980 resultados para Urban Forestry Program (Ill.)
Education, as an indispensable component of human capital, has been acknowledged to play a critical role in economic growth, which is theoretically elaborated by human capital theory and empirically confirmed by evidence from different parts of the world. The educational impact on growth is especially valuable and meaningful when it is for the sake of poverty reduction and pro-poorness of growth. The paper re-explores the precious link between human capital development and poverty reduction by investigating the causal effect of education accumulation on earnings enhancement for anti-poverty and pro-poor growth. The analysis takes the evidence from a well-known conditional cash transfer (CCT) program — Oportunidades in Mexico. Aiming at alleviating poverty and promoting a better future by investing in human capital for children and youth in poverty, this CCT program has been recognized producing significant outcomes. The study investigates a short-term impact of education on earnings of the economically disadvantaged youth, taking the data of both the program’s treated and untreated youth from urban areas in Mexico from 2002 to 2004. Two econometric techniques, i.e. difference-in-differences and difference-in-differences propensity score matching approach are applied for estimation. The empirical analysis first identifies that youth who under the program’s schooling intervention possess an advantage in educational attainment over their non-intervention peers; with this identification of education discrepancy as a prerequisite, further results then present that earnings of the education advantaged youth increase at a higher rate about 20 percent than earnings of their education disadvantaged peers over the two years. This result indicates a confirmation that education accumulation for the economically disadvantaged young has a positive impact on their earnings enhancement and thus inferring a contribution to poverty reduction and pro-poorness of growth.
The purpose of this paper is to describe the benefits of sugar cane ethanol in Brazil, appointing the productivity of this type of fuel based on hectares of plantation, its carbon dioxide cycle and the contribution to reduce the greenhouse effect. In the following step the uses of ethanol for hydrogen production by steam reforming is analyzed and some comparison with natural gas steam reforming is performed. The sugar cane industry in Brazil, in a near future, in the hydrogen era, could be modified according to our purpose, since besides the production of sugar, and ethylic and anhydric alcohol, Brazilian sugar cane industry will also be able to produce biohydrogen.Fuel cells appear like a promising technology for energy generation. Among several technologies in the present, the PEMFC (proton exchange membrane fuel cell) is the most appropriate for vehicles application, because it combines durability, high power density, high efficiency, good response and it works at relatively low temperatures. Besides that it is easy to turn it on and off and it is able to support present vibration in vehicles. A PEMFC's problem is the need of noble catalysts like platinum. Another problem is that CO needs to be in low concentration, requiring a more clean hydrogen to avoid fuel cell deterioration.One part of this paper was developed in Stockholm, where there are some buses within the CUTE (clean urban transport for Europe) project that has been in operation with FC since January 2004. Another part was developed in Guaratingueta, Brazil. Brazil intends to start up a program of FC buses. As conclusion, this paper shows the economical analysis comparing buses moved by fuel cells using hydrogen by different kinds of production. Electrolyze with wind turbine, natural gas steam reforming and ethanol steam reforming. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The quality of open urban spaces is very important for urban vitality. Nowadays urban designers have to face the great challenge of designing urban spaces able to respond to people's need for liveable spaces. The success of these spaces depends on various aspects and the microclimatic condition has been recognized as one of the most influential. However, studies on thermal comfort in open space have shown that the user's thermal sensation does not depend only on microclimate parameters but also on other local qualitative aspects. Thus, environmental quality evaluation of successful public spaces can contribute to understand this issue. This paper focuses on a case study regarding Queen Square's environmental quality, a public space of historical importance in Bath-UK. The first stage of the research, a study on local characteristics and people observations, allowed a preliminary evaluation of the space performance, their social aspects, while it characterized and quantified the hourly variation of the space use in different days and seasons. In the second stage, short microclimatic surveys were carried out simultaneously with a perception survey through a questionnaire. The results show the strong vitality of the square and socioenvironmental significance, not only for its location in the urban context, but also for its historical value. The environmental quality of the square contributes to the users' sensation of comfort even in adverse climatic conditions. This research is part of a project that aims to investigate the impact of the environmental stimuli in the use of open spaces and intend to develop design strategies that aim to maximise the use of open spaces in different weather conditions.
