973 resultados para Tertullian, approximately 160-approximately 230.


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1944/1945 wurde in Cham-Hagendorn eine Wassermühle ausgegraben, die dank ihrer aussergewöhnlich guten Holzerhaltung seit langem einen prominenten Platz in der Forschung einnimmt. 2003 und 2004 konnte die Kantonsarchäologie Zug den Platz erneut archäologisch untersuchen. Dabei wurden nicht nur weitere Reste der Wassermühle, sondern auch Spuren älterer und jüngerer Anlagen geborgen: eine ältere und eine jüngere Schmiedewerkstatt (Horizont 1a/Horizont 3) sowie ein zweiphasiges Heiligtum (Horizonte 1a/1b). All diese Anlagen lassen sich nun in das in den neuen Grabungen erkannte stratigraphische Gerüst einhängen (s. Beil. 2). Dank der Holzerhaltung können die meisten Phasen dendrochronologisch datiert werden (s. Abb. 4.1/1a): Horizont 1a mit Schlagdaten zwischen 162(?)/173 und 200 n. Chr., Horizont 1b um 215/218 n. Chr. und Horizont 2 um 231 n. Chr. Ferner konnten in den neuen Grabungen Proben für mikromorphologische und archäobotanische Untersuchungen entnommen werden (Kap. 2.2; 3.11). In der vorliegenden Publikation werden der Befund und die Baustrukturen vorgelegt, (Kap. 2), desgleichen sämtliche stratifizierten Funde und eine umfassende Auswahl der 1944/1945 geborgenen Funde (Kap. 3). Dank anpassender Fragmente, sog. Passscherben, lassen sich diese zum Teil nachträglich in die Schichtenabfolge einbinden. Die mikromorphologischen und die archäobotanischen Untersuchungen (Kap. 2.2; 3.11) zeigen, dass der Fundplatz in römischer Zeit inmitten einer stark vom Wald und dem Fluss Lorze geprägten Landschaft lag. In unmittelbarer Nähe können weder eine Siedlung noch einzelne Wohnbauten gelegen haben. Die demnach nur gewerblich und sakral genutzten Anlagen standen an einem Bach, der vermutlich mit jenem Bach identisch ist, der noch heute das Groppenmoos entwässert und bei Cham-Hagendorn in die Lorze mündet (s. Abb. 2.4/1). Der antike Bach führte wiederholt Hochwasser ─ insgesamt sind fünf grössere Überschwemmungsphasen auszumachen (Kap. 2.2; 2.4). Wohl anlässlich eines Seehochstandes durch ein Überschwappen der Lorze in den Bach ausgelöst, müssen diese Überschwemmungen eine enorme Gewalt entwickelt haben, der die einzelnen Anlagen zum Opfer fielen. Wie die Untersuchung der Siedlungslandschaft römischer Zeit rund um den Zugersee wahrscheinlich macht (Kap. 6 mit Abb. 6.2/2), dürften die Anlagen von Cham-Hagendorn zu einer in Cham-Heiligkreuz vermuteten Villa gehören, einem von fünf grösseren Landgütern in diesem Gebiet. Hinweise auf Vorgängeranlagen fehlen, mit denen die vereinzelten Funde des 1. Jh. n. Chr. (Kap. 4.5) in Verbindung gebracht werden könnten. Diese dürften eher von einer der Überschwemmungen bachaufwärts weggerissen und nach Cham-Hagendorn eingeschwemmt worden sein. Die Nutzung des Fundplatzes (Horizont 1a; s. Beil. 6) setzte um 170 n. Chr. mit einer Schmiedewerkstatt ein (Kap. 2.5.1). Der Fundanfall, insbesondere die Schmiedeschlacken (Kap. 3.9) belegen, dass hier nur hin und wieder Geräte hergestellt und repariert wurden (Kap. 5.2). Diese Werkstatt war vermutlich schon aufgelassen und dem Verfall preisgegeben, als man 200 n. Chr. (Kap. 4.2.4) auf einer Insel zwischen dem Bach und einem Lorzearm ein Heiligtum errichtete (Kap. 5.3). Beleg für den sakralen Status dieser Insel ist in erster Linie mindestens ein eigens gepflanzter Pfirsichbaum, nachgewiesen mit Pollen, einem Holz und über 400 Pfirsichsteinen (Kap. 3.11). Die im Bach verlaufende Grenze zwischen dem sakralen Platz und der profanen Umgebung markierte man zusätzlich mit einer Pfahlreihe (Kap. 2.5.3). In diese war ein schmaler Langbau integriert (Kap. 2.5.2), der an die oft an Temenosmauern antiker Heiligtümer angebauten Portiken erinnert und wohl auch die gleiche Funktion wie diese gehabt hatte, nämlich das Aufbewahren von Weihegaben und Kultgerät (Kap. 5.3). Das reiche Fundmaterial, das sich in den Schichten der ersten Überschwemmung fand (s. Abb. 5./5), die um 205/210 n. Chr. dieses Heiligtum zerstört hatte, insbesondere die zahlreiche Keramik (Kap. 3.2.4), und die zum Teil auffallend wertvollen Kleinfunde (Kap. 3.3.3), dürften zum grössten Teil einst in diesem Langbau untergebracht gewesen sein. Ein als Glockenklöppel interpretiertes, stratifiziertes Objekt spricht dafür, dass die fünf grossen, 1944/1945 als Stapel aufgefundenen Eisenglocken vielleicht auch dem Heiligtum zuzuweisen sind (Kap. 3.4). In diesen Kontext passen zudem die überdurchschnittlich häufig kalzinierten