961 resultados para Upwelling Regime
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Laminated sediments are preserved in upper Pleistocene sections of cores collected on the continental slope at water depths within the present oxygen-minimum zone from at least as far north as the Klamath River and as far south as Point Sur. Comparison of sediment components in the laminae with those delivered to sediment traps as pelagic marine "snow" show the dark/light lamination couplets are indeed annual (varves). ... The presence of carbon-, sulfur-, and metal-rich sediments, as well as lack of bioturbation, all support the theory that the oxygen-minimum zone in the northeastern Pacific Ocean was more intense - in fact, anoxic - during the late Pleistocene in response to greater coastal upwelling and higher organic productivity.
Evidence for vigorous coastal upwelling and enhanced diatom productivity during the latter part of Oxygen-Isotope Stage 3 (OIS-3) is suggested by changes in diatom assemblages in laminated sediment from the northern California margin and in bioturbated and laminated sediment from Santa Barbara Basin. These conditions require strong along-shore or off-shore wind stress off California preceding the onset of global glacial conditions.
Numerous studies examine decadal-scale variability in basin-scale parameters in the Northern Pacific. Characterizing such interannual-to-interdecadal variability is essential to identifying long-term climate changes. The Pacific Fisheries Environmental Group (PFEG) coastal upwelling indices display variability on these time scales and may help explain the mechanisms responsible for such climate variability. ... In this study, examination of 49-year time series of monthly mean upwelling indices at the 15 PFEG-standard positions along the west coast of North America revealed variability on large spatial scales as well as temporal scales.
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Selected hydrometeorological (HM) data for the Pacific Northwest and atmospheric and North Pacific sea-surface temperature (SST) data are examined for three successive periods that are subsets of the historical record to estimate if their characteristics have changed.
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Bidecadal radiocarbon measurements on tree rings provide a detailed series of carbon-14 activities at isotopic equilibrium with atmospheric carbon dioxide. ... Most marine environments do not permit development of a comparable series of carbon-14 ages with which to compare the terrestrial tree ring series. However, we have recently begun work on such a series using material from the varved sediments of the Santa Barbara Basin off southern California. ... We now have a nearly continuous record of carbon-14 dates representing the age of the water over the upper 100 meters. ... The ocean reservoir ages show an increase prior to 1450 and a progressive decrease with time after 1450. Although there may be other explanations, we believe this trend is principally the result of changes in large-scale upwelling of water from below 500 meters. These changes were probably also associated with changes in the intensity of the California Current.
The “oxidase reaction” (using p-amino-dimethyl-aniline oxalate as the reagent) has been used to distinguish oxidase-negative from oxidase-positive bacteria from the sea, when grown on membrane filters. By this means, it has been shown (a) that under conditions of stable stratification of the sea as in the tropics, a relationship exists between the percentage incidence of oxidase negative bacteria in the flora and the depth of the water; (b) that the maximum value for this percentage incidence (100) is reached at or immediately below the upper limit of the oxygen minimum layer; (c) that this percentage value (expressed as Oxⁿvalues) may be used to demonstrate the movements of water masses during upwelling. Such upwelling as indicated by theoretical findings and by temperature determinations along two transects off the west coast of Ceylon during the north east monsoon, has been confirmed by the distribution of Oxⁿvalues at these transects.
The effects of turbulent Reynolds number on the statistical behaviour of the displacement speed have been studied using three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation of statistically planar turbulent premixed flames. The probability of finding negative values of the displacement speed is found to increase with increasing turbulent Reynolds number when the Damkhler number is held constant. It has been shown that the statistical behaviour of the Surface Density Function, and its strain rate and curvature dependence, plays a key role in determining the response of the different components of displacement speed. Increasing the turbulent Reynolds number is shown to reduce the strength of the correlations between tangential strain rate and dilatation rate with curvature, although the qualitative nature of the correlations remains unaffected. The dependence of displacement speed on strain rate and curvature is found to weaken with increasing turbulent Reynolds number when either Damkhler or Karlovitz number is held constant, but the qualitative nature of the correlation remains unaltered. The implications of turbulent Reynolds number effects in the context of Flame Surface Density (FSD) modelling have also been addressed, with emphasis on the influence of displacement speed on the curvature and propagation terms in the FSD balance equation. © 2011 Nilanjan Chakraborty et al.
