966 resultados para Stability test


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Questo documento descrive gran parte del lavoro svolto durante un periodo di studio di sei mesi all’International Centre for Geohazards (ICG) di Oslo. Seguendo la linea guida dettata nel titolo, sono stati affrontati diversi aspetti riguardanti la modellazione numerica dei pendii quali l’influenza delle condizioni al contorno e delle proporzioni del modello, la back-analysis di eventi di scivolamento e l’applicazione delle analisi di stabilità monodimensionali. La realizzazione di semplici modelli con il programma agli elementi finiti PLAXIS (Brinkgreve et al., 2008) ha consentito di analizzare le prestazioni dei modelli numerici riguardo all’influenza delle condizioni al contorno confrontandoli con un calcolo teorico del fattore di amplificazione. Questa serie di test ha consentito di stabilire alcune linee guida per la realizzazione di test con un buon livello di affidabilità. Alcuni case-history, in particolare quello di Las Colinas (El Salvador), sono stati modellati allo scopo di applicare e verificare i risultati ottenuti con i semplici modelli sopracitati. Inoltre sono state svolte analisi di sensitività alla dimensione della mesh e ai parametri di smorzamento e di elasticità. I risultati hanno evidenziato una forte dipendenza dei risultati dai parametri di smorzamento, rilevando l’importanza di una corretta valutazione di questa grandezza. In ultima battuta ci si è occupati dell’accuratezza e dell’applicabilità dei modelli monodimensionali. I risultati di alcuni modelli monodimensionali realizzati con il software Quiver (Kaynia, 2009) sono stati confrontati con quelli ottenuti da modelli bidimensionali. Dal confronto è risultato un buon grado di approssimazione accompagnato da un margine di sicurezza costante. Le analisi monodimensionali sono poi state utilizzate per la verifica di sensitività. I risultati di questo lavoro sono qui presentati e accompagnati da suggerimenti qualitativi e quantitativi per la realizzazione di modelli bidimensionali affidabili. Inoltre si descrive la possibilità di utilizzare modelli monodimensionali in caso d’incertezze sui parametri. Dai risultati osservati emerge la possibilità di ottenere un risparmio di tempo nella realizzazione di importanti indagini di sensitività.


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The research field of the Thesis is the evaluation of motor variability and the analysis of motor stability for the assessment of fall risk. Since many falls occur during walking, a better understanding of motor stability could lead to the definition of a reliable fall risk index aiming at measuring and assessing the risk of fall in the elderly, in the attempt to prevent traumatic events. Several motor variability and stability measures are proposed in the literature, but still a proper methodological characterization is lacking. Moreover, the relationship between many of these measures and fall history or fall risk is still unknown, or not completely clear. The aim of this thesis is hence to: i) analyze the influence of experimental implementation parameters on variability/stability measures and understand how variations in these parameters affect the outputs; ii) assess the relationship between variability/stability measures and long- short-term fall history. Several implementation issues have been addressed. Following the need for a methodological standardization of gait variability/stability measures, highlighted in particular for orbital stability analysis through a systematic review, general indications about implementation of orbital stability analysis have been showed, together with an analysis of the number of strides and the test-retest reliability of several variability/stability numbers. Indications about the influence of directional changes on measures have been provided. The association between measures and long/short-term fall history has also been assessed. Of all the analyzed variability/stability measures, Multiscale entropy and Recurrence quantification analysis demonstrated particularly good results in terms of reliability, applicability and association with fall history. Therefore, these measures should be taken in consideration for the definition of a fall risk index.


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The main objective of this thesis is to obtain a better understanding of the methods to assess the stability of a slope. We have illustrated the principal variants of the Limit Equilibrium (LE) method found in literature, focalizing our attention on the Minimum Lithostatic Deviation (MLD) method, developed by Prof. Tinti and his collaborators (e.g. Tinti and Manucci, 2006, 2008). We had two main goals: the first was to test the MLD method on some real cases. We have selected the case of the Vajont landslide with the objective to reconstruct the conditions that caused the destabilization of Mount Toc, and two sites in the Norwegian margin, where failures has not occurred recently, with the aim to evaluate the present stability state and to assess under which conditions they might be mobilized. The second goal was to study the stability charts by Taylor and by Michalowski, and to use the MLD method to investigate the correctness and adequacy of this engineering tool.