Tierknochen (Kap. 3.10). Nach der Überschwemmung befestigte man für 215 n. Chr. (Kap. 4.2.4) das unterspülte Bachufer mit einer Uferverbauung (Kap. 2.6.1). Mit dem Bau eines weiteren, im Bach stehenden Langbaus (Kap. 2.6.2) stellte man 218 n. Chr. das Heiligtum auf der Insel in ähnlicher Form wieder her (Horizont 1b; s. Beil. 7). Von der Pfahlreihe, die wiederum die sakrale Insel von der profanen Umgebung abgrenzte, blieben indes nur wenige Pfähle erhalten. Dennoch ist der sakrale Charakter der Anlage gesichert. Ausser dem immer noch blühenden Pfirsichbaum ist es ein vor dem Langbau aufgestelltes Ensemble von mindestens 23 Terrakottafigurinen (s. Abb. 3.6/1), elf Veneres, zehn Matres, einem Jugendlichen in Kapuzenmantel und einem kindlichen Risus (Kap. 3.6; s. auch Kap. 2.6.3). In den Sedimenten der zweiten Überschwemmung, der diese Anlage um 225/230 n. Chr. zum Opfer gefallen war, fanden sich wiederum zahlreiche Keramikgefässe (Kap. 3.2.4) und zum Teil wertvolle Kleinfunde wie eine Glasperle mit Goldfolie (Kap. 3.8.2) und eine Fibel aus Silber (Kap. 3.3.3), die wohl ursprünglich im Langbau untergebracht waren (Kap. 5.3.2 mit Abb. 5/7). Weitere Funde mit sicherem oder möglichem sakralem Charakter finden sich unter den 1944/1945 geborgenen Funden (s. Abb. 5/8), etwa ein silberner Fingerring mit Merkurinschrift, ein silberner Lunula-Anhänger, eine silberne Kasserolle (Kap. 3.3.3), eine Glasflasche mit Schlangenfadenauflage (Kap. 3.8.2) und einige Bergkristalle (Kap. 3.8.4). Im Bereich der Terrakotten kamen ferner mehrere Münzen (Kap. 3.7) zum Vorschein, die vielleicht dort niedergelegt worden waren. Nach der zweiten Überschwemmung errichtete man um 231 n. Chr. am Bach eine Wassermühle (Horizont 2; Kap. 2.7; Beil. 8; Abb. 2.7/49). Ob das Heiligtum auf der Insel wieder aufgebaut oder aufgelassen wurde, muss mangels Hinweisen offen bleiben. Für den abgehobenen Zuflusskanal der Wassermühle verwendete man mehrere stehen gebliebene Pfähle der vorangegangenen Anlagen der Horizonte 1a und 1b. Obwohl die Wassermühle den 28 jährlichen Überschwemmungshorizonten (Kap. 2.2) und den Funden (Kap. 4.3.2; 4.4.4; 45) zufolge nur bis um 260 n. Chr., während gut einer Generation, bestand, musste sie mindestens zweimal erneuert werden – nachgewiesen sind drei Wasserräder, drei Mühlsteinpaare und vermutlich drei Podeste, auf denen jeweils das Mahlwerk ruhte. Grund für diese Umbauten war wohl der weiche, instabile Untergrund, der zu Verschiebungen geführt hatte, so dass das Zusammenspiel von Wellbaum bzw. Sternnabe und Übersetzungsrad nicht mehr funktionierte und das ganze System zerbrach. Die Analyse von Pollen aus dem Gehhorizont hat als Mahlgut Getreide vom Weizentyp nachgewiesen (Kap. 3.11.4). Das Abzeichen eines Benefiziariers (Kap. 3.3.2 mit Abb. 3.3/23,B71) könnte dafür sprechen, dass das verarbeitete Getreide zumindest zum Teil für das römische Militär bestimmt war (s. auch Kap. 6.2.3). Ein im Horizont 2 gefundener Schreibgriffel und weitere stili sowie eine Waage für das Wägen bis zu 35-40 kg schweren Waren aus dem Fundbestand von 1944/1945 könnten davon zeugen, dass das Getreide zu wägen und zu registrieren war (Kap. 3.4.2). Kurz nach 260 n. Chr. fiel die Wassermühle einem weiteren Hochwasser zum Opfer. Für den folgenden Horizont 3 (Beil. 9) brachte man einen Kiesboden ein und errichtete ein kleines Gebäude (Kap. 2.8). Hier war wohl wiederum eine Schmiede untergebracht, wie die zahlreichen Kalottenschlacken belegen (Kap. 3.9), die im Umfeld der kleinen Baus zum Vorschein kamen. Aufgrund der Funde (Kap. 4.4.4; 4.5) kann diese Werkstatt nur kurze Zeit bestanden haben, höchstens bis um 270 n. Chr., bevor sie einem weiteren Hochwasser zum Opfer fiel. Von der jüngsten Anlage, die wohl noch in römische Zeit datiert (Horizont 4; Beil. 10), war lediglich eine Konstruktion aus grossen Steinplatten zu fassen (Kap. 2.9.1). Wozu sie diente, muss offen bleiben. Auch der geringe Fundanfall spricht dafür, dass die Nutzung des Platzes, zumindest für die römische Zeit, allmählich ein Ende fand (Kap. 4.5). Zu den jüngsten Strukturen gehören mehrere Gruben (Kap. 2.9.2), die vielleicht der Lehmentnahme dienten. Mangels Funden bleibt ihre Datierung indes ungewiss. Insbesondere wissen wir nicht, ob sie noch in römische Zeit datieren oder jünger sind. Spätestens mit der fünften Überschwemmung, die zur endgültigen Verlandung führte und wohl schon in die frühe Neuzeit zu setzen ist, wurde der Platz aufgelassen und erst mit dem Bau der bestehenden Fensterfabrik Baumgartner wieder besetzt.


