989 resultados para State Cds Particles
The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics predicts the existence of a Higgs field responsible for the generation of particles' mass. However, some aspects of this theory remain unsolved, supposing the presence of new physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) with the production of new particles at a higher energy scale compared to the current experimental limits. The search for additional Higgs bosons is, in fact, predicted by theoretical extensions of the SM including the Minimal Supersymmetry Standard Model (MSSM). In the MSSM, the Higgs sector consists of two Higgs doublets, resulting in five physical Higgs particles: two charged bosons $H^{\pm}$, two neutral scalars $h$ and $H$, and one pseudoscalar $A$. The work presented in this thesis is dedicated to the search of neutral non-Standard Model Higgs bosons decaying to two muons in the model independent MSSM scenario. Proton-proton collision data recorded by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV are used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $35.9\ \text{fb}^{-1}$. Such search is sensitive to neutral Higgs bosons produced either via gluon fusion process or in association with a $\text{b}\bar{\text{b}}$ quark pair. The extensive usage of Machine and Deep Learning techniques is a fundamental element in the discrimination between signal and background simulated events. A new network structure called parameterised Neural Network (pNN) has been implemented, replacing a whole set of single neural networks trained at a specific mass hypothesis value with a single neural network able to generalise well and interpolate in the entire mass range considered. The results of the pNN signal/background discrimination are used to set a model independent 95\% confidence level expected upper limit on the production cross section times branching ratio, for a generic $\phi$ boson decaying into a muon pair in the 130 to 1000 GeV range.
A general description of the work presented in this thesis can be divided into three areas of interest: micropore fabrication, nanopore modification, and their applications. The first part of the thesis is related to the novel, reliable, cost-effective, potable, mass-productive, robust, and ease of use micropore flowcell that works based on the RPS technique. Based on our first goal, which was finding an alternate materials and processes that would shorten production times while lowering costs and improving signal quality, the polyimide film was used as a substrate to create precise pores by femtosecond laser, and the resulting current blockades of different sizes of the nanoparticles were recorded. Based on the results, the device can detecting nano-sized particles by changing the current level. The experimental and theoretical investigation, scanning electron microscopy, and focus ion beam were performed to explain the micropore's performance. The second goal was design and fabrication of a leak-free, easy-to-assemble, and portable polymethyl methacrylate flowcell for nanopore experiments. Here, ion current rectification was studied in our nanodevice. We showed a self-assembly-based, controllable, and monitorable in situ Poly(l-lysine)- g-poly(ethylene glycol) coating method under voltage-driven electrolyte flow and electrostatic interaction between nanopore walls and PLL backbones. Using designed nanopore flowcell and in situ monolayer PLL-g-PEG functionalized 20±4 nm SiN nanopores, we observed non-sticky α-1 anti-trypsin protein translocation. additionally, we could show the enhancement of translocation events through this non-sticky nanopore, and also, estimate the volume of the translocated protein. In this study, by comparing the AAT protein translocation results from functionalized and non-functionalized nanopore we demonstrated the 105 times dwell time reduction (31-0.59ms), 25% amplitude enhancement (0.24-0.3 nA), and 15 times event’s number increase (1-15events/s) after functionalization in 1×PBS at physiological pH. Also, the AAT protein volume was measured, close to the calculated AAT protein hydrodynamic volume and previous reports.
Our solar system contains an impressive amount of celestial bodies. For example Saturn posses a huge variety of natural satellites, the diversity in size and physical proprieties of which might amaze imagination. The observational data gathered in 30 years range of deep space missions revealed, that some of these bodies can hide subsurface oceans under their crust. The water, as we know, serves as a fundamental base for a possible appearance of life. This statement is quite exited for the scientific society and serves as a reason for studying so called ”ocean worlds”. In order to detect the celestial bodies with the hidden subsurface ocean, one of the key aspects is the study of their rotational state, which is strongly coupled with the body internal structure. It can be done through the various techniques mentioned in Chapter 1. The main goal of the thesis is the study of rotational state of Titan, whose interior structure expectedly contains liquid ocean layer under its icy crust. Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and it is the second largest moon in the solar system in general. This natural satellite is of particular scientific interest, because it is one of a kind which has substantial atmosphere. The present work was done using radio tracking data of the Dragonfly mission which is one of the next NASA’s missions destined for Titan selected as a part of the New Frontiers Program in 2019. The detailed characteristic of the Dragonfly regarding the landing site and mission lifetime was reported in Chapter 2. The radio-tracking communication link from Titan side was performed using Dragonfly X band transponder according to the schedule tracking opportunity. From Earth side according to the mission, Deep Space Station 25 which is a part of NASA’s Deep Space Network was considered. Only Doppler data was used for studying Titan rotational state, even though there are other reliable techniques described in Chapter 3, that in general could be implemented.
