972 resultados para Tamanho de semente
O nitrogênio é o nutriente mais exigido pelo feijoeiro e seu metabolismo pode ser seriamente prejudicado pela deficiência de molibdênio. Conduziu-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da aplicação de molibdênio via semente e nitrogênio em cobertura nas características agronômicas e produtividade do feijoeiro 'BRS Pontal' irrigado, cultivado em Neossolo Quartzarênico, no município de Cassilândia, MS. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, no esquema fatorial 4x2, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pela aplicação ou não de Mo (80 g ha-1) via semente e quatro doses de N (0, 30, 60 e 120 kg ha-1), em cobertura aos 16 dias, após a emergência, na forma de uréia. A aplicação de Mo via semente aumentou o índice relativo de clorofila, o número de vagens por planta, a massa e a produtividade de grãos no feijoeiro, principalmente com o uso de altas doses de N em cobertura. O índice relativo de clorofila, o número de vagens por planta, a massa e a produtividade de grãos do feijoeiro foi aumentada linearmente pela aplicação de até 120 kg ha-1 de N em cobertura. O fornecimento de Mo via tratamento de semente aumentou a eficiência de utilização do N pelo feijoeiro.
Os efeitos do nível nutricional e da raça sobre o tamanho relativo dos órgãos internos foram estudados. Sessenta e três machos não-castrados, sendo 16 da raça Gir, 16 Guzerá, 16 Mocho de Tabapuã e 15 da raça Nelore, com idade média de 24 meses e pesos vivos médios iniciais de 376,4; 357,6; 362,0; e 368,6 kg, respectivamente, foram usados. Os animais de cada raça foram divididos, aleatoriamente, em cinco categorias. Uma categoria foi abatida imediatamente (AB); três categorias receberam ad libitum ração contendo 50% de concentrado na matéria seca (categoria 1, 2 e 3), em baias individuais; e uma categoria recebeu a mesma ração, em quantidade restrita, suprindo níveis de proteína e energia 15% acima da mantença (AR). Os animais das categorias 1, 2 e 3 foram abatidos ao atingirem pesos vivos individuais de 405, 450 e 500 kg, respectivamente. No abate, o peso de corpo vazio (PCVZ) foi determinado e os pesos dos órgãos internos e víscera foram registrados. Não houve diferenças entre raças nos pesos de fígado, baço, intestinos delgado e grosso, rúmen-retículo, omaso, estômagos e trato gastrintestinal (TGI), quando expressos em 100 kg de PCVZ. A restrição alimentar não influiu nos pesos do coração e dos pulmões, mas reduziu o peso do fígado e os componentes do TGI.
Quatro bubalinos e quatro bovinos, fistulados no rúmen, foram distribuídos aleatoriamente a dois quadrados latinos (4 x 4) para avaliar os efeitos de rações com quatro níveis de FDN (54, 60, 66 e 72%) e de dois tamanhos de poros em sacos de náilon (53 e 100 mm) sobre a população de protozoários ciliados no conteúdo ruminal e dentro dos sacos incubados em diversos tempos. Não houve diferença nos diversos gêneros estudados e no total de protozoários nas amostras dos sacos de náilon entre 53 e 100 mm. As concentrações de Entodinium e de total de protozoários do conteúdo ruminal elevaram-se até o nível de 66% de FDN, com queda acentuada em 72% nos bubalinos, enquanto nos bovinos houve redução com o aumento de FDN na ração. Houve diferenças nas concentrações dos protozoários da subfamília Diplodiniinae, Epidinium e Dasytricha entre bubalinos e bovinos, dentro das amostras incubadas em sacos com poros de 53 mm. A concentração de Diplodiniinae aumentou com 72% de FDN na dieta em ambas as espécies animais. Os bubalinos apresentaram valores médios de pH e taxa de passagem do líquido ruminal mais elevados e volumes ruminais menores que os bovinos.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Este experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de investigar os efeitos de diferentes granulometrias, expressa em Diâmetro Geométrico Médio (DGM) do milho (0,336mm, 0,585mm, 0,856 mm e 1,12 mm) de dietas fornecidas na forma farelada (FAR) e peletizada (PEL), no desempenho e no rendimento de carcaça e de cortes de frangos de corte de 21 a 42 dias de idade. Dietas FAR, produzidas com DGM de 0,336 mm resultaram em um menor consumo (p<0,001), ganho de peso (p<0,001) e pior conversão alimentar (p<0,001) do que as PEL de mesmo DGM. Os demais DGM não mostraram diferenças entre ração FAR e PEL. Quando avaliada somente a granulometria, observou-se que o aumento no DGM melhorou o ganho de peso linearmente e de forma quadrática o consumo e a conversão alimentar. Não houve influência da forma física ou DGM em rendimento de carcaça e rendimento de perna+coxa. Porém foi verificada uma redução em rendimento de peito com DGM 0,336 mm (p<0,001), na forma FAR.
