369 resultados para Streptozotocin


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Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia with disturbances in carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Currently there are 387 million people with diabetes worldwide and is expected to affect 592 million people by 2035. Insulin resistance in peripheral tissues and pancreatic beta cell dysfunction are the major challenges in the pathophysiology of diabetes. Diabetic secondary complications (like liver cirrhosis, retinopathy, microvascular and macrovascular complications) arise from persistent hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia can be disabling or even life threatening. Current medications are effective for control and management of hyperglycemia but undesirable effects, inefficiency against secondary complications and high cost are still serious issues in the present prognosis of this disorder. Hence the search for more effective and safer therapeutic agents of natural origin has been found to be highly demanding and attract attention in the present drug discovery research. The data available from Ayurveda on various medicinal plants for treatment of diabetes can efficiently yield potential new lead as antidiabetic agents. For wider acceptability and popularity of herbal remedies available in Ayurveda scientific validation by the elucidation of mechanism of action is very much essential. Modern biological techniques are available now to elucidate the biochemical basis of the effectiveness of these medicinal plants. Keeping this idea the research programme under this thesis has been planned to evaluate the molecular mechanism responsible for the antidiabetic property of Symplocos cochinchinensis, the main ingredient of Nishakathakadi Kashayam, a wellknown Ayurvedic antidiabetic preparation. A general introduction of diabetes, its pathophysiology, secondary complications and current treatment options, innovative solutions based on phytomedicine etc has been described in Chapter 1. The effect of Symplocos cochinchinensis (SC), on various in vitro biochemical targets relevant to diabetes is depicted in Chapter 2 including the preparation of plant extract. Since diabetes is a multifactorial disease, ethanolic extract of the bark of SC (SCE) and its fractions (hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and 90 % ethanol) were evaluated by in vitro methods against multiple targets such as control of postprandial hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, oxidative stress, pancreatic beta cell proliferation, inhibition of protein glycation, protein tyrosine phosphatase-1B (PTP-1B) and dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPPxxi IV). Among the extracts, SCE exhibited comparatively better activity like alpha glucosidase inhibition, insulin dependent glucose uptake (3 fold increase) in L6 myotubes, pancreatic beta cell regeneration in RIN-m5F and reduced triglyceride accumulation in 3T3-L1 cells, protection from hyperglycemia induced generation of reactive oxygen species in HepG2 cells with moderate antiglycation and PTP-1B inhibition. Chemical characterization by HPLC revealed the superiority of SCE over other extracts due to presence of bioactives (beta-sitosterol, phloretin 2’glucoside, oleanolic acid) in addition to minerals like magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc and manganese. So SCE has been subjected to oral sucrose tolerance test (OGTT) to evaluate its antihyperglycemic property in mild diabetic and diabetic animal models. SCE showed significant antihyperglycemic activity in in vivo diabetic models. Chapter 3 highlights the beneficial effects of hydroethanol extract of Symplocos cochinchinensis (SCE) against hyperglycemia associated secondary complications in streptozotocin (60 mg/kg body weight) induced diabetic rat model. Proper sanction had been obtained for all the animal experiments from CSIR-CDRI institutional animal ethics committee. The experimental groups consist of normal control (NC), N + SCE 500 mg/kg bwd, diabetic control (DC), D + metformin 100 mg/kg bwd, D + SCE 250 and D + SCE 500. SCEs and metformin were administered daily for 21 days and sacrificed on day 22. Oral glucose tolerance test, plasma insulin, % HbA1c, urea, creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), albumin, total protein etc. were analysed. Aldose reductase (AR) activity in the eye lens was also checked. On day 21, DC rats showed significantly abnormal glucose response, HOMA-IR, % HbA1c, decreased activity of antioxidant enzymes and GSH, elevated AR activity, hepatic and renal oxidative stress markers compared to NC. DC rats also exhibited increased level of plasma urea and creatinine. Treatment with SCE protected from the deleterious alterations of biochemical parameters in a dose dependent manner including histopathological alterations in pancreas. SCE 500 exhibited significant glucose lowering effect and decreased HOMA-IR, % HbA1c, lens AR activity, and hepatic, renal oxidative stress and function markers compared to DC group. Considerable amount of liver and muscle glycogen was replenished by SCE treatment in diabetic animals. Although metformin showed better effect, the activity of SCE was very much comparable with this drug. xxii The possible molecular mechanism behind the protective property of S. cochinchinensis against the insulin resistance in peripheral tissue as well as dyslipidemia in in vivo high fructose saturated fat diet model is described in Chapter 4. Initially animal were fed a high fructose saturated fat (HFS) diet for a period of 8 weeks to develop insulin resistance and dyslipidemia. The normal diet control (ND), ND + SCE 500 mg/kg bwd, high fructose saturated fat diet control (HFS), HFS + metformin 100 mg/kg bwd, HFS + SCE 250 and HFS + SCE 500 were the experimental groups. SCEs and metformin were administered daily for the next 3 weeks and sacrificed at the end of 11th week. At the end of week 11, HFS rats showed significantly abnormal glucose and insulin tolerance, HOMA-IR, % HbA1c, adiponectin, lipid profile, liver glycolytic and gluconeogenic enzyme activities, liver and muscle triglyceride accumulation compared to ND. HFS rats also exhibited increased level of plasma inflammatory cytokines, upregulated mRNA level of gluconeogenic and lipogenic genes in liver. HFS exhibited the increased expression of GLUT-2 in liver and decreased expression of GLUT-4 in muscle and adipose. SCE treatment also preserved the architecture of pancreas, liver, and kidney tissues. Treatment with SCE reversed the alterations of biochemical parameters, improved insulin sensitivity by modifying gene expression in liver, muscle and adipose tissues. Overall results suggest that SC mediates the antidiabetic activity mainly via alpha glucosidase inhibition, improved insulin sensitivity, with antiglycation and antioxidant activities.


