994 resultados para Spinal nerve root


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Abstract: Myotonic dystrophy (DM1), also known as Steinert disease, is an inherited autosomal dominant disease. It is characterized by myotonia, muscular weakness and atrophy, but DM1 may have manifestations in other organs such as eyes, heart, gonads, gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, as well as brain. In 1992, it was demonstrated that this complex disease results from the expansion of CTG repeats in the 3' untranslated region of the DM protein kinase (DMPK) gene on chromosome 19. The size of the inherited expansion is critically linked to the severity of the disease and the age of onset. Although several electrophysiological and histological studies have been carried out to verify the possible involvement of peripheral nerve abnormality with DM1, the results have not been univocal. Therefore, at present the possible association between peripheral neuropatliy and DM1 remains debated. Recently, transgenic mice have been generated, that carry the human genomic DM1 region with 300 CTG repeats, and display the human DMl phenotype. The generation of these DM1 transgenic mice provides a useful tool to investigate the type and incidence of structural abnormalities in the peripheral nervous system associated with DM1 disease. By using the DM1 transgenic mice, we investigated the presence/absence of the three major peripheral neuropathies: axonal degeneration, axonal demyelination and neuronopathy. The morphological and morphometric analysis of sciatic, sural and phrenic nerves demonstrated the absence of axonal degeneration or demyelination. The morphometric analysis also ruled out any loss in the numbers of sensory or motor neurons in lumbar dorsal root ganglia and lumbar spinal cord enlargement respectively. Moreover, the éxamination of serial hind limb muscle sections from DMl mice showed a normal intramuscular axonal arborization as well as the absence of changes in the number and structure of endplates. Finally, the electrophysiological tests performed in DM1 transgenic mice showed that the compound muscle axon potentials (CMAPs) elicited in the hind limb digits in response to a stimulation of the sciatic nerve with anear-nerve electrode were similar to thosé obtained in wild type mice. On the basis of all our results, we hypothesized that 300 CTG repeats are not sufficient to induce disorder in the peripheral nervous system of this DM1 transgenic mouse model. Résumé La dystrophie myotonique (DM1), connue aussi sous le nom de maladie de Steinert, est une maladie héréditaire autosornale dominante. Elle est caractérisée par une myotonie, une faiblesse et une atrophie musculaires, mais peut aussi se manifester dans d'autres organes tels que les yeux, les voies digestive et respiratoire, ou le cerveau. En 1992, il a été montré que cette maladie complexe résultait de l'expansion d'une répétition de CTG dans une partie non traduite en 3' du gène codant pour la protéine kinase DM (DMPK), sur le chromosome 19. La taille de l'expansion héritée est étroitement liée à la sévérité et l'âge d'apparition de DM1. Bien que plusieurs études électrophysiologiques et histologiques aient été menées, pour juger d'une implication possible d'anomalies au niveau du système nerveux périphérique dans la DM1, les résultats n'ont jusqu'ici pas été univoques. Aujourd'hui, la question d'une neuropathie associée avec la DM1 reste donc controversée. Des souris transgéniques ont été élaborées, qui portent la séquence DM1 du génome humain avec 300 répétitions CTG et expriment le phénotype des patients DM1: Ces souris transgéniques DMl procurent un outil précieux pour l'étude du type et de l'incidence d'éventuelles anomalies du système nerveux périphérique dans la DM1. En utilisant ces souris transgéniques DM1, nous avons étudié la présence ou l'absence des trois principaux types de neuropathies périphériques: la dégénération axonale, la démyélinisation axonale et la neuronopathie. Les études morphologiques et morphométrique des nerfs sciatiques, suraux et phréniques ont montré l'absence de dégénération axonale ou de démyélinisation. L'analyse du nombre de cellules neuronales n'a pas dévoilé de diminution des nombres de neurones sensitifs dans les ganglions des racines dorsales lombaires ou de neurones moteurs dans la moëlle épinière lombaire des souris transgéniques DMl. De plus, l'examen de coupes sériées de muscle des membres postérieurs de souris DM1 a montré une arborisation axonale intramusculaire normale, de même que l'absence d'irrégularité dans le nombre ou la structure des plaques motrices. Enfin, les tests électrophysiologiques effectués sur les souris DMl ont montré que les potentiels d'action de la composante musculaire (CMAPs) évoqués dans les doigts des membres postérieurs, en réponse à une stimulation du nerf sciatique à l'aide d'une électrode paranerveuse, étaient identiques à ceux observées chez les souris sauvages. Sur la base de l'ensemble de ces résultats, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que 300 répétitions CTG ne sont pas suffisantes pour induire d'altérations dans le système nerveux périphérique du modèle de souris transgéniques DM 1.