Intrauterine growth of Norfolk rabbits was studied from the 20th day of gestation until the parturition (31st day). A theoretical equation was adjusted for fetuses body weight. The exponential model was tested by stepwise regression technique after linearization. Both stage of gestation (t) and number of fetuses (n) had significant effects on the growth rate. The following equation was proposed to describe the weight of the pups: W = exp. (-12,9772).n.exp. {(0,991263-0,014007.5-0,00039.n)t} (with R2 = 0,9932). The biological coherence and the interpretation of the coefficients permitted us to conclude that similar models could be used for other multiparous species. This model can also be used with or without the presence of different factors related to fetal growth.
The objective of this research was to study the basic aspects of bullfrog reproduction in Anfigranja system from June 1989 to July 1990. For the 1493 animals involved in this experiment (657 males and 836 females) biometrical data were obtained (weight, length and tympanum diameter) and developmental stages of gonads were determined. Female sizes at first maturation were 10,33 cm and 109,78 g and for males it was around 8,09 cm; all males above 45 g were already in the maturation process. The relationship between tympanum diameter and body length (RTC) was considered a good index for male maturation.
This study was undertaken to investigate the toxic effect of Crotalaria spectabilis seeds added to the ration for commercial broilers during the final phase of growth. Ground seeds were added at different concentrations to the ration: 0.0% (control), 0.01%, 0.1% and 0.4%. Rations containing 0.4% caused symptoms of intoxication, beginning in the second week of the study. During the third week birds showed bristling, apathy, general weakness, distended abdomen and agglomeration. In the fourth week, four animals died. Necropsy revealed prominent ascites and severe lesions of liver, kidney and lung. Microscopic examination revealed necrosis of hepatocytes, inflammatory cell infiltration, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of biliary duct cells leading to atresia and cholestasis. Prominent cartilaginous and osseous nodules in the lungs were also present as well as degenerative, changes in the kidney tubules and necrosis of cells of the bursa. All the broilers receiving a ration with 0.1% of Crotalaria seeds showed ascites and slight lesions of the liver. The remaining groups showed no reduction in weight gains, lesions or clinical symptoms. It is concluded that broilers during the final phase of growth are sensitive to administrations of seeds of C. spectabilis in their ration. The presence of ascites and cartilaginous and osseous nodules in the lungs of the affected birds was also considered important.
The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effects of the combinations of substrata on germination and development of seedlings of lettuce cultivars. The experiment was carried out in a nursery, in Mato Grosso do Sul State University. There wend compared the following combinations of substrata: washed sand + earthworm humus (2: 1); manure bovine + earthworm humus (2: 1); Plantmax(R) + earthworm humus (2: 1); washed sand + Plantmax(R) (2: 1) and manure bovine + Plantmax(R) (2: 1), and three lettuce cultivars: Crespa sem cabeca, Americana Julia and Baba de Verao. The experimental design was entirely at random, in a 5x3 factorial outline, with four replications and 16 seeds perplot. There were considered for evaluation 10 central seedlings per plot. The characteristics evaluated were: germination percentage (%), index of germination speed (IVE) and dry mass of the whole seedling (g). For all the analyzed variables, the cultivars Baba de Verao and Crespa sem cabeca presented the best results. Manure + humus was the best substratum to obtain seedling with larger development (vigor), althout it did not increase IVE and germination percentage.