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La diabetes mellitus es una de las patologías frecuentes durante el embarazo, existe literatura que la ha relacionado con un mayor riesgo de aparición de incontinencia urinaria en el postparto patología que de manera clara afecta la calidad de vida de las mujeres, pero a la fecha la literatura no es concluyente. Con la presente revisión sistemática se pretendió evaluar la evidencia relacionada con la diabetes gestacional como causa de incontinencia urinaria en el postparto.


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The aim of this review article is to provide an overview of the role of pigs as a biomedical model for humans. The usefulness and limitations of porcine models have been discussed in terms of metabolic, cardiovascular, digestive and bone diseases in humans. Domestic pigs and minipigs are the main categories of pigs used as biomedical models. One drawback of minipigs is that they are in short supply and expensive compared with domestic pigs, which in contrast cost more to house, feed and medicate. Different porcine breeds show different responses to the induction of specific diseases. For example, ossabaw minipigs provide a better model than Yucatan for the metabolic syndrome as they exhibit obesity, insulin resistance and hypertension, all of which are absent in the Yucatan. Similar metabolic/physiological differences exist between domestic breeds (e.g. Meishan v. Pietrain). The modern commercial (e.g. Large White) domestic pig has been the preferred model for developmental programming due to the 2- to 3-fold variation in body weight among littermates providing a natural form of foetal growth retardation not observed in ancient (e.g. Meishan) domestic breeds. Pigs have been increasingly used to study chronic ischaemia, therapeutic angiogenesis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and abdominal aortic aneurysm as their coronary anatomy and physiology are similar to humans. Type 1 and II diabetes can be induced in swine using dietary regimes and/or administration of streptozotocin. Pigs are a good and extensively used model for specific nutritional studies as their protein and lipid metabolism is comparable with humans, although pigs are not as sensitive to protein restriction as rodents. Neonatal and weanling pigs have been used to examine the pathophysiology and prevention/treatment of microbial-associated diseases and immune system disorders. A porcine model mimicking various degrees of prematurity in infants receiving total parenteral nutrition has been established to investigate gut development, amino acid metabolism and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Endoscopic therapeutic methods for upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding are being developed. Bone remodelling cycle in pigs is histologically more similar to humans than that of rats or mice, and is used to examine the relationship between menopause and osteoporosis. Work has also been conducted on dental implants in pigs to consider loading; however with caution as porcine bone remodels slightly faster than human bone. We conclude that pigs are a valuable translational model to bridge the gap between classical rodent models and humans in developing new therapies to aid human health.


