498 resultados para Strips


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A comprehensive experimental study was performed to identify and discriminate mechanisms contributing to passive intermodulation (PIM) in microstrip transmission lines. The effects of strip length and width, and substrate materials on PIM performance of printed lines were investigated in the GSM900, DCS1800 and UMTS frequency bands. The major features of the experiment design, sample preparation and test setup are discussed in detail. The measurement results have demonstrated that the PIM level cumulatively grows on the longer microstrip lines and decreases on wider strips and, thus, indicated that the distributed resistive nonlinearity of the printed traces represents the dominant mechanism of intermodulation generation in the printed lines on PTFE-based substrates. © 2009 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.


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Aims: To investigate the ability of ischaemic preconditioning (IPC) to protect guinea-pig detrusor from damage caused by a subsequent more prolonged exposure to ischaemic conditions.

Materials and Methods: Smooth muscle strips were mounted for tension recording in small organ baths continuously superfused with Krebs' solution at 37 degrees C. Ischaemia was mimicked by removing oxygen and glucose from the superfusing solution. Contractile responses to electrical field stimulation (EFS) and carbachol were monitored. Three regimes of preconditioning were examined: 15, 10, and 5 min of ischaemic conditions followed by 15, 10, and 5 min of normal conditions, respectively.

Results: Without preconditioning, nerve-mediated responses were significantly and proportionally reduced by periods of ischaemic conditions lasting for 45, 60, and 90 min, but recovered fully after exposure to ischaemic conditions for 30 min. The recovery of the responses to EFS was significantly improved in preconditioned strips when the period of ischaemic conditions was 45 or 60 min. However, no significant differences were seen with preconditioning when the period of ischaemic conditions was 90 min. The recovery of responses to carbachol was much greater than for the responses to EFS, and no significant differences were found between control and preconditioned strips.

Conclusions: It is suggested that in vivo short periods of transient ischaemia may be able to protect the guinea-pig bladder from the impairment associated with longer periods of ischaemia and reperfusion, which might happen in obstructed micturition. Our results also indicate that the phenomenon affects mainly the intrinsic nerves, which are more susceptible to ischaemic damage than the smooth muscle.


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A study of the external, loaded and unloaded quality factors for frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) is presented. The study is focused on THz frequencies between 5 and 30 THz, where ohmic losses arising from the conductors become important. The influence of material properties, such as metal thickness, conductivity dispersion and surface roughness, is investigated. An equivalent circuit that models the FSS in the presence of ohmic losses is introduced and validated by means of full-wave results. Using both full-wave methods as well as a circuit model, the reactive energy stored in the vicinity of the FSS at resonance upon plane-wave incidence is presented. By studying a doubly periodic array of aluminium strips, it is revealed that the reactive power stored at resonance increases rapidly with increasing periodicity. Moreover, it is demonstrated that arrays with larger periodicity-and therefore less metallisation per unit area-exhibit stronger thermal absorption. Despite this absorption, arrays with higher periodicities produce higher unloaded quality factors. Finally, experimental results of a fabricated prototype operating at 14 THz are presented.