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Die Invarianz physikalischer Gesetze unter Lorentztransformationen ist eines der fundamentalen Postulate der modernen Physik und alle Theorien der grundlegenden Wechselwirkungen sind in kovarianter Form formuliert. Obwohl die Spezielle Relativitätstheorie (SRT) in einer Vielzahl von Experimenten mit hoher Genauigkeit überprüft und bestätigt wurde, sind aufgrund der weitreichenden Bedeutung dieses Postulats weitere verbesserte Tests von grundsätzlichem Interesse. Darüber hinaus weisen moderne Ansätze zur Vereinheitlichung der Gravitation mit den anderen Wechselwirkungen auf eine mögliche Verletzung der Lorentzinvarianz hin. In diesem Zusammenhang spielen Ives-Stilwell Experimente zum Test der Zeitdilatation in der SRT eine bedeutende Rolle. Dabei wird die hochauflösende Laserspektroskopie eingesetzt, um die Gültigkeit der relativistischen Dopplerformel – und damit des Zeitdilatationsfaktors γ – an relativistischen Teilchenstrahlen zu untersuchen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein Ives-Stilwell Experiment an 7Li+-Ionen, die bei einer Geschwindigkeit von 34 % der Lichtgeschwindigkeit im Experimentierspeicherring (ESR) des GSI Helmholtzzentrums für Schwerionenforschung gespeichert waren, durchgeführt. Unter Verwendung des 1s2s3S1→ 1s2p3P2-Übergangs wurde sowohl Λ-Spektroskopie als auch Sättigungsspektroskopie betrieben. Durch die computergestützte Analyse des Fluoreszenznachweises und unter Verwendung optimierter Kantenfilter für den Nachweis konnte das Signal zu Rauschverhältnis entscheidend verbessert und unter Einsatz eines zusätzlichen Pumplasers erstmals ein Sättigungssignal beobachtet werden. Die Frequenzstabilität der beiden verwendeten Lasersysteme wurde mit Hilfe eines Frequenzkamms spezifiziert, um eine möglichst hohe Genauigkeit zu erreichen. Die aus den Strahlzeiten gewonnen Daten wurden im Rahmen der Robertson-Mansouri-Sexl-Testtheorie (RMS) und der Standard Model Extension (SME) interpretiert und entsprechende Obergrenzen für die relevanten Testparameter der jeweiligen Theorie bestimmt. Die Obergrenze für den Testparameter α der RMS-Theorie konnte gegenüber den früheren Messungen bei 6,4 % der Lichtgeschwindigkeit am Testspeicherring (TSR) des Max-Planck-Instituts für Kernphysik in Heidelberg um einen Faktor 4 verbessert werden.


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Understanding the impact of geological events on diversification processes is central to evolutionary ecology. The recent amalgamation between ecological niche models (ENMs) and phylogenetic analyses has been used to estimate historical ranges of modern lineages by projecting current ecological niches of organisms onto paleoclimatic reconstructions. A critical assumption underlying this approach is that niches are stable over time. Using Notophthalmus viridescens (eastern newt), in which four ecologically diverged subspecies are recognized, we introduce an analytical framework free from the niche stability assumption to examine how refugial retreat and subsequent postglacial expansion have affected intraspecific ecological divergence. We found that the current subspecies designation was not congruent with the phylogenetic lineages. Thus, we examined ecological niche overlap between the refugial and modern populations, in both subspecies and lineage, by creating ENMs independently for modern and estimated last glacial maximum (LGM) newt populations, extracting bioclimate variables by randomly generated points, and conducting principal component analyses. Our analyses consistently showed that when tested as a hypothesis, rather than used as an assumption, the niches of N. viridescens lineages have been unstable since the LGM (both subspecies and lineages). There was greater ecological niche differentiation among the subspecies than the modern phylogenetic lineages, suggesting that the subspecies, rather than the phylogenetic lineages, is the unit of the current ecological divergence. The present study found little evidence that the LGM refugial retreat caused the currently observed ecological divergence and suggests that ecological divergence has occurred during postglacial expansion to the current distribution ranges.


