976 resultados para Transcription, Genetic -- physiology


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DNaseI footprinting is an established assay for identifying transcription factor (TF)-DNA interactions with single base pair resolution. High-throughput DNase-seq assays have recently been used to detect in vivo DNase footprints across the genome. Multiple computational approaches have been developed to identify DNase-seq footprints as predictors of TF binding. However, recent studies have pointed to a substantial cleavage bias of DNase and its negative impact on predictive performance of footprinting. To assess the potential for using DNase-seq to identify individual binding sites, we performed DNase-seq on deproteinized genomic DNA and determined sequence cleavage bias. This allowed us to build bias corrected and TF-specific footprint models. The predictive performance of these models demonstrated that predicted footprints corresponded to high-confidence TF-DNA interactions. DNase-seq footprints were absent under a fraction of ChIP-seq peaks, which we show to be indicative of weaker binding, indirect TF-DNA interactions or possible ChIP artifacts. The modeling approach was also able to detect variation in the consensus motifs that TFs bind to. Finally, cell type specific footprints were detected within DNase hypersensitive sites that are present in multiple cell types, further supporting that footprints can identify changes in TF binding that are not detectable using other strategies.


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Despite an emerging understanding of the genetic alterations giving rise to various tumors, the mechanisms whereby most oncogenes are overexpressed remain unclear. Here we have utilized an integrated approach of genomewide regulatory element mapping via DNase-seq followed by conventional reporter assays and transcription factor binding site discovery to characterize the transcriptional regulation of the medulloblastoma oncogene Orthodenticle Homeobox 2 (OTX2). Through these studies we have revealed that OTX2 is differentially regulated in medulloblastoma at the level of chromatin accessibility, which is in part mediated by DNA methylation. In cell lines exhibiting chromatin accessibility of OTX2 regulatory regions, we found that autoregulation maintains OTX2 expression. Comparison of medulloblastoma regulatory elements with those of the developing brain reveals that these tumors engage a developmental regulatory program to drive OTX2 transcription. Finally, we have identified a transcriptional regulatory element mediating retinoid-induced OTX2 repression in these tumors. This work characterizes for the first time the mechanisms of OTX2 overexpression in medulloblastoma. Furthermore, this study establishes proof of principle for applying ENCODE datasets towards the characterization of upstream trans-acting factors mediating expression of individual genes.


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A widespread and complex distribution of vitamin requirements exists over the entire tree of life, with many species having evolved vitamin dependence, both within and between different lineages. Vitamin availability has been proposed to drive selection for vitamin dependence, in a process that links an organism's metabolism to the environment, but this has never been demonstrated directly. Moreover, understanding the physiological processes and evolutionary dynamics that influence metabolic demand for these important micronutrients has significant implications in terms of nutrient acquisition and, in microbial organisms, can affect community composition and metabolic exchange between coexisting species. Here we investigate the origins of vitamin dependence, using an experimental evolution approach with the vitamin B(12)-independent model green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. In fewer than 500 generations of growth in the presence of vitamin B(12), we observe the evolution of a B(12)-dependent clone that rapidly displaces its ancestor. Genetic characterization of this line reveals a type-II Gulliver-related transposable element integrated into the B(12)-independent methionine synthase gene (METE), knocking out gene function and fundamentally altering the physiology of the alga.