Includes bibliography
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Nos últimas décadas a demanda pelo açaí no estado do Pará cresceu gradualmente, já que a produção e mercado da fruta de açaí são a base da economia de mais de 20 municípios paraenses. A prática do extrativismo do açaizeiro é praticada pelos homens, mulheres e crianças, voltada para autoconsumo e para a comercialização. Devido a este fato, a dinâmica do extrativismo do açaizeiro começou a mudar pelo aumento da demanda do açaí para o mercado, principalmente pelo valor de importância e interesse econômico. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os impactos das mudanças da demanda dos frutos de açaí na (i) relação econômica da renda do açaí e na (ii) densidade e composição florística das áreas agroflorestais manejadas pelos ribeirinhos. O estudo realizou-se na comunidade São João Batista, município de Abaetetuba, Pará - Brasil. A população tem como principal fonte de trabalho a extração do fruto de açaí. Foram feitas entrevistas semi-estruturadas e abertas às famílias residentes na comunidade considerados pequenos e médios produtores de açaí. As entrevistas abarcaram dois componentes, o aspecto econômico e o aspecto social. Além disso, coletaram-se dados diários sobre a quantidade de rasa de açaí coletada, consumida e vendida, e o preço de cada rasa, com a finalidade de caracterizar a produção e preço nas diferentes temporadas da safra. Também se realizou o levantamento florístico mediante um inventário com a finalidade de caracterizar a vegetação, avaliar a densidade e composição florística dos açaizeiros. Para isso estabeleceu-se um total de 10 parcelas de 20 x 50 m (1000 m² ou 0.1 ha) distribuídas em cinco propriedades selecionadas, medindo o diâmetro de todos os indivíduos adultos > 10 cm de DAP (diâmetro à altura do peito) e para palmeiras com DAP > 2 cm e estimou-se a altura total (H) de cada individuo da base até o ponto mais alto das folhas. A análise da diversidade dos açaizais utilizou-se o índice de Shannon-Wiener e o índice de Simpson através do programa estatístico PAST – PAlaentologicalSTatistics, ver. 1,27. Como principais resultados obtiveram-se que na comunidade de São João Batista, a venda da produção de açaí é realizada para intermediários (marreteiros) (55%), no mercado de Abaetetuba (29%), no mercado de Belém (10%) e para marreteiro e/ou no mercado de Abaetetuba (6%). O município de Abaetetuba desde o ano 2005 teve uma queda na produção extrativa passando de 10.500 t (2004) a 900 t (2005) e progressivamente diminuindo até 770 t (2008). A quantidade da produção de açaí cultivada aumentou de 15.625 t (2003) a 131.250 t (2008) representando 99,4% da produção total. Na comunidade, foi inventariado 1043 indivíduos de árvores com um total de 11 famílias e 28 espécies, ocupando áreas basais maiores as famílias Arecaceae (8.83) e Fabaceae (6.77) e com maiores números de indivíduos (831 e 147 respectivamente). As espécies com maiores índices de valor de importância (IVIs) e de densidade registraram-se a Euterpe oleracea (777 indivíduos), Pterocarpus sp. (126) e Mauritia flexuosa (50). Obtiveram-se valores baixos nos índices de Simpson: 0.4275 e Shannon: 1.071, o que indica que se tem uma baixa diversidade resultante da atividade de manejo e extração de palmito e frutos de açaí levando a uma monocultura para o consumo e venda dos frutos. Concluindo, que o aumento do preço é forçado pelo crescimento da demanda, provocando a ampliação das áreas de cultivo e plantio de açaí para o aumento da produção. O impacto socioeconômico do manejo e cultivo dos açaizais sobre a economia ribeirinha e a economia extrativa do estuário amazônico gera grandes oportunidades de emprego, renda e qualidade de vida para as populações das várzeas e dos centros urbanos, sobretudo favorecendo aos mais pobres.