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Purpose. This project was designed to describe the association between wasting and CD4 cell counts in HIV-infected men in order to better understand the role of wasting in progression of HIV infection.^ Methods. Baseline and prevalence data were collected from a cross-sectional survey of 278 HIV-infected men seen at the Houston Veterans Affairs Medical Center Special Medicine Clinic, from June 1, 1991 to January 1, 1994. A follow-up study was conducted among those at risk, to investigate the incidence of wasting and the association between wasting and low CD4 cell counts. Wasting was described by four methods. Z-scores for age-, sex-, and height-adjusted weight; sex-, and age-adjusted mid-arm muscle circumference (MAMC); and fat-free mass; and the ratio of extra-cellular mass (ECM) to body-cell mass (BCM) $>$ 1.20. FFM, ECM, and BCM were estimated from bioelectrical impedance analysis. MAMC was calculated from triceps skinfold and mid-arm circumference. The relationship between wasting and covariates was examined with logistic regression in the cross-sectional study, and with Poisson regression in the follow-up study. The association between death and wasting was examined with Cox's regression.^ Results. The prevalence of wasting ranged from 5% (weight and ECM:BCM) to almost 14% (MAMC and FFM) among the 278 men examined. The odds of wasting, associated with baseline CD4 cell count $<$200, was significant for each method but weight, and ranged from 4.6 to 12.7. Use of antiviral therapy was significantly protective of MAMC, FFM and ECM:BCM (OR $\approx$ 0.2), whereas the need for antibacterial therapy was a risk (OR 3.1, 95% CI 1.1-8.7). The average incidence of wasting ranged from 4 to 16 per 100 person-years among the approximately 145 men followed for 160 person-years. Low CD4 cell count seemed to increase the risk of wasting, but statistical significance was not reached. The effect of the small sample size on the power to detect a significant association should be considered. Wasting, by MAMC and FFM, was significantly associated with death, after adjusting for baseline serum albumin concentration and CD4 cell count.^ Conclusions. Wasting by MAMC and FFM were strongly associated with baseline CD4 cell counts in both the prevalence and incidence study and strong predictors of death. Of the two methods, MAMC is convenient, has available reference population data, may be the most appropriate for assessing the nutritional status of HIV-infected men. ^