Three spatial structure groups of radionuclides in U and Th series, 210Pb-excess and 137Cs, and 40K were found based on analyzing temporal and spatial datum of their content by factor analysis with oblique rotation in Nhatrang bay. U and Th spatial structure with their contours decreased toward the offshore, ran longshore and divided seawater of bay into two parts with strong gradient on both sides. Inside part located from center of Nhatrang bay toward the seashore with three main deposit centers of their contents higher than 23 Bq/kg.dry for 238U and 40 Bq/kg.dry for 232Th, indicated unstability of shoreline. Almost sediments coming from river extended toward the offshore, were stopped and transported toward southeastern. The outside part was less than above mentioned content. The boundary line between two parts superposed with the constantly limit line of turbid plume in the rainy season. Direct influence of the continental runoff was limited by the 9 Bq/kg.dry contour of 238U, 19 Bq/kg.dry contour of 232Th. Longshore current was a predominant process whereas lateral transport as sifting and winnowing process of finer grains in sediments of Nhatrang bay. Areas that had very low content of 137Cs and 210 Pb-excess adjoining shoreline showed areas being eroded. Accumulation of 137Cs and 210 Pbexcess nearby river mouth characterized for fine compositions of sediments controlled by seasonal plumes and sites further toward the south indicated finer materials transported from river and accumulated in lack of hydrodynamic process. Near shore accumulation of 40K revealed the sediments there originated from bed erosion.
The characteristics of the scalar dissipation rate transport in the corrugated flamelets and the thin reaction zones regimes are studied based on two three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) databases for freely propagating statistically planar turbulent premixed flames. The turbulent flame parameters are so chosen that the database which represents the corrugated flamelets regime has a global Damköhler number Da>1 whereas the database representing the thin reaction zones regime has Da <1. It is demonstrated that the terms originating from the correlation between fluctuating velocity and scalar gradient T1 shows strong Da dependence. The terms originating from dilatation T2, the scalar inner product of gradients of velocity and scalar fields T3 and the correlation between reaction rate and scalar gradients T4 and the dissipation term D2 remain important for both the flames. However, T3 dissipates scalar dissipation rate in the Da > 1 flame while it produces scalar dissipation rate in the Da < 1 flame. This difference is because of the change in the alignment between scalar and velocity gradients
Evidence is presented that cyclonic upwelling took place in the southern offshore waters of Lake Victoria on the 22nd to the 23rd March, 1969. Before this, the main upper thermocline was tilted downwards in the leeward northern half of the lake in response to the accumulation of epilimnetic water. Cyclonic upwelling might be quite common because of the frequent occurrence of storms on Lake Victoria, and probably on other tropical African lakes. However, to my knowledge, it has never been reported from any lake.
The performance of algebraic flame surface density (FSD) models has been assessed for flames with nonunity Lewis number (Le) in the thin reaction zones regime, using a direct numerical simulation (DNS) database of freely propagating turbulent premixed flames with Le ranging from 0.34 to 1.2. The focus is on algebraic FSD models based on a power-law approach, and the effects of Lewis number on the fractal dimension D and inner cut-off scale η i have been studied in detail. It has been found that D is strongly affected by Lewis number and increases significantly with decreasing Le. By contrast, η i remains close to the laminar flame thermal thickness for all values of Le considered here. A parameterisation of D is proposed such that the effects of Lewis number are explicitly accounted for. The new parameterisation is used to propose a new algebraic model for FSD. The performance of the new model is assessed with respect to results for the generalised FSD obtained from explicitly LES-filtered DNS data. It has been found that the performance of the most existing models deteriorates with decreasing Lewis number, while the newly proposed model is found to perform as well or better than the most existing algebraic models for FSD. © 2012 Mohit Katragadda et al.