1000 resultados para UDK:550
Objective: To investigate the effects of the rate of airway pressure increase and duration of recruitment maneuvers on lung function and activation of inflammation, fibrogenesis, and apoptosis in experimental acute lung injury. Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled experimental study. Setting: University research laboratory. Subjects: Thirty-five Wistar rats submitted to acute lung injury induced by cecal ligation and puncture. Interventions: After 48 hrs, animals were randomly distributed into five groups (seven animals each): 1) nonrecruited (NR); 2) recruitment maneuvers (RMs) with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for 15 secs (CPAP15); 3) RMs with CPAP for 30 secs (CPAP30); 4) RMs with stepwise increase in airway pressure (STEP) to targeted maximum within 15 secs (STEP15); and 5) RMs with STEP within 30 secs (STEP30). To perform STEP RMs, the ventilator was switched to a CPAP mode and positive end-expiratory pressure level was increased stepwise. At each step, airway pressure was held constant. RMs were targeted to 30 cm H(2)O. Animals were then ventilated for 1 hr with tidal volume of 6 mL/kg and positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cm H(2)O. Measurements and Main Results: Blood gases, lung mechanics, histology (light and electronic microscopy), interleukin-6, caspase 3, and type 3 procollagen mRNA expressions in lung tissue. All RMs improved oxygenation and lung static elastance and reduced alveolar collapse compared to NR. STEP30 resulted in optimal performance, with: 1) improved lung static elastance vs. NR, CPAP15, and STEP15; 2) reduced alveolar-capillary membrane detachment and type 2 epithelial and endothelial cell injury scores vs. CPAP15 (p < .05); and 3) reduced gene expression of interleukin-6, type 3 procollagen, and caspase 3 in lung tissue vs. other RMs. Conclusions: Longer-duration RMs with slower airway pressure increase efficiently improved lung function, while minimizing the biological impact on lungs. (Crit Care Med 2011; 39:1074-1081)
Context. Although several studies have evaluated the frequency of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and drug-drug interactions (DDIs) in general medicine, few studies have looked at the epidemiology of adverse drug events (ADEs) in oncology. Objectives. We sought to investigate how many hospital admissions in oncology are related to a DDI or an ADR. Methods. All cancer patients admitted to an oncology ward during an eight-month period had their charts retrospectively evaluated for reasons of hospitalization, using a 4-point scale (definitely, probably, possibly, or unlikely associated) to classify admissions by their probability of being associated with either a DDI or an ADR. Results. From September 2007 to May 2008, there were 550 hospital admissions and 458 were eligible. Among unplanned admissions (n = 298), 39 (13.0%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 9.4%-17.4%) were considered to be associated with an ADE, 33 (11.0%, 95% CI 7.7%-15.2%) with an ADR, and six (2.0%, 95% CI 0.7%-4.3%) with a DDI. The most common DDIs involved warfarin, captopril, and anti-inflammatory agents, and the most frequent ADR was neutropenic fever post-chemotherapy. Most patients were discharged completely recovered, but two patients died. Conclusion. Approximately one in 10 unplanned hospitalizations of cancer patients is associated with an ADE. Prospective and population-based studies are warranted to evaluate their magnitude in oncology. J Pain Symptom Manage 2011;42:342-353. (C) 2011 U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hypertrophic scars are common problems and represent a challenging condition to treat. Fractional photothermolysis has been effective at resurfacing photodamaged skin, acne scars, and atrophic scars, but there are few reports on its use for hypertrophic scars. To evaluate the safety and efficacy of 1,550-nm erbium-doped fiber laser treatment of hypertrophic scars in eight patients. Eight patients (skin phototypes II-IV) with hypertrophic scars received monthly treatments with a 1,550-nm erbium-doped fiber laser. Energy settings ranged from 35 to 50 mJ, and eight to 10 passes were applied with treatment levels 6 to 8. An independent physician evaluator assessed the treatment response by comparing pre- and posttreatment clinical photographs using a quartile grading scale (grade 1, <= 25%=minimal to no improvement; grade 2, 26-50%=moderate improvement; grade 3, 51-75%=marked improvement; grade 4, > 75%=near total improvement. At four weeks after the last treatment session, a mean grade of 2.4 was achieved based on an independent physician`s clinical assessment. Improvement in pigmentation occurred in all hyperpigmented scars. Hypertrophic scars can be effectively and safely improved with 1,550-nm erbium-doped fiber laser treatment. The authors have indicated no significant interest with commercial supporters.
