972 resultados para Upgrade SAP


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Fibre overlay is a cost-effective technique to alleviate wavelength blocking in some links of a wavelength-routed optical network by increasing the number of wavelengths in those links. In this letter, we investigate the effects of overlaying fibre in an all-optical network (AON) based on GÉANT2 topology. The constraint-based routing and wavelength assignment (CB-RWA) algorithm locates where cost-efficient upgrades should be implemented. Through numerical examples, we demonstrate that the network capacity improves by 25 per cent by overlaying fibre on 10 per cent of the links, and by 12 per cent by providing hop reduction links comprising 2 per cent of the links. For the upgraded network, we also show the impact of dynamic traffic allocation on the blocking probability. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Fibre overlay is a cost-effective technique to alleviate wavelength blocking in some links of a wavelength-routed optical network by increasing the number of wavelengths in those links. In this letter, we investigate the effects of overlaying fibre in an all-optical network (AON) based on GÉANT2 topology. The constraint-based routing and wavelength assignment (CB-RWA) algorithm locates where cost-efficient upgrades should be implemented. Through numerical examples, we demonstrate that the network capacity improves by 25 per cent by overlaying fibre on 10 per cent of the links, and by 12 per cent by providing hop reduction links comprising 2 per cent of the links. For the upgraded network, we also show the impact of dynamic traffic allocation on the blocking probability. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The paper applies the GVC framework to analyse the organisational and geographical reconfiguration of the global R&D function of leading US and European pharmaceutical MNCs. Though pharmaceutical MNCs have been outsourcing clinical trial activities since the mid-1990s, the outsourcing of discovery research tasks is a phenomenon of the 2000s (Ramirez 2013). Moreover, in the context of a crisis of R&D productivity and increasing pressure from shareholders, a number of US and European pharmaceutical MNCs are breaking up their R&D function in an attempt to increase flexibility and reduce risk as well as costs and are thereby restructuring the global architecture of their R&D function. This break-up, or unbundling (Sako 2006), of the R&D function is particularly interesting given the prevalence of market failure in innovation (Howells et al 2008), the non-modular nature of the R&D process in this industry (Pisano 2006) and the strategic important of this activity to the core competence and long-term competitive advantage of firms in this sector. The focus of this paper is on the outsourcing of R&D activities to Chinese and Indian independently-owned contract research organisations (CROs) and the way these firms are becoming integrated as service providers into the global R&D function (or R&D value chain) of pharmaceutical MNCs. Above all the paper is concerned with the development of capabilities of CROs from these two countries and the dynamics of upgrading in GVCs in knowledge-intensive functions. The paper therefore discusses the role of both knowledge flows within global pharmaceutical R&D value chains as well as national innovation systems on the development of capabilities of Chinese and Indian CROs. Our analysis is based on data from semi-structured interviews collected from senior R&D managers from a sample of ten US and European pharmaceutical MNCs and owners and senior R&D managers from five Chinese and five Indian CROs who are providing research services to MNCs in this industry. We discuss the emergence of R&D outsourcing in this industry and the nature and mechanisms of knowledge flows within R&D value chains. The embeddedness of CROS in the national innovation systems of their home countries is also discussed.


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Az SAP-rendszernek a kontrollingszervezetek működésére gyakorolt pozitív hatása nem titok. A visszacsatolás lehetőségének biztosításával alkalom nyílik a szervezetek tevékenységének követésére, ellenőrzésére, felülbírálására. A logisztika mint az egész vállalatot átszövő rendszer, működésének nyomon követése is létfontosságúvá vált, hiszen összetettségéből kifolyólag jellegzetességei, színvonala az egész rendszerre hatást gyakorol. A logisztikai rendszer és folyamatainak figyelemmel kísérésére a logisztikai kontrollingrendszer nyújt megoldást, visszacsatolási pontjain keresztül. A műanyag-feldolgozó vállalat esetében a szervezeti SAP-rendszer logisztikai kontrollingterületének fejlesztésétől várják a szervezeti hatékonyság emelkedését és a jobb színvonal elérését. _____ Positive effect of the SAP system on the operation of controlling organisations has not been a secret. Opportunity of the feedback will be possible to track, control, override operation of the organisations. The logistic controlling system provides a solution through feedback points for monitoring the logistic system and processes. In the case of plastics manufacturing company the increasing of organisational efficiency and achievement of a better standard is anticipated from development of logistic controlling area of the organisational SAP system.