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AIM: To investigate the significance of the initial stability of dental implants for the establishment of osseointegration in an experimental capsule model for bone augmentation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixteen male rats were used in the study. In each rat, muscle-periosteal flaps were elevated on the lateral aspect of the mandibular ramus on both sides, resulting in exposure of the bone surface. Small perforations were then produced in the ramus. A rigid, hemispherical Teflon capsule with a diameter of 6 mm and a height of 4 mm and with a hole in its middle portion, prepared to fit the circumference of an ITI HC titanium implant of 2.8 mm in diameter, was fixed to the ramus using 4 mini-screws. On one side of the jaw, the implant was placed through the hole in such a way that its apex did not make contact with the mandibular ramus (test). This placement of the implant did not ensure primary stability. On the other side of the jaw, a similar implant was placed through the hole of the capsule in such a way that contact was made between the implant and the surface of the ramus (control). This provided primary stability of the implant. After placement of the implants, the soft tissues were repositioned over the capsules and sutured. After 1, 3, 6 and 9 months, four animals were sacrificed and subjected to histometric analysis. RESULTS: The mean height of direct bone-to-implant contact of implants with primary stability was 38.8%, 52.9%, 64.6% and 81.3% of the implant length at 1, 3, 6 and 9 months, respectively. Of the bone adjacent to the implant surface, 28.1%, 28.9%, 52.6% and 69.6%, respectively, consisted of mineralized bone. At the test implants, no bone-to-implant contact was observed at any observation time or in any of these non-stabilized specimens. CONCLUSION: The findings of the present study indicate that primary implant stability is a prerequisite for successful osseointegration, and that implant instability results in fibrous encapsulation, thus confirming previously made clinical observations.


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Objectives: Circumferential septal fiberotomy (CSF) following orthodontic treatment has been propagated to improve stability and prevent relapse of tooth alignment. The hypothesis of no difference between performed CSF and controls was tested. Methods: In 9 consecutively admitted patients at the end of orthodontic tooth alignment, the lower arch-wire was removed. CSF was performed from the mandibular canine to the central incisor on a randomly chosen side, while the contra-lateral side served as unsurgerized control. At baseline and every 4 weeks up to 6 months, study casts were taken and 1) analyzed using the Irregularity Index (II)according to Little and 2)photographed, traced and superimposed digitally. The translational and rotational movements of teeth as well as gingival parameters were analyzed as well. Results: By using the II and by superimposing the tracings, no statistically significant differences were found between the test (CSF) and control sides for any parameters. Moreover, CSF did not impinge on the gingival tissues. Conclusion: Since CSF did not improve stability of orthodontically aligned teeth nor prevent relapse during the healing pahse of up to 6 months, CSF should not be recommended following orthodontic therapy.


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The aim of the study was to conduct a long-term follow-up investigation of the stability of hard and soft tissues after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) with rigid internal (RIF) fixation to advance the mandible. Sixteen consecutive patients (12 females and 4 males, mean age 21.4 years) were available for re-examination 12.7 years (T5) after surgery. The preceding follow-ups were before (T1), and 5 days (T2), 7.3 months (T3), and 13.9 months (T4) after surgery. Lateral cephalograms were traced by hand, digitized, and evaluated with the Dentofacial Planner program. The x-axis for the system of co-ordinates ran through sella (point zero) and the line NSL -7 degrees. Thus, the program determined the x- and y-values of each variable and the usual angles and distances. Statistical analysis was carried out using Wilcoxon's matched-pair signed-ranks test with Bonferroni adjustments. The relationships between the examined variables were analysed by Spearman rank correlation coefficients. The backward relapse at point B (T5) was 2.42 mm, or 50 per cent, and at pogonion 3.21 mm, or 60 per cent of the initial advancement. The mean net effect at T5 on the labial fold (soft tissue point B) was 94 per cent of the advancement at point B. For the soft tissue chin (soft tissue pogonion), it was 119 per cent of the advancement at pogonion. The net effect on the lower lip (labrale inferior) was 55 per cent of the advancement at incision inferior. The amount of the surgical advancement of the mandible was correlated with the long-term relapse in point B. Among possible reasons for this relapse are the initial soft tissue profile, the initial growth direction, and the remodelling processes of the hard tissue.