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Résumé Les canaux ioniques ASICs (acid-sensing ion channels) appartiennent à la famille des canaux ENaC/Degenerin. Pour l'instant, quatre gènes (1 à 4) ont été clonés dont certains présentent des variants d'épissage. Leur activation par une acidification rapide du milieu extracellulaire génère un courant entrant transitoire essentiellement sodique accompagné pour certains types d'ASICs d'une phase soutenue. Les ASICs sont exprimés dans le système nerveux, central (SNC) et périphérique (SNP). On leur attribue un rôle dans l'apprentissage, la mémoire et l'ischémie cérébrale au niveau central ainsi que dans la nociception (douleur aiguë et inflammatoire) et la méchanotransduction au niveau périphérique. Toutefois, les données sont parfois contradictoires. Certaines études suggèrent qu'ils sont des senseurs primordiaux impliqués dans la détection de l'acidification et la douleur. D'autres études suggèrent plutôt qu'ils ont un rôle modulateur inhibiteur dans la douleur. De plus, le fait que leur activation génère majoritairement un courant transitoire alors que les fibres nerveuses impliquées dans la douleur répondent à un stimulus nocif avec une adaptation lente suggère que leurs propriétés doivent être modulés par des molécules endogènes. Dans une première partie de ma thèse, nous avons abordé la question de l'expression fonctionnelle des ASICs dans les neurones sensoriels primaires afférents du rat adulte pour clarifier le rôle des ASICs dans les neurones sensoriels. Nous avons caractérisé leurs propriétés biophysiques et pharmacologiques par la technique du patch-clamp en configuration « whole-cell ». Nous avons pu démontrer que près de 60% des neurones sensoriels de petit diamètre expriment des courants ASICs. Nous avons mis en évidence trois types de courant ASIC dans ces neurones. Les types 1 et 3 ont des propriétés compatibles avec un rôle de senseur du pH alors que le type 2 est majoritairement activé par des pH inférieurs à pH6. Le type 1 est médié par des homomers de la sous-unité ASIC1 a qui sont perméables aux Ca2+. Nous avons étudié leur co-expression avec des marqueurs des nocicepteurs ainsi que la possibilité d'induire une activité neuronale suite à une acidification qui soit dépendante des ASICs. Le but était d'associer un type de courant ASIC avec une fonction potentielle dans les neurones sensoriels. Une majorité des neurones exprimant les courants ASIC co-expriment des marqueurs des nocicepteurs. Toutefois, une plus grande proportion des neurones exprimant le type 1 n'est pas associée à la nociception par rapport aux types 2 et 3. Nous avons montré qu'il est possible d'induire des potentiels d'actions suite à une acidification. La probabilité d'induction est proportionnelle à la densité des courants ASIC et à l'acidité de la stimulation. Puis, nous avons utilisé cette classification comme un outil pour appréhender les potentielles modulations fonctionnelles des ASICs dans un model de neuropathie (spared nerve injury). Cette approche fut complétée par des expériences de «quantitative RT-PCR ». En situation de neuropathie, les courants ASIC sont dramatiquement changés au niveau de leur expression fonctionnelle et transcriptionnelle dans les neurones lésés ainsi que non-lésés. Dans une deuxième partie de ma thèse, suite au test de différentes substances sécrétées lors de l'inflammation et l'ischémie sur les propriétés des ASICs, nous avons caractérisé en détail la modulation des propriétés des courants ASICs notamment ASIC1 par les sérines protéases dans des systèmes d'expression recombinants ainsi que dans des neurones d'hippocampe. Nous avons montré que l'exposition aux sérine-protéases décale la dépendance au pH de l'activation ainsi que la « steady-state inactivation »des ASICs -1a et -1b vers des valeurs plus acidiques. Ainsi, l'exposition aux serine protéases conduit à une diminution du courant quand l'acidification a lieu à partir d'un pH7.4 et conduit à une augmentation du courant quand l'acidification alleu à partir d'un pH7. Nous avons aussi montré que cette régulation a lieu des les neurones d'hippocampe. Nos résultats dans les neurones sensoriels suggèrent que certains courants ASICs sont impliqués dans la transduction de l'acidification et de la douleur ainsi que dans une des phases du processus conduisant à la neuropathie. Une partie des courants de type 1 perméables au Ca 2+ peuvent être impliqués dans la neurosécrétion. La modulation par les sérines protéases pourrait expliquer qu'en situation d'acidose les canaux ASICs soient toujours activables. Résumé grand publique Les neurones sont les principales cellules du système nerveux. Le système nerveux est formé par le système nerveux central - principalement le cerveau, le cervelet et la moelle épinière - et le système nerveux périphérique -principalement les nerfs et les neurones sensoriels. Grâce à leur nombreux "bras" (les neurites), les neurones sont connectés entre eux, formant un véritable réseau de communication qui s'étend dans tout le corps. L'information se propage sous forme d'un phénomène électrique, l'influx nerveux (ou potentiels d'actions). A la base des phénomènes électriques dans les neurones il y a ce que l'on appelle les canaux ioniques. Un canal ionique est une sorte de tunnel qui traverse l'enveloppe qui entoure les cellules (la membrane) et par lequel passent les ions. La plupart de ces canaux sont normalement fermés et nécessitent d'être activés pour s'ouvrire et générer un influx nerveux. Les canaux ASICs sont activés par l'acidification et sont exprimés dans tout le système nerveux. Cette acidification a lieu notamment lors d'une attaque cérébrale (ischémie cérébrale) ou lors de l'inflammation. Les expériences sur les animaux ont montré que les canaux ASICs avaient entre autre un rôle dans la mort des neurones lors d'une attaque cérébrale et dans la douleur inflammatoire. Lors de ma thèse je me suis intéressé au rôle des ASICs dans la douleur et à l'influence des substances produites pendant l'inflammation sur leur activation par l'acidification. J'ai ainsi pu montrer chez le rat que la majorité des neurones sensoriels impliqués dans la douleur ont des canaux ASICs et que l'activation de ces canaux induit des potentiels d'action. Nous avons opéré des rats pour qu'ils présentent les symptômes d'une maladie chronique appelée neuropathie. La neuropathie se caractérise par une plus grande sensibilité à la douleur. Les rats neuropathiques présentent des changements de leurs canaux ASICs suggérant que ces canaux ont une peut-être un rôle dans la genèse ou les symptômes de cette maladie. J'ai aussi montré in vitro qu'un type d'enryme produit lors de l'inflammation et l'ischémie change les propriétés des ASICs. Ces résultats confirment un rôle des ASICs dans la douleur suggérant notamment un rôle jusque là encore non étudié dans la douleur neuropathique. De plus, ces résultats mettent en évidence une régulation des ASICs qui pourrait être importante si elle se confirmait in vivo de part les différents rôles des ASICs. Abstract Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are members of the ENaC/Degenerin superfamily of ion channels. Their activation by a rapid extracellular acidification generates a transient and for some ASIC types also a sustained current mainly mediated by Na+. ASICs are expressed in the central (CNS) and in the peripheral (PNS) nervous system. In the CNS, ASICs have a putative role in learning, memory and in neuronal death after cerebral ischemia. In the PNS, ASICs have a putative role in nociception (acute and inflammatory pain) and in mechanotransduction. However, studies on ASIC function are somewhat controversial. Some studies suggest a crucial role of ASICs in transduction of acidification and in pain whereas other studies suggest rather a modulatory inhibitory role of ASICs in pain. Moreover, the basic property of ASICs, that they are activated only transiently is irreconcilable with the well-known property of nociception that the firing of nociceptive fibers demonstrated very little adaptation. Endogenous molecules may exist that can modulate ASIC properties. In a first part of my thesis, we addressed the question of the functional expression of ASICs in adult rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Our goal was to elucidate ASIC roles in DRG neurons. We characterized biophysical and pharmacological properties of ASIC currents using the patch-clamp technique in the whole-cell configuration. We observed that around 60% of small-diameter sensory neurons express ASICs currents. We described in these neurons three ASIC current types. Types 1 and 3 have properties compatible with a role of pH-sensor whereas type 2 is mainly activated by pH lower than pH6. Type 1 is mediated by ASIC1a homomultimers which are permeable to Ca 2+. We studied ASIC co-expression with nociceptor markers. The goal was to associate an ASIC current type with a potential function in sensory neurons. Most neurons expressing ASIC currents co-expressed nociceptor markers. However, a higher proportion of the neurons expressing type 1 was not associated with nociception compared to type 2 and -3. We completed this approach with current-clamp measurements of acidification-induced action potentials (APs). We showed that activation of ASICs in small-diameter neurons can induce APs. The probability of AP induction is positively correlated with the ASIC current density and the acidity of stimulation. Then, we used this classification as a tool to characterize the potential functional modulation of ASICs in the spared nerve injury model of neuropathy. This approach was completed by quantitative RT-PCR experiments. ASICs current expression was dramatically changed at the functional and transcriptional level in injured and non-injured small-diameter DRG neurons. In a second part of my thesis, following an initial screening of the effect of various substances secreted during inflammation and ischemia on ASIC current properties, we characterized in detail the modulation of ASICs, in particular of ASIC1 by serine proteases in a recombinant expression system as well as in hippocampal neurons. We showed that protease exposure shifts the pH dependence of ASIC1 activation and steady-state inactivation to more acidic pH. As a consequence, protease exposure leads to a decrease in the current response if ASIC1 is activated by a pH drop from pH 7.4. If, however, acidification occurs from a basal pH of 7, protease-exposed ASIC1a shows higher activity than untreated ASIC1a. We provided evidence that this bi-directional regulation of ASIC1a function also occurs in hippocampal neurons. Our results in DRG neurons suggest that some ASIC currents are involved in the transduction of peripheral acidification and pain. Furthermore, ASICs may participate to the processes leading to neuropathy. Some Ca 2+-permeable type 1 currents may be involved in neurosecretion. ASIC modulation by serine proteases may be physiologically relevant, allowing ASIC activation under sustained slightly acidic conditions.


