949 resultados para Sweet citrus


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Dissertação de mest., Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2011


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Citrus production in the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro has a strategic importance to the agricultural sector. Approximately 400,000 trees are now grown in the major citrus producing region, which is the Montenegrin Coastal Region. Satsuma mandarins and lemons grafted on Poncirus trifoliata are the most cultivated varieties. In December 2003, eight samples taken from the coastal region close to the towns of Bar and Ulcinj were analyzed using enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with SP7 antibodies produced at Universidade do Algarve, Portugal (3). Further analysis was done using immunocapture-reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (IC-RT-PCR) targeting the entire coat protein (CP) gene (forward primer CTV1: 5(prime)- ATGGACGACGAAACAAAGAA-3(prime) and reverse primer CTV10: 5 (prime)-ATCAACGTGTGTTGAATTTCC-3(prime)). Using both techniques, seven of eight samples analyzed were found to be infected by Citrus tristeza virus (CTV), including samples from five trees that exhibited chlorosis, gummosis, and fruit deformation, and two trees that were symptomless.


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The effects of cultivar and orchard on the content of ascorbic acid and flavanone glycosides as well as on the antioxidant activity of citrus juices were studied. Ascorbic acid and flavanone glycosides were determined using HPLC method. For antiradicalar activity evaluation, TAEC and ORAC methods were used. Citrus of 'Valencia late' from Faro and 'D. Joao' presented the highest levels of hesperidin in contrast to the citrus of 'Valencia late' from Silves with 0.4 mg/ml, a value closer to those of Navel oranges 'Navelate' and 'Lanelate'. Citrus of 'Valencia late' from Silves and 'D. Joao' presented the lowest levels of narirutin. 'Ortanique' and 'Encore' cultivars were poorer in ascorbic acid compared with the oranges. When the TEAC method was used for the determination of antioxidant activity, 'Valencia late' from Faro presented the best activity. A good relation was observed between antiradical activity measured through the TEAC method and the amount of ascorbic acids in samples. None relation was found between the levels of flavanones and antiradical activity. When the ORAC method was applied, the best activity was found for 'Navelate' and 'Encore' samples and practically none relation between this method and the amounts of ascorbic acid and flavanones was found.


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No presente trabalho pretendeu-se caracterizar a capacidade supressora das proteínas p20 e p23 de diferentes grupos filogenéticos do CTV e o possível silenciamento da p23 de forma a ser incluída numa estratégia de proteção. A atividade supressora local da proteína p23 de todos os grupos filogenéticos foi caracterizada em Nicotiana benthamiana da linha 16C. Todas as proteínas testadas foram capaz de suprimir o silenciamento local, mas não o silenciamento a curta distância. A supressão local mais eficiente verificou-se para a p23 do Gp 5 e a menos eficiente para os isolados dos Gps 2 e M. Surpreendentemente, a p23 do Gp 5 aboliu completamente o silenciamento sistémico, sugerindo que existe uma relação entre a intensidade do silenciamento local e sistémico. A capacidade supressora local conjunta das proteínas p20 e p23 foi avaliada. A coexpressão de ambas as proteínas revelou atividade supressora mais forte comparada com a capacidade de cada proteína individual, mesmo quando inoculada com metade da densidade ótica, sugerindo a existência de sinergismo entre as proteínas p20 e p23. Para analisar as propriedades supressoras a longo prazo, as proteínas p20 e p23 foram inseridas no vetor viral TRV que assegurou a sua disseminação pela planta e expressão por um período mais alargado. Foram observados sintomas em N. benthamiana para todas as modalidades testadas, tais como, nanismo da planta, lesões necróticas severas nas folhas inoculadas e nas folhas novas ligeiros sintomas de mosaico e enrolamento. Contudo, sistemicamente não foram registadas diferenças na capacidade supressora das proteínas p20 e p23. A possibilidade para silenciar sistemicamente a proteína p23 quando incluída num genoma viral foi avaliada através do uso de plantas e enxertos transgénicos para a p23. A estratégia que envolve o uso de enxertos transgénicos parece indicar resultados promissores que conduzem ao silenciamento da p23, contudo, são resultados que devem ser encarados como preliminares.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biotecnológicas (Biotecnologia Alimentar), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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Since its introduction 16 years ago, the astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle (ANLS) model has profoundly modified our understanding of neuroenergetics by bringing a cellular and molecular resolution. Praised or disputed, the concept has never ceased to attract attention, leading to critical advances and unexpected insights. Here, we summarize recent experimental evidence further supporting the main tenets of the model. Thus, evidence for distinct metabolic phenotypes between neurons (mainly oxidative) and astrocytes (mainly glycolytic) have been provided by genomics and classical metabolic approaches. Moreover, it has become clear that astrocytes act as a syncytium to distribute energy substrates such as lactate to active neurones. Glycogen, the main energy reserve located in astrocytes, is used as a lactate source to sustain glutamatergic neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity. Lactate is also emerging as a neuroprotective agent as well as a key signal to regulate blood flow. Characterization of monocarboxylate transporter regulation indicates a possible involvement in synaptic plasticity and memory. Finally, several modeling studies captured the implications of such findings for many brain functions. The ANLS model now represents a useful, experimentally based framework to better understand the coupling between neuronal activity and energetics as it relates to neuronal plasticity, neurodegeneration, and functional brain imaging.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Química de Productos Naturales) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Producción Agrícola) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias en Producción Agrícola) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Orientación en Farmacia) UANL, 2011.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias en Producción Agrícola) UANL, 2013.


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Tesis ( Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas) U.A.N.L.


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S’inscrivant parmi les travaux actuels sur le lieu, le présent mémoire s'intéresse à la représentation de la maison dans les romans québécois contemporains, notamment chez Catherine Mavrikakis, Élise Turcotte et Ying Chen. Dans le cadre de cette lecture sociocritique, le sociogramme de la Maison est la notion opératoire retenue, les deux composantes conflictuelles du noyau étant le « Home sweet home » et la « maison hantée ». Le travail de déchiffrement s'appuie ainsi sur les caractéristiques de ce binôme réfractées par les textes. À une époque caractérisée par un « hyper-investissement de l'espace privé », pour reprendre l'expression de Gilles Deleuze, la maison dans les romans québécois des années 2000 se révèle plutôt comme un espace marqué par la hantise, loin de l'image rassurante de la maison-nid véhiculée par certains discours en circulation dans la société. Fantômes et spectres envahissent ce lieu de l'intimité et deviennent des figures du quotidien, révélant ainsi le profond malaise des habitants et le refoulement d'un passé problématique. Le sujet se trouve alors confronté à une « inquiétante étrangeté » à l'intérieur même de son foyer.


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Los niños pequeños podrán disfrutar reconociendo las distintas frutas y conociendo sus nombres. Y después, levantar las solapas para ver cómo unos niños las saborean. Elige tus favoritas con tus amigos.