Objectives (1) Study the effectiveness of intravariceal injection of n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate to treat acute gastric variceal (GV) bleeding and (2) study the impact of the type of GV and hepatic function on endoscopic hemostasis and mortality outcomes. Methods Fourty-eight patients with acute GV bleeding underwent intravariceal injection of n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate and were followed until death or study conclusion (12-52 months). Results Primary hemostasis (no re-bleeding within 48 h) was accomplished in 42 patients (87.5%). Appearance of the bleeding site at the time of initial endoscopy, grade of cirrhosis and location of GV were not significant predictors of immediate hemostasis. Early re-bleeding (48 h to 6 weeks) occurred in 20.5% of patients and late re-bleeding (beyond 6 weeks) in 20.5% of patients. While the Child-Pugh score was predictive of re-bleeding and mortality, the type of GV and stigmata at initial endoscopy were not significant predictors of re-bleeding and mortality. Over a mean follow-up of 18 months, mortality rates were 43.9% and bleeding was the commonest cause of death. Conclusion Endoscopic injection of n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate is effective and safe for treating bleeding GV. Patients with poor hepatic function are at higher risk of re-bleeding and death after acute gastric variceal bleed.
Objective: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding regulatory RNAs (19-25 nucleotides) that play a major role in regulation of gene expression. They are responsible for the control of fundamental cellular processes that has been reported to be involved in human tumorigenesis. The characterization of miRNA profiles in human tumors is crucial for the understanding of carcinogenesis processes, finding of new tumor markers, and discovering of specific targets for the development of innovative therapies. The aim of this study is to find miRNAs involved in prostate cancer progression comparing the profile of miRNA expressed by localized high grade carcinoma and bone metastasis. Material and methods: Two groups of tumors where submitted to analyses. The first is characterized by 18 patients who underwent radical prostatectomy for treatment of localized high grade prostate carcinoma (PC) with mean Gleason score 8.6, all staged pT3. The second group is composed of 4 patients with metastatic, androgen-independent prostate carcinoma, and 2 PC cell lines. LNCaP derived from a metastatic PC to a lymph node, and another derived from an obstructive, androgen-independent PC (PcBRA1). Expression analysis of 14 miRNAs was carried out using quantitative RT-PCR. Results: miR-let7c, miR-100, and miR-218 were significantly overexpressed by all localized high GS, pT3 PC in comparison with metastatic carcinoma. (35.065 vs. 0.996 P < 0.001), (55.550 vs. 8.314, P = 0.010), and (33.549 vs. 2.748, P = 0.001), respectively. Conclusion: We hypothesize that miR-let7c, miR-100, and miR-218 may be involved in the process of metastasization of PC, and their role as controllers of the expression of RAS, c-myc, Laminin 5 beta 3, THAP2, SMARCA5, and BAZ2A should be matter of additional studies. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The reduction of neutrophil migration to an infectious focus is associated with a high mortality in severe sepsis. Previously, we showed that heme oxygenase (HO) products downregulate neutrophil recruitment in a noninfectious inflammatory model. The present study was designed to determine the role of HO in sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) model. We demonstrated that pretreatment, but not the combination of pretreatment plus posttreatment with zinc protoporphyrin IX (ZnPP IX), an HO inhibitor, prevented the reduction of CXCR2 on circulating neutrophils and the failure of intraperitoneal neutrophil migration to the site of infection. Consequently, bacterial dissemination, systemic inflammatory response, and organ injury were prevented. In addition, pretreatment with the HO inhibitor avoided hypotension and consequently increased survival. Moreover, in mice subjected to severe CLP, the pretreatment, but not the combination of pretreatment plus posttreatment with ZnPP IX, prevented the increase of plasmatic free heme observed in nontreated severe CLP. The administration of exogenous hemin to mice subjected to moderate sepsis consistently increased the mortality rate. Furthermore, hemin resulted in a reduction of neutrophil migration both in vivo and in vitro. Altogether, our results demonstrated that pretreatment with the HO inhibitor prevents the pathological findings in severe CLP. However, the combination of pretreatment plus posttreatment with ZnPP IX enhances sepsis severity because of an increase in circulating levels of heme, which is deleterious to the host tissues and also inhibits neutrophil migration.