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Cancer pain significantly affects the quality of cancer patients, and current treatments for this pain are limited. C-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) has been implicated in tumor growth and neuropathic pain sensitization. We investigated the role of JNK in cancer pain and tumor growth in a skin cancer pain model. Injection of luciferase-transfected B16-Fluc melanoma cells into a hindpaw of mouse induced robust tumor growth, as indicated by increase in paw volume and fluorescence intensity. Pain hypersensitivity in this model developed rapidly (<5 days) and reached a peak in 2 weeks, and was characterized by mechanical allodynia and heat hyperalgesia. Tumor growth was associated with JNK activation in tumor mass, dorsal root ganglion (DRG), and spinal cord and a peripheral neuropathy, such as loss of nerve fibers in the hindpaw skin and induction of ATF-3 expression in DRG neurons. Repeated systemic injections of D-JNKI-1 (6 mg/kg, i.p.), a selective and cell-permeable peptide inhibitor of JNK, produced an accumulative inhibition of mechanical allodynia and heat hyperalgesia. A bolus spinal injection of D-JNKI-1 also inhibited mechanical allodynia. Further, JNK inhibition suppressed tumor growth in vivo and melanoma cell proliferation in vitro. In contrast, repeated injections of morphine (5 mg/kg), a commonly used analgesic for terminal cancer, produced analgesic tolerance after 1 day and did not inhibit tumor growth. Our data reveal a marked peripheral neuropathy in this skin cancer model and important roles of the JNK pathway in cancer pain development and tumor growth. JNK inhibitors such as D-JNKI-1 may be used to treat cancer pain.