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Several bis-malonatooxidovanadium(IV) complexes of the general type [M(2)(H2(O))(n)][VO(mal)(2)(H(2)O)] (where M = Li(1), Na(2), K(3), Cs(4) and NH4(5); n = 3.5, 1, 3, 1 and 1, respectively) were isolated in good yield and high purity. These complexes were fully characterized by various physicochemical techniques (elemental analysis, UV- Vis, IR, EPR, CV, etc.) complexes 1, 2 and 3 were structurally characterized by single crystal X- ray diffraction technique. In vivo antidiabetic properties of bis- malonato complexes 1, 2, 3 and 5 have been studied using Streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Significant lowering of blood sugar level has been noticed. At the same time these complexes were found to regulate secondary pathophysiological complications like liver damage and lowering of the total antioxidant status (TAS) in diabetic rats. Results of these study are expected to a expand the possibility of designing new oxidovanadium(IV) complexes of O, O chelating ligands with significant antidiabetic properties


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Obesity and insulin resistance are highly correlated with metabolic disturbances. Both the excess and lack of adipose tissue can lead to severe insulin resistance and diabetes. Adipose tissue plays an active role in energy homeostasis, hormone secretion, and other proteins that affect insulin sensitivity, appetite, energy balance, and lipid metabolism. Rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes during the neonatal period develop the classic diabetic picture of hyperglycemia, hypoinsulinemia, and insulin resistance in adulthood. Low body weight and reduced epididymal (EP) fit mass were also seen in this model. The am) of this study was to investigate the glucose homeostasis and metabolic repercussions on the adipose tissue following chronic treatment with antidiabetic drugs in these animals. In the 4th week post birth, diabetic animals started an 8-week treatment with pioglitazone, metformin, or insulin.


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To investigate the allergic reaction in neonatal streptozotocin (nSTZ)-induced diabetes mellitus. Male newborn Wistar rats were made diabetic by the injection of streptozotocin (160 mg/kg, i. p.) and used 8 weeks thereafter. Animals were sensitized against ovalbumin (OA, 50 mu g and Al(OH)3, 5 mg, s. c.) and challenged 14 or 21 days thereafter. OA-induced airway inflammation and OA-induced pleurisy models were used to investigate leukocyte migration (total and differential leukocyte counts) and lung vascular permeability (Evans blue dye extravasation). nSTZ-diabetic rats presented glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. Relative to controls, nSTZ rats exhibited a 30% to 50% reduction in lung vascular permeability. Leukocyte infiltration in both models of allergen-induced inflammation, and number of pleural mast cells did not differ between groups. Data suggest that the reduction of allergic inflammatory reactions in nSTZ rats is restricted to microvascular dysfunctions and associated, probably, with insulin resistance in lung microvascular endothelium.


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Objective and design: Knowing that hyperglycemia is a hallmark of vascular dysfunction in diabetes and that neonatal streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (n-STZ) present reduced inflammatory response, we decided to evaluate the effect of chlorpropamide-lowered blood glucose levels on carrageenan-induced rat paw edema and pleural exudate in n-STZ. Materials: Diabetes was induced by STZ injection (160 mg/kg, ip) in neonates (2-day-old) Wistar rats. Treatment: n-STZ diabetic rats were treated with chlorpropamide (200 mg/kg, 15 d, by gavage) 8 weeks after STZ injection. Methods: Carrageenan-induced paw edema and pleural exudate volumes were assessed concomitantly with peripheral and exudate leukocyte count. We also evaluated the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in lungs of all experimental groups. Results: Chlorpropamide treatment improved glucose tolerance, beta-cell function (assessed by HOMA-beta), corrected paw edema, and pleural exudate volume in n-STZ. Neither leukocyte count nor iNOS expression were affected by diabetes or by chlorpropamide treatment. Conclusion: Chlorpropamide treatment by restoring beta-cell function, reducing blood sugar levels, and improving glucose tolerance might be contributing to the correction of the reduced inflammatory response tested as paw edema and pleural exudate in n-STZ diabetic rats.


