986 resultados para Uterine hemodynamic
In order to modulate uterine inflammatory response and evaluate the effect of corticosteroid therapy on fertility, 90 cycles of 45 mares were used for artificial insemination with frozen semen, using three different protocols: G1 - inseminated with frozen semen (800 x 10(6) viable spermatozoa pre-freezing) + 20 mL of seminal plasma; G2 - inseminated with frozen semen (800 x 10(6) viable spermatozoa pre-freezing) + corticosteroid therapy; G3 - inseminated with frozen semen (800 x 10(6) viable spermatozoa pre-freezing) + 20 mL of seminal plasma + corticosteroid therapy. Corticosteroid therapy consisted on one administration of prednisolone acetate (0.1 mg/Kg - Predef (R)) when mares presented 35mm follicles and uterine edema, concomitantly with the unique dose of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), then repeated each 12 hours until ovulation. on first fertility trial, with normal mares, there was no difference between control and treated groups (p>0.05), using seminal plasma associated with corticosteroid therapy (40 vs. 38%, respectively) or corticosteroid therapy alone (40 vs. 45% respectively). The second fertility trial, performed with mares with previous history of post-insemination endometritis, demonstrated a significant increase of pregnancy rate when mares were submitted to corticosteroid therapy (0.0 vs. 64.5%, respectively; p<0.05). Corticosteroid therapy was shown to be safe, with no physical or reproductive alterations on treated mares, demonstrating to be an adequate option to those animals with history of post-breeding or post-insemination endometritis. Further clinical research is necessary to confirm these results and contribute to the establishment of preventive therapy for cases of post-insemination endometritis.
Purpose: To verify if uterine cerclage can induce craniosynostosis or any cranial deformity in new born Wistar rats. Methods: One pregnant female Wistar rat underwent laparotomy on day 18 of gestation and the uterus cervix was closed with a 3-0 nylon suture to avoid delivery, that occurs normally on the 21 day. The suture was released after 48 hours beyond the normal gestation period. The female rat delivered 11 pups. Six surviving rats from the delivery (group A - constrained group). Two rats were born from another mother and in the same age were used as control group (group B - 2 nonconstrained controls) were allowed to grow. They were sacrificed 1.2 years after their birth all the eight animals. Linear measurement, routine histology and computed tomography of the skull were performed at the time of their death to evaluate the cranial asymmetries by mesurements of the anatomical landmarks of the craniofacial skeleton of the rats on the two groups and compared then. Results: We did not observe statistically significant differences in any of the compared measurements (p>0.05) obtained through the morphologic and radiologic methods. Histologic examinations did not reveal any sign of premature fusion or suture imbrications. Critical decrease in longitudinal body size was noticed as the limbs too in all the animals of group A. Conclusion: Constriction of uterine cervix leads to fetus suffering, even death for a few animals, associated to small body size, but not to craniosynostosis.
Background: Doppler ultrasonography is an important tool for evaluating hepatic portal hemodynamics. However, no study in dogs of different body weights, in the range encountered in routine clinical veterinary practice, has been reported. It can be difficult to obtain an ideal insonation angle when evaluating the main portal vein, so evaluation of the right portal vein branch has been described in humans as an alternative. The aim of this study was to analyze, through Doppler ultrasonography, the hemodynamics in the right portal vein branch in dogs of different body weights.Methods: Thirty normal dogs were divided in three groups by weight, in order to establish normal values for mean velocity, flow volume and portal congestion index of the right portal vein branch by means of Doppler ultrasonography.Results: In all dogs ideal insonation angles were obtained for the right portal vein branch. The average velocity was similar in the three groups, but the portal congestion index and the flow volume differed, showing that the weight of the dog can influence these values.Conclusion: Doppler ultrasonography for the evaluation of flow in the right branch of the portal vein could be a viable alternative, or complement, to examining the main vessel segment. This is especially so in those animals in which an ideal insonation angle for examination of the main portal vein is hard to obtain. In addition, the weight of the dog must be considered for the correct evaluation of the portal system hemodynamics, particularly for portal blood flow and the congestion index.