fillets stored in MAP 4 °C, MAP 8 °C and air were monitored during 13 days, 7 days and 3 days of storage, respectively. Volatile compounds concentration in the headspace were quantified by Selective ion flow tube mass spectrometry and a correlation with microbiological spoilage was studied. The onset of volatile compounds detection was observed to be mostly around 7 log cfu/g of total psychrotrophic count. Trimethylamine and dimethyl sulfide were found to be the dominant volatiles in all of the tested storage conditions, nevertheless there was no close correlation between concentrations of each main VOC and percentages of rejection based on sensory evaluation. According to results it was concluded that they cannot be considered as only indicators of the quality of cod fillets stored in modified atmosphere and air.
Context. To date, calculations of planet formation have mainly focused on dynamics, and only a few have considered the chemical composition of refractory elements and compounds in the planetary bodies. While many studies have been concentrating on the chemical composition of volatile compounds (such as H2O, CO, CO2) incorporated in planets, only a few have considered the refractory materials as well, although they are of great importance for the formation of rocky planets. Aims. We computed the abundance of refractory elements in planetary bodies formed in stellar systems with a solar chemical composition by combining models of chemical composition and planet formation. We also considered the formation of refractory organic compounds, which have been ignored in previous studies on this topic. Methods. We used the commercial software package HSC Chemistry to compute the condensation sequence and chemical composition of refractory minerals incorporated into planets. The problem of refractory organic material is approached with two distinct model calculations: the first considers that the fraction of atoms used in the formation of organic compounds is removed from the system (i.e., organic compounds are formed in the gas phase and are non-reactive); and the second assumes that organic compounds are formed by the reaction between different compounds that had previously condensed from the gas phase. Results. Results show that refractory material represents more than 50 wt % of the mass of solids accreted by the simulated planets with up to 30 wt % of the total mass composed of refractory organic compounds. Carbide and silicate abundances are consistent with C/O and Mg/Si elemental ratios of 0.5 and 1.02 for the Sun. Less than 1 wt % of carbides are present in the planets, and pyroxene and olivine are formed in similar quantities. The model predicts planets that are similar in composition to those of the solar system. Starting from a common initial nebula composition, it also shows that a wide variety of chemically different planets can form, which means that the differences in planetary compositions are due to differences in the planetary formation process. Conclusions. We show that a model in which refractory organic material is absent from the system is more compatible with observations. The use of a planet formation model is essential to form a wide diversity of planets in a consistent way.
An organoleptic assessment of an odor is defined as a method that can measure the strength of target odors and expresses the value in terms of a point or number with reference to a pre-defined organoleptic scale. Organoleptic assessments are performed using different scales and are used widely in industry (e.g. for measuring the effectiveness of anti-odor agents), in research (to discover relationships between bad breath and microbiology of the tongue, or the generation of particular volatile compounds), but it is also a prerequisite for the diagnosis of halitosis in individual patients required before directing appropriate treatment. An organoleptic assessment of halitosis patients may be carried out in specialized institutions but--based on the fact that in most cases the odor originates from oral structures--also by dental professionals including general dental practitioners (GDPs). Thus, this paper describes the scientific background for recommendations on how a GDP or dental hygienist or general practitioner with cases of bad breath should use organoleptic methods as a valid approach to assess malodor in patients, with a view to diagnosis and treatment, and subsequent treatment monitoring.