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Allodynia (pain in response to normally non painful stimulation) and paresthesia (erroneous sensory experience) are two debilitating symptoms of neuropathic pain. These stem, at least partly, from profound changes in the non-nociceptive sensory pathway that comprises large myelinated neuronal afferents terminating in the gracile and cuneate nuclei. Further than neuronal changes, well admitted evidence indicates that glial cells (especially in the spinal cord) are key actors in neuropathic pain, in particular the possible alteration in astrocytic capacity to reuptake neurotransmitters (glutamate and GABA). Yet, the possibility of such a changed astrocytic scavenging capacity remains unexplored in the dorsal column pathway. The present study was therefore undertaken to assess whether peripheral nerve injury (spared nerve injury model, SNI) could trigger a glial reaction, and especially changes in glutamate and GABA transporters, in the gracile nucleus. SNI surgery was performed on male Sprague-Dawley rats. Seven days after surgery, rats were used for immunofluorescence (fixation and brain slicing), western-blot (fresh brain freezing and protein extraction) or GABA reuptake on synaptosomes. We found that SNI results in a profound glial reaction in the ipsilateral gracile nucleus. This reaction was characterized by an enhanced immunolabelling for microglial marker Iba1 as well as astrocytic protein GFAP (further confirmed by western-blot, p <0.05, n = 7). These changes were not observed in sham animals. Immunofluorescence and western-blot analysis shows that the GABA transporter GAT-1 is upregulated in the ipsilateral gracile nucleus (p <0.001; n = 7), with no detectable change in GAT-3 or glutamate transporters EAAT-1 and EAAT-2. Double immunoflurescence shows that GAT-1 and GFAP colocalize within the same cells. Furthermore, the upregulation of GFAP and GAT-1 were shown to occur all along the rostrocaudal axis of the gracile nucleus. Finally, synaptosomes from ipsilateral gracile nucleus show an increased capacity to reuptake GABA. Together, the data presented herein show that glial cells in the gracile nucleus react to neuropathic lesion, in particular through an upregulation of the GABA transporter GAT-1. Hence, this study points to role of an increased GABA transport in the dorsal column nuclei in neuropathic pain, calling attention to GAT-1 as a putative future pharmacological target to treat allodynia and paresthesia.