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of double uterine flushing on the recovery of embryos/ova in cattle. Two hundred and ten embryo recovery procedures were conducted using a double uterine flushing method, and the results were compared with 432 conventional single-flushing procedures. Cyclic Limousin (n = 403) and Guzera (n = 239) donor cows received an intravaginal progesterone releasing device and 2 mg of estradiol benzoate on Day 0. Between Days 5 and 9, donors received decreasing doses of FSH, which ranged from 200 to 300 IU (Bos indicus) and 300 to 500 IU (Bos taut-us). on the afternoon of Day 7, donors received an injection of 500 mu g cloprostenol and progesterone implants were removed 12 It later (morning of Day 8). Artificial insemination was performed between 14 and 26 h after first detection of behavioral estrus. Cows were randomly assigned to have embryos recovered by a double-flushing method (n = 210) or the conventional single-flushing procedure (n = 432). For the double-flushing procedure, after first flushing the whole uterus with 1 L of Dubelco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), a Foley catheter was positioned in the uterine body to permit refilling of the uterus with fresh DPBS (80-150 mL). The catheter was closed with the plunger of a disposable 5 mL syringe, and the donors were allowed to rest in a holding area for 30 min. Thereafter, a second flush was performed to recover the solution remaining in the uterus. Animals from the control group were subjected to a single uterine flush. From 2 10 double-flushing procedures, 1409 viable embryos were recovered. In comparison, from 432 cows receiving the single-flushing procedure, 1993 embryos were recovered. Double flushing increased (P < 0.05) the number of embryos recovered per procedure compared to single flushing (6.7 +/- 0.4 versus 4.6 +/- 0.2, respectively; mean +/- S.E.M.). When double flushing was performed, average recovered embryos/ova increased (P < 0.05) from 8.3 +/- 0.4 to 12.7 +/- 0.7 in Limousin and from 7.9 to 11.5 in Guzera. Also, utilization of double flushing increased (P < 0.05) the number of viable embryos from 4.7 +/- 0.3 to 6.9 +/- 0.5 in Limousin and from 4.5 +/- 0.4 to 6.4 +/- 0.7 in Guzera. Mean total embryos/ova was similar (P > 0.05) between the control group and after the first uterine flushing in the double-flushing group; therefore, both flushings were conducted efficiently. In conclusion, double uterine flushing increased embryo recovery in cattle. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective To evaluate the effects of butorphanol on cardiopulmonary parameters in dogs anesthetized with desflurane and breathing spontaneously.Study design Prospective, randomized experimental trial.Animals Twenty dogs weighing 12 +/- 3 kg.Methods Animals were distributed into two groups: a control group (CG) and butorphanol group (BG). Propofol was used for induction and anesthesia was maintained with desflurane (10%). Forty minutes after induction, the dogs in the CG received sodium chloride 0.9% (0.05 mL kg(-1) IM), and dogs in the BG received butorphanol (0.4 mg kg(-1) IM). The first measurements of body temperature (BT), heart rate (HR), arterial pressures (AP), cardiac output (CO), cardiac index (CI), central venous pressure (CVP), stroke volume index (SVI), pulmonary arterial occlusion pressure (PAOP), mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP), left ventricular stroke work (LVSW), systemic (SVR) and pulmonary (PVR) vascular resistances, respiratory rate (fR), and arterial oxygen (PaO(2)) and carbon dioxide (PaCO(2)) partial pressures were taken immediately before the administration of butorphanol or sodium chloride solution (T0) and then at 15-minute intervals (T15-T75).Results In the BG, HR, AP, mPAP and SVR decreased significantly from T15 to T75 compared to baseline. fR was lower at T30 than at T0 in the BG. AP and fR were significantly lower than in the CG from T15 to T75. PVR was lower in the BG than in the CG at T30, while PaCO(2) was higher compared with T0 from T30 to T75 in the BG and significantly higher than in the CG at T30 to T75.Conclusions and clinical relevance At the studied dose, butorphanol caused hypotension and decreased ventilation during desflurane anesthesia in dogs. The hypotension (from 86 +/- 10 to 64 +/- 10 mmHg) is clinically relevant, despite the maintenance of cardiac index.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A técnica de histerectomia vaginal possibilita menor tempo operatório e o uso do bloqueio do neuro-eixo, com os benefícios de melhor analgesia pós-operatória e menor resposta sistêmica ao procedimento cirúrgico. O objetivo deste relato foi descrever as alterações hemodinâmicas decorrentes do posicionamento em litotomia exagerada em paciente cardiopata. RELATO do CASO: Paciente de 33 anos, G0P0A0, com história de sangramento uterino anormal e anemia. A ultra-sonografia evidenciava útero miomatoso com volume estimado de 420 cm³. Ela era portadora de trombofilia e miocardiopatia dilatada, com passado de dois acidentes vasculares encefálicos isquêmicos e dois infartos agudos do miocárdio. Foi monitorizada com pressão arterial invasiva e cateter de artéria pulmonar com medida de débito cardíaco contínuo. Realizada raquianestesia com bupivacaína hiperbárica e morfina. A paciente foi posicionada em litotomia exagerada sendo realizada histerectomia total pela técnica de Heaney e salpingectomia bilateral. Como intercorrência intra-operatória apresentou diminuição do índice cardíaco e aumento das pressões de câmaras direitas após o posicionamento, necessitando do uso de dobutamina. CONCLUSÕES: O posicionamento em litotomia exagerada pode ocasionar alterações hemodinâmicas que devem ser consideradas na escolha da técnica cirúrgica.