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Seventeen whole-rock samples, generally taken at 25-50 m intervals from 5 to 560 m sub-basement in Hole 504B, drilled in 6.2 m.y. old crust, were analysed for 87Sr/86Sr ratios, Sr and Rb concentrations, and 18O/16O ratios. Sr isotope ratios for 8 samples from the upper 260 m of the hole range from 0.70287 to 0.70377, with a mean of 0.70320. In the 330-560 m interval, 5 samples have a restricted range of 0.70255-0.70279, with a mean of 0.70266, the average value for fresh mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). In the 260-330 m interval, approximately intermediate Sr isotopic ratios are found. Delta18O values (?) range from 6.4 to 7.8 in the upper 260 m, 6.2-6.4 in the 270-320 m interval, and 5.8-6.2 in the 320-560 m interval. The values in the upper 260 m are typical for basalts which have undergone low-temperature seawater alteration, whereas the values for the 320-560 m interval correspond to MORB which have experienced essentially no oxygen isotopic alteration. The higher 87Sr/86Sr and 18O/16O ratios in the upper part of the hole can be interpreted as the result of a greater overall water/rock ratio in the upper part of the Hole 504B crust than in the lower part. Interaction of basalt with seawater (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7091) increased basalt 87Sr/86Sr ratios and produced smectitic alteration products which raised whole-rock delta18O values. Seawater circulation in the lower basalts may have been partly restricted by the greater number of relatively impermeable massive lava flows below about 230 m sub-basement. These flows may have helped to seal off lower basalts from through-flowing seawater.


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A down-core 231Pa/230Th record has been measured from the southwestern Indian Ocean to reconstruct the history of deep water flow into this basin over the last glacial-interglacial cycle. The (231Paxs/230Thxs)0 ratio throughout the record is nearly constant at approximately 0.055, significantly lower than the production ratio of 0.093, indicating that the proxy is sensitive to changes in circulation and/or sediment flux at this site. The consistent value suggests that there has been no change in the inflow of Antarctic Bottom Water to the Indian Ocean during the last 140 ka, in contrast to the changes in deep circulation thought to occur in other ocean basins. The stability of the (231Paxs/230Thxs)0 value in the record contrasts with an existing sortable silt (SS) record from the same core. The observed equation image variability is attributed to a local geostrophic effect amplifying small changes in circulation. A record of authigenic U from the same core suggests that there was reduced oxygen in bottom waters at the core locality during glacial periods. The consistency of the (231Paxs/230Thxs)0 record implies that this could not have arisen by local changes in productivity, thus suggesting a far-field control: either globally reduced bottom water oxygenation or increased productivity south of the Opal Belt during glacials.


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The subarctic North Pacific Ocean holds a large CO2 reservoir that is currently isolated from the atmosphere by a low-salinity layer. It has recently been hypothesized that the reorganization of these high-CO2 waters may have played a crucial role in the degassing of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere during the last deglaciation. This reorganization would leave some imprint on paleo-productivity records. Here we present 230Th-normalized biogenic fluxes from an intermediate depth sediment core in the Northwest Pacific (RC10-196, 54.7°N, 177.1°E, 1007 m) and place them within the context of a synthesis of previously-published biogenic flux data from 49 deep-sea cores north of 20°N, ranging from 420 to 3968 m water depth. The 230Th-normalized opal, carbonate, and organic carbon fluxes from RC10-196 peak approximately 13,000 calendar years BP during the Bølling/Allerød (B/A) period. Our data synthesis suggests that biogenic fluxes were in general lowest during the last glacial period, increased somewhat in the Northwest Pacific during Heinrich Event 1, and reached a maximum across the entire North Pacific during the B/A period. We evaluate several mechanisms as possible drivers of deglacial change in biogenic fluxes in the North Pacific, including changes in preservation, sediment focusing, sea ice extent, iron inputs, stratification, and circulation shifts initiated in the North Atlantic and North Pacific. Our analysis suggests that while micronutrient sources likely contributed to some of the observed changes, the heterogeneity in timing of glaciogenic retreat and sea level make these mechanisms unlikely causes of region-wide contemporaneous peaks in export production. We argue that paleo-observations are most consistent with ventilation increases in both the North Pacific (during H1) and North Atlantic (during B/A) being the primary drivers of increases in biogenic flux during the deglaciation, as respectively they were likely to bring nutrients to the surface via increased vertical mixing and shoaling of the global thermocline.


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Women around the world risk their lives to end unwanted pregnancies. Created in 2003 and recently converted to a digital format, this short film highlights the toll that unsafe abortion takes on women and the comprehensive approach that Ipas takes to saving women's lives by improving access to safe abortion and contraception. Since this film was made, deaths from unsafe abortion have thankfully decreased to approximately 47,000 each year. However, the estimated number of unsafe abortions has risen to more than 21 million annually, largely due to the increase in population. We have a long way to go before the scourge of unsafe abortion is eliminated.