Snow in the environment acts as a host to rich chemistry and provides a matrix for physical exchange of contaminants within the ecosystem. The goal of this review is to summarise the current state of knowledge of physical processes and chemical reactivity in surface snow with relevance to polar regions. It focuses on a description of impurities in distinct compartments present in surface snow, such as snow crystals, grain boundaries, crystal surfaces, and liquid parts. It emphasises the microscopic description of the ice surface and its link with the environment. Distinct differences between the disordered air–ice interface, often termed quasi-liquid layer, and a liquid phase are highlighted. The reactivity in these different compartments of surface snow is discussed using many experimental studies, simulations, and selected snow models from the molecular to the macro-scale. Although new experimental techniques have extended our knowledge of the surface properties of ice and their impact on some single reactions and processes, others occurring on, at or within snow grains remain unquantified. The presence of liquid or liquid-like compartments either due to the formation of brine or disorder at surfaces of snow crystals below the freezing point may strongly modify reaction rates. Therefore, future experiments should include a detailed characterisation of the surface properties of the ice matrices. A further point that remains largely unresolved is the distribution of impurities between the different domains of the condensed phase inside the snowpack, i.e. in the bulk solid, in liquid at the surface or trapped in confined pockets within or between grains, or at the surface. While surface-sensitive laboratory techniques may in the future help to resolve this point for equilibrium conditions, additional uncertainty for the environmental snowpack may be caused by the highly dynamic nature of the snowpack due to the fast metamorphism occurring under certain environmental conditions. Due to these gaps in knowledge the first snow chemistry models have attempted to reproduce certain processes like the long-term incorporation of volatile compounds in snow and firn or the release of reactive species from the snowpack. Although so far none of the models offers a coupled approach of physical and chemical processes or a detailed representation of the different compartments, they have successfully been used to reproduce some field experiments. A fully coupled snow chemistry and physics model remains to be developed.
The selection of oviposition sites by syrphids and other aphidophagous insects is influenced by the presence of con- and heterospecific competitors. Chemical cues play a role in this selection process, some of them being volatile semiochemicals. Yet, little is known about the identity and specificity of chemical signals that are involved in the searching behavior of these predators. In this study, we used olfactometer bioassays to explore the olfactory responses of gravid females and larvae of the syrphid Sphaerophoria rueppellii, focussing on volatiles from conspecific immature stages, as well as odors from immature stages of the competing coccinellid Adalia bipunctata. In addition, a multiple-choice oviposition experiment was conducted to study if females respond differently when they can also sense their competitors through visual or tactile cues. Results showed that volatiles from plants and aphids did not affect the behavior of second-instars, whereas adult females strongly preferred odors from aphid colonies without competitors. Odors from conspecific immature stages had a repellent effect on S. rueppellii adult females, whereas their choices were not affected by volatiles coming from immature heterospecific A. bipunctata. The results imply that the syrphid uses odors to avoid sites that are already occupied by conspecifics. They did not avoid the odor of the heterospecific competitor, although in close vicinity they were found to avoid laying eggs on leaves that had traces of the coccinellid. Apparently adult syrphids do not rely greatly on volatile semiochemicals to detect the coccinellid, but rather use other stimuli at close range (e. g., visual or non-volatile compounds) to avoid this competitor.
In response to insect attack, plants release complex blends of volatile compounds. These volatiles serve as foraging cues for herbivores, predators and parasitoids, leading to plant-mediated interactions within and between trophic levels. Hence, plant volatiles may be important determinants of insect community composition. To test this, we created rice lines that are impaired in the emission of two major signals, S-linalool and (E)-β-caryophyllene. We found that inducible S-linalool attracted predators and parasitoids as well as chewing herbivores, but repelled the rice brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens, a major pest. The constitutively produced (E)-β-caryophyllene on the other hand attracted both parasitoids and planthoppers, resulting in an increased herbivore load. Thus, silencing either signal resulted in specific insect assemblages in the field, highlighting the importance of plant volatiles in determining insect community structures. Moreover, the results imply that the manipulation of volatile emissions in crops has great potential for the control of pest populations.
The powerful eruption in the Akademii Nauk caldera on January 2, 1996 marked a new activity phase of the Karymsky volcano and became a noticeable event in the history of modern volcanism in Kamchatka. The paper reports data obtained by studying more than 200 glassy melt inclusions in phenocrysts of olivine (Fo82-72), plagioclase (An92-73), and clinopyroxene (Mg# 83-70) in basalts of the 1996 eruption. The data were used to estimate composition of the parental melt and physicochemical parameters of the magma evolution. According to our data, the parental melt corresponded to low magnesium, high aluminum basalt (SiO2 = 50.2%, MgO = 5.6%, Al2O3 = 17%) of the mildly potassium type (K2O = 0.56%) and contained much dissolved volatile components (H2O = 2.8%, S = 0.17%, and Cl = 0.11%). Melt inclusions in the minerals are similar in chemical composition, a fact testifying that the minerals crystallized simultaneously with one another. Their crystallization started at pressure ~1.5 kbar, proceeded within a narrow temperature range of 1040+/-20°C, and continued until near-surface pressure ~100 bar was reached. Degree of crystallization of the parental melt during its eruption was close to 55%. Massive crystallization was triggered by H2O degassing under pressure <1 kbar. Magma degassing in an open system resulted in escape of 82% H2O, 93% S, and 24% Cl (of their initial contents in the parental melt) to the fluid phase. Release of volatile compounds to the atmosphere during the eruption that lasted for 18 h was estimated as 1.7x10**6 t H2O, 1.4x10**5 t S, and 1.5x10**4 t Cl. Concentrations of most incompatible trace elements in the melt inclusions are close to those in the rocks and to the expected fractional differentiation trend. Melt inclusions in plagioclase were found to be selectively enriched in Li. The Li-enriched plagioclase with melt inclusions thought to originate from cumulate layers in the feeding system beneath Karymsky volcano, in which plagioclase interacted with Li-rich melts/brines and was subsequently entrapped and entrained by the magma during the 1996 eruption.
