989 resultados para Triton-X-114


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We have conducted an integrated study of ice-rafted debris (IRD) and oxygen isotopes (measured on Cibicides, Globigerina bulloides, and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, using identical samples). We used samples from the early Late Pliocene Gauss Chron from ODP Site 114-704 on the Meteor Rise in the subantarctic South Atlantic. During the early Gauss Chron, the oxygen isotopic ratios are generally up to 0.5?-0.6? less than their respective Holocene values. The lowest values in this record can accommodate a warming of about 2.5°C or a sea-level rise of about 50 m, but not both, and probably result from some warming and a small reduction in global ice volume. Starting with isotope stage MG2 [ 3.23 Ma on the Berggren et al. ( 1985) time scale; 3.38 on the Shackleton et al. ( 1995b) time scale] oxygen-isotopic values generally increase (and oscillate about a Holocene mean). The first significant IRD appears at the same time. There is a subsequent increase in IRD amounts upsection. In order to reach the site, this material must have been transported by large, tabular icebergs derived from Antarctic ice shelves or ice tongues, similar to occasional, large modern icebergs. This combined record suggests strongly that the Antarctic ice sheet was essentially intact; some warming at the drill site is indicated, but not a major reduction in ice-volume on Antarctica.


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Results from a study of surfactants (SAS) in the sea surface microlayer (SML) and underlying water (ULW) at different locations in the Baltic Sea. The total SAS concentrations were measured using phase-sensitive alternative current voltammetry with hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) in unfiltered samples. The concentrations of SAS were expressed as the equivalent concentration of nonanionic surfactants Triton-X-100. The enrichment factors (EF) of SAS were calculated as the ratio of concentration in SML to the corresponding ULW samples.


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The contraction of the actomyosin cytoskeleton, which is produced by the sliding of myosin II along actin filaments, drives important cellular activities such as cytokinesis and cell migration. To explain the contraction velocities observed in such physiological processes, we have studied the contraction of intact cytoskeletons of Dictyostelium discoideum cells after removing the plasma membrane using Triton X-100. The technique developed in this work allows for the quantitative measurement of contraction rates of individual cytoskeletons. The relationship of the contraction rates with forces was analyzed using three different myosins with different in vitro sliding velocities. The cytoskeletons containing these myosins were always contractile and the contraction rate was correlated with the sliding velocity of the myosins. However, the values of the contraction rate were two to three orders of magnitude slower than expected from the in vitro sliding velocities of the myosins, presumably due to internal and external resistive forces. The contraction process also depended on actin cross-linking proteins. The lack of α-actinin increased the contraction rate 2-fold and reduced the capacity of the cytoskeleton to retain internal materials, while the lack of filamin resulted in the ATP-dependent disruption of the cytoskeleton. Interestingly, the myosin-dependent contraction rate of intact contractile rings is also reportedly much slower than the in vitro sliding velocity of myosin, and is similar to the contraction rates of cytoskeletons (different by only 2–3 fold), suggesting that the contraction of intact cells and cytoskeletons is limited by common mechanisms.


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Nonpathogenic, resident bacteria participate in the pathogenesis of inflammation in the small intestine, but the molecular messages produced by such bacteria are unknown. Inflammatory responses involve the recruitment of specific leukocyte subsets. We, therefore, hypothesized that butyrate, a normal bacterial metabolite, may modulate chemokine secretion by epithelial cells, by amplifying their response to proinflammatory signals. We studied the expression of the chemokine, macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2) by the rat small intestinal epithelial cell line, IEC-6. Cells were stimulated with lipopolysaccharide or with interleukin 1β (IL-1β) and incubated with sodium butyrate. Acetylation of histones was examined in Triton X acetic acid–urea gels by PAGE. Unstimulated IEC-6 cells did not secrete MIP-2. However, lipopolysaccharide and IL-1β induced MIP-2 expression. Butyrate enhanced MIP-2 secretion both in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated and IL-1β-stimulated enterocytes; but butyrate alone did not induce MIP-2 expression. Butyrate increased the acetylation of histones extracted from the nuclei of IEC-6 cells. Furthermore, acetylation of histones (induced by trichostatin A, a specific inhibitor of histone deacetylase) enhanced MIP-2 expression by cells stimulated with IL-1β. In conclusion, trichostatin A reproduced the effects of butyrate on MIP-2 secretion. Butyrate, therefore, increases MIP-2 secretion in stimulated cells by increasing histone acetylation. We speculate that butyrate carries information from bacteria to epithelial cells. Epithelial cells transduce this signal through histone deacetylase, modulating the secretion of chemokines.


