964 resultados para Street, Samuel
Cette thèse décrit de quelle manière les hommes travaillant dans les sciences de la vie durant la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle s'insèrent et jonglent au quotidien dans l'univers de la librairie d'Ancien Régime. Plus précisément dans celui que l'historien du livre Robert Damton a défini le circuit de la communication. Un circuit complexe qui va de l'auteur à l'éditeur, en passant par l'imprimeur, le transporteur, le libraire, le lecteur ou encore par le relieur et le copiste.Marchander le prix d'une page manuscrite avec un éditeur, s'assurer de rester au courant des nouveautés de la librairie, prendre des notes, trouver un bon copiste, juger de la qualité d'un ouvrage ou d'une traduction, se protéger des contrefaçons, se créer un fonds de bibliothèque: voici le quotidien du savant au travail abordé dans cette thèse dont le but est de comprendre de quelle manière fonctionnent les mécanismes d'acquisition, de mise en forme et de mise en circulation du savoir - bref, les coulisses de la communication scientifique. Cela à une période où les hommes de science sont de plus en plus confrontés à un "déluge" de nouvelles publications en toutes langues. La seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle, correspond en fait à celui qu'a été défini par les historiens du livre un "apogée" de l'imprimé scientifique. Caractérisée par un changement dans le milieu de la production imprimée, cette seconde partie du siècle marque une césure, une situation nouvelle à laquelle le savant doit s'adapter afin de ne pas être dépassé par les événements et afin de pouvoir tirer le plus large bénéfice de toutes les formes d'expression et d'intervention qui sont mises à sa disposition. Afin d'analyser les stratégies mises en place par les savants pour gérer la masse de l'information et afin de reconstruire les pratiques ordinaires du travail savant, pratiques qui accompagnent le savoir dans son devenir et sont susceptible de l'influencer, cette thèse s'appuie sur la riche correspondance que le médecin lausannois Samuel Auguste Tissot et son collègue bernois Albrecht von Haller, deux savants et écrivains de renom parmi les plus célèbres des Lumières helvétiques, échangent pendant plus de vingt ans. Ce couple pourrait être défini comme antinomique. Le représentant d'une culture humaniste, formé à l'école iatromécanique de Leyde et insatiable lecteur qu'est Haller et un partisan de la vulgarisation, formé au vitalisme à Montpellier tel que Tissot, d'une génération plus jeune, se sont démontrés avoir une conception parfois différente de ce qu'est un livre de science, en particulier un livre de médecine, de la forme qu'il doit avoir, du prix auquel il doit être vendu ou encore de la langue dans laquelle il doit être écrit. L'un, Haller, médecin de cabinet et professeur à Gôttingen pendant dix-sept ans, l'autre, Tissot, praticien et médecin des pauvres ayant enseigné seulement quatre semestres à Pavie, pratiquent et conçoivent en partie différemment la communication du savoir scientifique et le public de celle-ci. L'étude prend également en compte les lettres échangées avec un réseau d'amis communs, surtout le médecin argovien Johann Georg Zimmermann et le naturaliste genevois Charles Bonnet. Les correspondances des professionnels du livre représentent un autre pan incontournable du corpus documentaire de la thèse. C'est grâce à ces hommes que le texte du savant sort du cabinet et prend sa forme matérielle, voire il acquiert du sens. Des documents tels des essais ou des notes de lecture et les pièces liminaires des livres (préfaces, dédicaces, avis aux lecteurs, notes) se sont aussi révélées être des documents précieux: ils témoignent des pratiques de travail des savants et ils renseignent aussi bien sur les intentions poursuivies par l'auteur que sur les pratiques d'édition, contrefaçon et traduction.Basée sur une démarche micro-historique qui croise l'histoire sociale des sciences et l'histoire sociale du livre à la française, cette thèse s'articule autour de 5 chapitres et un intermède. La disposition des parties suit en quelques sortes les étapes du travail savant: lecture, écriture, mise sous presse, mise en circulation, réception.
