866 resultados para Technicans in industry
An innovation network can be considered as a complex adaptive system with evolution affected by dynamic environments. This paper establishes a multi-agent-based evolution model of innovation networks under dynamic settings through computational and logical modeling, and a multi-agent system paradigm. This evolution model is composed of several sub-models of agents' knowledge production by independent innovations in dynamic situations, knowledge learning by cooperative innovations covering agents' heterogeneities, decision-making for innovation selections, and knowledge update considering decay factors. On the basis of above-mentioned sub-models, an evolution rule for multi-agent based innovation network system is given. The proposed evolution model can be utilized to simulate and analyze different scenarios of innovation networks in various dynamic environments and support decision-making for innovation network optimization.
Paper presented at the 5th European Conference Economics and Management of Energy in Industry, Vilamoura, Algarve. Apr. 14-17, 2009, 11p. URL: http:// www.cenertec.pt/ecemei/
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
La technique de clonage par transfert nucléaire de cellules somatiques (SCNT) présente une page importante dans les annales scientifiques, mais son application pratique demeure incertaine dû à son faible taux de succès. Les anomalies placentaires et de développement fœtal se traduisent par des pertes importantes de gestation et des mortalités néonatales. Dans un premier temps, la présente étude a caractérisé les changements morphologiques des membranes fœtales durant la gestation clonée en les comparant à des gestations contrôles obtenues à partir de l’insémination artificielle. Les différentes anomalies morphologiques des placentomes telles que l’œdème chorioallantoique, la présence de zones hyperéchoiques et irrégulières dans la membrane amniotique et la présence de cellules inflammatoires dégénérées compromettent le développement fœtal normal de la gestation clonée. L’examen ultrasonographique représente une technique diagnostique importante pour faire le suivi d’une gestation et de caractériser les changements placentaires dans le cadre d’évaluation globale du bien-être fœtal. Le profil hormonal de trois stéroïdes (progestérone (P4), estrone sulfate (E1S), et œstradiol (E2)) et de la protéine B spécifique de gestation (PSPB) dans le sérum des vaches porteuses de clones SCNT a été déterminé et associé aux anomalies de gestations clonées. Une diminution de la P4 sérique au jour 80, une élévation du niveau de la concentration de la PSPB au jour 150, et une augmentation de la concentration d’E2 sérique durant le deuxième et troisième tiers de la gestation clonée coïncident avec les anomalies de gestation déjà reportées. Ces changements du profil hormonal associés aux anomalies phénotypiques du placenta compromettent le déroulement normal de la gestation clonée et gênent le développement et le bien-être fœtal. Sur la base des observations faites sur le placenta de gestation clonée, le mécanisme moléculaire pouvant expliquer la disparition de l’épithélium du placenta (l’interface entre le tissue maternel et le placenta) a été étudié. L’étude a identifié des changements dans l’expression de deux protéines d’adhérence (E-cadhérin et β-catenin) de cellules épithéliales pouvant être associées aux anomalies du placenta chez les gestations clonées. Le tissu de cotylédons provenant de gestations clonées et contrôles a été analysé par Western blot, RT-PCR quantitatif, et par immunohistochimie. Les résultats présentaient une diminution significative (p<0.05) de l’expression des dites protéines dans les cellules trophoblastiques chez les gestations clonées. Le RT-PCR quantitatif démontrait que les gènes CCND1, CLDN1 et MSX1 ciblés par la voie de signalisation de la Wnt/β-catenin étaient significativement sous exprimés. La diminution de l’expression des protéines E-cadherin et β-catenin avec une réduction de l’activation de la protéine β-catenin durant le période d’attachement de l’embryon peut potentiellement expliquer l’absence totale ou partielle de l’attachement des membranes fœtales au tissu maternel et éventuellement, l’insuffisance placentaire caractéristique des gestations clonées chez la vache. La caractérisation morphologique et fonctionnelle du placenta durant les gestations clonées à haut risque est essentielle pour évaluer le statut de la gestation. Les résultats de la présente étude permettront de prédire le développement et le bien-être fœtal de façon critique à travers un protocole standardisé et permettre des interventions médicales pour améliorer le taux de succès des gestations clonées chez les bovins.