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Considering the growing importance of the interaction between components of kallikreinkinin and renin-angiotensin systems in physiological and pathological processes, particularly in diabetes mellitus, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of enalapril on the reduced response of bradykinin and on the interaction between angiotensin-(1-7) (Ang-(1-7)) and bradykinin (BK), important components of these systems, in an insulin-resistance model of diabetes. For the above purpose, the response of mesenteric arterioles of anesthetized neonatal streptozotocin-induced (n-STZ) diabetic and control rats was evaluated using intravital microscopy. In n-STZ diabetic rats, enalapril treatment restored the reduced response to BK but not the potentiation of BK by Ang-(1-7) present in non-diabetic rats. The restorative effect of enalapril was observed at a dose that did not correct the altered parameters induced by diabetes such as hyperglycernia, glicosuria, insulin resistance but did reduce the high blood pressure levels of n-SZT diabetic rats. There was no difference in mRNA and protein expressions of B1 and B2 kinin receptor subtypes between n-STZ diabetic and control rats. Enalapril treatment increased the B2 kinin receptor expression. From our data, we conclude that in diabetes enalapril corrects the impaired BK response probably by increasing the expression of B2 receptors. The lack of potentiation of BK by Ang-(1-7) is not corrected by this agent. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Aims: Na(+), K(+)-ATPase activity contributes to the regulation of vascular contractility and it has been suggested that vascular Na(+), K(+)-ATPase activity may be altered during the progression of diabetes; however the mechanisms involved in the altered Na(+), K(+)-ATPase activity changes remain unclear. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate ouabain-sensitive Na(+), K(+)-ATPase activity and the mechanism(s) responsible for any alterations on this activity in aortas from 1- and 4-week streptozotocin-pretreated (50 mg kg(-1), i.v.) rats. Main methods: Aortic rings were used to evaluate the relaxation induced by KCl (1-10 mM) in the presence and absence of ouabain (0.1 mmol/L) as an index of ouabain-sensitive Na(+), K(+)-ATPase activity. Protein expression of COX-2 and p-PKC-beta II in aortas were also investigated. Key findings: Ouabain-sensitive Na(+), K(+)-ATPase activity was unaltered following 1-week of streptozotocin administration, but was increased in the 4-week diabetic aorta (27%). Endothelium removal or nitric oxide synthase inhibition with L-NAME decreased ouabain-sensitive Na(+), K(+)-ATPase activity only in control aortas. In denuded aortic rings, indomethacin. NS-398, ridogrel or Go-6976 normalized ouabain-sensitive Na(+), K(+)-ATPase activity in 4-week diabetic rats. In addition, COX-2 (51%) and p-PKC-beta II (59%) protein expression were increased in 4-week diabetic aortas compared to controls. Significance: In conclusion, diabetes led to a time-dependent increase in ouabain-sensitive Na(+), K(+)-ATPase activity. The main mechanism involved in this activation is the release of TxA(2)/PGH(2) by COX-2 in smooth muscle cells, linked to activation of the PKC pathway. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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There is a need of scientific evidence of claimed nutraceutical effects, but also there is a social movement towards the use of natural products and among them algae are seen as rich resources. Within this scenario, the development of methodology for rapid and reliable assessment of markers of efficiency and security of these extracts is necessary. The rat treated with streptozotocin has been proposed as the most appropriate model of systemic oxidative stress for studying antioxidant therapies. Cystoseira is a brown alga containing fucoxanthin and other carothenes whose pressure-assisted extracts were assayed to discover a possible beneficial effect on complications related to diabetes evolution in an acute but short-term model. Urine was selected as the sample and CE-TOF-MS as the analytical technique to obtain the fingerprints in a non-target metabolomic approach. Multivariate data analysis revealed a good clustering of the groups and permitted the putative assignment of compounds statistically significant in the classification. Interestingly a group of compounds associated to lysine glycation and cleavage from proteins was found to be increased in diabetic animals receiving vehicle as compared to control animals receiving vehicle (N6, N6, N6-trimethyl-L-lysine, N-methylnicotinamide, galactosylhydroxylysine, L-carnitine, N6-acetyl-N6-hydroxylysine, fructose-lysine, pipecolic acid, urocanic acid, amino-isobutanoate, formylisoglutamine. Fructoselysine significantly decreased after the treatment changing from a 24% increase to a 19% decrease. CE-MS fingerprinting of urine has provided a group of compounds different to those detected with other techniques and therefore proves the necessity of a cross-platform analysis to obtain a broad view of biological samples.


