172 resultados para TMD
Purentaelimistön toimintahäiriöt (temporomandibular disorders,TMD) ovat kasvojen alueen yleisin kiputila. Sillä tarkoitetaan puremalihasten ja leukanivelten sekä niitä ympäröivien kudosten toimintahäiriöitä ja kiputiloja. TMD:hen liittyy usein samanaikaisia monien eri järjestelmien häiriöitä ja muita kipu- ja terveysongelmia. Purentaelimistön toimintahäiriöt voivat olla luonteeltaan ohimeneviä, mutta pieni osa potilaista kärsii kroonisesta kivusta ja hankalahoitoisesta tilasta. TMD-potilaiden diagnostiikan selkeyttämiseksi on kehitetty diagnostinen järjestelmä, Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD), jonka avulla voidaan selvittää potilaan somaattinen diagnoosi ja psykososiaalinen status. Lisäksi RDC/TMD:tä hyödyntäen voidaan potilaan toimintakyvyn arvioimiseksi laskea haitta-aste, jota voidaan käyttää apuna hoitojen räätälöinnissä. Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tarkastella Tyksin suu- ja leukasairauksien klinikalle hoitoon lähetettyä potilasmateriaalia haitta-aste luokituksen valossa ja selvittää miten luokittelu ohjasi hoitojen räätälöintiä luokittelun käyttöönoton yhteydessä, ja millaisia tuloksia hoidoilla saavutettiin. Tutkielmassa perehdyttiin potilasaineiston määrään, hoidon vastuuhenkilöihin, potilaiden haitta-astejakaumaan, hoitojen räätälöintiin sekä saavutettuihin hoitotuloksiin. Tutkielman otannassa oli 39 potilasta, jotka oli lähetetty Tyksin suu- ja leukasairauksien poliklinikalle kasvojen alueen kipujen vuoksi 8/2013−4/2014 välisenä aikana. Potilaat täyttivät RDC/TMD:hen pohjautuvan kipukyselykaavakkeen, jonka perusteella hoidot räätälöitiin haitta-asteryhmittäin: ei haittaava TMD, lievästi haittaava TMD ja runsaasti haittaava TMD. Lisäksi potilaille lähetettiin seurantaa varten uusi kipukyselykaavake 2/2016. Alkutilanteessa ei haittaavaa TMD-kipua koki 35 %, lievästi haittaavaa 21 % ja runsaasti haittaavaa TMD-kipua 44 % potilaista. Runsaasti haittavasta TMD-kivusta kärsivät olivat psyykkisesti kuormittuneempia ja heillä oli enemmän muita kipuja kuin muilla potilailla. Tulokset olivat samankaltaisia kuin aiemmin kuvatulla erikoissairaanhoidon potilasmateriaalilla. Seuranta-ajan jälkeen runsaasti haittaavasta TMD:stä kärsivien potilaiden määrä oli vähentynyt merkittävästi, ja osalla potilaista kasvojen alueen kivut olivat kokonaan hävinneet. Terveyspalveluiden käyttö kaikissa potilasryhmissä oli vähentynyt merkittävästi.
Background: The presence of body posture changes among patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) has been a controversial issue in the literature, in which it supporters point out the muscular origin as the main etiological factors, mainly associated with postural changes in head. Due to this controversy, it is pertinent to check whether this relationship exists on the most common etiology of TMD, the disk displacement, which translates a biomechanical internal disorder of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Objectives: Assess body posture changes in subjects with internal derangement of the TMJ when compared to subjects without this biomechanical dysfunction, characterize the patterns of the jaw movements and assess to the muscle activation during jaw movements. Methods: 21 subjects with TMJ disc displacement (DD) (test group) and 21 subjects without any TMD (control group) was assessed for body posture changes through evaluation of several body segments by posturography and also was evaluated the postural balance reactions through the center of mass during jaw movements using a balance platform. For the characterization of the jaw movement patterns it was done a kinematic analysis during jaw movements (active ROM and path of the jaw). For the muscle activation during jaw movements it was evaluated the masseter, sternocleidomastoid and spinae erector muscles by surface electromyography (EMG). Results Discussion: Both groups show forward head posture and extension of the cervical spine, not noticing any other significant body posture changes in subjects with DD, and if we had to see in detail, in general, subjects without TMD shows more body posture changes than subjects with DD. The pattern of jaw movements is similar in both groups, but in subjects with DD the closing movements are more instable than the opening movements, related to a less effective movement control to counteract the force of gravity and the disk displacement. The bilateral muscle activation during jaw movements is higher in subjects with DD, likely related to a less stable pattern of movement which leads in a higher muscle activation to guide the movement and ensure the best as possible articular stability. Conclusion: The disk displacement with reduction should be viewed as part of a set of signs and symptoms that require an accurate musculoskeletal and psychosocial assessment towards an earlier diagnosis for reduction and control of the functional limiting factors. In this direction, it seems that the relevant set of limiting signs and symptoms deserve a particular attention by health care practitioners involved in the assessment and treatment of TMD, in order to define effective therapeutic options.
