939 resultados para Trypanosoma cruzi - hospedeiro


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Repetitive proteins (RP) of Trypanosoma cruzi are highly present in the parasite and are strongly recognized by sera from Chagas' disease patients. Flagelar Repetitive Antigen (FRA), which is expressed in all steps of the parasite life cycle, is the RP that displays the greatest number of aminoacids per repeat and has been indicated as one of the most suitable candidate for diagnostic test because of its high performance in immunoassays. Here we analyzed the influence of the number of repeats on the immunogenic and antigenic properties of the antigen. Recombinant proteins containing one, two, and four tandem repeats of FRA (FRA1, FRA2, and FRA4, respectively) were obtained and the immune response induced by an equal amount of repeats was evaluated in a mouse model. The reactivity of specific antibodies present in sera from patients naturally infected with T. cruzi was also assessed against FRA1, FRA2, and FRA4 proteins, and the relative avidity was analyzed. We determined that the number of repeats did not increase the humoral response against the antigen and this result was reproduced when the repeated motifs were alone or fused to a non-repetitive protein. By contrast, the binding affinity of specific human antibodies increases with the number of repeated motifs in FRA antigen. We then concluded that the high ability of FRA to be recognized by specific antibodies from infected individuals is mainly due to a favorable polyvalent interaction between the antigen and the antibodies. In accordance with experimental results, a 3D model was proposed and B epitope in FRA1, FRA2, and FRA4 were predicted.


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Chagas' disease, a devastating illness in the Western Hemisphere, is caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. Transmission is via bloodsucking insect vectors, congenitally, or through blood transfusion and/or organ transplantation. A significant percentage of heart-related illnesses and deaths each year are attributable to the number of persons with Chagas' disease. Currently, there is no FDA-approved routine screening of the U.S. blood supply being conducted by blood banks. The only current commercial assays available for detection of Trypanosoma cruzi are based on South American isolates, which may differ antigenically from those found in the US. In this study, the assay used intact parasites as antigen in an ELISA-type assay. Therefore, serological differences presumably reflected variations in surface antigens. The basis of differential antibody binding to these antigens is unknown. In this study, biochemical characterization and genetic polymorphism analysis will be performed on three defined surface proteins of T. cruzi epimastigotes.^


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Anti-P antibodies present in sera from patients with chronic Chagas heart disease (cChHD) recognize peptide R13, EEEDDDMGFGLFD, which encompasses the C-terminal region of the Trypanosoma cruzi ribosomal P1 and P2 proteins. This peptide shares homology with the C-terminal region (peptide H13 EESDDDMGFGLFD) of the human ribosomal P proteins, which is in turn the target of anti-P autoantibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and with the acidic epitope, AESDE, of the second extracellular loop of the β1-adrenergic receptor. Anti-P antibodies from chagasic patients showed a marked preference for recombinant parasite ribosomal P proteins and peptides, whereas anti-P autoantibodies from SLE reacted with human and parasite ribosomal P proteins and peptides to the same extent. A semi-quantitative estimation of the binding of cChHD anti-P antibodies to R13 and H13 using biosensor technology indicated that the average affinity constant was about 5 times higher for R13 than for H13. Competitive enzyme immunoassays demonstrated that cChHD anti-P antibodies bind to the acidic portions of peptide H13, as well as to peptide H26R, encompassing the second extracellular loop of the β1 adrenoreceptor. Anti-P antibodies isolated from cChHD patients exert a positive chronotropic effect in vitro on cardiomyocytes from neonatal rats, which resembles closely that of anti-β1 receptor antibodies isolated from the same patient. In contrast, SLE anti-P autoantibodies have no functional effect. Our results suggest that the adrenergic-stimulating activity of anti-P antibodies may be implicated in the induction of functional myocardial impairments observed in cChHD.