The Iowana Farms Milk Company factory building was considered to retain sufficient integrity and possess sufficient significance to be considered eligible for the National Register of Historic Places under Criteria A and C for its historical and architectural significance in the Bettendorf community. The Iowana Farms Milk Company was an important early to mid-twentieth-century business in Bettendorf, and was among the few that was not owned or operated by the Bettendorf Company. It was a strong and thriving business for many years, and its products were well known in the Quad Cities region. The importance of this property becomes even more significant when one considers that most of the buildings once associated with the actual Bettendorf Company, which was undeniably the most important business and industry in town, are now gone. As a result, the Iowana Farms Milk Company factory building was a physical vestige of the once-thriving commercial industries that made Bettendorf into a city in the twentieth century. This property was further significant for its representation of the evolution of the dairy industry in the twentieth century from farm to factory production. It also reflected the changes to the industry based on scientific discoveries, mechanical innovations, and governmental regulations related to improved sanitation and the pure milk movement. The Iowana Farms Milk Company represented a model plant for the time, and the marketing strategies it employed followed the trends of the industry. The Iowana Farms Milk Company plant had to be removed to make room for a new I-74 bridge over the Mississippi River at Bettendorf. The construction of the new bridge also required removal of the historic Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge. The documentation reported herein and for that of the Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge fulfills the requirements of the Memorandum of Agreement regarding the removal of these historic properties.
Résumé de la thèse: Cette thèse vise à analyser l'expérience de la maladie telle qu'elle se donne à lire dans les consultations épistolaires de la seconde moitié du 18e siècle, en particulier dans la correspondance adressée au médecin suisse Samuel Auguste Tissot (1758-1797), qui contient plus d'un millier de documents rendant compte de la situation d'un malade et soumis au praticien en vue de solliciter un diagnostic et des traitements. Il s'agit plus précisément d'étudier les modes de représentation et de réaction face à la maladie du point de vue des patient-e-s et de la communauté des profanes, en inscrivant les récits envoyés au praticien dans le contexte à la fois des conventions d'écriture relatives à la médecine par lettres et des schémas d'appréhension du corps ou de la santé au siècle des Lumières, ainsi que dans le cadre de l'offre thérapeutique disponible à cette époque. La thèse cherche principalement à défendre l'idée de mises en intrigue des maux qui, tout en étant informées par des catégories lexico-sémantiques culturelles et historiques, ne ménagent pas moins une certaine marge interprétative et narrative aux auteur-e-s des consultations épistolaires, révélant de leur part des appropriations complexes et sélectives par rapport à la culture médicale.
The proposed action consists of upgrading Mississippi Drive (Iowa Highway 92) through downtown Muscatine, Iowa. The Mississippi Drive Corridor Project begins south of the Main Street/Grandview Avenue intersection, continuing to the East 2nd Street/Norbert F. Beckey Bridge intersection, which marks the end of the project. It passes through a mix of commercial, residential, Central Business District and industrial land uses. The total length of the project is approximately 1.6 miles, including 19 intersections (6 with traffic signals). Refer to the vicinity map on Figure 1. The current roadway is a 3- to 4-lane, urban facility with both divided and undivided medians. The roadway, ranging from 40 to 64 feet wide, is considered difficult to cross for pedestrians, especially for small children or elderly. The width of this roadway is being considered to be narrowed to improve the accessibility to the downtown from the Mississippi River riverfront area by pedestrians. This project also includes accommodations for bicycles and pedestrians and measures to reduce flooding on the roadway.
From Proposed Action: "The proposed action consists of reconstructing the East 1st Street/I-35 interchange with a Diverging Diamond interchange, widening I-35 from four (4) lanes to six (6) lanes, and widening East 1st Street from four (4) lanes to five (5) lanes from Delaware Avenue to Frisk Drive. The project also proposes to reconstruct the intersections of East 1st Street/Creekview Drive and East 1st Street/Frisk Drive."
From Proposed Action: "Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments (INRCOG) and the City of Cedar Falls, in coordination with the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), are proposing to upgrade and modernize an approximate 4,900-foot segment of Iowa Highway 57 (IA 57), locally known as West 1st Street, in Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, Iowa."