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We would like to dedicate this article to the memory of Professor Yoram Milner, who has passed away before this study was achieved. We are immeasurably indebted to him, professionally and personally. The study was supported by grants from the ICA Foundation and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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À medida que a sociedade evolui, também as profissões evoluem com ela. Uma profissão que tem crescido de forma notável é a de consultor na área das tecnologias de informação. De facto, há alguns anos atrás, esta profissão não tinha o relevo que tem na actualidade, pois com a evolução das tecnologias da informação, as ferramentas ao dispor das empresas diversificaram-se e como tal, a mão-de-obra vai-se especializando nestas ferramentas. As empresas, na impossibilidade de contratar mão-de-obra para instalar, manter e evoluir todas as suas ferramentas, recorrem cada vez mais à experiência de consultores externos; estes são contratados para realizar tarefas específicas que as empresas não têm capacidade de executar com os próprios recursos e a sua ligação com estas entidades termina após a conclusão destas tarefas. Cada vez mais as empresas procuram tirar o máximo partido das ferramentas informáticas à sua disposição e os sistemas de Enterprise Resource Planning não são excepção. À medida que os utilizadores vão usufruindo dos sistemas, surgem novas necessidades que, depois de colmatadas, permitem a sua optimização. Além disso, com a alteração das leis, é preciso adaptar os sistemas para que estes evoluam e possam reflectir os novos requisitos legais. Com o aumento da regulação bancária, as entidades bancárias são obrigadas a comunicar informação sobre as suas finanças ao Banco de Portugal, de modo a que o banco possa analisar a saúde financeira das entidades e emitir recomendações sobre a sua forma de actuar. Esta nova forma de comunicação será efectuada por meio de relatórios em eXtended Business Reporting Language (XBRL). Pretende-se caracterizar a profissão de consultor e apresentar alguns projectos realizados enquanto consultor numa consultora de grande dimensão.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Questo progetto è stato sviluppato durante un periodo di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile del Trinity College e continuato presso l’Università di Bologna. Il progetto ha l’obiettivo di analizzare le soluzioni per l’ampliamento, la sostituzione degli impianti e l’ottimizzazione energetica di un tipico edificio residenziale Irlandese, una end of terrace in mattoni costruita negli anni ’20, collocata a Blackrock (Dublino). Diversi studi sostengono che lo stock abitativo irlandese è il peggiore del nord Europa per quanto riguarda la performance energetica. Questa tesi consta di una prima parte di studio del contesto e delle tecniche costruttive tradizionali irlandesi; è presente un capitolo di approfondimento sulle leggi riguardanti le costruzioni e gli incentivi forniti dal governo irlandese per interventi di retrofit energetico. Il terzo capitolo è un’analisi dell'esistente, con disegni del rilievo geometrico, immagini dell’edificio originale, termogrammi e dati riguardanti l’attuale performance energetica. Vengono poi mostrate diverse ipotesi di progetto e, una volta determinata la disposizione degli spazi interni, vengono considerate due soluzioni simili, ma costruite con pacchetti costruttivi diversi. Nel Progetto A l’involucro dell’addizione ha una struttura in muratura, nel Progetto B la struttura è in X-lam. Le performance energetiche delle due proposte vengono confrontate tramite una simulazione attuata grazie all'utilizzo del software dinamico IES-VE. Viene valutata l’applicazione di energie rinnovabili, quali l’energia solare e eolica e l’apporto che queste possono dare al bilancio energetico. Infine viene fatta un’analisi dei costi, valutando possibili suddivisioni dei lavori e ipotizzando un piano di ritorno dell’investimento, anche in combinazione con l’applicazione di energie rinnovabili. Alla fine del progetto si trova una valutazione quantitativa dei miglioramenti dell’edificio e un’analisi critica dei limiti del progetto.