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Trypanosoma cruzi is a protozoan parasite that belongs to an early branch in evolution. Although it lacks several features of the pathway of protein N-glycosylation and oligosaccharide processing present in the endoplasmic reticulum of higher eukaryotes, it displays UDP-Glc:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase and glucosidase II activities. It is herewith reported that this protozoan also expresses a calreticulin-like molecule, the third component of the quality control of glycoprotein folding. No calnexin-encoding gene was detected. Recombinant T. cruzi calreticulin specifically recognized free monoglucosylated high-mannose-type oligosaccharides. Addition of anti-calreticulin serum to extracts obtained from cells pulse–chased with [35S]Met plus [35S]Cys immunoprecipitated two proteins that were identified as calreticulin and the lysosomal proteinase cruzipain (a major soluble glycoprotein). The latter but not the former protein disappeared from immunoprecipitates upon chasing cells. Contrary to what happens in mammalian cells, addition of the glucosidase II inhibitor 1-deoxynojirimycin promoted calreticulin–cruzipain interaction. This result is consistent with the known pathway of protein N-glycosylation and oligosaccharide processing occurring in T. cruzi. A treatment of the calreticulin-cruzipain complexes with endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase H either before or after addition of anti-calreticulin serum completely disrupted calreticulin–cruzipain interaction. In addition, mature monoglucosylated but not unglucosylated cruzipain isolated from lysosomes was found to interact with recombinant calreticulin. It was concluded that the quality control of glycoprotein folding appeared early in evolution, and that T. cruzi calreticulin binds monoglucosylated oligosaccharides but not the protein moiety of cruzipain. Furthermore, evidence is presented indicating that glucosyltransferase glucosylated cruzipain at its last folding stages.


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The intracellular pathogen Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiological agent of Chagas’ disease. We have isolated a full-length cDNA encoding uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDGase), a key enzyme involved in DNA repair, from this organism. The deduced protein sequence is highly conserved at the C-terminus of the molecule and shares key residues involved in binding or catalysis with most of the UDGases described so far, while the N-terminal part is highly variable. The gene is single copy and is located on a chromosome of ∼1.9 Mb. A His-tagged recombinant protein was overexpressed, purified and used to raise polyclonal antibodies. Western blot analysis revealed the existence of a single UDGase species in parasite extracts. Using a specific ethidium bromide fluorescence assay, recombinant T.cruzi UDGase was shown to specifically excise uracil from DNA. The addition of both Leishmania major AP endonuclease and exonuclease III, the major AP endonuclease from Escherichia coli, produces stimulation of UDGase activity. This activation is specific for AP endonuclease and suggests functional communication between the two enzymes.


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Until recently, a capacity for apoptosis and synthesis of nitric oxide (⋅NO) were viewed as exclusive to multicellular organisms. The existence of these processes in unicellular parasites was recently described, with their biological significance remaining to be elucidated. We have evaluated l-arginine metabolism in Trypanosoma cruzi in the context of human serum-induced apoptotic death. Apoptosis was evidenced by the induction of DNA fragmentation and the inhibition of [3H]thymidine incorporation, which were inhibited by the caspase inhibitor Ac-Asp-Glu-Val-aspartic acid aldehyde (DEVD-CHO). In T. cruzi exposed to death stimuli, supplementation with l-arginine inhibited DNA fragmentation, restored [3H]thymidine incorporation, and augmented parasite ⋅NO production. These effects were inhibited by the ⋅NO synthase inhibitor Nω-nitroarginine methyl ester (l-NAME). Exogenous ⋅NO limited DNA fragmentation but did not restore proliferation rates. Because l-arginine is also a substrate for arginine decarboxylase (ADC), and its product agmatine is a precursor for polyamine synthesis, we evaluated the contribution of polyamines to limiting apoptosis. Addition of agmatine, putrescine, and the polyamines spermine and spermidine to T. cruzi sustained parasite proliferation and inhibited DNA fragmentation. Also, the ADC inhibitor difluoromethylarginine inhibited l-arginine-dependent restoration of parasite replication rates, while the protection from DNA fragmentation persisted. In aggregate, these results indicate that T. cruzi epimastigotes can undergo programmed cell death that can be inhibited by l-arginine by means of (i) a ⋅NO synthase-dependent ⋅NO production that suppresses apoptosis and (ii) an ADC-dependent production of polyamines that support parasite proliferation.


