999 resultados para Super-conducting coils


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Several operational aspects for thermal power plants in general are non-intuitive and involve simultaneous optimization of a number of operational parameters. In the case of solar operated power plants, it is even more difficult due to varying heat source temperatures induced by variability in insolation levels. This paper introduces a quantitative methodology for load regulation of a CO2 based Brayton cycle power plant using the `thermal efficiency and specific work output' coordinate system. The analysis shows that a transcritical CO2 cycle offers more flexibility under part load performance than the supercritical cycle in case of non-solar power plants. However, for concentrated solar power, where efficiency is important, supercritical CO2 cycle fares better than transcritical CO2 cycle. A number of empirical equations relating heat source temperature, high side pressure with efficiency and specific work output are proposed which could assist in generating control algorithms. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A critical limitation that has hampered widespread application of the electrically conducting reduced graphene oxide (r-GO) is its poor aqueous dispersibility. Here we outline a strategy to obtain water-dispersible conducting r-GO sheets, free of any stabilizing agents, by exploiting the fact that the kinetics of the photoreduction of the insulating GO is heterogeneous. We show that by controlling UV exposure times and pH, we can obtain r-GO sheets with the conducting sp(2)-graphitic domains restored but with the more acidic carboxylic groups, responsible for aqueous dispersibility, intact. The resultant photoreduced r-GO sheets are both conducting and water-dispersible.


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We propose an algorithmic technique for accelerating maximum likelihood (ML) algorithm for image reconstruction in fluorescence microscopy. This is made possible by integrating Biggs-Andrews (BA) method with ML approach. The results on widefield, confocal, and super-resolution 4Pi microscopy reveal substantial improvement in the speed of 3D image reconstruction (the number of iterations has reduced by approximately one-half). Moreover, the quality of reconstruction obtained using accelerated ML closely resembles with nonaccelerated ML method. The proposed technique is a step closer to realize real-time reconstruction in 3D fluorescence microscopy. Microsc. Res. Tech. 78:331-335, 2015. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Graphene oxide (GO), prepared by chemical oxidation of graphite, serves as a building block for developing polymeric nanocomposites. However, their application in electrical conductivity is limited by the fact that the oxygen sites on GO trap electrons and impede charge transport. Conducting nanocomposites can be developed by reducing GO. Various strategies have been adopted to either reduce GO ex situ, before the composite preparation, or in situ during the development of the nanocomposites. The current state of research on in situ reduction of GO during the preparation of conducting polymeric nanocomposites is discussed in this review. The mechanism and the efficiency of reduction is discussed with respect to various strategies employed during the preparation of the nanocomposite, the type of polymer used, and the processing conditions employed, etc. Its overall effect on the electrical conductivity of the nanocomposites is also discussed and the future outlook in this area is presented.


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We present a nanostructured ``super surface'' fabricated using a simple recipe based on deep reactive ion etching of a silicon wafer. The topography of the surface is inspired by the surface topographical features of dragonfly wings. The super surface is comprised of nanopillars 4 mm in height and 220 nm in diameter with random inter-pillar spacing. The surface exhibited superhydrophobicity with a static water contact angle of 154.0 degrees and contact angle hysteresis of 8.3 degrees. Bacterial studies revealed the bactericidal property of the surface against both gram negative (Escherichia coli) and gram positive (Staphylococcus aureus) strains through mechanical rupture of the cells by the sharp nanopillars. The cell viability on these nanostructured surfaces was nearly six-fold lower than on the unmodified silicon wafer. The nanostructured surface also killed mammalian cells (mouse osteoblasts) through mechanical rupture of the cell membrane. Thus, such nanostructured super surfaces could find applications for designing selfcleaning and anti-bacterial surfaces in diverse applications such as microfluidics, surgical instruments, pipelines and food packaging.