The concept of Functional Urban Regions (FURs), also called Metropolitan Regions (MRs), is not simple. It is clear, though, that they are not simply a combination of adjacent municipalities or areas. Different methods can be used for their definition. However, especially in developing countries, the application of some methods is not possible, due to the unavailability of detailed data. Alternative approaches have been developed based on spatial analysis methods and using variables extracted from available data. The objective of this study is to compare the results of two spatial analysis methods exploring two variables: population density and an indicator of transport infrastructure supply. The first method regards Exploratory Spatial Data Analyses tools, which define uniform regions based on specific variables. The second method used the same variables and the spatial analysis technique available in the computer program SKATER - Spatial 'K'luster Analysis by Tree Edge Removal. Assuming that those classifications of regions with similar characteristics can be used for identifying potential FURS, the results of all analyses were compared with one another and with the 'official' MR. A combined approach was also considered for comparison, but none of the results match the existing MR boundaries, what challenges the official definitions. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Control of burgeoning populations of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is a challenging endeavor under the best of circumstances. The challenge is further complicated when control programs are attempted within an urban or suburban area. Wildlife managers often consider management techniques and equipment which have a proven track record. New challenges require new and innovative techniques. The deer management program in Fairfax County, Virginia has employed thermal imaging technology in a variety of ways to better address these unique challenges. In addition to the more commonly used aircraft-mounted FLIR (forward looking infrared), this program utilizes vehicle-mounted and hand-held thermal imaging devices. Thermal imaging is used in determining herd densities, ensuring that control areas are free of humans, locating deer, assessing target attributes and recovering culled deer. These devices bring a higher level of safety, efficiency and efficacy to control programs operating within these difficult environs.
Every fall millions of blackbirds come down the Mississippi Flyway to return to their winter roosts in Arkansas, Louisiana, and East Texas. When these roosts are located in urban areas, public pressure makes the more common chemical means of control impractical. A less destructive and more permanent method of control was sought. At Rice University, in Houston, Texas, there has been a blackbird roost of various sizes and durations since 1956. For the past two years we have had the opportunity both to study roosting blackbird biology and experiment with habitat alteration as a control method. This particular report concentrates on the results and interpretation of the tree- trimming program initiated in August 1974. The birds involved are primarily Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater), along with Starlings (sturnus vulgaris), Common and Great-tailed Grackles (Quiscalus quiscula and Cassidix mexicanus), Red-winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoenicus) and Robins (Turdus migratorius). The campus comprises 121 ha and was planted with live oaks (Quercus virginiana) in 1912. These trees retain their foliage throughout the winter and now form a closed canopy over some 5-6 ha. In the 60s and early 70s most of the birds that came to Houston for the winter roosted in a 64-ha woodlot 10 km north of campus. In January 1970, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Roosting Survey reported one million birds at this site we call the North Loop. Fifteen- thousand birds were estimated at Rice.