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The aim of the study was to conduct a long-term follow-up on the stability of the hard tissues after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) with rigid internal fixation (RIF)to set back the mandible and to compare it with that of mandibular advancement performed by the same team of surgeons and with the same examination protocol. Seventeen consecutive patients (6 females and 11 males) could be re-examined 12.7 years (T5) after surgery. The previous examinations were before surgery (T1), 5 days (T2), and 6.6 (T3) and 14.4 (T4) months after surgery. Lateral cephalograms were traced by hand, digitized, and evaluated with the Dentofacial Planner software program. The x-axis for the system of co-ordinates ran through sella (point zero) and the line nasion-sella-line minus 7 degrees. The program determined the x- and y-values of each variable and the usual angles and distances. The effects of treatment were determined with Wilcoxon matched pairs, signed ranks test, with Bonferroni adjustment, and the relationship between variables with Spearman rank correlation coefficient. Relapse at point B was 0.94 mm or 15 per cent and at pogonion 1.46 mm or 21 per cent of the initial setback at T5. Relapse was mainly short-term (T4-T2), 13 per cent for point B and 17 per cent for pogonion. Gender correlated significantly with relapse (T5-T2) at point B (P = 0.002) and pogonion (P = 0.021), i.e. females in contrast to males showed further distalization of the mandible instead of relapse. No correlations were seen for age or the amount of surgical setback. The long-term results in mandibular setback patients were more stable when compared with the mandibular advancement patients examined previously. The initial soft tissue profile, the initial growth direction, and the remodelling processes of the hard tissues must be considered as reasons for long-term relapse. Growth direction positively influenced the long-term results in females: further distalization of the mandible occurred.


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A fundamental combustion model for spark-ignition engine is studied in this report. The model is implemented in SIMULINK to simulate engine outputs (mass fraction burn and in-cylinder pressure) under various engine operation conditions. The combustion model includes a turbulent propagation and eddy burning processes based on literature [1]. The turbulence propagation and eddy burning processes are simulated by zero-dimensional method and the flame is assumed as sphere. To predict pressure, temperature and other in-cylinder variables, a two-zone thermodynamic model is used. The predicted results of this model match well with the engine test data under various engine speeds, loads, spark ignition timings and air fuel mass ratios. The developed model is used to study cyclic variation and combustion stability at lean (or diluted) combustion conditions. Several variation sources are introduced into the combustion model to simulate engine performance observed in experimental data. The relations between combustion stability and the introduced variation amount are analyzed at various lean combustion levels.


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PURPOSE: Resonance frequency analysis (RFA) offers the opportunity to monitor the osseointegration of an implant in a simple, noninvasive way. A better comprehension of the relationship between RFA and parameters related to bone quality would therefore help clinicians improve diagnoses. In this study, a bone analog made from polyurethane foam was used to isolate the influences of bone density and cortical thickness in RFA. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Straumann standard implants were inserted in polyurethane foam blocks, and primary implant stability was measured with RFA. The blocks were composed of two superimposed layers with different densities. The top layer was dense to mimic cortical bone, whereas the bottom layer had a lower density to represent trabecular bone. Different densities for both layers and different thicknesses for the simulated cortical layer were tested, resulting in eight different block combinations. RFA was compared with two other mechanical evaluations of primary stability: removal torque and axial loading response. RESULTS: The primary stability measured with RFA did not correlate with the two other methods, but there was a significant correlation between removal torque and the axial loading response (P < .005). Statistical analysis revealed that each method was sensitive to different aspects of bone quality. RFA was the only method able to detect changes in both bone density and cortical thickness. However, changes in trabecular bone density were easier to distinguish with removal torque and axial loading than with RFA. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that RFA, removal torque, and axial loading are sensitive to different aspects of the bone-implant interface. This explains the absence of correlation among the methods and proves that no standard procedure exists for the evaluation of primary stability.


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Lucid dream and nightmare frequencies vary greatly between individuals and to assess these differences reliable instruments are needed. The present study aimed to examine the reliability of eight-point scales for measuring lucid dream and nightmare frequencies. The scales were administered twice (with a four-week interval) to 93 sport students. A re-test reliability for the lucid dream frequency was found r=.89 (p<.001) and for the nightmare frequency r=.75 (p<.001). Both eight-point scales appear to be reliable measures for assessing individual differences in lucid dream and nightmare frequencies.