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The topic of magnetized super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs is in the limelight, particularly in the last few years, since our proposal of their existence. By full-scale general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) numerical analysis, we confirm in this work the existence of stable, highly magnetized, significantly super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs with mass more than 3 solar mass. While a poloidal field geometry renders the white dwarfs oblate, a toroidal field makes them prolate retaining an overall quasi-spherical shape, as speculated in our earlier work. These white dwarfs are expected to serve as the progenitors of over-luminous type Ia supernovae.


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We explore the effect of modification to Einstein's gravity in white dwarfs for the first time in the literature, to the best of our knowledge. This leads to significantly sub- and super-Chandrasekhar limiting masses of white dwarfs, determined by a single model parameter. On the other hand, type Ia supernovae (SNeIa), a key to unravel the evolutionary history of the universe, are believed to be triggered in white dwarfs having mass close to the Chandrasekhar limit. However, observations of several peculiar, under- and over-luminous SNeIa argue for exploding masses widely different from this limit. We argue that explosions of the modified gravity induced sub- and super-Chandrasekhar limiting mass white dwarfs result in under- and over-luminous SNeIa respectively, thus unifying these two apparently disjoint sub-classes and, hence, serving as a missing link. Our discovery raises two fundamental questions. Is the Chandrasekhar limit unique? Is Einstein's gravity the ultimate theory for understanding astronomical phenomena? Both the answers appear to be no!


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In this paper, we propose a super resolution (SR) method for synthetic images using FeatureMatch. Existing state-of-the-art super resolution methods are learning based methods, where a pair of low-resolution and high-resolution dictionary pair are trained, and this trained pair is used to replace patches in low-resolution image with appropriate matching patches from the high-resolution dictionary. In this paper, we show that by using Approximate Nearest Neighbour Fields (ANNF), and a common source image, we can by-pass the learning phase, and use a single image for dictionary. Thus, reducing the dictionary from a collection obtained from hundreds of training images, to a single image. We show that by modifying the latest developments in ANNF computation, to suit super resolution, we can perform much faster and more accurate SR than existing techniques. To establish this claim we will compare our algorithm against various state-of-the-art algorithms, and show that we are able to achieve better and faster reconstruction without any training phase.


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Aim: To develop a mesh meant to be mounted on a windowpane that will act as a barrier for dust, while allowing wind to pass freely. Materials and Methods: Two small metal meshes separated at 1 cm, connected to an electrostatic generator and holding opposite charges are used. A videographic analysis has been performed. Results: The charged bilayered mesh was able to prevent a large portion of dust from passing through. Conclusion: The device is a simple, economical, and reliable way of reducing the entry of dust into a room, easing the need for periodic cleaning, and thus creating a healthier environment for the inhabitants of the building. It also has potential space applications.


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The major challenges in Li-S batteries are the formation of soluble polysulphides during the reversible conversion of S-8 <-> Li2S, large changes in sulphur particle volume during lithiation and extremely poor charge transport in sulphur. We demonstrate here a novel and simple strategy to overcome these challenges towards practical realization of a stable high performance Li-S battery. For the first time, a strategy is developed which does away with the necessity of pre-fabricated high surface area hollow-structured adsorbates and also multiple nontrivial synthesis steps related to sulphur loading inside such adsorbates. A lithiated polyethylene glycol (PEG) based surfactant tethered on ultra-small sulphur nanoparticles and wrapped up with polyaniline (PAni) (abbreviated as S-MIEC) is demonstrated here as an exceptional cathode for Li-S batteries. The PEG and PAni network around the sulphur nanoparticles serves as an efficient flexible trap for sulphur and polysulphides and also provides distinct pathways for electrons (through PAni) and ions (through PEG) during battery operation. Contrary to the cathodes demonstrated based on various carbon-sulphur composites, the mixed conducting S-MIEC showed an extremely high loading of 75%. The S-MIEC exhibited a stable capacity of nearly 900 mA h g(-1) at the end of 100 cycles at a 1C current rate.