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Simple phylogenetic tests were applied to a large data set of nucleotide sequences from two nuclear genes and a region of the mitochondrial genome of Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas' disease. Incongruent gene genealogies manifest genetic exchange among distantly related lineages of T. cruzi. Two widely distributed isoenzyme types of T. cruzi are hybrids, their genetic composition being the likely result of genetic exchange between two distantly related lineages. The data show that the reference strain for the T. cruzi genome project (CL Brener) is a hybrid. Well-supported gene genealogies show that mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences from T. cruzi cluster, respectively, in three or four distinct clades that do not fully correspond to the two previously defined major lineages of T. cruzi. There is clear genetic differentiation among the major groups of sequences, but genetic diversity within each major group is low. We estimate that the major extant lineages of T. cruzi have diverged during the Miocene or early Pliocene (3–16 million years ago).


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Heart tissue destruction in chronic Chagas disease cardiopathy (CCC) may be caused by autoimmune recognition of heart tissue by a mononuclear cell infiltrate decades after Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Indirect evidence suggests that there is antigenic crossreactivity between T. cruzi and heart tissue. As there is evidence for immune recognition of cardiac myosin in CCC, we searched for a putative myosin-crossreactive T. cruzi antigen. T. cruzi lysate immunoblots were probed with anti-cardiac myosin heavy chain IgG antibodies (AMA) affinity-purified from CCC or asymptomatic Chagas disease patient-seropositive sera. A 140/116-kDa doublet was predominantly recognized by AMA from CCC sera. Further, recombinant T. cruzi protein B13--whose native protein is also a 140- and 116-kDa double band--was identified by crossreactive AMA. Among 28 sera tested in a dot-blot assay, AMA from 100% of CCC sera but only 14% of the asymptomatic Chagas disease sera recognized B13 protein (P = 2.3 x 10(-6)). Sequence homology to B13 protein was found at positions 8-13 and 1442-1447 of human cardiac myosin heavy chain. Competitive ELISA assays that used the correspondent myosin synthetic peptides to inhibit serum antibody binding to B13 protein identified the heart-specific AAALDK (1442-1447) sequence of human cardiac myosin heavy chain and the homologous AAAGDK B13 sequence as the respective crossreactive epitopes. The recognition of a heart-specific T. cruzi crossreactive epitope, in strong association with the presence of chronic heart lesions, suggests the involvement of crossreactivity between cardiac myosin and B13 in the pathogenesis of CCC.


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O Trypanosoma cruzi expressa um grupo de glicoprotcinas de superfície, denominadas Tc-85, que pertencem à superfumília gêmca das gp85/traus-sialidases. Nosso laboratório clonou e caracterizou um membro da fumília Tc85 (Tc85-11), cuja região carboxila tenninal (clone Tc85-1) adere em laminina e em células de mamífero. Usando peptídeos sintéticos, correspondendo em seqüência à Tc85-1, caracterizou-se o motivo mais conservado da superfamilia gênica das gp85/trans-sialidases (VTVxNVFLYNR), o qual não adere em laminina. Esse motivo foi chamado peptídeo J. Por cromatografia de extratos de membrana de cardiomiócitos em coluna de afmidade contendo peptídeo J, foi isolada uma molécula de 30kDa identificada como sendo a subunidade β3 da Na+, K+ ATPase. A porção extracelular da subunidade β3 da Na+, K+ ATPase foi clonada e a interação in vitro desta proteína com peptídeo J foi observada. Deste modo, é sugerido aqui que a subunidade β3 da Na+, K+ ATPase pode ter um papel importante na interação do parasita com a célula hospedeira.


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Trypanosoma cruzi es el agente causal de la enfermedad de Chagas, un problema de salud importante en América Latina, así como también en América Central, ya que causa infección crónica afectando a millones de personas [1]. Durante esta enfermedad se han descripto varias alteraciones de la respuesta inmune, entre ellas una severa inmunosupresión durante la etapa aguda de la infección, tanto en humanos como en ratones. Células T provenientes de ratones infectados activadas in vitro, muestran reducción en la respuesta proliferativa a mitógenos, característica de un estado de inmunosupresión [2-4]. La falla del sistema inmune durante estadios tempranos de la infección probablemente colabore con la diseminación y el establecimiento del parásito. Un gran número de estudios se han focalizado en la identificación de mecanismos moleculares responsables del fenómeno de inmunosupresión, entre los mecanismos citados se ha demostrado presencia de células supresoras [5-9], factores inmunosupresores presentes en el parásito [2, 3, 10-13], producción excesiva de óxido nítrico [14], disminuida producción de IL-2 y reducida expresión del receptor de IL2 en células de bazo de animales infectados [9, 15-17]. Muchos de estos mecanismos han sido exhaustivamente investigados, sin embargo no está del todo claro si existen mecanismos adicionales involucrados en la inmunosupresión de la célula T. Adicionalmente, en los últimos años nuevas moléculas que median la regulación negativa de la célula T, entre las cuales están PD-1/PD1-L [18], arginasa [19] y E3 ubiquitina ligasas [20-22], han sido reportadas durante inmunosupresión en diversas infecciones.