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Neurotrophic factors appear as essential factors for normal development and repair of the nervous tissue. Veratrylguanidine methane sulfonate, has been shown to induce important neurite outgrowth of cultured dorsal root ganglia isolated from newborn rats. Its action was similar to that of NGF and was found to be additive to that of NGF. In order to see if this compound was able to stimulate axonal growth in adult animals, we examined the effect of this substance on the regeneration of the lesioned sciatic nerve. Using histochemical, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies, it is shown that a single intraperitoneal injection of veratrylguanidine methane sulfonate significantly increases the axonal growth during repair of the adult rat sciatic nerve. The efficiency of this substance is explained by its good targeting and long life time in the sciatic nerve.


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Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy (CMT) represents a heterogenous group of inherited disorders of the peripheral nervous system. One form of autosomal recessive demyelinating CMT (CMT4C, 5q32) is caused by mutations in the gene encoding KIAA1985, a protein of so far unknown function. Here we show that KIAA1985 is exclusively expressed in Schwann cells. KIAA1985 is tethered to cellular membranes through an N-terminal myristic acid anchor and localizes to the perinuclear recycling compartment. A search for proteins that interact with KIAA1985 identified the small GTPase Rab11, a key regulator of recycling endosome functions. CMT4C-related missense mutations disrupt the KIAA1985/Rab11 interaction. Protein binding studies indicate that KIAA1985 functions as a Rab11 effector, as it interacts only with active forms of Rab11 (WT and Q70L) and does not interact with the GDP locked mutant (S25N). Consistent with a function of Rab11 in Schwann cell myelination, myelin formation was strongly impaired when dorsal root ganglion neurons were co-cultured with Schwann cells infected with Rab11 S25N. Our data indicate that the KIAA1985/Rab11 interaction is relevant for peripheral nerve pathophysiology and place endosomal recycling on the list of cellular mechanisms involved in Schwann cell myelination.


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Wnt factors regulate neural stem cell development and neuronal connectivity. Here we investigated whether Wnt-3a and Wnt-3, expressed in the developing spinal cord, regulate proliferation and the neuronal differentiation of spinal cord neural precursors (SCNP). Wnt-3a promoted a sustained increase of SCNP proliferation, whereas Wnt-3 enhanced SCNP proliferation transiently and increased neurogenesis through β-catenin signaling. Consistent with this, Wnt-3a and Wnt-3 differently regulate the expression of Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. Furthermore, Wnt-3a and Wnt-3 stimulated neurite outgrowth in SCNP-derived neurons through ß-catenin and TCF4-dependent transcription. GSK-3ß inhibitors mimicked Wnt signaling and promoted neurite outgrowth in established cultures. We conclude that Wnt-3a and Wnt-3 signal through the canonical Wnt/β-catenin pathway to regulate different aspects of SCNP development. These findings may be of therapeutic interest for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and nerve injury.


