227 resultados para T Zell Plastizität
Jérome und Jean Tharaud. Übertr. von C. Zell
This review examines the overall accuracy of social perception across several research topics and identifies factors that inf luence the accuracy of social perception. Findings from 14 meta-analyses examining topics such as social/personality judgments, health judgments, legal judgments, and academic/vocational judg-ments were obtained. Social perception accuracy was generally moderate, yielding an average effect size (r) of .32. However, individual meta-analytic effects varied widely, with some topics yielding small effects (e.g., lie detection, eyewitness identification) and other topics yielding large effects (e.g., educational judgments, health judgments). Several moderators of social perception accuracy were identified, includ-ing the nature of the information source, familiarity of the target, type of personality trait, and severity of the outcome being judged. These findings provide a comprehensive summary and novel integration of disparate findings on the accuracy of social perception. Concluding remarks highlight avenues for future research and call for cross-disciplinary collaborations that would enhance our understanding of social perception.
Boberach: Die Frau Georg Herweghs schildert den Zug der Deutschen demokratischen Legion von Paris über Straßburg nach Baden, die Zusammenarbeit mit Hecker, die Gefechte bei Nieder-Dossenbach und Zell am Harmersbach, die Flucht in die Schweiz und die Rückkehr nach Frankreich. Sie kritisiert die Nationalversammlung in Frankfurt
Von Dr. Th. Zell
Von Dr. Th. Zell
Von Dr. Th. Zell
von F. Zell und Carl Telle. Musik von J. Hellmesberger jun. Für das Frankfurter Opernhaus bearb. und in Scene gesetzt von Josef Gyurian
Vorbesitzer: Dominikanerkloster Frankfurt am Main;