Seeds of Astronium fraxinifolium (Anarcadiaceae) were collected in two years, and submitted to tests of seed germination and vigour (first count, aging and electric conductivity), in order to verify the potencial of conservation and if variations in the seed quality presented on association with genetic parameters. Coefficient of heritability in average (ĥm 2) were 0.91 and 0.97 to germination; 0.90 and 0.96 to first count; 0.93 and 0.97 to aging and 0.95 and 0.99 to electric conductivity, for seeds collected in 1997 and 1998, respectively, evidencing a great heritability to all studied characteristics. Genetic variability was influenced more by environmental conditions of blooming and harvest of seeds than storage time.
Two experiments of seed ageing of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden were carried out at laboratory conditions. In the first experiment, two seed lots were classified in two square mesh screens (< 0.84 to ≥ 0.71 mm and < 0.71 mm to ≥ 0.59 mm), submitted to 42 °C and 100% relative humidity, for 0, 8, 12, 24, and 32 hours of stress treatments. Seed germination tests were done with just aged seeds. The results showed that the stress period was not sufficient for ageing the seeds. In the second experiment, the best quality seed lot was separated in the same two sizes. The seeds were submitted under the same stress conditions of the first experiment but for 0, 48, 72, and 96 hours. The germination test was done right after the seeds were taken from the stress conditions, and with stored seeds at dry chamber (2 weeks and 26 months). It was concluded that both seed sizes reached 30% of moisture content under 72 hours of ageing conditions and showed significant germination losses when compared with seeds without ageing (control), as the moist seeds as the stored ones at dry chamber, for both 2 weeks and 26 months.
Moina minuta, a tropical species of Cladocera, was selected for the study of medium size at maturity and female egg production, due to its abundance and frequency in samples during low-water season in 1997 and high-water season in 1998, in Amapá Lake, Western Amazônia. The primiparous female had a size of 330 μm and 340 μm in low and high water, respectively. Moina individuals reached maximum size during high water (595μm). The medium size of the ovigerous females, in low water was 501 μm, producing an average of 4.41 eggs/female, while in high water, it was 533μm, with an average egg production of 4.84 eggs/female. The results, analyzed by the t test and Fischer's F test, showed that there were no statistical differences in size among individuals (t= -10.69, F=1.20 and P>0.1227), nor among ovigerous females (t= -4.45, F=1.02 and P>0.8906), considering the two seasons.
The Red-tailed Amazon Amazona brasiliensis is one of most threatened psitacid in the world. In the state of São Paulo, SE Brazil, it is restricted to a narrow coastal zone. The total population of A. brasiliensis has been estimated to be around 4,000 birds, but no detailed information is known for São Paulo. We studied the population status and mapped the distribution of A. brasiliensis in the state of São Paulo. Simultaneous censuses were carried out in three main islands (Cananéia, Ilha do Cardoso and Ilha Comprida) with A. brasiliensis populations in 2003 and 2004. We searched the parrots in an area of 1413.28 km2 and visited 69 sites. Amazona brasiliensis were recorded in 55 localities and 12 sleeping roosts. Our census estimated a population of at least 1,221 parrots in the stronghold of their distribution in the state of São Paulo. The highest number of parrots were recorded outside the main protected areas in the region (64% of the population), which may threaten the future of this population. Urban growing is the main threat for the population of São Paulo, and the creation of protected areas in Cananéia and Comprida island is critical for the future of the A. brasiliensis in the area.
In order to evaluate the influence of exercise of different intensities on Red Blood Cell Distribution width (RDW) and Packed Cell Volume (VG) in Thoroughbred horses, blood was collected from 60 animals, 30 males and 30 females, subdivided in groups of horses with 24 to 36 months of age and not in training, and after 12 months of training, and horses with 36 to 48 months of age in training. Blood samples where collected before and after trot and gallop. Samples where analyzed with a automatic cell counter (Cell-Dyn 3500R, Abbott Diagnostic). Red Blood Cell Distribution width (RDW) values increased significantly after trot and gallop demonstrating a variation in the size of red blood cells, while Packed Medium Cell Volume (VGM) values did not show variations before or after exercise.