The hadrontherapy exploits beams of charged particles against deep cancers. These ions have a depth-dose profile in which there is a little release of energy at the beginning of their path, whereas there is a sharp maximum, the Bragg Peak, near its end path. However, if heavy ions are used, the fragmentation of the projectile can happen and the fragments can release some dose outside the treatment volume beyond the Bragg peak. The fragmentation process takes place also when the Galactic Cosmic Rays at high energy hit the spaceship during space missions. In both cases some neutrons can be produced and if they interact with the absorbing materials nuclei some secondary particles are generated which can release energy. For this reason, studies about the cross section measurements of the fragments generated during the collisions of heavy ions against the tissues nuclei are very important. In this context, the FragmentatiOn Of Target (FOOT) experiment was born, and aims at measuring the differential and double differential fragmentation cross sections for different kinetic energies relevant to hadrontherapy and space radioprotection with high accuracy. Since during fragmentation processes also neutrons are produced, tests of a neutron detection system are ongoing. In particular, recently a neutron detector made up of a liquid organic scintillator, BC-501A with neutrons/gammas discrimination capability was studied, and it represents the core of this thesis. More in details, an analysis of the data collected at the GSI laboratory, in Darmstadt, Germany, is effectuated which consists in discriminating neutral and charged particles and then to separate neutrons from gammas. From this analysis, a preliminary energy-differential reaction cross-section for the production of neutrons in the 16O + (C_2H_4)_(n) and 16O + C reactions was estimated.
Il presente lavoro propone la stesura di un codice in ambiente MATLAB per l'analisi energetica di powertrain ibridi operanti nel ciclo WLTP con il particolare funzionamento del motore termico benzina a punto fisso stechiometrico. Nello specifico, il codice prende dei dati in input tramite un'interfaccia grafica ed avvia una simulazione, i cui risultati principali corrispondono ad emissioni di anidride carbonica per chilometro percorso ed ai chilometri percorsi con un litro di carburante. Queste sono le due grandezze che questo lavoro si prefigge di ottimizzare, dalle quali proviene la scelta del particolare funzionamento del motore termico. Sono state implementate due differenti strategie di controllo, una generale ed una più particolare. La simulazione con la strategia generale è stata applicata a tre differenti scenari reali, con le caratteristiche tecniche di tre veicoli realmente esistenti che vengono inserite nell'interfaccia grafica. I risultati provenienti da queste simulazioni sono stati poi analizzati e discussi nel dettaglio, anche con l'ausilio di grafici a supporto della spiegazione. La strategia di controllo particolare non è stata applicata a scenari reali ma ha portato alla definizione di una ipotetica architettura di powertrain ibrido, alla quale la sopracitata strategia si adatta al meglio. Dopo aver proposto miglioramenti e possibili ulteriori sviluppi di questo lavoro, sono state tratte le conclusioni generali, allargando il tutto al contesto più ampio in cui si va ad inserire.
La giunzione miotendinea (MTJ) è una struttura anatomica specializzata che collega il muscolo al tendine. La sua funzione è quella di permettere la trasmissione della forza generata dal muscolo al tendine, permettendo il movimento. Essendo una struttura di interfaccia che funge da raccordo tra due tipi di tessuti molto differenti, tende a risentire di una forte concentrazione di tensione, questo la rende fortemente suscettibile a rottura. Le tecniche ad oggi utilizzare per riparare lesioni alla MTJ risultano inadatte ad una completa ed ottimale ripresa meccanica. Al fine di trovare una soluzione a questo problema, l’ingegneria tissutale sta lavorando alla fabbricazione di strutture tridimensionali che siano in grado di imitare al meglio la struttura nativa della MTJ. Le tecniche utilizzate per la produzione di tali strutture sono, principalmente, stampa 3D ed elettrofilatura. Il vantaggio di queste tecniche è la loro elevata risoluzione, che permette di controllare finemente l’architettura di tali strutture artificiali. Nella seguente tesi verrà presentato lo stato dell’arte sulle tecniche utilizzate per la fabbricazione di scaffolds per la rigenerazione della MTJ, soffermandosi in particolare sui metodi di fabbricazione e sulle prestazioni morfologiche, meccaniche e cellulari effettuando un confronto tra i diversi studi che se ne sono occupati, individuandone punti di forza, debolezze e possibili studi futuri che potranno essere effettuati su tali scaffolds. In questo modo, sarà possibile rendersi conto di quale di queste tecniche risulti essere più promettente per il futuro.