Large conurbations are a significant source of the anthropogenic pollution and demographic differences between cities that result in a different pollution burden. The metropolitan area of Sao Paulo (MASP, population 20 million) accounts for one fifth of the Brazilian vehicular fleet. A feature of MASP is the amount of ethanol used by the vehicular fleet, known to exacerbate air quality. The study describes the diurnal behaviour of the submicron aerosol and relies on total particle number concentration, particle number size distribution, light scattering and light absorption measurements. Modelled planetary boundary layer (PBL) depth and air mass movement data were used to aid the interpretation. During morning rush-hour, stagnant air and a shallow PBL height favour the accumulation of aerosol pollution. During clear-sky conditions, there was a wind shift towards the edge of the city indicating a heat island effect with implications on particulate pollution levels at the site. The median total particle number concentration for the submicron aerosol typically varied in the range 1.6 x 10(4)-3.2 x 10(4) cm(-3) frequently exceeding 4 x 10(4) cm-3 during the day. During weekdays, nucleation-mode particles are responsible for most of the particles by numbers. The highest concentrations of total particle number concentrations and black carbon (BC) were observed on Fridays. Median diurnal values for light absorption and light scattering (at 637 nm wavelength) varied in the range 12-33 Mm(-1) and 21-64 Mm(-1), respectively. The former one is equal to 1.8-5.0 mu g m(-3) of BC. The growth of the PBL, from the morning rush-hour until noon, is consistent with the diurnal cycle of BC mass concentrations. Weekday hourly median single-scattering albedo (omega(0)) varied in the range 0.59-0.76. Overall, this suggests a top of atmosphere (TOA) warming effect. However, considering the low surface reflectance of urban areas, for the given range of omega(0), the TOA radiative forcing can be either positive or negative for the sources within the MASP. On the average, weekend omega(0) values were 0.074 higher than during weekdays. During 11% of the days, new particle formation (NPF) events occurred. The analysed events growth rates ranged between 9 and 25 nm h(-1). Sulphuric acid proxy concentrations calculated for the site were less than 5% of the concentration needed to explain the observed growth. Thus, other vapours are likely contributors to the observed growth.
Consolidation of international guidelines for the management of canine populations in urban areas and proposal of performance indicators The objective of this study is to propose a generic program for the management of urban canine populations with suggestion of performance indicators. The following international guidelines on canine population management were revised and consolidated: World Health Organization, World Organisation for Animal Health, World Society for the Protection of Animals, International Companion Animal Management Coalition, and the Food and Agriculture Organization. Management programs should cover: situation diagnosis, including estimates of population size; social participation with involvement of various sectors in the planning and execution of strategies; educational actions to promote humane values, animal welfare, community health, and responsible ownership (through purchase or adoption); environmental and waste management to eliminate sources of food and shelter; registration and identification of animals; animal health care, reproductive control; prevention and control of zoonoses; control of animal commerce; management of animal behavior and adequate solutions for abandoned animals; and laws regulating responsible ownership, prevention of abandonment and zoonoses. To monitor these actions, four groups of indicators are suggested: animal population indicators, human/animal interaction indicators, public service indicators, and zoonosis indicators. The management of stray canine populations requires political, sanitary, ethologic, ecologic, and humanitarian strategies that are socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable. Such measures must also include the control of zoonoses such as rabies and leishmaniasis, considering the concept of "one health," which benefits both the animals and people in the community.
BACKGROUND: The adequacy of thromboprophylaxis prescriptions in acutely ill hospitalized medical patients needs improvement. OBJECTIVE: To prospectively assess the efficacy of thromboprophylaxis adequacy of various clinical decision support systems (CDSS) with the aim of increasing the use of explicit criteria for thromboprophylaxis prescription in nine Swiss medical services. METHODS: We randomly assigned medical services to a pocket digital assistant program (PDA), pocket cards (PC) and no CDSS (controls). In centers using an electronic chart, an e-alert system (eAlerts) was developed. After 4 months, we compared post-CDSS with baseline thromboprophylaxis adequacy for the various CDSS and control groups. RESULTS: Overall, 1085 patients were included (395 controls, 196 PC, 168 PDA, 326 eAlerts), 651 pre- and 434 post-CDSS implementation: 472 (43.5%) presented a risk of VTE justifying thromboprophylaxis (31.8% pre, 61.1% post) and 556 (51.2%) received thromboprophylaxis (54.2% pre, 46.8% post). The overall adequacy (% patients with adequate prescription) of pre- and post-CDSS implementation was 56.2 and 50.7 for controls (P = 0.29), 67.3 and 45.3 for PC (P = 0.002), 66.0 and 64.9 for PDA (P = 0.99), 50.5 and 56.2 for eAlerts (P = 0.37), respectively, eAlerts limited overprescription (56% pre, 31% post, P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: While pocket cards and handhelds did not improve thromboprophylaxis adequacy, eAlerts had a modest effect, particularly on the reduction of overprescription. This effect only partially contributes to the improvement of patient safety and more work is needed towards institution-tailored tools.