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Coronaviruses are important pathogens that cause acute respiratory diseases in humans. Replication of the 30-kb positive-strand RNA genome of coronaviruses and discontinuous synthesis of an extensive set of subgenome-length RNAs (transcription) are mediated by the replicase-transcriptase, a barely characterized protein complex that comprises several cellular proteins and up to 16 viral subunits. The coronavirus replicase-transcriptase was recently predicted to contain RNA-processing enzymes that are extremely rare or absent in other RNA viruses. Here, we established and characterized the activity of one of these enzymes, replicative nidoviral uridylate-specific endoribonuclease (NendoU). It is considered a major genetic marker that discriminates nidoviruses (Coronaviridae, Arteriviridae, and Roniviridae) from all other RNA virus families. Bacterially expressed forms of NendoU of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and human coronavirus 229E were revealed to cleave single-stranded and double-stranded RNA in a Mn2+-dependent manner. Single-stranded RNA was cleaved less specifically and effectively, suggesting that double-stranded RNA is the biologically relevant NendoU substrate. Double-stranded RNA substrates were cleaved upstream and downstream of uridylates at GUU or GU sequences to produce molecules with 2'-3' cyclic phosphate ends. 2'-O-ribose-methylated RNA substrates proved to be resistant to cleavage by NendoU, indicating a functional link with the 2'-O-ribose methyltransferase located adjacent to NendoU in the coronavirus replicative polyprotein. A mutagenesis study verified potential active-site residues and allowed us to inactivate NendoU in the full-length human coronavirus 229E clone. Substitution of D6408 by Ala was shown to abolish viral RNA synthesis, demonstrating that NendoU has critical functions in viral replication and transcription.


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We cloned and characterized a 3.3-kb fragment containing the 5'-regulatory region of the human myostatin gene. The promoter sequence contains putative muscle growth response elements for glucocorticoid, androgen, thyroid hormone, myogenic differentiation factor 1, myocyte enhancer factor 2, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor, and nuclear factor-kappaB. To identify sites important for myostatin's gene transcription and regulation, eight deletion constructs were placed in C(2)C(12) and L6 skeletal muscle cells. Transcriptional activity of the constructs was found to be significantly higher in myotubes compared with that of myoblasts. To investigate whether glucocorticoids regulate myostatin gene expression, we incubated both cell lines with dexamethasone. On both occasions, dexamethasone dose dependently increased both the promoter's transcriptional activity and the endogenous myostatin expression. The effects of dexamethasone were blocked when the cells were coincubated with the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist RU-486. These findings suggest that glucocorticoids upregulate myostatin expression by inducing gene transcription, possibly through a glucocorticoid receptor-mediated pathway. We speculate that glucocorticoid-associated muscle atrophy might be due in part to the upregulation of myostatin expression.


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The order Nidovirales comprises viruses from the families Coronaviridae (genera Coronavirus and Torovirus), Roniviridae (genus Okavirus), and Arteriviridae (genus Arterivirus). In this study, we characterized White bream virus (WBV), a bacilliform plus-strand RNA virus isolated from fish. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence, organization, and expression of the 26.6-kb genome provided conclusive evidence for a phylogenetic relationship between WBV and nidoviruses. The polycistronic genome of WBV contains five open reading frames (ORFs), called ORF1a, -1b, -2, -3, and -4. In WBV-infected cells, three subgenomic RNAs expressing the structural proteins S, M, and N were identified. The subgenomic RNAs were revealed to share a 42-nucleotide, 5' leader sequence that is identical to the 5'-terminal genome sequence. The data suggest that a conserved nonanucleotide sequence, CA(G/A)CACUAC, located downstream of the leader and upstream of the structural protein genes acts as the core transcription-regulating sequence element in WBV. Like other nidoviruses with large genomes (>26 kb), WBV encodes in its ORF1b an extensive set of enzymes, including putative polymerase, helicase, ribose methyltransferase, exoribonuclease, and endoribonuclease activities. ORF1a encodes several membrane domains, a putative ADP-ribose 1"-phosphatase, and a chymotrypsin-like serine protease whose activity was established in this study. Comparative sequence analysis revealed that WBV represents a separate cluster of nidoviruses that significantly diverged from toroviruses and, even more, from coronaviruses, roniviruses, and arteriviruses. The study adds to the amazing diversity of nidoviruses and appeals for a more extensive characterization of nonmammalian nidoviruses to better understand the evolution of these largest known RNA viruses.