Cette thèse a pour but d’améliorer l’automatisation dans l’ingénierie dirigée par les modèles (MDE pour Model Driven Engineering). MDE est un paradigme qui promet de réduire la complexité du logiciel par l’utilisation intensive de modèles et des transformations automatiques entre modèles (TM). D’une façon simplifiée, dans la vision du MDE, les spécialistes utilisent plusieurs modèles pour représenter un logiciel, et ils produisent le code source en transformant automatiquement ces modèles. Conséquemment, l’automatisation est un facteur clé et un principe fondateur de MDE. En plus des TM, d’autres activités ont besoin d’automatisation, e.g. la définition des langages de modélisation et la migration de logiciels. Dans ce contexte, la contribution principale de cette thèse est de proposer une approche générale pour améliorer l’automatisation du MDE. Notre approche est basée sur la recherche méta-heuristique guidée par les exemples. Nous appliquons cette approche sur deux problèmes importants de MDE, (1) la transformation des modèles et (2) la définition précise de langages de modélisation. Pour le premier problème, nous distinguons entre la transformation dans le contexte de la migration et les transformations générales entre modèles. Dans le cas de la migration, nous proposons une méthode de regroupement logiciel (Software Clustering) basée sur une méta-heuristique guidée par des exemples de regroupement. De la même façon, pour les transformations générales, nous apprenons des transformations entre modèles en utilisant un algorithme de programmation génétique qui s’inspire des exemples des transformations passées. Pour la définition précise de langages de modélisation, nous proposons une méthode basée sur une recherche méta-heuristique, qui dérive des règles de bonne formation pour les méta-modèles, avec l’objectif de bien discriminer entre modèles valides et invalides. Les études empiriques que nous avons menées, montrent que les approches proposées obtiennent des bons résultats tant quantitatifs que qualitatifs. Ceux-ci nous permettent de conclure que l’amélioration de l’automatisation du MDE en utilisant des méthodes de recherche méta-heuristique et des exemples peut contribuer à l’adoption plus large de MDE dans l’industrie à là venir.
The study is entitled “HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN KERALA”. The concept “Human Resource Development” is of high value in business and industry and has been used and applied since years. In industry and business the 'human' element is considred as a resource and hence its development and protection is very essential and inevitable. Of all the factors of production, human resource is the only factor having rational faculty and therefore, it must be handled with utmost care. Right recruitment, right training and right induction followed by faultless monitoring and welfare measures are but decisive factors in business and industry. Altogether there is a constant attention up on human factor there. But this is not a practice at all in education. So far there has not been any such measure of care and close watch and performance analysis of human resource on education front. This may be the main reason for lack of accountability in the sphere of education. The present study reveals the importance of introducing HRD practices in higher educational institutions in Kerala. In order to promise human capital formation through education, it is basic requirement. The higher educational institutions must follow the method of industry and commerce because education can be treated as an industry in service sector. There also we can follow the methods of right recruitment, right training and promotion, delegation, performance analysis and accountability checking of human resource. HRD is a powerful idea of transformation of human being into highly productive and contributing factor The HRD of students is the sum total of HRD of teachers. Reminding the primordial usage 'Yatha Raja Thadha Praja’ the quality of faculty resembles in students. The quality of administrative staff in colleges also affects the quality of higher education. Hence, it is high time to introduce the managerial method of HRD with all its paraphernalia in higher educational institutions so as to assure proper human capital formation in higher education in India.
