999 resultados para Spectroscopic Observations


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The mineral ardealite Ca2(HPO4)(SO4)•4H2O is a ‘cave’ mineral and is formed through the reaction of calcite with bat guano. The mineral shows disorder and the composition varies depending on the origin of the mineral. Raman spectroscopy complimented with infrared spectroscopy has been used to characterise the mineral ardealite. The Raman spectrum is very different from that of gypsum. Bands are assigned to SO42- and HPO42- stretching and bending modes.


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Raman and infrared spectra of two polymorphous minerals with the chemical formula Fe3+(SO4)(OH)•2H2O, monoclinic butlerite and orthorhombic parabutlerite, are studied and the spectra assigned. Observed bands are attributed to the (SO4)2- stretching and bending vibrations, hydrogen bonded water molecules, stretching and bending vibrations of hydroxyl ions, water librational modes, Fe-O and Fe-OH stretching vibrations, Fe-OH bending vibrations and lattice vibrations. The O-H...O hydrogen bond lengths in the structures of both minerals are calculated from the wavenumbers of the stretching vibrations. One symmetrically distinct (SO4)2- unit in the structure of butlerite and two symmetrically distinct (SO4)2- units in the structure of parabutlerite are inferred from the Raman and infrared spectra. This conclusion agrees with the published crystal structures of both mineral phases.


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The mineral tsumebite Pb2Cu(PO4)(SO4)(OH), a copper phosphate-sulfate hydroxide of the brackebuschite group has been characterised by Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The brackebuschite mineral group are a series of monoclinic arsenates, phosphates and vanadates of the general formula A2B(XO4)(OH,H2O), where A may be Ba, Ca, Pb, Sr, while B may be Al, Cu2+,Fe2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Mn3+, Zn and XO4 may be AsO4, PO4, SO4,VO4. Bands are assigned to the stretching and bending modes of PO43- and HOPO3 units. Hydrogen bond distances are calculated based upon the position of the OH stretching vibrations and range from 2.759 Å to 3.205 Å. This range of hydrogen bonding contributes to the stability of the mineral.


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The mineral sanjuanite Al2(PO4)(SO4)(OH)•9H2O has been characterised by Raman spectroscopy complimented by infrared spectroscopy. The mineral is characterised by an intense Raman band at 984 cm-1, assigned to the (PO4)3- ν1 symmetric stretching mode. A shoulder band at 1037 cm-1 is attributed to the (SO4)2- ν1 symmetric stretching mode. Two Raman bands observed at 1102 and 1148 cm-1 are assigned to (PO4)3- and (SO4)2- ν3 antisymmetric stretching modes. Multiple bands provide evidence for the reduction in symmetry of both anions. This concept is supported by the multiple sulphate and phosphate bending modes. Raman spectroscopy shows that there are more than one non-equivalent water molecules in the sanjuanite structure. There is evidence that structural disorder exists, shown by the complex set of overlapping bands in the Raman and infrared spectra. At least two types of water are identified with different hydrogen bond strengths. The involvement of water in the sanjuanite structure is essential for the mineral stability.


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The two minerals diadochite and destinezite of formula Fe2(PO4,SO4)2(OH)•6H2O have been characterised by Raman spectroscopy and complimented with infrared spectroscopy. These two minerals are both found in soils and are identical except for their morphology. Diadochite is amorphous whereas destinezite is highly crystalline. The spectra of diadochite are broad and ill-defined, whereas the spectra of destinezite are intense and well defined. Bands are assigned to phosphate and sulphate stretching and bending modes. Two symmetric stretching modes for both the phosphate and sulphate symmetric stretching modes support the concept of non-equivalent phosphate and sulphate units in the mineral structure. Multiple water bending and stretching modes imply that non-equivalent water molecules in the structure exist with different hydrogen bond strengths.


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The Raman spectrum of bukovskýite, Fe3+2(OH)(SO4)(AsO4)•7H2O has been studied and compared with the Raman spectrum of an amorphous gel containing specifically Fe, As and S elements and is understood as an intermediate product in the formation of bukovskýite. Observed bands are assigned to the stretching and bending vibrations of (SO4)2- and (AsO4)3- units, stretching and bending vibrations and librational modes of hydrogen bonded water molecules, stretching and bending vibrations of hydrogen bonded (OH)- ions and Fe3+-(O,OH) units. Approximate range of O-H...O hydrogen bond lengths is inferred from the Raman spectra. Raman spectra of crystalline bukovskýite and of the amorphous gel differ in that the bukovskýite spectrum is more complex, observed bands are sharp, the degenerate bands of (SO4)2- and (AsO4)3- are split and more intense. Lower wavenumbers of  H2O bending vibration in the spectrum of the amorphous gel may indicate the presence of weaker hydrogen bonds compared with those in bukovskýite.


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The results of pressure-tuning Raman spectroscopic, X-ray powder diffraction and solid-state 13C-NMR studies of selected dicarboxylate anions intercalated in a Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (talcite) lattice are reported. The pressure dependences of the vibrational modes are linear for pressures up to 4.6 GPa indicating that no phase transitions occur. The interlayer spacings show that the oxalate, malonate and succinate dianions are oriented perpendicular to the layers, but the glutarate and adipate are tilted. The solid-state 13C-NMR spectra of these materials show full chemical shift anisotropy and, therefore, the anions are not mobile at room temperature.