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Stable isotopic data obtained from planktonic and benthic foraminifers were used to study paleoceanographic changes along the northeastern Australian margin from late Miocene (10 Ma) to Holocene time, and to evaluate the influence of these changes on reef growth. The data indicate that variations in surface-water temperatures may have had an important effect on the reef complexes on the Queensland Plateau and possibly off the northeastern Australian margin. Three sites were studied: Leg 21, Site 209 on the eastern edge of the Queensland Plateau, and Leg 133, Site 811 on the western margin, and Site 817 on the lower southern slope of the plateau. Shallow-water bioclasts recovered from Holes 811A and 817A indicate extensive reef growth on the Queensland Plateau during the middle Miocene (before 12 Ma), signifying surface-water temperatures of 20°C or greater. The amount of reefal detritus produced during the late Miocene (10.0-5.2 Ma) decreased progressively, resulting in a reduction in area of the reef complexes. The isotopic data from planktonic foraminifers in these late Miocene age sediments indicate the presence of relatively cool surface waters (16°-19°C), which may have been a major factor contributing to the demise of the reefs on the Queensland Plateau. Surface waters remained cool until the middle Pleistocene (1.2-0.5 Ma), when the surface-water temperature apparently increased to approximately 25°C, recorded both in the isotopic data and by renewed reef growth. This increase occurred simultaneously (within the error of the age model) with the initiation of the Great Barrier Reef. We propose that cooling of surface waters during the early late Miocene contributed to reef decline on the Queensland Plateau, and that subsequent warming of surface waters during the middle Pleistocene promoted the initiation of reef growth on the northeastern Australian margin. Reef development on the Queensland Plateau never recovered to the middle Miocene extent because of a combination of tectonic (accelerated subsidence of the plateau) and paleoceanographic (the cooler surface waters present from the late Miocene throughout the Pliocene) factors. Variations in seafloor d18O appear to be controlled by regional factors, as indicated by the similarity of data from Sites 811 and 817 to those from Site 590 on Lord Howe Rise.


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A morphologically complex igneous basement was penetrated at Leg 125 Site 786 beneath approximately 100 m of Eocene-Pleistocene sediments at 31°52.45 'N, 141°13.59'E in a 3082-m water depth. The site is located on the forearc basement high (FBH) of the Izu-Bonin (Ogasawara) Arc. In the broadest terms, the sequence in Hole 786B consists of a basal sheeted dike complex, heavily mineralized in places, with overlying pillow lavas giving way to a complex and repeated sequence of interlayered volcanic breccias and lava flows with some thin sedimentary intervals. The sequence has been further cut by dikes or sills, particularly of high-Ca and intermediate-Ca boninite, and is locally strongly sheared by faulting. The whole basement has been covered with middle Eocene-early Pleistocene sediments. A monomict breccia forms the shallowest portion of Hole 786B and a polymict breccia having Mn-oxide-rich clast coatings and matrix forms the deepest part of Hole 786A (-100-160 mbsf). The basement is tectonized in some places, and a mineralized stockwork is present in the deepest part of Hole 786B. A wide variety of rock types form this basement, ranging from mafic to silicic in character and including high-, intermediate-, and low-Ca boninites, intermediate- and low-Ca bronzite andesites, andesite, dacite, and rhyolite groups. Intragroup and intergroup relationships are complicated in detail, and several different upper mantle source(s) probably were involved. A significant role for orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene-plagioclase fractionation is indicated in the mafic-intermediate groups, and the most probable complementary cumulates should be noritic gabbros. Many overall similarities but some subtle differences are noted between the igneous basement at Site 786 and the subaerial outcrops of the FBH to the south in the type boninite locality of Chichijima. Both suites were derived by hydrous melting of a relatively shallow, refractory (harzburgitic) upper mantle source. These Bonin forearc basement rocks are similar in many respects to those of Eocene-Oligocene age now forming the forearc of the Marianas at Leg 60 Site 458 and on Guam. In sharp distinction, the geochemistry of the Eocene-Pleistocene ash sequences overlying the Bonin FBH must have been derived from a very different upper mantle source, implying considerable across-strike differences in sub-arc mantle composition.