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Previous studies have shown that low levels of copper (down to 0.8 muM) induce bradycardia in the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and that this is not caused by prolonged Valve closure. The aim of this study was to determine the precise mechanism responsible. To establish if copper was directly affecting heart cell physiology, recordings of contractions from isolated ventricular strips were made using an isometric force transducer, in response to copper concentrations (as CuCl2) ranging between 1 muM and 1 mM. Inhibition of mechanical activity only occurred at 1 mM copper, suggesting that the copper-induced bradycardia observed in whole animals cannot be attributed to direct cardiotoxicity. Effects of copper on the cardiac nerves were subsequently examined. Following removal of visceral ganglia (from where the cardiac nerves originate), exposure to 12.5 muM copper had no effect on the heart rate of whole animals. The effect of copper on the heart rate of mussels could not be abolished by depletion of the monoamine content of the animal using reserpine. However, pre-treatment of the animals with alpha -bungarotoxin considerably reduced the sensitivity of the heart to copper. These results indicated that the influence of copper on the heart of M. edulis might be mediated by a change in the activity of cholinergic nerves to heart. In the final experiments, mussels were injected with either benzoquinonium or D-tubocurarine, prior to copper exposure, in an attempt to selectively block the inhibitory or excitatory cholinoreceptors of the heart. Only benzoquinonium decreased the susceptibility of the heart to copper, suggesting that copper affects the cardiac activity of blue mussels by stimulating inhibitory cholinergic nerves to the heart. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ascaris suum contains a large number of FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) of which KNEFIRFamide (AF1), KHEYLRFamide (AF2) and KSAYMRFamide (AF8, also called PF3) have been extensively studied and are known to exert actions on somatic muscle strips of the worm. In the present study, the effects of AF1, AF2 and AF8 on the activity of the vagina vera of female A. suum have been examined in vitro. The vagina vera is a muscular tube connecting the uterus and vagina uteri to the gonopore and is probably involved in regulating egg output. The tissue exhibited spontaneous, rhythmic contractions in vitro, which were modulated by each of the FaRPs tested. The effects of each of the peptides were qualitatively and quantitatively different, and in each case were reversible. AF1 (1 mu M) caused a biphasic response in the form of a transient lengthening of the preparation, followed by a shortening; contractions were initially inhibited but resumed 5 min post-addition of the peptide. Lower concentrations (less than or equal to 0.1 mu M) induced a less marked effect, with rhythmic contractions returning 5 min post-addition. AF2 and AF8 reduced contraction frequency at concentrations greater than or equal to 0.1 mu M. Both peptides also caused the tissue to shorten, although the effects of AF8 on baseline tension were inconsistent. The apparent potencies of AF1 and AF8 on contraction frequency of the vagina vera were 10-fold greater than AF2 and, unlike their actions on A. suum somatic body wall muscles, the actions of AF1 and AF2 were qualitatively different. Indeed, the effects of each of these FaRPs on the vagina vera were markedly different from those observed on the somatic muscle.


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The occurrence of classical neurotransmitter molecules and numerous peptidic messenger molecules in nematode nervous systems indicate that although structurally simple, nematode nervous systems are chemically complex. Thus far, studies on one nematode neuropeptide family, namely the FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs), have revealed an unexpected variety of neuropeptide structures in both free-living and parasitic species. To date 23 nematode FaRPs have been structurally characterized including 12 from Ascaris suum, 8 from Caenorhabditis elegans, 5 from Panagrellus redivivus and 1 from Haemonchus contortus. Ten FaRP-encoding genes have been identified in Caenorhabditis elegans. However, the full complement of nematode neuronal messengers has yet to be described and unidentified nematode FaRPs await detection. Preliminary characterization of the actions of nematode neuropeptides on the somatic musculature and neurones of A. suum has revealed that these peptidic messengers have potent and complex effects. Identified complexities include the biphasic effects of KNEFIRFamide/KHEYLRFamide (AF1/2; relaxation of tone followed by oscillatory contractile activity) and KPNFIRFamide (PF4; rapid relaxation of tone followed by an increase in tone), the diverse actions of KSAYMRFamide (AF8 or PF3; relaxes dorsal muscles and contracts ventral muscles) and the apparent coupling of the relaxatory effects of SDPNFLRFamide/SADPNFLRFamide (PF1/PF2) to nitric oxide release. Indeed, all of the nematode FaRPs which have been tested on somatic muscle strips of A. suum have actions which are clearly physiologically distinguishable. Although we are a very long way from understanding how the actions of these peptides are co-ordinated, not only with those of each other but also with those of the classical transmitter molecules, to control nematode behaviour, their abundance coupled with their diversity of structure and function indicates a hitherto unidentified sophistication to nematode neuromuscular intergration.