On the October 7 and 8, 2008, a road safety audit was conducted for the intersection of US 61/Harrison Street and West Locust Street in Davenport, Iowa. US 61/Harrison Street is a one-way street and a principal arterial route through Davenport, with three southbound lanes. Locust Street is a four-lane, two-way minor arterial running across the city from west to east. The last major improvement at this intersection was implemented approximately 20 years ago. The Iowa Department of Transportation requested a safety audit of this intersection in response to a high incidence of crashes at the location over the past several years, in view of the fact that no major improvements are anticipated for this intersection in the immediate future. The road safety audit team discussed current conditions at the intersection and reviewed the last seven years of crash data. The team also made daytime and nighttime field visits to the intersection to examine field conditions and observe traffic flow and crossing guard operations with younger pedestrians. After discussing key issues, the road safety audit team drew conclusions and suggested possible enforcement, engineering, public information, and educational strategies for mitigation.
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has requested the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) Hazardous Waste Site Health Assessment Program to evaluate environmental data collected at former farm equipment manufacturing facility located in Charles City, Iowa. The site, most recently operated by Allied Products Corporation, is a 70-acre site located at 13th Street and E Street in Charles City, Iowa (Figure 1). The site is undergoing a Targeted Brownfields Assessment conducted by the Contaminated Sites Section of the IDNR. This health consultation addresses potential health risks to people from future exposure to the soil within the property boundary, and any health impacts resulting from contaminated groundwater beneath the site property. The information in this health consultation was current at the time of writing. Data that emerges later could alter this document’s conclusions and recommendations.
To address safety concerns on James Avenue NW and 250th Street NW, from the North Corporate Limits (NCL) of Tiffin, north and east to I-380 (at North Liberty), the Johnson County engineer requested a road safety audit (RSA). The audit was conducted on September 1, 2010, through a program supported by the Office of Traffic and Safety at the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). This road is a seal-coated roadway, about 25-ft wide, but with only about 0-1 ft of earth shoulders. According to 2006 Iowa DOT estimates, traffic volume is about 820 vehicles per day, north from Tiffin to a commercial entrance on 250th Street, then increasing to 2,990 vehicles per day to the on-ramp of Interstate 380 (I-380). Local traffic uses this road as a short-cut to Cedar Rapids, North Liberty, and the I-380/I-80 interchange (to avoid congestion on IA 965). This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team for addressing the safety concerns on this roadway.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has requested the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) to evaluate the health impacts associated with exposure to contaminants of concern that have been found at the former Chamberlain Manufacturing Site. The EPA has been involved in the investigation and remediation of the Former Chamberlain Manufacturing Site since 2005. As part of these investigative activities, on-site soil sampling and both on-and off-site groundwater sampling has been completed. In addition, sub-slab soil gas, indoor air, and ambient air sampling at properties located near the Former Chamberlain Manufacturing Site has been completed. This health consultation addresses potential health risks to the public from exposure to the soil, groundwater and potential vapors within homes or buildings at or near the Former Chamberlain Manufacturing Site. The information in this health consultation was current at the time of writing. Data that emerges later could alter this document’s conclusions and recommendations.
Vehicle-pedestrian crashes are a major concern for highway safety analysts. Research reported by Hunter in 1996 indicated that one-third of the 5,000 vehicle-pedestrian crashes investigated occurred at intersections, and 40 percent of those were at non-controlled intersections (Hunter et al. 1996). Numerous strategies have been implemented in an effort to reduce these accidents, including overhead signs, flashing warning beacons, wider and brighter markings on the street, and advanced crossing signs. More recently, pedestrian-activated, in-street flashing lights at the crosswalk and pedestrian crossing signs in the traffic lane have been investigated. Not all of these strategies are recognized as accepted practices and included in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), but the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is supportive of experimental applications that may lead to effective technology that helps reduce crashes.
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has requested the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) Hazardous Waste Site Health Assessment Program to evaluate the potential health impacts of the future development at the Buchanan Bulk Oil – Ma & Pa Stores site. A Targeted Brownfields Assessment was completed by the IDNR at this site to measure existing on-site contaminants. Assistance was sought from the IDPH to determine potential health risks if the site was developed for residential use. This health consultation addresses potential health risks to people from exposure to the contaminants found in the soil and groundwater within the property boundary. The information in this health consultation was current at the time of writing. Data that emerges later could alter this document’s conclusions and recommendations.