Fatigue damage in the connections of single mast arm signal support structures is one of the primary safety concerns because collapse could result from fatigue induced cracking. This type of cantilever signal support structures typically has very light damping and excessively large wind-induced vibration have been observed. Major changes related to fatigue design were made in the 2001 AASHTO LRFD Specification for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaries, and Traffic Signals and supplemental damping devices have been shown to be promising in reducing the vibration response and thus fatigue load demand on mast arm signal support structures. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the effectiveness and optimal use of one type of damping devices termed tuned mass damper (TMD) in vibration response mitigation. Three prototype single mast arm signal support structures with 50-ft, 60-ft, and 70-ft respectively are selected for this numerical simulation study. In order to validate the finite element models for subsequent simulation study, analytical modeling of static deflection response of mast arm of the signal support structures was performed and found to be close to the numerical simulation results from beam element based finite element model. A 3-DOF dynamic model was then built using analytically derived stiffness matrix for modal analysis and time history analysis. The free vibration response and forced (harmonic) vibration response of the mast arm structures from the finite element model are observed to be in good agreement with the finite element analysis results. Furthermore, experimental test result from recent free vibration test of a full-scale 50-ft mast arm specimen in the lab is used to verify the prototype structure’s fundamental frequency and viscous damping ratio. After validating the finite element models, a series of parametric study were conducted to examine the trend and determine optimal use of tuned mass damper on the prototype single mast arm signal support structures by varying the following parameters: mass, frequency, viscous damping ratio, and location of TMD. The numerical simulation study results reveal that two parameters that influence most the vibration mitigation effectiveness of TMD on the single mast arm signal pole structures are the TMD frequency and its viscous damping ratio.
The transverse momentum dependent parton distribution/fragmentation functions (TMDs) are essential in the factorization of a number of processes like Drell-Yan scattering, vector boson production, semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering, etc. We provide a comprehensive study of unpolarized TMDs at next-to-next-to-leading order, which includes an explicit calculation of these TMDs and an extraction of their matching coefficients onto their integrated analogues, for all flavor combinations. The obtained matching coefficients are important for any kind of phenomenology involving TMDs. In the present study each individual TMD is calculated without any reference to a specific process. We recover the known results for parton distribution functions and provide new results for the fragmentation functions. The results for the gluon transverse momentum dependent fragmentation functions are presented for the first time at one and two loops. We also discuss the structure of singularities of TMD operators and TMD matrix elements, crossing relations between TMD parton distribution functions and TMD fragmentation functions, and renormalization group equations. In addition, we consider the behavior of the matching coefficients at threshold and make a conjecture on their structure to all orders in perturbation theory.
La falta disciplinaria será aquella conducta típica, antijurídica y culpable, pues eso se desprende de los principios rectores del derecho disciplinario, los cuales tienen una consagración normativa en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano, más específicamente en la Ley 734 de 2002, actual Código Disciplinario Único. La Ilicitud Sustancial es el elemento que delimita la antijuridicidad de la responsabilidad disciplinaria, y se debe decir que el alcance de dicho concepto no ha sido definido de manera precisa por parte de la ley, ni de manera unánime por parte de la doctrina, ni muchos menos por parte de la jurisprudencia. Luego de exponer las reflexiones hechas respecto al alcance de la ilicitud sustancial, se argumentará el por qué se debe entender el alcance de ese concepto bajo la siguiente hipótesis: La ilicitud sustancial debe entenderse en términos de antijuridicidad material, lo cual apunta a que la falta, además de ser típica y culpable, debe vulnerar realmente la Función Pública como bien jurídico a proteger por el Derecho Disciplinario, o ponerla en peligro manifiesto, pues ese tipo de derecho sancionador debe ser estrictamente limitado, ya que sus consecuencias son muy gravosas para los derechos de la personas destinatarias de la Ley Disciplinaria.
Hasta hace casi una década, la guerra contra el terrorismo fue una lucha solitaria de los Estados. Actualmente y debido a las implicaciones globales de este fenómeno, las acciones contra este flagelo han adquirido connotación internacional. Gran parte de los países miembros de las Naciones Unidas han acogido esta guerra –contra un enemigo común, pero indefinido- como un compromiso político en favor de la paz y seguridad internacional. La producción constante de instrumentos internacionales que condenan el terrorismo y que exigen tomar medidas para combatirlo, demuestran que esa intención política originaria se ha decantado en el ordenamiento internacional como una obligación autónoma, de carácter consuetudinario; que hace que actualmente no haya país en el mundo que pueda excusarse de combatir al terrorismo (interno o transnacional) independientemente de las justificaciones que se puedan aludir para el no cumplimiento.
El Acto Legislativo 05 de 2011 modificó los artículos 360 y 361 de la Constitución Política, creando el Sistema General de Regalías (SGR) cuyos recursos se distribuyen, entre otros, al denominado Fondo de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación (FCTI), el cual se encuentra igualmente ligado al Sistema de Competitividad, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (antes SNCTeI). La creación del FCTI se concibió con la finalidad de destinar recursos provenientes de regalías para la financiación de proyectos regionales que reflejen el uso y la apropiación de la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación como motor de desarrollo económico y social, por ello las normas sobre la cual se cimienta dicho Fondo deben encaminarse al fortalecimiento no sólo del Estado sino también de las regiones, para lo cual se implementó un proceso de regionalización del SGR. Siendo que los proyectos de inversión deben tener una visión e impacto regional, el trabajo de investigación analiza la relación que existe entre la normativa vigente en torno al FCTI y la financiación de proyectos regionales, identificando las contribuciones y posibles limitaciones en la implementación de dichas normas.