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PF4 has previously been shown to have potent inhibitory effects on myoactivity of somatic muscle strips from the nematode, Ascaris suum. This study examined the bioactivity and metabolic stability of position 2- and position 5-modified analogues of PF4. Although the analogues [Leu(5)] PF4, [Ala(2)]PF4, [Gly(2)]PF4, [Ala(2),Leu(5)]PF4, and [Gly(2),Leu(5)]PF4 all had qualitatively similar inhibitory effects on A. suum somatic muscle strips, their effects were quantitatively distinguishable and had the order of potency: PF4 = [Leu(5)] PF4 >> [Ala(2)]PF4 = [Ala(2),Leu(5)] PF4 >> [Gly(2)] PF4 = [Gly(2),Leu(5)] PF4. Leu(5) for Ile(5) substitutions in PF4 did not alter the activity of this peptide; however, Gly(2)/Ala(2) for Pro(2) substitutions reduced, but did not abolish, peptide activity. Peptide stability studies revealed that [Gly(2)]PF4(2-7) and -(3-7) and [Ala(2)]PF4(2-7), -(3-7), and -(4-7) fragments were generated following exposure to A. suum somatic muscle strips. However, the parent peptide (PF4) was not metabolized and appeared to be resistant to the sequential cleavages of native aminopeptidases. Observed analogue metabolism appeared to be due to the activity of released aminopeptidases as identical fragments were generated by incubation in medium that had been exposed to somatic muscle strips and from which the strips had been removed prior to peptide addition. It was found that the muscle stretching and bath mixing characteristics of the tension assay led to more effective release of soluble enzymes from muscle strips and thus greater peptide degradation. These studies reveal that Pro(2) in PF4 is not essential for the biological activity of this peptide; however, it does render the peptide resistant to the actions of native nematode aminopeptidases. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Inc.


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A novel FMRFamide-related heptapeptide, Lys-Pro-Asn-Phe-Ile-Arg-Phe-NH2 (KPNFIRFamide), was isolated and characterized from acid ethanol extracts of the free-living nematode, Panagrellus redivivus. Whole-worm extracts contained greater than or equal to 9 pmol KPNFIRFamide/g wet weight. A synthetic replicate of this peptide induced a rapid relaxation of tone and inhibited spontaneous contractility in isolated innervated and denervated body-wall muscle strips of the parasitic nematode, Ascaris suum. KPNFIRFamide (0.1 nM) induced measurable relaxations in 50% of the muscle preparations examined. Concentrations greater than or equal to 0.3 nM induced relaxation in 100% of muscle preparations examined. The relaxation was short-lived at concentrations of peptide greater than or equal to 1 mu M and displayed a profile typical of receptor desensitization. These data suggest the occurrence of a closely related peptide in A. suum and add further evidence to the concept of primary structural conservation of FaRPs within the nematodes.


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We investigate the computational complexity of testing dominance and consistency in CP-nets. Previously, the complexity of dominance has been determined for restricted classes in which the dependency graph of the CP-net is acyclic. However, there are preferences of interest that define cyclic dependency graphs; these are modeled with general CP-nets. In our main results, we show here that both dominance and consistency for general CP-nets are PSPACE-complete. We then consider the concept of strong dominance, dominance equivalence and dominance incomparability, and several notions of optimality, and identify the complexity of the corresponding decision problems. The reductions used in the proofs are from STRIPS planning, and thus reinforce the earlier established connections between both areas.


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Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) isolated from the rabbit urethra exhibit regular Ca2+ oscillations that are associated with spontaneous transient inward currents (STICs) recorded under voltage clamp. Their frequency is known to be very sensitive to external Ca2+ concentration but the mechanism of this has yet to be elucidated. In the present study experiments were performed to assess the role of Na+-Ca2+ exchange (NCX) in this process. Membrane currents were recorded using the patch clamp technique and measurements of intracellular Ca2+ were made using fast confocal microscopy. When reverse mode NCX was enhanced by decreasing the external Na+ concentration [Na+]o from 130 to 13 mM, the frequency of global Ca2+ oscillations and STICs increased. Conversely, inhibition of reverse mode NCX by KB-R7943 and SEA0400 decreased the frequency of Ca2+ oscillations and STICs. Application of caffeine (10 mM) and noradrenaline (10 microM) induced transient Ca2+-activated chloride currents (I(ClCa)) at -60 mV due to release of Ca2+ from ryanodine- and inositol trisphosphate (IP3)-sensitive Ca2+ stores, respectively, but these responses were not blocked by KB-R7943 or SEA0400 suggesting that neither drug blocked Ca2+-activated chloride channels or Ca2+ release from stores. Intact strips of rabbit urethra smooth muscle develop spontaneous myogenic tone. This tone was relaxed by application of SEA0400 in a concentration-dependent fashion. Finally, single cell RT-PCR experiments revealed that isolated ICC from the rabbit urethra only express the type 3 isoform of the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger (NCX3). These results suggest that frequency of spontaneous activity in urethral ICC can be modulated by Ca2+ entry via reverse NCX.