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The molecular and functional characterization of a 125-kDa Ca2+-extractable protein of the Triton X-100–insoluble fraction of Dictyostelium cells identified a new type of a gelsolin-related molecule. In addition to its five gelsolin segments, this gelsolin-related protein of 125 kDa (GRP125) reveals a number of unique domains, two of which are predicted to form coiled-coil regions. Another distinct attribute of GRP125 concerns the lack of sequence elements known to be essential for characteristic activities of gelsolin-like proteins, i.e. the severing, capping, or nucleation of actin filaments. The subcellular distribution of GRP125 to vesicular compartments suggests an activity of GRP125 different from actin-binding, gelsolin-related proteins. GRP125 expression is tightly regulated and peaks at the transition to the multicellular pseudoplasmodial stage of Dictyostelium development. GRP125 was found indispensable for slug phototaxis, because slugs fail to correctly readjust their orientation in the absence of GRP125. Analysis of the GRP125-deficient mutant showed that GRP125 is required for coupling photodetection to the locomotory machinery of slugs. We propose that GRP125 is essential in the natural environment for the propagation of Dictyostelium spores. We also present evidence for further representatives of the GRP125 type in Dictyostelium, as well as in heterologous cells from lower to higher eukaryotes.


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Accumulated data indicate that endocytosis of the glycosylphosphatidyl-inositol-anchored protein urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) depends on binding of the ligand uPA:plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and subsequent interaction with internalization receptors of the low-density lipoprotein receptor family, which are internalized through clathrin-coated pits. This interaction is inhibited by receptor-associated protein (RAP). We show that uPAR with bound uPA:PAI-1 is capable of entering cells in a clathrin-independent process. First, HeLaK44A cells expressing mutant dynamin efficiently internalized uPA:PAI-1 under conditions in which transferrin endocytosis was blocked. Second, in polarized Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, which expressed human uPAR apically, the low basal rate of uPAR ligand endocytosis, which could not be inhibited by RAP, was increased by forskolin or phorbol ester (phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate), which selectively up-regulate clathrin-independent endocytosis from the apical domain of epithelial cells. Third, in subconfluent nonpolarized MDCK cells, endocytosis of uPA:PAI-1 was only decreased marginally by RAP. At the ultrastructural level uPAR was largely excluded from clathrin-coated pits in these cells and localized in invaginated caveolae only in the presence of cross-linking antibodies. Interestingly, a larger fraction of uPAR in nonpolarized relative to polarized MDCK cells was insoluble in Triton X-100 at 0°C, and by surface labeling with biotin we also show that internalized uPAR was mainly detergent insoluble, suggesting a correlation between association with detergent-resistant membrane microdomains and higher degree of clathrin-independent endocytosis. Furthermore, by cryoimmunogold labeling we show that 5–10% of internalized uPAR in nonpolarized, but not polarized, MDCK cells is targeted to lysosomes by a mechanism that is regulated by ligand occupancy.