PURPOSE: Stigma is a frequent accompaniment of mental illness leading to a number of detrimental consequences. Most research into the stigma connected to mental illness was conducted in the developed world. So far, few data exist on countries in sub-Saharan Africa and no data have been published on population attitudes towards mental illness in Ghana. Even less is known about the stigma actually perceived by the mentally ill persons themselves. METHOD: A convenience sample of 403 participants (210 men, mean age 32.4 ± 12.3 years) from urban regions in Accra, Cape Coast and Pantang filled in the Community Attitudes towards the Mentally Ill (CAMI) questionnaire. In addition, 105 patients (75 men, mean age 35.9 ± 11.0 years) of Ghana's three psychiatric hospitals (Accra Psychiatry Hospital, Ankaful Hospital, Pantang Hospital) answered the Perceived Stigma and Discrimination Scale. RESULTS: High levels of stigma prevailed in the population as shown by high proportions of assent to items expressing authoritarian and socially restrictive views, coexisting with agreement with more benevolent attitudes. A higher level of education was associated with more positive attitudes on all subscales (Authoritarianism, Social Restrictiveness, Benevolence and Acceptance of Community Based Mental Health Services). The patients reported a high degree of experienced stigma with secrecy concerning the illness as a widespread coping strategy. Perceived stigma was not associated with sex or age. DISCUSSION: The extent of stigmatising attitudes within the urban population of Southern Ghana is in line with the scant research in other countries in sub-Saharan Africa and mirrored by the experienced stigma reported by the patients. These results have to be seen in the context of the extreme scarcity of resources within the Ghanaian psychiatric system. Anti-stigma efforts should include interventions for mentally ill persons themselves and not exclusively focus on public attitudes.
INTRODUCTION Patients who are lost to follow-up (LTFU) while on antiretroviral therapy (ART) pose challenges to the long-term success of ART programs. We describe the extent to which patients considered LTFU are misclassified as true disengagement from care when they are still alive on ART and explain reasons for ART discontinuation using our active tracing program to further improve ART retention programs and policies. METHODS We identified adult ART patients who missed clinic appointment by more than 3 weeks between January 2006 and December 2010, assuming that such patients would miss their doses of antiretroviral drugs. Patients considered LTFU who consented during ART registration were traced by phone or home visits; true ART status after tracing was documented. Reasons for ART discontinuation were also recorded for those who stopped ART. RESULTS Of the 4,560 suspected LTFU cases, 1,384 (30%) could not be traced. Of the 3,176 successfully traced patients, 952 (30%) were dead and 2,224 (70%) were alive, of which 2,183 (99.5%) started ART according to phone-based self-reports or physical verification during in-person interviews. Of those who started ART, 957 (44%) stopped ART and 1,226 (56%) reported still taking ART at the time of interview by sourcing drugs from another clinic, using alternative ART sources or making brief ART interruptions. Among 940 cases with reasons for ART discontinuations, failure to remember (17%), too weak/sick (12%), travel (46%), and lack of transport to the clinic (16%) were frequently cited; reasons differed by gender. CONCLUSION The LTFU category comprises sizeable proportions of patients still taking ART that may potentially bias retention estimates and misdirect resources at the clinic and national levels if not properly accounted for. Clinics should consider further decentralization efforts, increasing drug allocations for frequent travels, and improving communication on patient transfers between clinics to increase retention and adherence.