950 resultados para Traction of Force


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Introduction: The progress in technology, associated to the high survival rate in premature newborn infants in neonatal intensive care units, causes an increase in morbidity. Individuals with CP present complex motor alterations, with primary deficits of abnormal muscle tone affecting posture and voluntary movement, alteration of balance and coordination, decrease of force, and loss of selective motor control with secondary problems of contractures and bone deformities.Objective: The aim of this work is to describe the spontaneous movement and strategies that lead infants with cerebral palsy to move.Methods: Seven infants used to receive assistance at the Essential Stimulation Center of CIAM (Israeli Center for Multidisciplinary Support - Philanthropic Institution), with ages ranging between six and 18 months with diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy (CP) were assessed.Results: The results show the difficulty presented by the infants with respect to the spontaneous motor functions and the necessity of help from the caregiver in order to perform the functional activity (mobility). Prematurity prevails as the major risk factor among the complications.Conclusion: The child development can be understood as a product of the dynamic interactions involving the infant, the family, and the context. Thus, the social interactions and family environment in which the infant live may encourage or limit both the acquisition of skills and the functional independence.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the tensile strength of orthodontic wires bonded onto the enamel with cyanoacrylate ester. To obtain the specimens, 120 human premolars (extracted for orthodontic or periodontal reasons) were included in acrylic blocks of rapid polymerization with three teeth each. Four groups were formed with ten specimens each. In the specimens, a dental splint model was made with cyanoacrylate ester and round stainless steel wire. In groups I, II and III, cyanoacrylate ester was used with round steel wires, with variation in diameter: 0.014 inches; 0.016 inches and 0.018 inches, respectively. In group IV, round steel wire 0.018 inches was used with photo polymerizing resin composite with previous acid etching. The adhesive force of the materials was measured in two points under the action of the tensiometer (ETM-USA). The number of loose wires was counted along with those that remained fixed according to the different levels of force applied because of the direction of the tensile force (vertical or horizontal) and the diameter of the wire used. The data obtained were first submitted to a descriptive analysis and then submitted to a statistical analysis (Friedman's Test and Dunn's Test of Multiple Comparison - Epi-info 3.2). Within the limitations of the experimental conditions presented, the cyanoacrylate ester or 'Super Bonder (R)' maintained bonded to enamel and steel wires (0.016 and 0.018 inches) during the tensile strength tests under different levels of applied forces.


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The aim of this study was to assess the behavior and stress distribution of 3 retention systems associated with implant for facial prosthesis by using the photoelasticity method. A photoelastic model was made from the replica of the orbital region on the left side of a dry skull with two 4-mm implants fixed in the superior orbital region. Three facial prosthetic retention systems were made for this study: O'ring, bar-clip, and magnets. The set (model/retention systems/prosthesis) was placed in a polariscope, and then traction began to be applied to the retention systems. The limit values for removal of the retention system were obtained by tests performed in an EMIC Universal test machine. The results were obtained by observation during the experiments and by photographic record of the stress behavior in the photoelastic model, resulting from the traction of the retention systems. In the magnet system, a lowest formation of fringes was verified both around and between the implants; in the O'ring system, the formation of photoelastic fringes was noted between the implants in the apical region; and in the bar-clip system, there was a greater concentration of colored fringes in the regions between the implants and cervical area. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the retention systems produced different stress distribution characteristics that, in general, were concentrated in the area around the implants, and the highest concentration of fringes, in increasing order, occurred ill the retention systems of the magnets, O'ring, and bar-clip.