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La infección de mamíferos con el T. cruzi resulta en diferentes alteraciones inmunológicas que permiten la persistencia crónica del parásito y destrucción inflamatoria progresiva del tejido cardiaco, nervioso y hepático. Los mecanismos responsables de la patología de la enfermedad de Chagas han sido materia de intensa investigación habiéndose propuesto que el daño producido en esta enfermedad puede ser consecuencia de la respuesta inflamatoria del individuo infectado y/o de una acción directa del parásito sobre los tejidos del hospedador. El propósito del presente proyecto es estudiar comparativamente, en dos cepas de ratones con diferente susceptibilidad a la infección y desarrollo de patología, la participación y los mecanismos efectores de las células supresoras mieloides (CSM) y las celulas T regulatorias inducidas por la infección experimental con Trypanosoma cruzi en el control de la infección con este protozoario y en el desarrollo de la patología hepática siendo los objetivos especificos desarrolar: - Investigar la generación y/o reclutamiento de células de CSM en bazo e hígado de ratones infectados con Trypanosoma cruzi y su contribución a la desigual susceptibilidad a la infección y respuesta inmune desarrollada en las cepas de ratones BALB/c y C57BL/6; - Investigar la capacidad de las CSM inducidas por la infección con T. cruzi en bazo e hígado de ratones de ambas cepas para suprimir la respuesta de células T in vitro e indagar sobre los mecanismos de supresión utilizados; - Investigar la generación y/o reclutamiento de células Treg durante la infección experimental con Trypanosoma cruzi, su participación en la desigual susceptibilidad a la infección y respuesta inmune desarrollada en ambas cepas de ratones y los mecanismos de supresión utilizados. - Analizar en tejido hepático o leucocitos infiltrantes la presencia de COX2, PGE2, MMP2 y 9, IL1b, IL6, IDO, IL10 y GM-CSF capaces de inducir la expansión de las CSM; - Dilucidar si la administración del ligando para TLR2 (Pam3CyS) previo a la infección de ratones C57BL/6 (en los cuales se detecta un menor número de CSM) es capaz de modular la respuesta inflamatoria y el daño hepático a través de la inducción de CSM y/o T reg en hígado y bazo. La comprension de los eventos celulares y moleculares que regulan la producción de citoquinas pro- y anti-inflamatorias y otros mediadores, así como el papel de los receptores de la inmunidad innata durante la infección con T. cruzi contribuirá a responder interrogantes que son claves para el diseño de nuevas estrategias de intervención inmune tendientes a preservar los mecanismos de defensa del huésped.