In modern society, security issues of IT Systems are intertwined with interdisciplinary aspects, from social life to sustainability, and threats endanger many aspects of every- one’s daily life. To address the problem, it’s important that the systems that we use guarantee a certain degree of security, but to achieve this, it is necessary to be able to give a measure to the amount of security. Measuring security is not an easy task, but many initiatives, including European regulations, want to make this possible. One method of measuring security is based on the use of security metrics: those are a way of assessing, from various aspects, vulnera- bilities, methods of defense, risks and impacts of successful attacks then also efficacy of reactions, giving precise results using mathematical and statistical techniques. I have done literature research to provide an overview on the meaning, the effects, the problems, the applications and the overall current situation over security metrics, with particular emphasis in giving practical examples. This thesis starts with a summary of the state of the art in the field of security met- rics and application examples to outline the gaps in current literature, the difficulties found in the change of application context, to then advance research questions aimed at fostering the discussion towards the definition of a more complete and applicable view of the subject. Finally, it stresses the lack of security metrics that consider interdisciplinary aspects, giving some potential starting point to develop security metrics that cover all as- pects involved, taking the field to a new level of formal soundness and practical usability.
In collaboration with G.D. SpA I attended an internship with the purpose of developing a filter for the position control of industrial machines during testing and maintenance operations. The filter elaborates a signal in position provided by an electonic handwheel, in order to enable the application to be controlled with a signal in velocity with arbitrarily dynamics chosen during the design phase. Limiting the dynamics of the filter provide a more stable and less demanding reference trajectory which reduce the vibrations and tracking errors of the motor controlled by it. It also prevents misusages of the handwheel from the technician which could end up in harmful interferences between the mechanical parts moved by the handwheel.
Robotic Grasping is an important research topic in robotics since for robots to attain more general-purpose utility, grasping is a necessary skill, but very challenging to master. In general the robots may use their perception abilities like an image from a camera to identify grasps for a given object usually unknown. A grasp describes how a robotic end-effector need to be positioned to securely grab an object and successfully lift it without lost it, at the moment state of the arts solutions are still far behind humans. In the last 5–10 years, deep learning methods take the scene to overcome classical problem like the arduous and time-consuming approach to form a task-specific algorithm analytically. In this thesis are present the progress and the approaches in the robotic grasping field and the potential of the deep learning methods in robotic grasping. Based on that, an implementation of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) as a starting point for generation of a grasp pose from camera view has been implemented inside a ROS environment. The developed technologies have been integrated into a pick-and-place application for a Panda robot from Franka Emika. The application includes various features related to object detection and selection. Additionally, the features have been kept as generic as possible to allow for easy replacement or removal if needed, without losing time for improvement or new testing.
Ochnaceae s.str. (Malpighiales) are a pantropical family of about 500 species and 27 genera of almost exclusively woody plants. Infrafamilial classification and relationships have been controversial partially due to the lack of a robust phylogenetic framework. Including all genera except Indosinia and Perissocarpa and DNA sequence data for five DNA regions (ITS, matK, ndhF, rbcL, trnL-F), we provide for the first time a nearly complete molecular phylogenetic analysis of Ochnaceae s.l. resolving most of the phylogenetic backbone of the family. Based on this, we present a new classification of Ochnaceae s.l., with Medusagynoideae and Quiinoideae included as subfamilies and the former subfamilies Ochnoideae and Sauvagesioideae recognized at the rank of tribe. Our data support a monophyletic Ochneae, but Sauvagesieae in the traditional circumscription is paraphyletic because Testulea emerges as sister to the rest of Ochnoideae, and the next clade shows Luxemburgia+Philacra as sister group to the remaining Ochnoideae. To avoid paraphyly, we classify Luxemburgieae and Testuleeae as new tribes. The African genus Lophira, which has switched between subfamilies (here tribes) in past classifications, emerges as sister to all other Ochneae. Thus, endosperm-free seeds and ovules with partly to completely united integuments (resulting in an apparently single integument) are characters that unite all members of that tribe. The relationships within its largest clade, Ochnineae (former Ochneae), are poorly resolved, but former Ochninae (Brackenridgea, Ochna) are polyphyletic. Within Sauvagesieae, the genus Sauvagesia in its broad circumscription is polyphyletic as Sauvagesia serrata is sister to a clade of Adenarake, Sauvagesia spp., and three other genera. Within Quiinoideae, in contrast to former phylogenetic hypotheses, Lacunaria and Touroulia form a clade that is sister to Quiina. Bayesian ancestral state reconstructions showed that zygomorphic flowers with adaptations to buzz-pollination (poricidal anthers), a syncarpous gynoecium (a near-apocarpous gynoecium evolved independently in Quiinoideae and Ochninae), numerous ovules, septicidal capsules, and winged seeds with endosperm are the ancestral condition in Ochnoideae. Although in some lineages poricidal anthers were lost secondarily, the evolution of poricidal superstructures secured the maintenance of buzz-pollination in some of these genera, indicating a strong selective pressure on keeping that specialized pollination system.