The study is entitled “HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN KERALA”. The concept “Human Resource Development” is of high value in business and industry and has been used and applied since years. In industry and business the ‘human’ element is considred as a resource and hence its development and protection is very essential and inevitable. Of all the factors of production, human resource is the only factor having rational faculty and therefore, it must be handled with utmost care. Right recruitment, right training and right induction followed by faultless monitoring and welfare measures are but decisive factors in business and industiy. Altogether there is a constant attention up on human factor there. But this is not a practice at all in education. So far there has not been any such measure of care and close watch and performance analysis of human resource on education front. This may be the main reason for lack of accountability in the sphere of education. The present study reveals the importance of introducing HRD practices in higher educational institutions in Kerala. In order to promise human capital formation through education, it is basic requirement. The higher educational institutions must follow the method of industry and commerce because education can be treated as an industry in service sector. There also we can follow the methods of right recruitment, right training and promotion, delegation, performance analysis and accountability checking of human resource. HRD is a powerful idea of transformation of human being into highly productive and contributing factor The HRD of students is the sum total of HRD of teachers. Reminding the primordial usage ‘Yatha Raja Thadha Praja’ the quality of faculty resembles in students. The quality of administrative staff in colleges also affects the quality of higher education. Hence, it is high time to introduce the managerial method of HRD with all its paraphernalia in higher educational institutions so as to assure proper human capital formation in higher education in India.
Consider the statement "this project should cost X and has risk of Y". Such statements are used daily in industry as the basis for making decisions. The work reported here is part of a study aimed at providing a rational and pragmatic basis for such statements. Of particular interest are predictions made in the requirements and early phases of projects. A preliminary model has been constructed using Bayesian Belief Networks and in support of this, a programme to collect and study data during the execution of various software development projects commenced in May 2002. The data collection programme is undertaken under the constraints of a commercial industrial regime of multiple concurrent small to medium scale software development projects. Guided by pragmatism, the work is predicated on the use of data that can be collected readily by project managers; including expert judgements, effort, elapsed times and metrics collected within each project.
Interdisciplinary research presents particular challenges for unambiguous communication. Frequently, the meanings of words differ markedly between disciplines, leading to apparent consensus masking fundamental misunderstandings. Researchers can agree on the need for models, but conceive of models fundamentally differently. While mathematics is frequently seen as an elitist language reinforcing disciplinary distinctions, both mathematics and modelling can also offer scope to bridge disciplinary epistemological divisions and create common ground on which very different disciplines can meet. This paper reflects on the role and scope for mathematics and modelling to present a common epistemological space in interdisciplinary research spanning the social, natural and engineering sciences.
Transport and deposition of charged inhaled aerosols in double planar bifurcation representing generation three to five of human respiratory system has been studied under a light activity breathing condition. Both steady and oscillatory laminar inhalation airflow is considered. Particle trajectories are calculated using a Lagrangian reference frame, which is dominated by the fluid force driven by airflow, gravity force and electrostatic forces (both of space and image charge forces). The particle-mesh method is selected to calculate the space charge force. This numerical study investigates the deposition efficiency in the three-dimensional model under various particle sizes, charge values, and inlet particle distribution. Numerical results indicate that particles carrying an adequate level of charge can improve deposition efficiency in the airway model.
This study analyzes the regional spatial dynamics of the New York region for a period of roughly twenty years and places the effects of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the context of longer-term regional dynamics. The analysis reveals that office-using industries are still heavily concentrated in Manhattan despite ongoing decentralization in many of these industries over the last twenty years. Financial services tend to be highly concentrated in Manhattan whereas administrative and support services are the least concentrated of the six major office-using industry groups. Although office employment has been by and large stagnant in Manhattan for at least two decades, growth of output per worker has outpaced the CMSA as well as the national average. This productivity differential is mainly attributable to competitive advantages of office-using industries in Manhattan and not to differences in industry composition. Finally, the zip-code level analysis of the Manhattan core area yielded further evidence of the existence of significant spillover effects at the small-scale level.