Os programas comerciais de transferência de embriões em éguas existem por mais de três décadas e são hoje uma das biotécnias mais utilizadas na reprodução assistida de equinos. O exame ultrassonográfico nos períodos pré e pós-cobertura de doadoras de embriões, assim como a avaliação de receptoras no momento da inovulação é de vital importância para o êxito de um programa de transferência de embriões. A ultrassonografia Doppler é uma técnica não-invasiva que permite a avaliação em tempo real da hemodinâmica do trato reprodutivo de animais de grande porte. Por fornecer detalhes anatômicos e informações imediatas sobre a fisiologia do fluxo sanguíneo de tecidos e órgãos, o exame doppler permite a avaliação do potencial ovulatório de folículos e do status funcional de corpo lúteo e útero, além de ser uma técnica auxiliar para o diagnóstico de distúrbios na hemodinâmica do sistema reprodutivo. Alterações na perfusão sanguínea dos futuros folículos dominantes são detectáveis em diferentes fases de seu desenvolvimento, como na divergência folicular e no período pré-ovulatório. A partir dessas informações, é possível determinar o princípio da atividade sexual e o momento ideal para o início de tratamentos superovulatórios e indutores de ovulação, assim como o momento mais apropriado para a realização de coberturas de éguas doadoras de embriões. A avaliação através do modo-Doppler do corpo lúteo e útero de éguas receptoras é também um instrumento auxiliar para a seleção de animais com perfil sérico de progesterona e ambiente uterino adequados para a sobrevivência do embrião e manutenção da gestação. Essa técnica pode ser útil ainda ao se avaliar a interação concepto-maternal. Apesar da aplicabilidade da tecnologia doppler dentro de programas de transferência de embriões, novos estudos visando a determinar padrões de normalidade e posterior caracterização de distúrbios de fluxo sanguíneo de trato reprodutivo ainda se fazem necessários.
STUDY OBJECTIVE: To validate hysteroscopic view with histology in cases of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)DESIGN: Retrospective study.(Canadian Task Force classification II-3).SETTING: University teaching hospitals in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and private office in Rio de Janeiro.PATIENTS: Four thousand and fifty-four patients with AUB in whom hysteroscopic views were complete and the histologic result was conclusive.INTERVENTION: Four thousand and fifty-four office hysteroscopies with complete views and conclusive histologic results. The material for histologic examination was obtained through biopsy of the lesion in an outpatient unit or through the resection of the entire lesion in patients who underwent surgery. Histology was considered the gold standard and compared with the hysteroscopic view.MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: In the histology of the 4054 examinations, 613 (15.2%) were endometrial hyperplasia, and 105 (2.6%) were endometrial cancer. The most frequent hysteroscopic finding was endometrial polyps (31.2%). In endometrial hyperplasia, the sensitivity of the hysteroscopic view was 56.3% (95% CI 52.21-60.2%), specificity was 89.1% (95% CI 88.0%-90.1%), positive predictive value (PPV) was 48.0% (95% CI 44.3%-51.7%), negative predictive value (NPV) was 92.0% (95% Cl 90.1%-92.9%), and accuracy was 72.7% (95% CI 70.7%-74.7%). Accuracy was defined as the proportion of correct results among the hysteroscopic examinations. In endometrial cancer, the sensitivity of the hysteroscopic view was 80.0% (95% Cl 71.1%-87.2%), specificity was 99.5% (95% CI 99.2%-99.7%), PPV was 81.5% (95% Cl 72.7%-88.5%), NPV was 99.5% (95% CI 99.2%-99.7%), and accuracy was 89.8% (95% CI, 85.9%-93.6%). In the 814 patients (20.0%) in whom the hysteroscopic view was normal, there were no false negatives for endometrial cancer; however, there were 37 (4.5%) false negatives for endometrial hyperplasia. In the histologic cases of endometrial cancer, 101 (96.2%) hysteroscopic views were compatible with cancer or hyperplasia (80.0% and 16.2%, respectively). Ninety-seven out of 103 hysteroscopic views with cancer findings (94.2%) had histologic diagnosis of cancer or hyperplasia (81.5% and 12.6%, respectively).CONCLUSION: It seems that even in face of good validity of hysteroscopic view for endometrial hyperplasia and cancer, histologic study is mandatory in the presence of any lesion as the hysteroscopic view cannot completely replace the histologic study in patients with AUB. (C) 2006 AAGL. All rights reserved.