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In reconstructive surgery, skeletal muscle may endure protracted ischemia before reperfusion, which can lead to significant ischemia/reperfusion injury. Ischemic postconditioning induced by brief cycles of reperfusion/reocclusion at the end of ischemia has been shown to salvage skeletal muscle from ischemia/reperfusion injury in several animal models. However, ischemic postconditioning has not been confirmed in human skeletal muscle. Using an established in vitro human skeletal muscle hypoxic conditioning model, we tested our hypothesis that hypoxic postconditioning salvages ex vivo human skeletal muscle from hypoxia/reoxygenation injury and the mechanism involves inhibition of opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) and preservation of ATP synthesis. Muscle strips (~0.5×0.5×15mm) from human rectus abdominis muscle biopsies were cultured in Krebs-Henseleit-HEPES buffer, bubbled with 95%N(2)/5%CO(2) (hypoxia) or 95%O(2)/5%CO(2) (reoxygenation). Samples were subjected to 3h hypoxia/2h reoxygenation. Hypoxic postconditioning was induced by one or two cycles of 5min reoxygenation/5min hypoxia after 3h hypoxia. Muscle injury, viability and ATP synthesis after 2h of reoxygenation were assessed by measuring lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction and ATP content, respectively. Hypoxic postconditioning or treatment with the mPTP-opening inhibitors Cyclosporine A (CsA, 5×10(-6)M) or N-Methyl-4-isoleucine Cyclosporine (NIM811, 5×10(-6)M) 10min before reoxygenation decreased LDH release, increased MTT reduction and increased muscle ATP content (n=7 patients; P


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Ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury causes skeletal muscle infarction and ischemic preconditioning (IPC) augments ischemic tolerance in animal models. To date, this has not been demonstrated in human skeletal muscle. This study aimed to develop an in vitro model to investigate the efficacy of simulated IPC in human skeletal muscle. Human skeletal muscle strips were equilibrated in oxygenated Krebs-Henseleit-HEPES buffer (37 degrees C). Aerobic and reperfusion phases were simulated by normoxic incubation and reoxygenation, respectively. Ischemia was simulated by hypoxic incubation. Energy store, cell viability, and cellular injury were assessed using ATP, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assays, respectively. Morphological integrity was assessed using electron microscopy. Studies were designed to test stability of the preparation (n = 5-11) under normoxic incubation over 24 h; the effect of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 h hypoxia followed by 2 h of reoxygenation; and the protective effect of hypoxic preconditioning (HPC; 5 min of hypoxia/5 min of reoxygenation) before 3 h of hypoxia/2 h of reoxygenation. Over 24 h of normoxic incubation, muscle strips remained physiologically intact as assessed by MTT, ATP, and LDH assays. After 3 h of hypoxia/2 h of reoxygenation, MTT reduction levels declined to 50.1 +/- 5.5% (P <0.05). MTT reduction levels in HPC (82.3 +/- 10.8%) and normoxic control (81.3 +/- 10.2%) groups were similar and higher (P <0.05) than the 3 h of hypoxia/2 h of reoxygenation group (45.2 +/- 5.8%). Ultrastructural morphology was preserved in normoxic and HPC groups but not in the hypoxia/reoxygenation group. This is the first study to characterize a stable in vitro model of human skeletal muscle and to demonstrate a protective effect of HPC in human skeletal muscle against hypoxia/reoxygenation-induced injury.


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Background and Purpose: The aim of the study was to determine whether KCNQ channels are functionally expressed in bladder smooth muscle cells (SMC) and to investigate their physiological significance in bladder contractility. 

Experimental Approach: KCNQ channels were examined at the genetic, protein, cellular and tissue level in guinea pig bladder smooth muscle using RT-PCR, immunofluorescence, patch-clamp electrophysiology, calcium imaging, detrusor strip myography, and a panel of KCNQ activators and inhibitors. 