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Seawater 187Os/188Os ratios for the Middle Miocene were reconstructed by measuring the 187Os/188Os ratios of metalliferous carbonates from the Pacific (DSDP 598) and Atlantic (DSDP 521) oceans. Atlantic and Pacific 187Os/188Os measurements are nearly indistinguishable and are consistent with previously published Os isotope records from Pacific cores. The Atlantic data reported here provide the first direct evidence that the long-term sedimentary 187Os/188Os record reflects whole-ocean changes in the Os isotopic composition of seawater. The Pacific and the Atlantic Os measurements confirm a long-term 0.01/Myr increase in marine 187Os/188Os ratios that began no later than 16 Ma. The beginning of the Os isotopic increase coincided with a decrease in the rate of increase of marine 87Sr/86Sr ratios at 16 Ma. A large increase of 1? in benthic foraminiferal delta18O values, interpreted to reflect global cooling and ice sheet growth, began approximately 1 million years later at 14.8 Ma, and the long-term shift toward lower bulk carbonate delta13C values began more than 2 Myr later around 13.6 Ma. The post-16 Ma increase in marine 187Os/188Os ratios was most likely forced by weathering of radiogenic materials, either old sediments or sialic crust with a sedimentary protolith. We consider two possible Miocene-specific geologic events that can account for both this increase in marine 187Os/188Os ratios and also nearly constant 87Sr/86Sr ratios: (1) the first glacial erosion of sediment-covered cratons in the Northern Hemisphere; (2) the exhumation of the Australian passive margin-New Guinea arc system. The latter event offers a mechanism, via enhanced availability of soluble Ca and Mg silicates in the arc terrane, for the maintenance of assumed low CO2 levels after 15 Ma. The temporal resolution (three samples/Myr) of the 187Os/188Os record from Site 598, for which a stable isotope stratigraphy was also constructed, is significantly higher than that of previously published records. These high resolution data suggest oscillations with amplitudes of 0.01 to 0.02 and periods of around 1 Myr. Although variations in the 187Os/188Os record of this magnitude can be easily resolved analytically, this higher frequency signal must be verified at other sites before it can be safely interpreted as global in extent. However, the short-term 187Os/188Os variations may correlate inversely with short-term benthic foraminiferal delta18O and bulk carbonate delta13C variations that reflect glacioeustatic events.


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An extensive radiograph study of 24 undisturbed, up to 206-cm long box and gravity cores from the western part of the Strait of Otranto revealed a great variety of primary bedding structures and secondary burrowing features. The regional distribution of the sediments according to their structural, textural, and compositional properties reflects the major morphologic subdivisions of the strait into shelf, slope, and trough bottom (e.g., the bottom of the northern end of the Corfu-Kephallinia Trough, which extends from the northeastern Ionian Sea into the Strait of Otranto): (1) The Apulian shelf (0 to -170m) is only partly covered by very poorly sorted, muddy sands without layering. These relict(?) sands are rich in organic carbonate debris and contain glauconite and reworked (?Pleistocene) ooids. (2) The slope sediments (-170 to -1,000 m) are poorly sorted, sandy muds with a high degree of burrowing. One core (OT 5) is laminated and shows slump structures. An origin of these slumped sediment masses from older deposits higher on the slope was inferred from their abnormal compaction, color, texture, organic content, and mineral composition. (3) Cores from the northern end of the Corfu-Kephallinia Trough (-980 to -1,060 m) display a few graded sand layers, 2-5 cm (maximum 30 cm) thick with parallel and ripple-cross-laminations, deposited by oceanic bottom or small-scale turbidity currents. They are intercalated with homogeneous lutite. (4) Hemipelagic sediments prevail in the more southerly part of the Corfu-Kephallinia Trough and on the "Apulian-Ionian Ridge", the southern submarine extension of the Apulian Peninsula. Below a core depth of 160 cm, these cores have a laminated ("varved") zone, representing an Early Holocene (Boreal-Atlanticum) "stagnation layer" (14C age approximately 9,000 years). The terrigenous components of the surface sediments as well as those of the deeper sand layers can be derived from the Apulian shelf and the Italian mainland (Cretaceous Apulian Plateau and Gargano Mountains, southern Apennines, volcanic province of the Monte Vulture). Indicated by the heavy mineral glaucophane, a minor proportion of the sedimentary material is probably of Alpine origin. If this portion is considered to be first-cycle clastic material it reaches the Strait of Otranto after a longitudinal transport of 700 km via the Adriatic Sea. The lack of phyllosilicates in the coarse- to medium-grained shelf samples might be explained by the activity of the "Apulian Current" (surface velocities up to 4 knots) which in the past possibly has affected the bottom almost down to depths of the shelf edge. The percentage of planktonic organisms, and also the plankton: benthos ratio in the sediments is a useful indicator for bathymetry (depth zonation).