In this article, we make two important contributions to the literature on clusters. First, we provide a broader theory of cluster connectivity that has hitherto focused on organization-based pipelines and MNE subsidiaries, by including linkages in the form of personal relationships. Second, we use the lens of social network theory to derive a number of testable propositions. We propose that global linkages with decentralized network structures have the highest potential for local spillovers. In the emerging economy context, our theory implies that clusters linked to the global economy by decentralized pipelines have potential for in-depth catch-up, focused in industry and technology scope. In contrast, clusters linked through decentralized personal relationships have potential for in-breadth catch-up over a range of related industries and technologies. We illustrate our theoretical propositions by contrasting two emerging economy case studies: Bollywood, the Indian filmed entertainment cluster in Mumbai and the Indian software cluster in Bangalore.
Academic writing has a tendency to be turgid and impenetrable. This is not only anathema to communication between academics, but also a major barrier to advancing construction industry development. Clarity in our communication is a prerequisite to effective collaboration with industry. An exploration of what it means to be an academic in a University is presented in order to provide a context for a discussion on how academics might collaborate with industry to advance development. There are conflicting agendas that pull the academic in different directions: peer group recognition, institutional success and industry development. None can be achieved without the other, which results in the need for a careful balancing act. While academics search for better understandings and provisional explanations within the context of conceptual models, industry seeks the practical application of new ideas, whether the ideas come from research or experience. Universities have a key role to play in industry development and in economic development.
Modular product architectures have generated numerous benefits for companies in terms of cost, lead-time and quality. The defined interfaces and the module’s properties decrease the effort to develop new product variants, and provide an opportunity to perform parallel tasks in design, manufacturing and assembly. The background of this thesis is that companies perform verifications (tests, inspections and controls) of products late, when most of the parts have been assembled. This extends the lead-time to delivery and ruins benefits from a modular product architecture; specifically when the verifications are extensive and the frequency of detected defects is high. Due to the number of product variants obtained from the modular product architecture, verifications must handle a wide range of equipment, instructions and goal values to ensure that high quality products can be delivered. As a result, the total benefits from a modular product architecture are difficult to achieve. This thesis describes a method for planning and performing verifications within a modular product architecture. The method supports companies by utilizing the defined modules for verifications already at module level, so called MPV (Module Property Verification). With MPV, defects are detected at an earlier point, compared to verification of a complete product, and the number of verifications is decreased. The MPV method is built up of three phases. In Phase A, candidate modules are evaluated on the basis of costs and lead-time of the verifications and the repair of defects. An MPV-index is obtained which quantifies the module and indicates if the module should be verified at product level or by MPV. In Phase B, the interface interaction between the modules is evaluated, as well as the distribution of properties among the modules. The purpose is to evaluate the extent to which supplementary verifications at product level is needed. Phase C supports a selection of the final verification strategy. The cost and lead-time for the supplementary verifications are considered together with the results from Phase A and B. The MPV method is based on a set of qualitative and quantitative measures and tools which provide an overview and support the achievement of cost and time efficient company specific verifications. A practical application in industry shows how the MPV method can be used, and the subsequent benefits
In a global economy, manufacturers mainly compete with cost efficiency of production, as the price of raw materials are similar worldwide. Heavy industry has two big issues to deal with. On the one hand there is lots of data which needs to be analyzed in an effective manner, and on the other hand making big improvements via investments in cooperate structure or new machinery is neither economically nor physically viable. Machine learning offers a promising way for manufacturers to address both these problems as they are in an excellent position to employ learning techniques with their massive resource of historical production data. However, choosing modelling a strategy in this setting is far from trivial and this is the objective of this article. The article investigates characteristics of the most popular classifiers used in industry today. Support Vector Machines, Multilayer Perceptron, Decision Trees, Random Forests, and the meta-algorithms Bagging and Boosting are mainly investigated in this work. Lessons from real-world implementations of these learners are also provided together with future directions when different learners are expected to perform well. The importance of feature selection and relevant selection methods in an industrial setting are further investigated. Performance metrics have also been discussed for the sake of completion.