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Myo2p is a yeast class V myosin that functions in membrane trafficking. To investigate the function of the carboxyl-terminal-tail domain of Myo2p, we have overexpressed this domain behind the regulatable GAL1 promoter (MYO2DN). Overexpression of the tail domain of Myo2p results in a dominant–negative phenotype that is phenotypically similar to a temperature-sensitive allele of myo2, myo2–66. The tail domain of Myo2p is sufficient for localization at low- expression levels and causes mislocalization of the endogenous Myo2p from sites of polarized cell growth. Subcellular fractionation of polarized, mechanically lysed yeast cells reveals that Myo2p is present predominantly in a 100,000 × g pellet. The Myo2p in this pellet is not solubilized by Mg++-ATP or Triton X-100, but is solubilized by high salt. Tail overexpression does not disrupt this fractionation pattern, nor do mutations in sec4, sec3, sec9, cdc42, or myo2. These results show that overexpression of the tail domain of Myo2p does not compete with the endogenous Myo2p for assembly into a pelletable structure, but does compete with the endogenous Myo2p for a factor that is necessary for localization to the bud tip.


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Myelin sheets originate from distinct areas at the oligodendrocyte (OLG) plasma membrane and, as opposed to the latter, myelin membranes are relatively enriched in glycosphingolipids and cholesterol. The OLG plasma membrane can therefore be considered to consist of different membrane domains, as in polarized cells; the myelin sheet is reminiscent of an apical membrane domain and the OLG plasma membrane resembles the basolateral membrane. To reveal the potentially polarized membrane nature of OLG, the trafficking and sorting of two typical markers for apical and basolateral membranes, the viral proteins influenza virus–hemagglutinin (HA) and vesicular stomatitis virus–G protein (VSVG), respectively, were examined. We demonstrate that in OLG, HA and VSVG are differently sorted, which presumably occurs upon their trafficking through the Golgi. HA can be recovered in a Triton X-100-insoluble fraction, indicating an apical raft type of trafficking, whereas VSVG was only present in a Triton X-100-soluble fraction, consistent with its basolateral sorting. Hence, both an apical and a basolateral sorting mechanism appear to operate in OLG. Surprisingly, however, VSVG was found within the myelin sheets surrounding the cells, whereas HA was excluded from this domain. Therefore, despite its raft-like transport, HA does not reach a membrane that shows features typical of an apical membrane. This finding indicates either the uniqueness of the myelin membrane or the requirement of additional regulatory factors, absent in OLG, for apical delivery. These remarkable results emphasize that polarity and regulation of membrane transport in cultured OLG display features that are quite different from those in polarized cells.


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Activation of human platelets with thrombin transiently increases phosphorylation at 558threonine of moesin as determined with phosphorylation state-specific antibodies. This specific modification is completely inhibited by the kinase inhibitor staurosporine and maximally promoted by the phosphatase inhibitor calyculin A, making it possible to purify the two forms of moesin to homogeneity. Blot overlay assays with F-actin probes labeled with either [32P]ATP or 125I show that only phosphorylated moesin interacts with F-actin in total platelet lysates, in moesin antibody immunoprecipitates, and when purified. In the absence of detergents, both forms of the isolated protein are aggregated. Phosphorylated, purified moesin co-sediments with α- or β/γ-actin filaments in cationic, but not in anionic, nonionic, or amphoteric detergents. The interaction affinity is high (Kd, ∼1.5 nM), and the maximal moesin:actin stoichiometry is 1:1. This interaction is also observed in platelets extracted with cationic but not with nonionic detergents. In 0.1% Triton X-100, F-actin interacts with phosphorylated moesin only in the presence of polyphosphatidylinositides. Thus, both polyphosphatidylinositides and phosphorylation can activate moesin’s high-affinity F-actin binding site in vitro. Dual regulation by both mechanisms may be important for proper cellular control of moesin-mediated linkages between the actin cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane.