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A new vanadium (IV) complex with the monoanion of 2,3-dihydroxypyridine (H(2)dhp), or 3-hydroxy-2(1H)-pyridone, was synthesized, characterized by physicochemical techniques and tested biologically. The EPR data for the [VO(Hdhp)(2)] complex in DMF are: g(x) = 1.9768, g(y) = 1.9768 and g(z) = 1.9390; A values (10(-4) cm(-1)): A(x), 59.4; A(y//), 59.4; A(z), 171.0. The vV=O band in the IR spectrum of the complex is at 986 cm(-1). The complex is paramagnetic, with mu(eff) = 1.65 BM (d(1), spin-only) at 25 degrees C. The irreversible oxidation process [V(V)/V(IV)] of the [VO(Hdhp)(2)] complex, as revealed in a cyclic voltammogram, occurs at 876 mV. The calculated molecular structure of [VO(Hdhp)(2)] shows the vanadium(IV) center in a distorted square pyramidal environment, with the oxo ligand in the apical position and the oxygen donor atoms of the Hdhp ligands in the basal positions. The ability of [VO(Hdhp)(2)] to mimic insulin, and its toxicity to hepato-biliary functions, were investigated in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and it was concluded that the length of treatment and the amount of [VO(Hdhp)(2)] administered were effective in reducing experimental diabetes.


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We screened seaweed species from Atlantic Canada for antidiabetic activity by testing extracts for α-glucosidase inhibitory effect and glucose uptake stimulatory activity. An aqueous ethanolic extract of Ascophyllum nodosum was found to be active in both assays, inhibiting rat intestinal α-glucosidase (IC50 = 77 μg/mL) and stimulating basal glucose uptake into 3T3-L1 adipocytes during a 20-minute incubation by about 3-fold (at 400 μg/mL extract). Bioassay-guided fractionation of the A. nodosum extract showed that α-glucosidase inhibition was associated with polyphenolic components in the extract. These polyphenolics, along with other constituents appeared to be responsible for the stimulatory activity on glucose uptake. However, attempts to further concentrate this activity through fractionation techniques were unsuccessful. A crude polyphenol extract (PPE), an enriched polyphenolic fraction (PPE-F1) and a polysaccharide extract (PSE) were prepared from commercial A. nodosum powder and administered to streptozotocin-diabetic mice for up to 4-weeks by daily gavage at 200 mg/kg body mass. PPE and PPE-F1 improved fasting serum glucose level in diabetic mice; however, the effect was only statistically significant at day 14. In addition, PPE-F1 was shown to blunt the rise in blood glucose after an oral sucrose tolerance test in diabetic mice. Mice treated with PPE and PPE-F1 had decreased blood total cholesterol and glycated serum protein levels compared with untreated diabetic mice, whereas PPE also normalized the reduction in liver glycogen level that occurred in diabetic animals. All 3 A. nodosum preparations improved blood antioxidant capacity.