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COMPASS is an experiment at CERN’s SPS whose goal is to study hadron structure and spectroscopy. The experiment includes a wide acceptance RICH detector, operating since 2001 and subject to a major upgrade of the central region of its photodetectors in 2006. The remaining 75% of the photodetection area are still using MWPCs from the original design, who suffer from limitations in gain due to aging of the photocathodes from ion bombardment and due to ion-induced instabilities. Besides the mentioned limitations, the increased luminosity conditions expected for the upcoming years of the experiment make an upgrade to the remaining detectors pertinent. This upgrade should be accomplished in 2016, using hybrid detectors composed of ThGEMs and MICROMEGAS. This work presents the study, development and characterization of gaseous photon detectors envisaging the foreseen upgrade, and the progress in production and evaluation techniques necessary to reach increasingly larger area detectors with the performances required. It includes reports on the studies performed under particle beam environment of such detectors. MPGD structures can also be used in a variety of other applications, of which nuclear medical imaging is a notorious example. This work includes, additionally, the initial steps in simulating, assembling and characterizing a prototype of a gaseous detector for application as a Compton Camera.


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The present note deals with a detailed description of larvae and fish fry of species caught in the Mekong River and the Tonlé Sap (Great Lake), one of the world’s most varied and productive ecosystems. In this first part, Acanthopterygii and Ostariophysi have been studied.


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Olive tree sap flow measurements were collected in an intensive orchard near Évora, Portugal, during the irrigation seasons of 2013 and 2014, to calculate daily tree transpiration rates (T_SF). Meteorological variables were also collected to calculate reference evapotranspiration (ETo). Both data were used to assess values of basal crop coefficient (Kcb) for the period of the sap flow observations. The soil water balance model SIMDualKc was calibrated with soil, biophysical ground data and sap flow measurements collected in 2013. Validated in 2014 with collected sap flow observations, the model was used to provide estimates of dual e single crop coefficients for 2014 crop growing season. Good agreement between model simulated daily transpiration rates and those obtained with sapflow measurements was observed for 2014 (R2=0.76, RMSE=0.20 mm d-1), the year of validation, with an estimation average absolute error (AAE) of 0.20 mm d-1. Olive modeled daily actual evapotranspiration resulted in atual ETc values of 0.87, 2.05 and 0.77 mm d-1 for 2014 initial, mid- and end-season, respectively. Actual crop coefficient (Kc act) values of 0.51, 0.43 and 0.67 were also obtained for the same periods, respectively. Higher Kc values during spring (initial stage) and autumn (end-stage) were published in FAO56, varying between 0.65 for Kc ini and 0.70 for Kc end. The lower Kc mid value of 0.43 obtained for the summer (mid-season) is also inconsistent with the FAO56 expected Kc mid value of 0.70 for the period. The modeled Kc results are more consistent with the ones published by Allen & Pereira [1] for olive orchards with effective ground cover of 0.25 to 0.5, which vary between 0.40 and 0.80 for Kc ini, 0.40–0.60 for Kc mid with no active ground cover, and 0.35–0.75 for Kc end, depending on ground cover. The SIMDualKc simulation model proved to be appropriate for obtaining evapotranspiration and crop coefficient values for our intensive olive orchard in southern Portugal.