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Organization of proteins into structurally and functionally distinct plasma membrane domains is an essential characteristic of polarized epithelial cells. Based on studies with cultured kidney cells, we have hypothesized that a mechanism for restricting Na/K-ATPase to the basal-lateral membrane involves E-cadherin–mediated cell–cell adhesion and integration of Na/K-ATPase into the Triton X-100–insoluble ankyrin- and spectrin-based membrane cytoskeleton. In this study, we examined the relevance of these in vitro observations to the generation of epithelial cell polarity in vivo during mouse kidney development. Using differential detergent extraction, immunoblotting, and immunofluorescence histochemistry, we demonstrate the following. First, expression of the 220-kDa splice variant of ankyrin-3 correlates with the development of resistance to Triton X-100 extraction for Na/K-ATPase, E-cadherin, and catenins and precedes maximal accumulation of Na/K-ATPase. Second, expression of the 190-kDa slice variant of ankyrin-3 correlates with maximal accumulation of Na/K-ATPase. Third, Na/K-ATPase, ankyrin-3, and fodrin specifically colocalize at the basal-lateral plasma membrane of all epithelial cells in which they are expressed and during all stages of nephrogenesis. Fourth, the relative immunofluorescence staining intensities of Na/K-ATPase, ankyrin-3, and fodrin become more similar during development until they are essentially identical in adult kidney. Thus, renal epithelial cells in vivo regulate the accumulation of E-cadherin–mediated adherens junctions, the membrane cytoskeleton, and Na/K-ATPase through sequential protein expression and assembly on the basal-lateral membrane. These results are consistent with a mechanism in which generation and maintenance of polarized distributions of these proteins in vivo and in vitro involve cell–cell adhesion, assembly of the membrane cytoskeleton complex, and concomitant integration and retention of Na/K-ATPase in this complex.


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Endocytic uptake and intracellular transport of acidic FGF was studied in cells transfected with FGF receptor 4 (FGFR4). Acidification of the cytosol to block endocytic uptake from coated pits did not inhibit endocytosis of the growth factor in COS cells transfected with FGFR4, indicating that it is to a large extent taken up by an alternative endocytic pathway. Fractionation of the cells demonstrated that part of the growth factor receptor was present in a low-density, caveolin-containing fraction, but we were unable to demonstrate binding to caveolin in immunoprecipitation studies. Upon treatment of the cells with acidic FGF, the activated receptor, together with the growth factor, moved to a juxtanuclear compartment, which was identified as the recycling endosome compartment. When the cells were lysed with Triton X-100, 3-([3-chloramidopropyl]dimethylammonio)-2-hydroxy-1-propanesulfonate, or 2-octyl glucoside, almost all surface-exposed and endocytosed FGFR4 was solubilized, but only a minor fraction of the total FGFR4 in the cells was found in the soluble fraction. The data indicate that the major part of FGFR4 is anchored to detergent-insoluble structures, presumably cytoskeletal elements associated with the recycling endosome compartment.


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Results of transgenetic studies argue that the scrapie isoform of the prion protein (PrPSc) interacts with the substrate cellular PrP (PrPC) during conversion into nascent PrPSc. While PrPSc appears to accumulate primarily in lysosomes, caveolae-like domains (CLDs) have been suggested to be the site where PrPC is converted into PrPSc. We report herein that CLDs isolated from scrapie-infected neuroblastoma (ScN2a) cells contain PrPC and PrPSc. After lysis of ScN2a cells in ice-cold Triton X-100, both PrP isoforms and an N-terminally truncated form of PrPC (PrPC-II) were found concentrated in detergent-insoluble complexes resembling CLDs that were isolated by flotation in sucrose gradients. Similar results were obtained when CLDs were purified from plasma membranes by sonication and gradient centrifugation; with this procedure no detergents are used, which minimizes artifacts that might arise from redistribution of proteins among subcellular fractions. The caveolar markers ganglioside GM1 and H-ras were found concentrated in the CLD fractions. When plasma membrane proteins were labeled with the impermeant reagent sulfo-N-hydroxysuccinimide-biotin, both PrPC and PrPSc were found biotinylated in CLD fractions. Similar results on the colocalization of PrPC and PrPSc were obtained when CLDs were isolated from Syrian hamster brains. Our findings demonstrate that both PrPC and PrPSc are present in CLDs and, thus, support the hypothesis that the PrPSc formation occurs within this subcellular compartment.