On a établit une recherche d’un produit anti-diabétique, parmi les algues locales de la région Atlantique du Canada, en examinant la capacité d’un effet inhibiteur de l’enzyme α-glucosidase et une stimulation de l’incorporation cellulaire du glucose. Un extrait éthanol-aqueux de Ascophyllum nodosum nous a donné une activité positive chez les deux essais, une inhibition de l’α-glucosidase provenant de l’intestin du rat (IC50 = 77 μg/mL) et puis une stimulation triple, à une concentration de 400 μg/mL, de l’incorporation du glucose dans les adipocytes 3T3-L1 durant une période de 20 minutes. L’extrait de A. nodosum a été divisé, guidé par les résultats biologiques, et a ainsi démontré la présence d’éléments polyphénoliques associé à l’inhibition de l’α-glucosidase. Ces éléments polyphénoliques ainsi que d’autres semblent être responsables de l’incorporation stimulée du glucose. Il a été impossible de raffiner cette activité lors d’une division des composants. Un extrait brut polyphénolique (PPE), un extrait enrichi polyphénolique (PPE-F1) et puis un extrait polysaccharide (PSE) furent préparés d’une poudre commerciale de A. nodosum et utilisés dans une étude utilisant des souris, rendues diabétiques par injections de streptozotocin, traitées par un gavage journalier de l’extrait 200 mg/kg du poids corporel durant une période de 4 semaines. Le taux du glucose sanguin à jeun des souris fut moins élevé en présence des extraits qu’en leurs absence. Cependant, l’effet était seulement significatif au jour 14. Les résultats étant toutefois variables. En plus, lors d’un essai oral de la tolérance au sucrose chez la souris diabétique, l’extrait PPE-F1 a empêché l’augmentation du taux du glucose sanguin. Les extraits PPE et PPE-F1 ont réduit le taux de cholestérol sanguin et les niveaux de glycation des protéines en comparaison de ces niveaux en absence des extraits tandis que l’extrait PPE a présenté une réduction du niveau de glycogène du foie chez les souris diabétiques. Les trois extraits de A. nodosum ont tous amélioré la capacité antioxidante du sang.


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This thesis describes an investigation of the effects of vitamin A deficiency on gut function, The central hypothesis to be tested was that acute vitamin A deficiency affects glucose uptake from the small intestine- The hypothesis was tested using a system involving perfusion of isolated segments of the small intestine in the anaesthetized rat. The system was used to study effects on glucose uptake under steady-state conditions. In the initial part of the study, experiments were diverted towards setting up the system for measuring steady-state uptake, and determining the relative contributions of active uptake and diffusion. Phenol red was found to be a reliable non-absorbable marker for determining net water movement. Phlorizin, generally at 1 mmol/L, was used as a competitive (reversible) inhibitor of active uptake. It is difficult however to confirm complete inhibition of active uptake by phlorizin because of the limited solubility of the inhibitor. The kinetics of glucose uptake f ram intra-luminal maltose were found to be, in general, not significantly different from those applying to the uptake of glucose from an equivalent glucose solution. Maltase activity in the perfused gut segment was found to be sufficient to hydrolyse most of the maltose (80 per cent or more) in the solution being perfused, a much greater proportion than was absorbed. Glucose absorptive capacity, measured on an intestinal dry weight basis, was greatest in the duodenum and progressively less in the jejunum and ileum. The rate of water uptake f ran the gut was increased by the presence of glucose in the lumen, and was linked to glucose uptake as shown by the inhibition of water uptake by phlorizin. Uptake of glucose by solvent drag was demonstrated by showing an increased rate of glucose uptake when the rate of water uptake was increased by perfusing a solution of reduced osmotic pressure. In the experiment a low intra-luminal glucose concentration was used to preclude net uptake by diffusion and active uptake was blocked with phlorizin. This process was further investigated using streptozotocin-diabetic rats in which the diabetes establishes a hyperosomotic blood with hyperglycaemia. Uptake by solvent drag was more obvious in diabetic animals. A back-diffusion (exsorption) of glucose from the tissues to the lumen was also shown; the rate being proportional to plasma glucose concentration. Vitamin A deficiency was established in weanling rats after 6-7 weeks feeding on a diet based on wheat starch, coconut oil, and casein washed with hot ethanol, together with vitamins and minerals. The vitamin A deficiency led to classic eye signs and was reversed by the addition to the diet of retinoic acid (5 g/g diet). Vitamin A deficiency decreased intestinal mucus production (dry weight) but had no detectable effect on the histology of the villous epithelium as shown under the light microscope. Using perfusion experiments it was shown that vitamin A deficiency had no significant effect on the rate of active uptake of glucose, but that deficiency increased the rate of passive uptake.