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This study examines the proportions of regenerative and collateral sprouting to the skin after peripheral nerve injury. Methods: In the first experimental paradigm, primary afferent neurones were pre-labelled with Diamidino Yellow (DY), injected in digit 3, followed by sciatic nerve section and repair. After three months of regeneration, digit 3 was re-injected with Fast Blue (FB) to label regernating cells. Fluoro-Gold (FG) was applied to the femoral (FEM) and musculocutaneous (MC) nervers four days later to quantify their contribution to the innveration. In the second experimental paradigm, sciatic nerve was first sectioned and repaired. Three months later, the sciatic was resected, and digit 3 injected with FB. After four more days, FEM and MC were resected and FG injected in all digits. Results: Neurones in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) L5 had a higher rate of correct reinnervation of digit 3 (44-72%) than neurones in DRG L4 (14-44%). Like in control cases, only occasional axons were traced from the FEM and MC. In the second experiment, only occasional labelled neurones appeared. Conclusions: The results indicate differences in the capacity for correct peripheral sensory reinnvervation between segmental levels and that in this model collateral sprouting was practically non-existent compared to regenerative sprouting.


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The present study was performed to investigate the possibility of 'aberrant' innervation of the tips of the hindlimb digits in the rat, i.e., from other sources than the femoral and the main sciatic branches (tibial, peroneal, sural). Cutaneous injections of fluorescent tracers in the digits were combined with either selective nerve transections to restrict afferent routes followed by detection of labeled neurons in dorsal root ganglia (DRGs), or by a delayed application of a second tracer to afferent nerves under study to detect double labeled neurons in DRGs. The results show that the tips of the digits were represented in DRGs L3-6. The femoral nerve afferents from digits 1 and 2 projected primarily to DRG L3 and to a smaller extent to DRG L4. A small number of neurons from primarily medial digits 1 and 2, but also from lateral digits 3-5, were found to project to DRGs L4 and L5 via a proximal branch that leaves the sciatic nerve near the sciatic notch and runs distally in the posterior part of the thigh, here called the musculocutaneous nerve of the hindlimb. We also have some evidence indicating innervation of the tips of the digits from the posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh. Aberrant innervation such as that described here might contribute to remaining and perhaps abnormal sensibility after nerve injury and is of interest for the interpretation of results in experimental studies of collateral and regenerative sprouting after such injury


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The NACHT, LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome is one of the main sources of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and is involved in several inflammatory-related pathologies. To date, its relationship with pain has not been studied in depth. The aim of our study was to elucidate the role of NLRP3 inflammasome and IL-1β production on neuropathic pain. Results showed that basal pain sensitivity is unaltered in NLRP3-/- mice as well as responses to formalin test. Spared nerve injury (SNI) surgery induced the development of mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia in a similar way in both genotypes and did not modify mRNA levels of the NLRP3 inflammasome components in the spinal cord. Intrathecal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection increases apoptosis-associated speck like protein (ASC), caspase-1 and IL-1β expression in both wildtype and NLRP3-/- mice. Those data suggest that NLRP3 is not involved in neuropathic pain and also that other sources of IL-1β are implicated in neuroinflammatory responses induced by LPS.


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The present study was designed to investigate the efficacy of the fluorescent dyes Fast Blue (FB), Fluoro-Gold (FG), and Diamidino Yellow (DY) for retrograde tracing of lumbar dorsal root ganglia after their subcutaneous injection into different hindlimb digits. Injection of equal volumes (0.5 mu l) of 5% FB or 2% FG resulted in similar mean numbers of sensory neurones labelled by each tracer. Injection of equal volumes (0.5 mu l) of FB or FG in a single digit followed 10 days later by a second injection of the same volume of 5% DY into the same digit resulted in similar mean numbers of labelled sensory neurones for each of the three tracers. Furthermore, on average, 75% of all the FB-labelled cells and 74% of all FC-labelled cells also contained DY. Repeating the same experiment with an increased volume of DY (1.5 mu l) resulted in an increase in the mean number of double-labelled profiles to 82 and 84% for FB and FG, respectively. The results show that FB, FG and DY label similar numbers of cutaneous afferents and that a high level of double labelling may be obtained after sequential injections in digits. These properties make them suitable candidates in investigations where a combination of tracers with similar labelling efficacies is needed.