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Standard protocols are given for assessing metabolic stability in rainbow trout using the liver S9 fraction. These protocols describe the isolation of S9 fractions from trout livers, evaluation of metabolic stability using a substrate depletion approach, and expression of the result as in vivo intrinsic clearance. Additional guidance is provided on the care and handling of test animals, design and interpretation of preliminary studies, and development of analytical methods. Although initially developed to predict metabolism impacts on chemical accumulation by fish, these procedures can be used to support a broad range of scientific and risk assessment activities including evaluation of emerging chemical contaminants and improved interpretation of toxicity testing results. These protocols have been designed for rainbow trout and can be adapted to other species as long as species-specific considerations are modified accordingly (e.g., fish maintenance and incubation mixture temperature). Rainbow trout is a cold-water species. Protocols for other species (e.g., carp, a warm-water species) can be developed based on these procedures as long as the specific considerations are taken into account.


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Objective The effects of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) on downbeat nystagmus (DBN) were analysed in terms of slow-phase velocity (SPV), stance, locomotion, visual acuity (VA), patient satisfaction and side effects using standardised questionnaires. Methods Twenty-seven patients with DBN received 5 mg 4-AP four times a day or placebo for 3 days and 10 mg 4-AP four times a day or placebo for 4 days. Recordings were done before the first, 60 min after the first and 60 min after the last drug administration. Results SPV decreased from 2.42 deg/s at baseline to 1.38 deg/s with 5 mg 4-AP and to 2.03 deg/s with 10 mg 4-AP (p<0.05; post hoc: 5 mg 4-AP: p=0.04). The rate of responders was 57%. Increasing age correlated with a 4-AP-related decrease in SPV (p<0.05). Patients improved in the ‘get-up-and-go test’ with 4-AP (p<0.001; post hoc: 5 mg: p=0.025; 10 mg: p<0.001). Tandem-walk time (both p<0.01) and tandem-walk error (4-AP: p=0.054; placebo: p=0.059) improved under 4-AP and placebo. Posturography showed that some patients improved with the 5 mg 4-AP dose, particularly older patients. Near VA increased from 0.59 at baseline to 0.66 with 5 mg 4-AP (p<0.05). Patients with idiopathic DBN had the greatest benefit from 4-AP. There were no differences between 4-AP and placebo regarding patient satisfaction and side effects. Conclusions 4-AP reduced SPV of DBN, improved near VA and some locomotor parameters. 4-AP is a useful medication for DBN syndrome, older patients in particular benefit from the effects of 5 mg 4-AP on nystagmus and postural stability.


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It is estimated that more than half the U.S. adult population is overweight or obese as classified by a body mass index of 25.0–29.9 or ≥30 kg/m 2, respectively. Since the current treatment approaches for long-term maintenance of weight loss are lacking, the National Institutes of Health state that an effective approach may be to focus on weight gain prevention. There is a limited body of literature describing how adults maintain a stable weight as they age. It is hypothesized that weight stability is the result of a balance between energy consumption and energy expenditure as influenced by diet, lifestyle, behavior, genetics and environment. The purpose of this research was to examine the dietary intake and behaviors, lifestyle habits, and risk factors for weight change that predict weight stability in a cohort of 2101 men and 389 women aged 20 to 8 7 years in the Aerobic Center Longitudinal Study regardless of body weight at baseline. At baseline, participants completed a maximal exercise treadmill test to determine cardiorespiratory fitness, a medical history questionnaire, which included self-reported measures of weight, dietary behaviors, lifestyle habits, and risk factors for weight change, a three-day diet record, and a mail-back version of the medical history questionnaire in 1990 or 1995. All analyses were performed separately for men and women. Results from multivariate regression analyses indicated that the strongest predictor of follow-up weight for men and women was previous weight, accounting for 87.0% and 81.9% of the variance, respectively. Age, length of follow-up and eating habits were also significant predictors of follow-up weight in men, though these variables only explained 3% of the variance. For women, length of follow-up and currently being on a diet were significantly associated with follow-up weight but these variables explained only an additional 2% of the variance. Understanding the factors that influence weight change has tremendous public health importance for developing effective methods to prevent weight gain. Since current weight was the strongest predictor of previous weight, preventing initial weight gain by maintaining a stable weight may be the most effective method to combat the increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity. ^