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The amyloid precursor protein (APP) plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. During intracellular transport APP undergoes a series of proteolytic cleavages that lead to the release either of an amyloidogenic fragment called β-amyloid (Aβ) or of a nonamyloidogenic secreted form consisting of the ectodomain of APP (APPsec). It is Aβ that accumulates in the brain lesions that are thought to cause the disease. By reducing the cellular cholesterol level of living hippocampal neurons by 70% with lovastatin and methyl-β-cyclodextrin, we show that the formation of Aβ is completely inhibited while the generation of APPsec is unperturbed. This inhibition of Aβ formation is accompanied by increased solubility in the detergent Triton X-100 and is fully reversible by the readdition of cholesterol to previously depleted cells. Our results show that cholesterol is required for Aβ formation to occur and imply a link between cholesterol, Aβ, and Alzheimer’s disease.


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There is increasing evidence that sphingolipid- and cholesterol-rich microdomains (rafts) exist in the plasma membrane. Specific proteins assemble in these membrane domains and play a role in signal transduction and many other cellular events. Cholesterol depletion causes disassembly of the raft-associated proteins, suggesting an essential role of cholesterol in the structural maintenance and function of rafts. However, no tool has been available for the detection and monitoring of raft cholesterol in living cells. Here we show that a protease-nicked and biotinylated derivative (BCθ) of perfringolysin O (θ-toxin) binds selectively to cholesterol-rich microdomains of intact cells, the domains that fulfill the criteria of rafts. We fractionated the homogenates of nontreated and Triton X-100-treated platelets after incubation with BCθ on a sucrose gradient. BCθ was predominantly localized in the floating low-density fractions (FLDF) where cholesterol, sphingomyelin, and Src family kinases are enriched. Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that BCθ binds to a subpopulation of vesicles in FLDF. Depletion of 35% cholesterol from platelets with cyclodextrin, which accompanied 76% reduction in cholesterol from FLDF, almost completely abolished BCθ binding to FLDF. The staining patterns of BCθ and filipin in human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells with and without cholesterol depletion suggest that BCθ binds to specific membrane domains on the cell surface, whereas filipin binding is indiscriminate to cell cholesterol. Furthermore, BCθ binding does not cause any damage to cell membranes, indicating that BCθ is a useful probe for the detection of membrane rafts in living cells.


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Pathogenesis-related proteins from intercellular fluid washings of stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves were analyzed to determine their binding to various water-insoluble polysaccharides. Three proteins (19, 16, and 15 kD) bound specifically to several water-insoluble β-1,3-glucans. Binding of the barley proteins to pachyman occurred quickly at 22°C at pH 5.0, even in the presence of 0.5 m NaCl, 0.2 m urea, and 1% (v/v) Triton X-100. Bound barley proteins were released by acidic treatments or by boiling in sodium dodecyl sulfate. Acid-released barley proteins could bind again specifically and singly to pachyman. Water-soluble laminarin and carboxymethyl-pachyman competed for the binding of the barley proteins to pachyman. The N-terminal sequence of the 19-kD barley β-1,3-glucan-binding protein showed near identity to the barley seed protein BP-R and high homology to other thaumatin-like (TL) permatins. The 16-kD barley protein was also homologous to TL proteins, whereas the 15-kD barley protein N-terminal sequence was identical to the pathogenesis-related Hv-1 TL protein. Antifungal barley protein BP-R and corn (Zea mays) zeamatin were isolated by binding to pachyman. Two extracellular proteins from stressed pea (Pisum sativum L.) also bound to pachyman and were homologous to TL proteins.