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Selective reinnervation of peripheral targets after nerve injury might be assessed by injecting a first tracer in a target before nerve injury to label the original neuronal population, and applying a second tracer after the regeneration period to label the regenerated population. However, altered uptake of tracer, fading, and cell death may interfere with the results. Furthermore, if the first tracer injected remains in the target tissue, available for 're-uptake' by misdirected regenerating axons, which originally innervated another region, then the identification of the original population would be confused. With the aim of studying this problem, the sciatic nerve of adult rats was sectioned and sutured. After 3 days, to allow the distal axon to degenerate avoiding immediate retrograde transport, one of the dyes: Fast Blue (FB), Fluoro-Gold (FG) or Diamidino Yellow (DY), was injected into the tibial branch of the sciatic nerve, or in the skin of one of the denervated digits. Rats survived 2-3 months. The results showed labelled dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells and motoneurones, indicating that late re-uptake of a first tracer occurs. This phenomenon must be considered when the model of sequential labelling is used for studying the accuracy of peripheral reinnervation.


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A case of orofacial pain and inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) paraesthesia after extrusion of endodontic sealer within the mandibular canal treated with prednisone and pregabalin is described. A 36-year-old woman underwent root canal treatment of the mandibular second right premolar tooth. Post-operative panoramic radiograph revealed the presence of radiopaque canal sealer in the mandibular canal. Damage to IAN consecutive to extrusion of endodontic sealer was diagnosed. Non-surgical management was decided, including: 1 mg/kg/day prednisone 2 times/day, once-daily regimen, and 150 mg/day pregabalin, two doses per day, monitoring the progress with periodic follow-up visits. Six weeks after the incident the signs and symptoms were gone. The complete resolution of paraesthesia and the control of pain achieved suggest that a non-surgical approach, combining prednisone and the GABA analogue pregabalin, is a good option in the management of the IAN damage subsequent to endodontic sealer extrusion


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To assess the effect of N-Acetylmuramyl-L-Alanyl-D-Isoglutamine MDP topically administrated on the regenerating peripheral neurons, twelve male C57BL/6J adult mice were equally distributed into three groups. Four mice underwent unilateral sciatic nerve transection and polyethylene tubulization, with a 4mm gap between the proximal and distal nerve stumps and were implanted with collagen + PBS (COL). Other four animals underwent the same surgical procedure but received collagen + MDP (COL/MDP) inside the prosthesis. Four animals were not operated and served as control group (NOR). After 4 weeks, the regenerated nerve cables were processed for total myelinated axon counting and myelinated fiber diameter measurement. The L5 dorsal root ganglion (DRG) was also removed and sectioned for sensory neurons counting and measurement. The results revealed significant difference (p<0.05) in axonal counting among the groups NOR (4,355±32), COL (1,869±289) and COL/MDP (2,430±223). There was a significant reduction in the axonal diameter in the operated groups (COL=3.38µm±1.16 and COL/MDP=3.54µm±1.16) compared to NOR (6.19µm±2.45). No difference was found in the number of DRG neurons between the experimental groups (COL=564±51; COL/MDP=514±56), which presented fewer sensory neurons compared to NOR (1,097±142). Data obtained indicate that locally applied MDP stimulates peripheral nerve regeneration in mice.


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The rate of axonal regeneration, after sciatic nerve lesion in adult C57BL/6J mice, is reduced when compared to other isogenic strains. It was observed that such low regeneration was not due just to a delay, since neuronal death was observed. Two general mechanisms of cell death, apoptosis and necrosis, may be involved. By using the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) technique, we demonstrated that a large number of sensory neurons, as well as satellite cells found in the dorsal root ganglia, were intensely labeled, thus indicating that apoptotic mechanisms were involved in the death process. Although almost no labeled neurons or satellite cells were observed one week after transection, a more than ten-fold increase in TUNEL labeling was detected after two weeks. The results obtained with the C57BL/6J strain were compared with those of the A/J strain, which has a much higher peripheral nerve regeneration potential. In A/J mice, almost no labeling of sensory neurons or satellite cells was observed after one or two weeks, indicating the absence of neuronal loss. Our data confirm previous observations that approximately 40% of C57BL/6J sensory neurons die after sciatic nerve transection, and indicate that apoptotic events are involved. Also, our observations reinforce the hypothesis that the low rate of axonal regeneration occurring in C57BL/6J mice may be the result of a mismatch in the timing of the neurons need for neurotrophic substances, and production of the latter by non-neuronal cells in the distal stump.