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It is currently accepted that the most appropriate diet in the treatment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus "e;NIDDM"e; is high in carbohydrates, high in fibre and low in fat. Dietary fibre reduces the rate of carbohydrate absorption, which may have a beneficial effect on insulin action. Furthermore, high fibre diets also increase the amount of carbohydrates which are not absorbed from the small intestine. These malabsorbed carbohydrates are fermented by the bacterial population in the large intestine, producing short chain fatty acids "e;SCFA"e;, including propionate, which has been shown to alter liver carbohydrate metabolism. This thesis investigated the actions of slowed carbohydrate absorption and carbohydrate malabsorption in streptozotocin-induced "e;STZ"e; diabetic rats. High carbohydrate diet supplemented with guar gum, a soluble dietary fibre, fed to STZ diabetic rats improved insulin sensitivity. investigation of the alterations in the stomach and small intestine demonstrated that guar increased the viscosity of the meal in the intestine. The action of increased fermentation, producing more propionate, was investigated by supplementing propionate into the diets of STZ diabetic rats or when perfused into isolated rat livers. No changes in insulin action or liver glucose metabolism were measured. in addition, it was shown that guar gum reduces food intake in STZ diabetic rats. Mild reductions in food intake in STZ diabetic rats were shown to increase insulin action. In summary, STZ diabetic rats fed high carbohydrate, high fibre diets reductions in food consumption and slowed carbohydrate absorption are important factors which may lower blood glucose concentrations and increase insulin action. increased SCFA production is unlikely to contribute significantly to the improvements in insulin action.


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Purpose: Goblet cell appendiceal carcinoids represent rare tumors that exhibit histologic features of both adenocarcinomas and neuroendocrine tumors. We present the long-term results of a series of 15 patients, focusing on clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management.

Methods: Eight male and seven female patients (median age, 52.8 years) were included. Final diagnosis was confirmed by histology. Patients were evaluated clinically, biochemically, and radiologically every four months. Median follow-up was 30 months.

Results: The majority of patients (7/15) presented with symptoms compatible with acute appendicitis. Right hemicolectomy was performed in all except one, who subsequently developed metastases. Three patients had metastases at previous diagnosis. Plasma chromogranin-A was slightly elevated in two of them, while urinary 5-hydroxy-indol-acetic acid was normal. 111Indium-labeled octreotide scintigraphy was positive only in two of the four patients with metastases. Ki67 index was greater than 20 percent in all of them, while in only one with local tumor. Combination chemotherapy with either cisplatin plus etoposide or with 5-fluorouracil, cisplatin, and streptozotocin was administered to all patients with metastases resulting in temporary stabilization of disease. Twelve patients are alive, while three died of their disease 9, 13, and 14 months after diagnosis.

Conclusions: The diagnostic value of chromogranin-A, urinary 5-hydroxy-indol-acetic acid, and 111Indium-labeled octreotide scintigraphy seems to be limited in these tumors. Ki67 index appears to predict tumor behavior. Right hemicolectomy may reduce the risk of developing metastases. Chemotherapy may have efficacy in metastatic disease, however, more data are required to determine this and the optimal regimen.