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This study investigates the landscape evolution and soil development in the loess area near Regensburg between approximately 6000-2000 yr BP (radiocarbon years), Eastern Bavaria. The focus is on the question how man and climate influenced landscape evolution and what their relative significance was. The theoretical background concerning the factors that controlled prehistoric soil erosion in Middle Europe is summarized with respect to rainfall intensity and distribution, pedogenesis, Pleistocene relief, and prehistoric farming. Colluvial deposits , flood loams, and soils were studied at ten different and representative sites that served as archives of their respective palaeoenvironments. Geomorphological, sedimentological, and pedological methods were applied. According to the findings presented here, there was a high asynchronity of landscape evolution in the investigation area, which was due to prehistoric land-use patterns. Prehistoric land use and settlement caused highly difIerenciated phases of morphodynamic activity and stability in time and space. These are documented at the single catenas ofeach site. In general, Pleistocene relief was substantially lowered. At the same time smaller landforms such as dells and minor asymmetric valleys filled up and strongly transformed. However, there were short phases at many sites, forming short lived linear erosion features ('Runsen'), resulting from exceptional rainfalls. These forms are results of single events without showing regional trends. Generally, the onset of the sedimentation of colluvial deposits took place much earlier (usually 3500 yr BP (radiocarbon) and younger) than the formation of flood loams. Thus, the deposition of flood loams in the Kleine Laaber river valley started mainly as a consequence of iron age farming only at around 2500 yr BP (radiocarbon). A cascade system explains the different ages of colluvial deposits and flood loams: as a result of prehistoric land use, dells and other minor Pleistocene landforms were filled with colluvial sediments. After the filling of these primary sediment traps , eroded material was transported into flood plains, thus forming flood loams. But at the moment we cannot quantify the extent ofprehistoric soil erosion in the investigation area. The three factors that controlled the prehistoric Iandscapc evolution in the Ioess area near Regensburg are as follows: 1. The transformation from a natural to a prehistoric cultural landscape was the most important factor: A landscape with stable relief was changed into a highly morphodynamic one with soil erosion as the dominant process of this change. 2. The sediment traps of the pre-anthropogenic relief determined where the material originated from soil erosion was deposited: either sedimentation took place on the slopes or the filled sediment traps of the slopes rendered flood loam formation possible. Climatic influence of any importance can only be documented as the result of land use in connection with singular and/or statistic events of heavy rainfalls. Without human impact, no significant change in the Holocene landscape would have been possible.


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Seventeen whole-rock samples, generally taken at 25- to 50-meter intervals from 5 to 560 meters sub-basement in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 504B, were analyzed for 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and rubidium and strontium concentrations. Ten of these samples also were analyzed for Pb-isotope composition. Strontium-isotope ratios for eight samples from the upper 260 meters of the hole range from 0.70287 to 0.70377, with a mean of 0.70320. In the interval 330 to 560 meters, five samples have a restricted range of 0.70259 to 0.70279, with a mean of 0.70266, almost identical to the average value of fresh mid-ocean-ridge basalts. In the interval 260 to 330 meters, approximately intermediate strontium- isotope ratios are found. The higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the upper part of the hole can be interpreted in terms of strontium-isotope alteration during basalt-sea-water interaction. Relative to average fresh mid-ocean ridge basalts, the upper 260 meters of basalts are enriched by an average of about 9% in sea-water strontium 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7091). This Sr presumably is located in the smectites, which, as the main secondary minerals throughout the hole, replace olivine and matrix glass and locally fill vesicles (analyzed samples contained no veins). The strontium-isotope data strongly suggest that the integrated flux of sea water through the upper part of the Hole 504B crust has been greater than through the lower part. This is also suggested by (1) the common occurrence of Feoxide- hydroxide minerals as alteration products above 270 meters, but their near absence below 320 meters, (2) the presence of vein calcite above 320 meters, but its near absence below this level, and (3) the occurrence of vein pyrite only below a depth of 270 meters. Sea-water circulation in the lower basalts may have been partly restricted by the greater number of relatively impermeable massive lava flows below 230 meters sub-basement. Although sufficient sea water was present within the lower part of the hole to produce smectitic alteration products, the overall water /rock ratio was low enough to prevent significant modification of strontium-isotope ratios. Lead-isotope ratios of Hole 504B basalts form approximately linear arrays in plots of 208Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb. The arrays are similar to those reported for basalts from other mid-ocean ridges. There is no trend in Hole 504B lead-isotope ratios with vertical position in the basement. The arrays indicate that the lead-isotope composition of the upper mantle from which the Hole 504B basaltic melts were derived was inhomogeneous.