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Vitis vinifera L. cv. Crimson Seedless is a late season red table grape developed in 1989, with a high market value and increasingly cultivated under protected environments to extend the availability of seedless table grapes into the late fall. The purpose of this work was to evaluate leaf water potential and sap flow as indicators of water stress in Crimson Seedless vines under standard and reduced irrigation strategy, consisting of 70 % of the standard irrigation depth. Additionally, two sub-treatments were applied, consisting of normal irrigation throughout the growing season and a short irrigation induced stress period between veraison and harvest. Leaf water potential measurements coherently signaled crop-available water variations caused by different irrigation treatments, suggesting that this plant-based method can be reliably used to identify water-stress conditions. The use of sap flow density data to establish a ratio based on a reference ‘well irrigated vine’ and less irrigated vines can potentially be used to signal differences in the transpiration rates, which may be suitable for improving irrigation management strategies while preventing undesirable levels of water stress. Although all four irrigation strategies resulted in the production of quality table grapes, significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were found in both berry weight and sugar content between the standard irrigation and reduced irrigation treatments. Reduced irrigation increased slightly the average berry size as well as sugar content and technical maturity index. The 2-week irrigation stress period had a negative effect on these parameters.


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Abstract Vitis vinifera L. cv. Crimson Seedless is a late season red table grape developed in 1989, with a high market value and increasingly cultivated under protected environments to extend the availability of seedless table grapes into the late fall. The purpose of this work was to evaluate leaf water potential and sap flow as indicators of water stress in Crimson Seedless vines under standard and reduced irrigation strategy, consisting of 70 % of the standard irrigation depth. Additionally, two sub-treatments were applied, consisting of normal irrigation throughout the growing season and a short irrigation induced stress period between veraison and harvest. Leaf water potential measurements coherently signaled crop-available water variations caused by different irrigation treatments, suggesting that this plant-based method can be reliably used to identify water-stress conditions. The use of sap flow density data to establish a ratio based on a reference ‘well irrigated vine’ and less irrigated vines can potentially be used to signal differences in the transpiration rates, which may be suitable for improving irrigation management strategies while preventing undesirable levels of water stress. Although all four irrigation strategies resulted in the production of quality table grapes, significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were found in both berry weight and sugar content between the standard irrigation and reduced irrigation treatments. Reduced irrigation increased slightly the average berry size as well as sugar content and technical maturity index. The 2-week irrigation stress period had a negative effect on these parameters.


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The time-dependent CP asymmetries of the $B^0\to\pi^+\pi^-$ and $B^0_s\toK^+K^-$ decays and the time-integrated CP asymmetries of the $B^0\toK^+\pi^-$ and $B^0_s\to\pi^+K^-$ decays are measured, using the $p-p$ collision data collected with the LHCb detector and corresponding to the full Run2. The results are compatible with previous determinations of these quantities from LHCb, except for the CP-violation parameters of the $B^0_s\to K^+K^-$ decays, that show a discrepancy exceeding 3 standard deviations between different data-taking periods. The investigations being conducted to understand the discrepancy are documented. The measurement of the CKM matrix element $|V_{cb}|$ using $B^0_{s}\to D^{(*)-}_s\mu^+ \nu_\mu$ is also reported, using the $p-p$ collision data collected with the LHCb detector and corresponding to the full Run1. The measurement leads to $|V_{cb}| = (41.4\pm0.6\pm0.9\pm1.2)\times 10^{-3}$, where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second is systematic, and the third is due to external inputs. This measurement is compatible with the world averages and constitutes the first measurement of $|V_{cb}|$ at a hadron collider and the absolute first one with decays of the $B^0_s$ meson. The analysis also provides the very first measurements of the branching ratio and form factors parameters of the signal decay modes. The study of the characteristics ruling the response of an electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) to profitably operate in the high luminosity regime foreseen for the Upgrade2 of LHCb is reported in the final part of this Thesis. A fast and flexible simulation framework is developed to this purpose. Physics performance of different configurations of the ECAL are evaluated using samples of fully simulated $B^0\to \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ and $B^0\to K^{*0}e^+e^-$ decays. The results are used to guide the development of the future ECAL and are reported in the Framework Technical Design Report of the LHCb Upgrade2 detector.