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El Trypanosoma cruzi, agente causal del Chagas, atraviesa la placenta, pudiendo infectar el feto y causando la enfermedad de Chagas congénita. Hay evidencias de que la competencia inmunológica de la placenta juega un rol en la transmisión congénita. El proceso de infección placentario puede verse modificado por el juego entre factores deletéreos para T. cruzi, como el óxido nítrico (NO), estrés nitrosativo-oxidativo (EO) y la cantidad de parásitos y capacidad de la célula parasitaria de resistir, invadir y proliferar dentro del tejido placentario. El factor inhibitorio de la migración de macrófagos (MIF) es una citoquina proinflamatoria que juega un importante rol inmuno-regulatorio que estimula la producción de NO. Por ello postulamos como hipótesis que T. cruzi incrementa la producción de MIF en placenta, con aumento de citoquinas proinflamatorias, óxido nítrico e incremento del estrés nitrosativo, participando en la infección de la placenta y el mecanismo de transmisión congénita de la enfermedad. Los objetivos específicos son: a)Analizar el sistema MIF - ICAM1 - NO en la infección de explantos de vellosidades placentarias por formas trypomastigotes del T. cruzi en diseños experimentales in vitro. b)Verificar estado de estrés oxidativo-nitrosativo y alteraciones de la barrera placentaria inducido por óxido nítrico en explantos placentarios en presencia de T. cruzi in vitro. c)Analizar la expresión de MIF e ICAM-1 en placentas en un modelo de Chagas congénito en ratones infectados con T. cruzi de la cepa Tulahuen con dieta normoproteica y normocalorica. d)Verificar nivel de transmisión congénita en las crías de ratones infectados por T. cruzi según expresión de MIF e ICAM1 con dietas normales para estos animales. Los diseños experimentales serán in Vitro mediante empleo de explantos de placentas en cultivo en interacción con formas infectivas de T. cruzi y diseños en ratones en un modelo de transmisión congénita. Las técnicas a emplear serán cultivos de tejidos, técnicas inmunohistoquímicas, western blot, PCR y qPCR, RT-qPCR, mediciones analíticas en medios de cultivos y plasma y suero de ratones. Esperamos encontrar una respuesta inflamatoria exacerbada, como ya ha sido descripta en embarazadas que produjeron transmisión congénita de la enfermedad de Chagas a sus hijos, el incremento de citoquinas pro-inflamatorias y del estrés nitrosativo como el observado in vitro inducido por T. cruzi, (resultados preliminares) que podrían dañar la barrera placentaria y favorecer la transmisión congénita de la enfermedad de Chagas mediada por MIF. Como MIF se puede detectar en circulación sanguínea de la embarazada que en parte es aportado por la placenta (Cardalopolis y col., 2012), podría emplearse como un indicador de la probabilidad de transmisión congénita de la enfermedad.


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The triatomine fauna distribution and the natural infection by Trypanosoma cruzi was evaluated aiming the comprehension of the transmission dynamics of this parasite in the countryside of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. Additionally, the research for Trypanosoma rangeli was also investigated. The captures of triatomines were performed at sylvatic, peridomicile and domicile environments at different municipalities of the central and western mesoregions of this state. The insects were identified and examined by direct method, xenoculture and PCR to detect T. cruzi. The detection of T. rangeli was performed by direct examination of the hemolymph and multiplex PCR of 151 positive specimens for T. cruzi. Of 824 captured insects, the species were distributed in Triatoma brasiliensis (66.4%), Triatoma pseudomaculata (18.2%), Panstrongylus lutzi (12.7%) and Rhodnius nasutus (2.7%), and T. brasiliensis was found in most of the evaluated municipalities. The species were captured at nymph and adult stages, except P. lutzi, exclusively in adult stage. In the sylvatic environment were captured T. brasiliensis (57%), P. lutzi (28%) and T. pseudomaculata (15%) species. At the peridomicile environment were identified T. brasiliensis (74%), T. pseudomaculata (21%) and R. nasutus (5.0%), while in the intradomicile was found only T. brasiliensis. The infection rate of triatomines by T. cruzi was 30.4%, P. lutzi showed highest rate (78%), followed by T. brasiliensis (24.4%), T. pseudomaculata (22.6%) and R. nasutus (4.5%). Infected triatomines indexes at silvatic, peridomicile and domicile environments were of 41.8%, 20.1% and 50.0%, respectively. T. rangeli was only detected by multiplex PCR in 2.6% (4/151) of examined insects, of these 4.4% (3/67) were T. brasiliensis and 1.5% (1/63) P. lutzi species. The data showed that the positivity of P. lutzi allied to its ability to invade domicile attracted by light, suggests a likely participation of this insect between epidemiological transmission cycles of T. cruzi. T. brasiliensis was the only specie present in all environments, what reinforces its importance related to the capacity for adapting to the domestic environment, potential as a vector, and maintenance of sylvatic and domestic transmissions cycles in the semiarid, indicating the necessity of continuous epidemiological surveillance. The presence of T. rangeli in T. brasiliensis and P. lutzi was first recorded in rural zone of this State, broadening the area of occurrence of this protozoan in northeastern Brazil.