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Here we extend the exploration of significantly super-Chandrasekhar magnetized white dwarfs by numerically computing axisymmetric stationary equilibria of differentially rotating magnetized polytropic compact stars in general relativity (GR), within the ideal magnetohydrodynamic regime. We use a general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) framework that describes rotating and magnetized axisymmetric white dwarfs, choosing appropriate rotation laws and magnetic field profiles (toroidal and poloidal). The numerical procedure for finding solutions in this framework uses the 3 + 1 formalism of numerical relativity, implemented in the open source XNS code. We construct equilibrium sequences by varying different physical quantities in turn, and highlight the plausible existence of super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs, with masses in the range of 2-3 solar mass, with central (deep interior) magnetic fields of the order of 10(14) G and differential rotation with surface time periods of about 1-10 s. We note that such white dwarfs are candidates for the progenitors of peculiar, overluminous Type Ia supernovae, to which observational evidence ascribes mass in the range 2.1-2.8 solar mass. We also present some interesting results related to the structure of such white dwarfs, especially the existence of polar hollows in special cases.


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Ground state magnetic properties are studied by incorporating the super-exchange interaction (J(se)) in the spin-dependent Falicov-Kimball model (FKM) between localized (f-) electrons on a triangular lattice for half filled case. Numerical diagonalization and Monte-Carlo simulation are used to study the ground state magnetic properties. We have found that the magnetic moment of (d-) and (f-) electrons strongly depend on the value of Hund's exchange (J), super-exchange interaction (J(se)) and also depends on the number of (d-) electrons (N-d). The ground state changes from antiferromagnetic (AFM) to ferromagnetic (FM) state as we decrease (N-d). Also the density of d electrons at each site depends on the value of J and J(se).


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Electrically conducting, continuous films of different phases of palladium selenides are synthesized by the thermolysis of single source molecular precursors. The films are found to be adherent on flat substrates such as glass, indium tin oxide and glassy carbon and are stable under electrochemical conditions. They are electrocatalytically active and in particular, for hydrogen evolution reaction. Catalytic activities with low Tafel slopes of 50-60 mV per decade are observed.


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We propose clean localization microscopy (a variant of fPALM) using a molecule filtering technique. Localization imaging involves acquiring a large number of images containing single molecule signatures followed by one-to-one mapping to render a super-resolution image. In principle, this process can be repeated for other z-planes to construct a 3D image. But, single molecules observed from off-focal planes result in false representation of their presence in the focal plane, resulting in incorrect quantification and analysis. We overcome this with a single molecule filtering technique that imposes constraints on the diffraction limited spot size of single molecules in the image plane. Calibration with sub-diffraction size beads puts a natural cutoff on the actual diffraction-limited size of single molecules in the focal plane. This helps in distinguishing beads present in the focal plane from those in the off-focal planes thereby providing an estimate of the single molecules in the focal plane. We study the distribution of actin (labeled with a photoactivatable CAGE 552 dye) in NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells. (C) 2016 Author(s).


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A novel super-hydrophobic stearic acid (STA) film with a water contact angle of 166° was prepared by chemical adsorption on aluminum wafer coated with polyethyleneimine (PEI) film. The micro-tribological behavior of the super-hydrophobic STA monolayer was compared with that of the polished and PEI-coated Al surfaces. The effect of relative humidity on the adhesion and friction was investigated as well. It was found that the STA monolayer showed decreased friction, while the adhesive force was greatly decreased by increasing the surface roughness of the Al wafer to reduce the contact area between the atomic force microscope (AFM) tip and the sample surface to be tested. Thus the friction and adhesion of the Al wafer was effectively decreased by generating the STA monolayer, which indicated that it could be feasible and rational to prepare a surface with good adhesion resistance and lubricity by properly controlling the surface morphology and the chemical composition. Both the adhesion and friction decreased as the relative humidity was lowered from 65% to 10%, though the decrease extent became insignificant for the STA monolayer.