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Neste artigo é descrito o caso clínico de um paciente adulto, sem crescimento, com má oclusão de Classe II, divisão 2, tratado com um splint maxilar modificado. Foi exercida força extra-bucal com direção de tração parietal com força de 400 gramas, com uso diário de 14 horas durante 1 ano. Com este aparelho removível corrigiu-se completamente a relação de Classe II dos molares e pré-molares, levando estes dentes à oclusão normal, não havendo extrusão dentária, mantendo constante o plano mandibular. Após a correção dos dentes posteriores com o splint maxilar modificado, utilizou-se aparelhagem fixa convencional para corrigir as inclinações dos dentes anteriores e finalizar o caso.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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INTRODUÇÃO: a Ortodontia passa, atualmente, por um momento de importantes inovações e grande efervescência criativa. Somente para citar algumas mudanças introduzidas ou aprimoradas nos últimos anos, nós podemos relembrar a popularização dos braquetes autoligáveis e o surgimento da ancoragem absoluta com a utilização de implantes ortodônticos. No final da década de 1990, a adoção dos mini-implantes como ancoragem permitiu uma mudança de paradigma que tem influenciado até mesmo a forma de pensar a mecânica ortodôntica. A imbricação das especialidades de Ortodontia e Implantodontia, cujo início se deu com os preparos ortodônticos para posterior inserção de implantes protéticos, floresceu com o uso de implantes palatinos e, posteriormente, com a introdução de mini-implantes. O aprimoramento da técnica de inserção de mini-implantes com a introdução de parafusos autoperfurantes tem permitido, inclusive, o requinte do ortodontista concentrar em suas mãos o planejamento e a colocação dessa preciosa peça de ancoragem. Levando em consideração a versatilidade de posicionamento desses pequenos parafusos, foi desenvolvido um conceito que possibilita a construção de linhas de ação de força que buscam otimizar o planejamento e a previsibilidade da movimentação ortodôntica. OBJETIVO: apresentar alguns resultados clínicos de tratamentos conduzidos com o uso de um sistema de tratamento ortodôntico, o Centrex System, que aproxima a linha de ação da força do centro de resistência das unidades a serem movimentadas. O caminho trilhado até o seu desenvolvimento, cuja teoria mecânica foi apresentada anteriormente nesse periódico, será detalhado para uma melhor compreensão de seu funcionamento.


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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to use photoelastic analysis to compare the system of forces generated by retraction T-loop springs made with stainless steel and titanium-molybdenum alloy (TMA) (Ormco, Glendora, Calif) with photoelastic analysis. Methods: Three photoelastic models were used to evaluate retraction T-loop springs with the same preactivations in 2 groups. In group 1, the loop was constructed with a stainless steel wire, and 2 helicoids were incorporated on top of the T-loop; in group 2, it was made with TMA and no helicoids. Results: Upon using the qualitative analysis of the fringe order in the photoelastic model, it was observed that the magnitude of force generated by the springs in group 1 was significantly higher than that in group 2. However, both had symmetry for the active and reactive units related to the system of force. Conclusions: Both springs had the same mechanical characteristics. TMA springs showed lower force levels. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011;140:e123-e128)


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of fatigue induced by an exhaustive laboratory-based soccer-specific exercise on different hamstrings/quadriceps (H:Q) ratios of soccer players. Twenty-two male professional soccer players (23·1 ± 3·4 year) performed maximal eccentric (ecc) and concentric (con) contractions for knee extensors (KE) and flexors (KF) at 60° s-1 and 180° s-1 to assess conventional (Hcon:Qcon) and functional (Hecc:Qcon) ratios. Additionally, they performed maximal voluntary isometric contraction for KE and KF, from which the maximal muscle strength, rate of force development (RFD) and RFD H:Q strength ratio (RFDH:Q) were extracted. Thereafter, subjects were performed an exhaustive laboratory-based soccer-specific exercise and a posttest similar to the pretest. There was significant reduction in Hcon:Qcon (0·60 ± 0·06 versus 0·58 ± 0·06, P<0·05) and in Hecc:Qcon (1·29 ± 0·2 versus 1·16 ± 0·2, P<0·01) after the soccer-specific exercise. However, no significant difference between Pre and Post exercise conditions was found for RFDH:Q at 0-50 (0·53 ± 0·23 versus 0·57 ± 0·24, P>0·05) and 0-100 ms (0·53 ± 0·17 versus 0·55 ± 0·17, P>0·05). In conclusion, H:Q strength ratios based on peak force values are more affected by fatigue than RFDH:Q obtained during early contraction phase. Thus, fatigue induced by soccer-specific intermittent protocol seems not reduce the potential for knee joint stabilization during the initial phase of voluntary muscle contraction. copy; 2012 Scandinavian Society of Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine.