In the present study, polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) were enumerated to evaluate acute uterine inflammation after artificial insemination in the bitch. It was concluded that the canine seminal plasma possessed an immunomodulating action. However, the most commonly used extender for freezing canine semen (Tris glucose with egg yolk and glycerol) was a potential inducer of uterine inflammation. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Background Gynecological and obstetrical ultrasonography has become an indispensable tool in the routine management, health evaluation and research on captive non-human primates.Methods Ultrasound was used to evaluate the uterus and estimate the gestation of owl monkeys. Twelve couples were selected, where five were primiparous and seven multiparous females from the National Primate Center reproductive colony, Ananindeua-PA, Brazil. The procedures were carried out using the GE (R) Logiq 100 MP, equipped with a 7.5 MHz linear probe.Results the females showed a simple uterus, of elongated shape, regular outline and homogeneous echogenic texture. In the uterine measurements craniocaudal diameter, dorsoventral diameter and uterine volume (UV), significant differences were identified (P < 0.05) between ultrasound examinations of primiparous and multiparous females. The UV showed a positive correlation with the number of births. The gestational sac and the embryonic echo were visible between 28 and 38 days after mating. Between 48 and 68 days after mating, embryonic death was identified in all the gestations.Conclusions the chemical (use of tranquilizers) and husbandry factors (capture stress) may be related to the prenatal death. The establishing methods of conditioning the female to the ultrasonographic exam may offer a solution to this problem.
Objectives: Diffuse uterine myohypertrophy (DUMH) is a condition clinically diagnosed by the presence of uterine bleeding, homogeneous and diffuse uterine enlargement, and absence of any myoendometrial cause of bleeding. Since the morphologic criteria for the diagnosis of this entity are still controversial, this study aimed to investigate the clinical presentation and the morphologic findings of the cases of DUMH presenting at the University Hospital of Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, Methods: We retrospectively studied 43 consecutive patients with DUMH submitted to hysterectomy (test group) and compared the findings with those obtained from 28 patients submitted to hysterectomy due to a prolapsed uterus (control group). There were no significant differences in age, weight or height between the two groups. Results: the uterine weight of the DUMH group (mean +/- S.D. 157.4 +/- 46.4 g) was significantly heavier than that of the control group (99.5 +/- 35.4 g) and myometrial thickness was significantly greater in the DUMH group (2.5 +/- 0.5 cm) than in the control group (1.9 +/- 0.4 cm). No positive correlation was observed between increased uterine weight and parity, but there was a positive correlation between uterine weight and myometrial thickness. on the basis of the present study, we suggest that the diagnosis of DUMH be made clinically and in cases of uterine weight greater than or equal to 120 g and myometrial thickness greater than or equal to 2.0 cm. In addition, 10 cases of each group were analyzed by morphometry to evaluate interstitial fibrosis and myometrial hypertrophy. The data showed that the increase in uterine weight in DUMH is caused by enlargement of individual myometrial fibers rather than accumulation of interstitial collagen. Conclusion: Discriminant analysis to estimate the diagnostic significance of a number of clinical and pathologic variables (age, parity, uterine weight and morphometric parameters) was able to differentiate cases of DUMH from controls in 100% of the patients.