The effect of the addition of a commercial enriched glutathione inactive dry yeast oenological preparation in the volatile and sensory properties of industrially manufactured rosé Grenache wines was evaluated during their shelf-life. In addition, triangle tests were performed at different times during wine aging (among 1 and 9 months) to determine the sensory differences between wines with and without glutathione inactive dry yeast preparations. Descriptive sensory analysis with a trained panel was carried out when sensory differences in the triangle test were noticed. In addition, consumer tests were performed in order to investigate consumers’ acceptability of wines. Results revealed significant sensory differences between control and glutathione inactive dry yeast wines after 9 months of aging. At that time, glutathione inactive dry yeast wines were more intense in fruity aromas (strawberry, banana) and less intense in yeast notes than control wine. The impact of the glutathione inactive dry yeast in the aroma might be the consequence of different effects that these preparations could induce in wine composition: modification of yeast byproducts during fermentation, release of volatile compounds from inactive dry yeast, interaction of wine volatile compounds with yeast macromolecules from inactive dry yeast and a possible antioxidant effect of the glutathione released by the inactive dry yeast preparation on some specific volatile compounds.
The early detection of spoiling metabolic products in contaminated food is a very important tool to control quality. Some volatile compounds produce unpleasant odours at very low concentrations, making their early detection very challenging. This is the case of 1,3-pentadiene produced by microorganisms through decarboxylation of the preservative sorbate. In this work, we have developed a methodology to use the data produced by a low-cost, compact MWIR (Mid-Wave IR) spectrometry device without moving parts, which is based on a linear array of 128 elements of VPD PbSe coupled to a linear variable filter (LVF) working in the spectral range between 3 and 4.6 ?m. This device is able to analyze food headspace gases through dedicated sample presentation setup. This methodology enables the detection of CO2 and the volatile compound 1,3-pentadiene, as compared to synthetic patrons. Data analysis is based on an automated multidimensional dynamic processing of the MWIR spectra. Principal component and discriminant analysis allow segregating between four yeast strains including producers and no producers. The segregation power is accounted as a measure of the discrimination quality.
The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans exhibits behavioral responses to many volatile odorants. Chemotaxis toward one such odorant, diacetyl (butanedione), requires the function of a seven-transmembrane receptor protein encoded by the odr-10 gene. To determine directly whether ODR-10 protein is an odorant receptor, it is necessary to express the protein in a heterologous system and show that it responds to diacetyl by activation of a G protein signaling pathway. Here we demonstrate that human cells expressing ODR-10 on their surfaces exhibit a transient elevation in intracellular Ca2+ levels after diacetyl application. Volatile compounds that differ from diacetyl only by the addition of a methyl group (2,3-pentanedione) or the absence of a keto group (butanone) are not ODR-10 agonists. Behavioral responses to these compounds are not dependent on odr-10 function, so ODR-10 specificity in human cells resembles in vivo specificity. The apparent affinity of ODR-10 for diacetyl observed in human cells is consistent with the diacetyl concentration ranges that allow efficient nematode chemotaxis. ODR-10 expressed in human cells also responds to two anionic compounds, pyruvate and citrate, which are metabolic precursors used for diacetyl production by certain bacterial species. Ca2+ elevation in response to ODR-10 activation is due to release from intracellular stores.