The total meat yield in a beef cattle production cycle is economically very important and depends on the number of calves born per year or birth season, being directly related to reproductive potential. Accumulated Productivity (ACP) is an index that expresses a cow`s capacity to give birth regularly at a young age and to wean animals of greater body weight. Using data from cattle participating in the ""Program for Genetic Improvement of the Nelore Breed"" (PMGRN - Nelore Brasil), bi-trait analyses were performed using the Restricted Maximum Likelihood method based on an ACP animal model and the following traits: age at first calving (AFC), female body weight adjusted for 365 (BW365) and 450 (BW450) days of age, and male scrotal circumference adjusted for 365 (SC365), 450 (SC450), 550 (SC550) and 730 (SC730) days of age. Median estimated ACP heritability was 0.19 and the genetic correlations with AFC, BW365, BW450, SC365, SC450, SC550 and SC730 were 0.33, 0.70, 0.65, 0.08, 0.07, 0.12 and 0.16, respectively. ACP increased and AFC decreased over time, revealing that the selection criteria genetically improved these traits. Selection based on ACP appears to favor the heaviest females at 365 and 450 days of age who showed better reproductive performance as regards AFC. Scrotal circumference was not genetically associated with ACP. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Paracoccidioidomycosis has been known for over 100 years, and until now, there were only few estimates of the disease`s incidence. We aim to analyze 1,000 cases treated between 1960 and 1999 at Ribeirao Preto city, Sao Paulo, Brazil, where the disease`s incidence range detected was 1.6 to 3.7 cases per 100,000 habitants per year (mean = 2.7 cases/year). We observed a male to female ratio of 6:1 and an age distribution from 3 to 85 years. The acute/subacute form of the disease accounted for 25.4% of cases. Most of the patients (93.5%) had lived or worked in rural areas before the disease development. Smoking and alcoholism were reported by 64.7% and 37.2% of patients, respectively. Comorbidities identified included tuberculosis (8.3%), Chagas` disease (8.6%), and human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (4.2%). The present study revealed an area in Brazil where paracoccidioidomycosis is hyperendemic (has the highest reported incidence of this disease); this endemic area is probably caused by geological and climatic conditions as well as intensive agriculture.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the genetic correlations among real-time ultrasound carcass, BW, and scrotal circumference (SC) traits in Nelore cattle. Carcass traits, measured by real-time ultrasound of the live animal, were recorded from 2002 to 2004 on 10 farms across 6 Brazilian states on 2,590 males and females ranging in age from 450 to 599 d. Ultrasound records of LM area (LMA) and backfat thickness (BF) were obtained from cross-sectional images between the 12th and 13th ribs, and rump fat thickness (RF) was measured between the hook and pin bones over the junction between gluteus medius and biceps femoris muscles. Also, BW (n = 22,778) and SC ( n = 5,695) were recorded on animals born between 1998 and 2003. The BW traits were 120, 210, 365, 450, and 550-d standardized BW (W120, W210, W365, W450, and W550), plus BW (WS) and hip height (HH) on the ultrasound scanning date. The SC traits were 365-, 450-, and 550-d standardized SC (SC365, SC450, and SC550). For the BW and SC traits, the database used was from the Nelore Breeding Program-Nelore Brazil. The genetic parameters were estimated with multivariate animal models and REML. Estimated genetic correlations between LMA and other traits were 0.06 (BF), -0.04 ( RF), 0.05 (HH), 0.58 (WS), 0.53 (W120), 0.62 (W210), 0.67 (W365), 0.64 ( W450 and W550), 0.28 (SC365), 0.24 (SC450), and 0.00 ( SC550). Estimated genetic correlations between BF and with other traits were 0.74 ( RF), -0.32 (HH), 0.19 (WS), -0.03 (W120), -0.10 (W210), 0.04 (W365), 0.01 (W450), 0.06 ( W550), 0.17 (SC365 and SC450), and -0.19 (SC550). Estimated genetic correlations between RF and other traits were -0.41 (HH), -0.09 (WS), -0.13 ( W120), -0.09 ( W210), -0.01 ( W365), 0.02 (W450), 0.03 (W550), 0.05 ( SC365), 0.11 ( SC450), and -0.18 (SC550). These estimates indicate that selection for carcass traits measured by real-time ultrasound should not cause antagonism in the genetic improvement of SC and BW traits. Also, selection to increase HH might decrease subcutaneous fat as correlated response. Therefore, to obtain animals suited to specific tropical production systems, carcass, BW, and SC traits should be considered in selection programs.