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The record of eolian deposition on the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP) since the Oligocene (approximately 33 Ma) has been investigated using dust grain size, dust flux, and dust mineralogy, with the goal of interpreting the paleoclimatology and paleometeorology of the western equatorial Pacific. Studies of modern dust dispersal in the Pacific have indicated that the equatorial regions receive contributions from both the Northern Hemisphere westerly winds and the equatorial easterlies; limited meteorological data suggest that low-altitude westerlies could also transport dust to OJP from proximal sources in the western Pacific. Previous studies have established the characteristics of the grain-size, flux, and mineralogy records of dust deposited in the North Pacific by the mid-latitude westerlies and in the eastern equatorial Pacific by the low-latitude easterlies since the Oligocene. By comparing the OJP records with the well-defined records of the mid-latitude westerlies and the low-latitude easterlies, the importance of multiple sources of dust to OJP can be recognized. OJP dust is composed of quartz, illite, kaolinite/chlorite, plagioclase feldspar, smectite, and heulandite. Mineral abundance profiles and principal components analysis (PCA) of the mineral abundance data have been used to identify assemblages of minerals that covary through all or part of the OJP record. Abundances of quartz, illite, and kaolinite/chlorite covary throughout the interval studied, defining a mineralogical assemblage supplied from Asia. Some plagioclase and smectite were also supplied as part of this assemblage during the late Miocene and Pliocene/Pleistocene, but other source areas have supplied significant amounts of plagioclase, smectite, and heulandite to OJP since the Oligocene. OJP dust is generally coarser than dust deposited by the Northern Hemisphere westerlies or the equatorial easterlies, and it accumulates more rapidly by 1-2 orders of magnitude. These relationships indicate the importance of the local sources on dust deposition at OJP. The grain-size and flux records of OJP dust do not exhibit most of the events observed in the corresponding records of the Northern Hemisphere westerlies or the equatorial easterlies, because these features are masked by the mixing of dust from several sources at OJP. The abundance record of the Asian dust assemblage at OJP, however, does contain most of the features characteristic of dust flux by means of the Northern Hemisphere westerlies, indicating that the paleoclimatic and paleometeorologic signal of a particular source area and wind system can be preserved in areas well beyond the region dominated by that source and those winds. Identifying such a signal requires "unmixing" the various dust assemblages, which can be accomplished by combining grain-size, flux, and mineralogic data.


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The Cariaco Basin is a 1400-m-deep depression approximately 160 km long by 70 km wide located off the central Venezuelan coast . It is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by a sill ~100-m-deep, and two slightly deeper channels that breech it; Canal Centinela (146-m-deep) and Canal de la Tortuge (135-m-deep). High surface production rates and restricted circulation result in anoxic waters below ca. 275 m. The depth of the oxycline varies between 250 and 320 m and is independent of density. Rather, fluctuations in oxycline depth appear to be due to lateral intrusions of Caribbean Sea water that are linked to eddies along the continental shelf. A mooring with five sediment traps (Z, A-D) is located in the eastern Cariaco Basin. Traps A-D have been in place since November 1995. Trap A is located in oxic waters at 226 ± 6 m. Trap B is located at 407 ± 3 m and Trap D is located at 1205 ± 3 m. Trap C was located at a depth of 880 ± 2 m from Jan. 1996 to Nov. 2000, and was moved to 807 ± 2 m in Nov. 2000. A fifth trap, Z, was added in November 2003 at 110 m for the first 6 months, and at 150 m thereafter. All five sediment traps are coneshaped with a 0.5 m**2 opening that is covered with a baffle top to reduce turbulence. The mooring is deployed for six-month intervals and each sample collection cup is filled with a buffered 3.2% formalin solution as a preservative for the accumulating organic matter. The cups are numbered 1-13, with cup 1 collecting for the two-week interval immediately following deployment, and cup 13 collecting for the 2 weeks immediately before recovery.


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The study site was located in the Disko Bay off Qeqertarsuaq, western Greenland. Due to land-connected sea ice coverage during winter, 2 sampling sites were combined. At the first site in winter (21 February to 23 March 2008), sampling was conducted through a hole in the ice at ca. 65 to 160 m depth approximately 0.5 nautical mile (n mile) south of Qeqertarsuaq (69° 14' N, 53° 29' W). In spring and summer (9 April to 18 July), sampling was done at a monitoring station 1 n mile south from Qeqertarsuaq (69° 14' N, 53° 23' W) at 300 m depth. Sampling was carried out between 10:00 and 17:00 h. During sampling from the ice, mesozooplankton was collected using a modified WP-2 net (45 µm) equipped with a closing mechanism (Hydrobios). Samples were collected in 3 depth strata (0-50, 50-100, and 100-150 m). During ship-based sampling, mesozooplankton was collected with a multinet (50 µm) equipped with a flow meter (Multinet, Hydrobios type midi), and 2 additional depth strata (150-200m and 200-250 m) were included. In addition to the seasonal study one diurnal investigation with sampling every 6 h was conducted from 29 April at 12:00 h to 30 April 30 at 12:00 h. Samples were immediately preserved in buffered formalin (5% final concentration) for later analyses. Biomass values of the different copepod species were calculated based on measurements of prosome length, and length/weight relationships. Two regressions for Calanus spp. were established for biomass calculations: one applicable prior to and during the phytoplankton bloom until 4 May, and another from 9 May onwards.