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This study aimed to determine whether: i) tethered-swimming can be used to identify the asymmetry during front crawl swimming style; ii) swimmers that perform unilateral breathing present greater asymmetry in comparison to others that use bilateral breathing; iii) swimmers of best performance present smaller asymmetry than their counterparts; iv) repeated front crawl swimming movements influence body asymmetry. 18 swimmers were assessed for propulsive force parameters (peak force, mean force, impulse and rate of force development) during a maximal front crawl tethered-swimming test lasting 2 min. A factorial analysis showed that propulsive forces decreased at the beginning, intermediate and end of the test (p<0.05), but the asymmetries were not changed at different instants of the test. When breathing preference (uni- or bilateral) was analyzed, asymmetry remained unchanged in all force parameters (p>0.05). When performance was considered (below or above mean group time), a larger asymmetry was found in the sub-group of lower performance in comparison to those of best performance (p<0.05). Therefore, the asymmetries of the propulsive forces can be detected using tethered-swimming. The propulsive forces decreased during the test but asymmetries did not change under testing conditions. Although breathing preference did not influence asymmetry, swimmers with best performance were less asymmetric than their counterparts. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart New York.


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Root resorption is a variable to be considered in induced tooth movement (ITM). It is related to root morphology and alveolar bone crest, and also to the types of forces exerted by mechanotherapy. This histometric study evaluated the predominance of root resorption among roots of different dimensions, following ITM with different types of forces and at different time intervals. The study was conducted on 54 rats divided into three groups, according to the type of force: continuous (CF), continuous interrupted (CIF) and intermittent (IF), at periods of 5, 7 and 9 days. The percentage of resorption between mesiobuccal roots of larger dimension and intermediate roots of smaller dimension was assessed. The evaluations were performed on the AxioVision software, and the non-parametric analysis of variance for repeated measures in independent groups was further applied, consisting of a scheme of two factors, and complemented by the Dunn test at a significance level of 5%. The intermediate roots presented a higher percentage of resorption, which was gradual at the periods evaluated for the three types of forces, but mainly for CF. Comparing the intermediate roots with the mesiobuccal roots, there was a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in the CF group at day 7 and day 9, and in the FI group, at day 9. The intragroup analysis evidenced a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between the 5th and the 9th day for the intermediate root in the CF group. The intergroup analysis did not reveal any statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) in individually analyzed roots.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the deformation suffered by cantilevered implant-supported fixed prostheses frameworks cast in silver-palladium alloy and coated with two occlusal veneering materials: acrylic resin or porcelain. Material and Methods: Two strain gauges were bonded to the inferior surface of the silver-palladium framework and two other were bonded to the occlusal surface of the prosthesis framework covered with ceramic and acrylic resin on each of its two halves. The framework was fixed to a metallic master model and a 35.2 N compression force was applied to the cantilever at 10, 15 and 20 mm from the most distal implant. The measurements of deformation by compression and tension were obtained. The statistical 2-way ANOVA test was used for individual analysis of the experiment variables and the Tukey test was used for the interrelation between all the variables (material and distance of force application). Results: The results showed that both variables had influence on the studied factors (deformation by compression and tension). Conclusion: The ceramic coating provided greater rigidity to the assembly and therefore less distortion compared with the uncoated framework and with the resin-coated framework. The cantilever arm length also influenced the prosthesis rigidity, causing higher deformation the farther the load was applied from the last implant.