Very high field (29)Si-NMR measurements using a fully (29)Si-enriched URu(2)Si(2) single crystal were carried out in order to microscopically investigate the hidden order (HO) state and adjacent magnetic phases in the high field limit. At the lowest measured temperature of 0.4 K, a clear anomaly reflecting a Fermi surface instability near 22 T inside the HO state is detected by the (29)Si shift, (29)K(c). Moreover, a strong enhancement of (29)K(c) develops near a critical field H(c) ≃ 35.6 T, and the ^{29}Si-NMR signal disappears suddenly at H(c), indicating the total suppression of the HO state. Nevertheless, a weak and shifted (29)Si-NMR signal reappears for fields higher than H(c) at 4.2 K, providing evidence for a magnetic structure within the magnetic phase caused by the Ising-type anisotropy of the uranium ordered moments.
This is an ecological, analytical and retrospective study comprising the 645 municipalities in the State of São Paulo, the scope of which was to determine the relationship between socioeconomic, demographic variables and the model of care in relation to infant mortality rates in the period from 1998 to 2008. The ratio of average annual change for each indicator per stratum coverage was calculated. Infant mortality was analyzed according to the model for repeated measures over time, adjusted for the following correction variables: the city's population, proportion of Family Health Programs (PSFs) deployed, proportion of Growth Acceleration Programs (PACs) deployed, per capita GDP and SPSRI (São Paulo social responsibility index). The analysis was performed by generalized linear models, considering the gamma distribution. Multiple comparisons were performed with the likelihood ratio with chi-square approximate distribution, considering a significance level of 5%. There was a decrease in infant mortality over the years (p < 0.05), with no significant difference from 2004 to 2008 (p > 0.05). The proportion of PSFs deployed (p < 0.0001) and per capita GDP (p < 0.0001) were significant in the model. The decline of infant mortality in this period was influenced by the growth of per capita GDP and PSFs.
The aim of this study was to assess the quality of diet among the elderly and associations with socio-demographic variables, health-related behaviors, and diseases. A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted in a representative sample of 1,509 elderly participants in a health survey in Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil. Food quality was assessed using the Revised Diet Quality Index (DQI-R). Mean index scores were estimated and a multiple regression model was employed for the adjusted analyses. The highest diet quality scores were associated with age 80 years or older, Evangelical religion, diabetes mellitus, and physical activity, while the lowest scores were associated with home environments shared with three or more people, smoking, and consumption of soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. The findings emphasize a general need for diet quality improvements in the elderly, specifically in subgroups with unhealthy behaviors, who should be targeted with comprehensive strategies.
A new species of Pseudopaludicola is described from human-altered areas originally covered by Semideciduous Forest in northwestern state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Morphologically, the new species differs from four species belonging to the P. pusilla group by the absence of either T-shaped terminal phalanges or toe tips expanded, and from all other congeners except P. canga and P. facureae by possessing an areolate vocal sac, with dark reticulation. The higher duration (300-700 ms) of each single, pulsed note (9-36 nonconcatenated pulses) that compose the call in the new species distinguishes it from all other 14 species of Pseudopaludicola with calls already described (10-290 ms). Absence of harmonics also differ the advertisement call of the new species from the call of its sister species P. facureae, even though these two species presented unexpected low genetic distances. Although we could not identify any single morphological character distinguishing the new species from P. facureae, a PCA and DFA performed using 12 morphometric variables evidenced significant size differences between these two species.
The role of orbital differentiation on the emergence of superconductivity in the Fe-based superconductors remains an open question to the scientific community. In this investigation, we employ a suitable microscopic spin probe technique, namely Electron Spin Resonance (ESR), to investigate this issue on selected chemically substituted BaFe2As2 single crystals. As the spin-density wave (SDW) phase is suppressed, we observe a clear increase of the Fe 3d bands anisotropy along with their localization at the FeAs plane. Such an increase of the planar orbital content is interestingly independent of the chemical substitution responsible for suppressing the SDW phase. As a consequence, the magnetic fluctuations in combination with this particular symmetry of the Fe 3d bands are propitious ingredients for the emergence of superconductivity in this class of materials.