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Abstract BACKGROUND: Genetic processes underlying fetal lung development and maturation are incompletely understood. Better knowledge of these processes would provide insights into the causes of lung malformations and prevention of respiratory distress syndrome and the potential adverse effects of glucocorticoids. Hox genes are involved in the lung branching morphogenesis and maturation of respiratory epithelium, but their expression pattern remains to be defined. OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized that genes involved in lung branching would be downregulated during early development, whereas those involved in maturation would be unchanged or upregulated. METHODS: TaqMan real-time primers and probes were designed for all 39 murine Hox genes, and the murine SP-B gene and transcription profiles of these genes were obtained from whole lungs isolated at e14.5, e16.5, e18.5, e19.5 and postnatal days 1 and 20. RESULTS: Hox genes in clusters A and B, specifically those between paralog groups 3 and 7, were the most represented, with Hoxa4 and Hoxa5 being the most highly transcribed. A wave of reduced transcription in 16 Hox genes, coincident with increased SP-B transcription, was observed with advancing gestation. Consistently high transcription of Hoxa5 from e14.5 to postnatal day 20 may indicate that sustained transcription is required for normal lung maturation. When e15.5 lungs were cultured with dexamethasone, Hoxb6, Hoxb7 and Hoxb8 levels were significantly upregulated, creating the potential for modulation of diverse downstream target genes. CONCLUSIONS: Improved understanding of the genetic processes underlying lung development afforded by our Q-PCR platform may allow development of more specific methods for inducing fetal lung maturation.


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Increased superoxide anion production increases oxidative stress and reduces nitric oxide bioactivity in vascular disease states. NAD(P)H oxidase is an important source of superoxide in human blood vessels, and some studies suggest a possible association between polymorphisms in the NAD(P)H oxidase CYBA gene and atherosclerosis; however, no functional data address this hypothesis. We examined the relationships between the CYBA C242T polymorphism and direct measurements of superoxide production in human blood vessels.


Vascular NAD(P)H oxidase activity was determined in human saphenous veins obtained from 110 patients with coronary artery disease and identified risk factors. Immunoblotting, reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction, and DNA sequencing showed that p22phox protein, mRNA, and 242C/T allelic variants are expressed in human blood vessels. Vascular superoxide production, both basal and NADH-stimulated, was highly variable between patients, but the presence of the CYBA 242T allele was associated with significantly reduced vascular NAD(P)H oxidase activity, independent of other clinical risk factors for atherosclerosis.


Association of the CYBA 242T allele with reduced NAD(P)H oxidase activity in human blood vessels suggests that genetic variation in NAD(P)H oxidase components may play a significant role in modulating superoxide production in human atherosclerosis.


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We recently cloned biosynthesis genes for the O7-lipopolysaccharide (O7-LPS) side chain from the Escherichia coli K-1 strain VW187 (M. A. Valvano, and J. H. Crosa, Infect. Immun. 57:937-943, 1989). To characterize the O7-LPS region, the recombinant cosmids pJHCV31 and pJHCV32 were mutagenized by transposon mutagenesis with Tn3HoHo1, which carries a promoterless lac operon and can therefore generate lacZ transcriptional fusions with target DNA sequences. Cells containing mutated plasmids were examined for their ability to react by coagglutination with O7 antiserum. The LPS pattern profiles of the insertion mutants were also investigated by electrophoresis of cell envelope fractions, followed by silver staining and immunoblotting analysis. These experiments identified three phenotypic classes of mutants and defined a region in the cloned DNA of about 14 kilobase pairs that is essential for O7-LPS expression. Analysis of beta-galactosidase production by cells carrying plasmids with transposon insertions indicated that transcription occurs in only one direction along the O7-LPS region. In vitro transcription-translation experiments revealed that the O7-LPS region encodes at least 16 polypeptides with molecular masses ranging from 20 to 48 kilodaltons. Also, the O7-LPS region in VW187 was mutagenized by homologous recombination with subsets of the cloned O7-LPS genes subcloned into a suicide plasmid vector. O7-LPS-deficient mutants of VW187 were complemented with pJHCV31 and pJHCV32, confirming that these cosmids contain genetic information that is essential for the expression of the O7 polysaccharide.