A variety of agricultural plant species, including corn, respond to insect herbivore damage by releasing large quantities of volatile compounds and, as a result, become highly attractive to parasitic wasps that attack the herbivores. An elicitor of plant volatiles, N-(17-hydroxylinolenoyl)-l-glutamine, named volicitin and isolated from beet armyworm caterpillars, is a key component in plant recognition of damage from insect herbivory. Chemical analysis of the oral secretion from beet armyworms that have fed on 13C-labeled corn seedlings established that the fatty acid portion of volicitin is plant derived whereas the 17-hydroxylation reaction and the conjugation with glutamine are carried out by the caterpillar by using glutamine of insect origin. Ironically, these insect-catalyzed chemical modifications to linolenic acid are critical for the biological activity that triggers the release of plant volatiles, which in turn attract natural enemies of the caterpillar.
Cocrystallization of the molecule of interest could be a smart and dainty way to tune solubility properties of solid phases leaving the molecule chemically unchanged, hence it is widely investigated by companies and by solid state scientists. Despite of this extremely high interest towards cocrystallization no particular emphasis has been paid to using it as a means to stabilize liquid molecules. In this work we define a benchmark of relevant molecules for human health that have been combined with suitable partners according to crystal engineering methods in order to obtain cocrystals. Solubility properties in different solvents of cocrystals new solid phases have been tested and compared to the properties of the drugs. A further approach to deal with volatile compounds is molecular confinement inside molecular scaffold. Nowadays metal organic frameworks (MOFs) are studied in many fields ranging from catalysis to trapping or storage of gases, such as hydrogen, methane, CO2 thanks to their extremely high porosity. Our goal is to confine liquid guests of biological relevance inside MOF pores, monitoring via X-ray diffraction, spectroscopy and thermal analysis the stabilization of the molecule of interest inside the cavities.
O emprego da flotação por ar dissolvido (FAD) para o pós-tratamento de efluentes de reatores anaeróbios aparenta ser atraente considerando algumas características desse processo físico-químico. A FAD é reconhecidamente um processo de alta taxa, particularmente eficiente na remoção de material particulado em suspensão e de flocos produzidos pela coagulação química de águas residuárias. Além disso, há produção de lodo espesso e provavelmente arraste de parcela de gases e de compostos voláteis, presentes nos efluentes anaeróbios. Entretanto, a concepção de sistemas de FAD deve ser precedida por ensaios em unidades de flotação em escala de laboratório, permitindo a determinação dos principais parâmetros do processo. Neste trabalho, são apresentados e discutidos os resultados obtidos em laboratório e em instalação piloto de flotação com escoamento contínuo recebendo efluente de reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo (UASB), com 18 m3 de volume, tratando esgoto sanitário. Os ensaios em unidade em escala de laboratório foram realizados utilizando diferentes dosagens de cloreto férrico (entre 30 e 110 mg/L) ou de polímero catiônico (entre 1,0 e 16,0 mg/L), atuando como coagulantes. Além disso, foram estudadas as condições de floculação (tempo de 15 e de 25 min, e gradiente médio de velocidade de floculação entre 30 e 100 s-1) e diferentes valores de quantidade de ar fornecido ao processo (S*, entre 4,7 e 28,5 g de ar por m3 de efluente). Com a instalação piloto de FAD foram realizados apenas ensaios preliminares variando-se a taxa de aplicação superficial (140 e 210 m3/m2/d) para diferentes valores de S* (14,8 a 29,5 g de ar por m3 de efluente). Com o emprego de dosagem de 65 mg/L de cloreto férrico, de tempo de 15 min e gradiente médio de velocidade de floculação de 80 s-1 e de 19 g de ar por m3 de efluente, foram observados excelentes resultados em laboratório, com elevadas remoções de DQO (89%), de fosfato total (96%), de sólidos suspensos totais (96%), de turbidez (98%), de cor aparente (91%), de sulfetos (não detectado) e NTK (47%). Considerando o sistema UASB e FAD, nos testes em laboratório, foram observadas remoções globais de 97,7% de DQO, de 98,0% de fosfato total, de 98,9% de SST, de 99,5% de turbidez, de 97,8% de cor aparente e de 59,0% de NTK. Nos ensaios com a instalação piloto de FAD, o sistema apresentou remoções de 93,6% de DQO, de 87,1% de SST, de 90% de sulfetos e de 30% de NTK.