P>Age at first calving (AFC) measures the entry of heifers into the beef cattle production system. This trait can be used as a selection criterion for earlier reproductive performance. Using data from Nelore cattle participating in the `Program for Genetic Improvement of the Nelore Breed` (PMGRN-Nelore Brazil), bi-trait analyses were performed using the restricted maximum likelihood method, based on an AFC animal model and the following traits: female body weight adjusted to 365 (BW365) and 450 (BW450) days of age, and male scrotal circumference adjusted to 365 (SC365), 450 (SC450), 550 (SC550) and 730 (SC730) days of age. The heritability estimates for AFC ranged from 0.02 +/- 0.02 to 0.04 +/- 0.02. The estimates of additive direct heritabilities (with standard error) for BW365, BW450, SC365, SC450, SC550 and SC730 were 0.36 +/- 0.07, 0.38 +/- 0.07, 0.48 +/- 0.07, 0.65 +/- 0.07, 0.64 +/- 0.07 and 0.42 +/- 0.07, respectively, and the genetic correlations with AFC were -0.38, -0.33, 0.10, -0.13, -0.13 and 0.06, respectively. In the herds studied, selection for SC365, SC450, SC550 or SC730 should not cause genetic changes in AFC. Selection based on BW365 or BW450 would favor smaller AFC breeding values. However, the low magnitude of direct heritability estimates for AFC in these farms indicates that changes in phenotypical expression depend mostly on non-genetic factors.
Background: Low-fluoride dentifrices have been suggested as alternatives to reduce dental fluorosis risk, but there is no consensus regarding their clinical effectiveness, which has been suggested to be increased when their pH is acidic. Aims: This single-blind randomized clinical trial evaluated the caries increment during the use of a low-fluoride acidic liquid dentifrice. Methods: Four-year-old schoolchildren (n = 1,402) living in a fluoridated area (0.6-0.8 ppm F) were randomly allocated to 4 groups differing according to the type of dentifrice used over a 20-month period. Group 1 (n = 345): liquid dentifrice, 1,100 ppm F, pH 4.5. Group 2 (n = 343): liquid dentifrice, 1,100 ppm F, pH 7.0. Group 3 (n = 354): liquid dentifrice, 550 ppm F, pH 4.5. Group 4 (n = 360): toothpaste, 1,100 ppm F, pH 7.0. At baseline and after 20 months, clinical examinations were conducted (dmfs index) and caries increment was calculated. Data were analysed by GLM procedure using classrooms (cluster) as unit of analysis (p < 0.05). Results: The mean +/- SD (95% CI) net increments found were as follows. Group 1: 2.06 +/- 2.38 (1.8-2.3); group 2: 2.08 +/- 2.87 (1.7-2.4); group 3: 2.05 +/- 2.79 (1.7-2.4), and group 4: 2.08 +/- 2.34 (1.8-2.4). No significant differences were detected among the groups. Conclusion: In a population with high caries risk living in a fluoridated area, as the selected sample, and according to the present protocol, the low-fluoride acidic liquid dentifrice seems to lead to similar caries progression rates as conventional 1,100 ppm F toothpaste. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
To evaluate the influence of dentifrice pH and fluoride (F) concentration on F uptake by plaque and nails, two sets of 5-to 6-year-old children were randomly allocated into four groups, according to the type of dentifrice they had been using for 1 year: (1) experimental liquid dentifrice (ELD), 1,100 ppm F, pH 7.0; (2) ELD, 1,100 ppm F, pH 4.5; (3) ELD, 550 ppm F, pH 4.5, and (4) commercial toothpaste, 1,100 ppm F, pH 7.0. In one set of children, nails were clipped. In the second, plaque samples were collected 1 h after the last use of dentifrice. F concentration in plaque and nails was analyzed. Plaque F concentration was significantly lower in group 4 than in groups 1-3. Nail F concentration was significantly higher in group 4, and significantly lower in group 3, than in group 1 or 2. Plaque F uptake was influenced significantly by dentifrice consistency and nonsignificantly by pH and F concentration. Reduction of dentifrice pH did not affect nail F concentration. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