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Ericoid mycorrhizal fungi have been shown to differ in their pattern of nitrogen (N) use in pure culture. Here, we investigate whether this functional variation is maintained in symbiosis using three ascomycetes from a clade not previously shown to include ericoid mycorrhizal taxa. Vaccinium macrocarpon and Vaccinium vitis-idaea were inoculated with three fungal strains known to form coils in Vaccinium roots, which differed in their patterns of N use in liquid culture. (15)N was used to trace the uptake of -N, -N and glutamine-N into shoots. (15)N transfer differed among the three fungal strains, including two that had identical internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences, and was quantitatively related to fungal growth in liquid culture at low carbon availability. These results demonstrate that functional differences among closely related ericoid mycorrhizal fungi are maintained in symbiosis with their hosts, and suggest that N transfer to plant shoots in ericoid mycorrhizas is under fungal control.


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Berlin high (BEH) and Berlin low (BEL) strains selected for divergent growth differ 3-fold in body weight. We aimed at examining muscle mass, which is a major contributor to body weight, by exploring anatomical characteristics of the soleus muscle, its fiber numbers and their cross sectional area (CSA), by analysing transcriptome of the gastrocnemius and by initiating quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping. BEH muscles were 4-to-8 times larger compared to BEL strain. In sub-strain BEH+/+, mutant myostatin was replaced with a wild type allele, however, BEH+/+muscles still were 2-to-4 times larger compared to the BEL strain. BEH soleus contained 2-times more (P<0.0001) and 2-times larger in CSA (P<0.0001) fibers compared to BEL strain. In addition, soleus femoral attachment anomaly (SFAA) was observed in all BEL mice. One significant (chromosome 1) and four suggestive (chromosomes 3, 4, 6 and 9) muscle weight QTLs were mapped in 21-day old F2 intercross (n=296) between BEH and BEL strains. The frequency of SFAA incidence in the F2 and in the backcross to BEL strain (BCL) suggested the presence of more than one causative gene. Two suggestive SFAA QTLs were mapped in BCL, however, their peak markers were not associated with the phenotype in F2. RNA-Seq analysis revealed 2,148 differentially expressed (P<0.1) genes and 45,673 SNPs and >2,000 indels between BEH+/+ and BEL males. In conclusion, contrasting muscle traits, genomic and gene expression differences between BEH and BEL strains provide a promising model for the search of genes involved in muscle growth and musculoskeletal morphogenesis.


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Background: In recent years, various types of cellular networks have penetrated biology and are nowadays used omnipresently for studying eukaryote and prokaryote organisms. Still, the relation and the biological overlap among phenomenological and inferential gene networks, e.g., between the protein interaction network and the gene regulatory network inferred from large-scale transcriptomic data, is largely unexplored.

Results: We provide in this study an in-depth analysis of the structural, functional and chromosomal relationship between a protein-protein network, a transcriptional regulatory network and an inferred gene regulatory network, for S. cerevisiae and E. coli. Further, we study global and local aspects of these networks and their biological information overlap by comparing, e.g., the functional co-occurrence of Gene Ontology terms by exploiting the available interaction structure among the genes.

Conclusions: Although the individual networks represent different levels of cellular interactions with global structural and functional dissimilarities, we observe crucial functions of their network interfaces for the assembly of protein complexes, proteolysis, transcription, translation, metabolic and regulatory interactions. Overall, our results shed light on the integrability of these networks and their interfacing biological processes.


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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has become a serious public health problem because of its associated morbidity, premature mortality and attendant healthcare costs. The rising number of persons with CKD is linked with ageing population structure and an increased prevalence of diabetes, hypertension and obesity. There is an inherited risk associated with developing CKD as evidenced by familial clustering and differing prevalence rates across ethnic groups. Earlier studies to determine the inherited risk factors for CKD rarely identified genetic variants that were robustly replicated. However, improvements in genotyping technologies and analytical methods are now helping to identify promising genetic loci aided by international collaboration and multi-consortia efforts. More recently, epigenetic modifications have been proposed to play a role in both the inherited susceptibility to CKD and, importantly, to explain how the environment dynamically interacts with the genome to alter an individual's disease risk. Genome-wide, epigenome-wide and whole transcriptome studies have been performed and optimal approaches for integrative analysis are being developed. This review summarises recent research and the current status of genetic and epigenetic risk factors influencing CKD using population-based information.