Key Results: KCNQ subtypes 1-5 are expressed in bladder detrusor smooth muscle. Detrusor strips typically displayed TTX-insensitive myogenic spontaneous contractions that were increased in amplitude by the KCNQ channel inhibitors XE991, linopirdine or chromanol 293B. Contractility was inhibited by the KCNQ channel activators flupirtine or meclofenamic acid (MFA). The frequency of Ca2+-oscillations in SMC contained within bladder tissue sheets was increased by XE991. Outward currents in dispersed bladder SMC, recorded under conditions where BK and KATP currents were minimal, were significantly reduced by XE991, linopirdine, or chromanol, and enhanced by flupirtine or MFA. XE991 depolarized the cell membrane and could evoke transient depolarizations in quiescent cells. Flupirtine (20M) hyperpolarized the cell membrane with a simultaneous cessation of any spontaneous electrical activity. 

Conclusions and Implications: These novel findings reveal the role of KCNQ currents in the regulation of the resting membrane potential of detrusor SMC and their important physiological function in the control of spontaneous contractility in the guinea pig bladder.


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RC beams shear strengthened with externally bonded fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) U strips or side strips usually fail owing to debonding of the bonded FRP shear reinforcement. Because such debonding usually occurs in a brittle manner at relatively small shear crack widths, some of the internal steel stirrups intersected by the critical shear crack may not have reached yielding at beam shear failure. Consequently, the yield stress of internal steel stirrups in such a strengthened RC beam cannot be fully utilized. This adverse shear interaction between the internal steel shear reinforcement and the external FRP shear reinforcement may significantly reduce the benefit of the shear strengthening FRP but has not been considered explicitly by any of the shear strength models in the existing design guidelines. This paper presents a new shear strength model considering this adverse shear interaction through the introduction of a shear interaction factor. A comprehensive evaluation of the proposed model, as well as three other shear strength models, is conducted using a large test database. It is shown that the proposed shear strength model performs the best among the models compared, and the performance of the other shear strength models can be significantly improved by including the proposed shear interaction factor. Finally, a design recommendation is presented.


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A lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) has been developed and fully validated to detect the primary amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) toxin, domoic acid (DA). The performance characteristics of two versions of the test were investigated using spiked and naturally contaminated shellfish (mussels, scallops, oysters, clams, and cockles). The tests provide a qualitative result, to indicate the absence or presence of DA in extracts of shellfish tissues, at concentrations that are relevant to regulatory limits. The new rapid assay (LFIA version 2) was designed to overcome the performance limitations identified in the first version of the assay. The improved test uses an electronic reader to remove the subjective nature of the generated results, and the positive cut-off for screening of DA in shellfish was increased from 10 ppm (version 1) to 17.5 ppm (version 2). A simple extraction and test procedure was employed, which required minimal equipment and materials; results were available 15 min after sample preparation. Stability of the aqueous extracts at room temperature (22 C) at four time points (up to 245 min after extraction) and across a range of DA concentrations was 100.3±1.3% and 98.8±2.4% for pre- and post-buffered extracts, respectively. The assay can be used both within laboratory settings and in remote locations. The accuracy of the new assay, to indicate negative results at or below 10 ppm DA, and positive results at or above 17.5 ppm, was 99.5% (n=216 tests). Validation data were obtained from a 2-day, randomised, blind study consisting of multiple LFIA lots (n=3), readers (n=3) and operators (n=3), carrying out multiple extractions of mussel tissue (n=3) at each concentration (0, 10, 17.5, and 20 ppm). No matrix effects were observed on the performance of the assay with different species (mussels, scallops, oysters, clams, and cockles). There was no impact on accuracy or interference from other phycotoxins, glutamic acid or glutamine with various strip incubations (8, 10, and 12 min). The accuracy of the assay, using naturally contaminated samples to indicate negative results at or below 12.5 ppm and positive results at or above 17.5 ppm, was 100%. Variability between three LFIA lots across a range of DA concentrations, expressed as coefficient of variation (% CV), was 1.1±0.4% (n=2 days) based on quantitative readings from the electronic reader. During an 8 week stability study, accuracy of the method with test strips stored at various temperatures (6, 22, 37 and 50 C) was 100%. Validation for both versions included comparisons with results obtained using reference LC-UV methods. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.