This study evaluated the influence of addition of 10% calcium chloride (CaCl(2)) on the setting time, solubility, disintegration, and pH of white MTA (WMTA) and white Portland cement (WPC). A test of the setting time was performed following the #57 ADA specifications and a test of the final setting time according to the ASTM. For the solubility tests disintegration and pH, Teflon rings were filled with the cements and weighed after setting. After 24 h in a desiccator, they were once again weighed. Thereafter, they were immersed in MiliQ water for 24 and 72 h and 7, 14, and 28 days, with maintenance in the desiccator and weighing between periods. The pH of water in which the rings were immersed was measured immediately after contact with them and in the other periods. The addition of CaCl(2) provided a significant reduction (50%) in the initial setting time of cements. The final setting time of WMTA was reduced in 35.5% and the final setting time of WPC in 68.5%. The WMTA with CaCl(2) absorbed water and gained weight with time, except for in the 24-h period. The addition of CaCl(2) to the WPC reduced its solubility. The addition of CaCl(2) increased the pH of WMTA in the immediate period and at 24 and 72 h and for WPC in the immediate period and at 24 h. The addition of CaCl(2) to WMTA and WPC reduced the setting times and solubility of both and increased the pH of cements in the initial periods. (J Endod 2009;35:550-554)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the thermocycling effects and shear bond strength of acrylic resin teeth to denture base resins. Materials and Methods: Three acrylic teeth (Biotone, Trilux, Ivoclar) were chosen for bonding to four denture base resins: microwave-polymerized (Acron MC), heat-polymerized (Lucitone 550 and QC-20), and light-polymerized (Versyo. bond). Twenty specimens were produced for each denture base/acrylic tooth combination and were divided into two groups (n = 10): without thermocycling (control groups) and thermocycled groups submitted to 5000 cycles between 4 and 60 degrees C. Shear strength tests (MPa) were performed with a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. Statistical analysis of the results was carried out with three-way ANOVA and Bonferroni`s multiple comparisons post hoc analysis for test groups (alpha = 0.05). Results: The shear bond strengths of Lucitone/Biotone, Lucitone/Trilux, and Versyo/Ivoclar specimens were significantly decreased by thermocycling, compared with the corresponding control groups (p < 0.05). The means of Acron/Ivoclar and Lucitone/Ivoclar specimens increased after thermocycling (p < 0.05). The highest mean shear bond strength value was observed with Lucitone/Biotone in the control group (14.54 MPa) and the lowest with QC-20/Trilux in the thermocycled group (3.69 MPa). Conclusion: Some acrylic tooth/denture base resin combinations can be more affected by thermocycling; effects vary based upon the materials used.
Bond failures at the acrylic teeth and denture base resin interface are still a common clinical problem in prosthodontics. The effect of methyl methacrylate (MMA) monomer on the bond strength of three types of denture base resins (Acron MC, Lucitone 550 and QC-20) to two types of acrylic teeth (Biotone and Trilux) was evaluated. Twenty specimens were produced for each denture base resin/acrylic tooth combination and were randomly divided into control (acrylic teeth received no surface treatment) and experimental groups (MMA was applied to the surface of the acrylic teeth for 180 s) and were submitted to shear tests (1 mm/mm). Data (MPa) were analyzed using three-way ANOVA/Student`s test (alpha = 0.05). MMA increased the bond strength of Lucitone denture base resins and decreased the bond strength of QC-20. No difference was detected for the bond strength of Acron MC base resin after treatment with MMA. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.