990 resultados para Spanish Americans.
The paper studies the relationship between four differently rated bank’s financial profile and their standalone credit rating issued by Moody’s. The comparative analysis shows an example that despite their pricing power and geographical coverage, larger banks do not necessarily have better credit ratings. Instead, business model and risk appetite seem to be the defining factors of banks’ vulnerability to shocks, such as the Spanish real estate crisis. The risk-return relationship is also identified in the banks’ fundamentals meaning that while expansionary strategy in riskier asset classes enhances margins, it also potentially distorts the credit risk profile.
There are many paths to reach Rome, immense field open to the eye through the centuries and days, where the presence of the story is haunting. All the artists came to Rome: Italians of various Italian and also French, Dutch, Flemish, Spanish, English and Americans. These painters whose works tell its long history for having lived in the glare of light forever are the Roman pantheon of arts: what are all the anonymous authors of the frescoes of ancient Rome and medieval, but Fabriano, Cimabue , Giotto, Botticelli, Raphael, Giulio Romano, Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Guido Reni, Guercino, Titian, Vasari, Velasquez, Le Nain, Poussin, Zuccari, Van Wittel, Eckersberg, Giraudet, David, Panini, Hubert Robert, Reynolds, Fuseli, Ingres, Sargent, Caffi, Vernet, Turner, Corot, Caffi, De Chirico, etc..
Demographic profile of the Iowa population Asian and Pacific Islander descent.
This thesis explores the relationship between exercises of disciplinary power and acts of resistance as they relate to the negotiation of identities at Spanish Residential School between the years of 1878 and 1930. The school itself, originally Wikwemikong Industrial School, was administered by the Jesuits and the Daughters of the Heart of Mary and relocated to Spanish, Ontario in 1913. Various archival and printed sources have been used to reveal methods of disciplinary power that administrators used to reshape the Aboriginal students. However, despite their incessant efforts, the administrators of Spanish Residential School did not succeed in completely reforming their pupils. The documentary record, then, also suggests that students at Spanish Residential School, although confined in a very oppressive institution, creatively used opportunities to alter their circumstances.
Pourquoi, dans un contexte migratoire, certains enfants parlent la langue maternelle de leurs parents tandis que d’autres ne l'acquièrent jamais? Cette question nous paraît particulièrement pertinente dans le contexte multiculturel et plurilingue du Canada, plus particulièrement à Montréal, où on trouve « le plus haut pourcentage de distribution du groupe minoritaire ‘latino-américain’ de tout le pays » (Pato 2010: 1). L’objectif principal de cette recherche est d’apporter de nouvelles connaissances en lien avec la transmission et le maintien de l’espagnol comme langue d’origine à Montréal, sujet très peu exploré à ce jour. Afin de mieux comprendre les facteurs impliqués dans la transmission intergénérationnelle de la langue, nous avons étudié deux groupes, les parents et les enfants, formés de huit participants chacun. Les données recueillies à travers de questionnaires et d’entrevues sociolinguistiques apportent des réponses aux questions suivantes : (1) Quels sont les principaux facteurs impliqués dans le maintien de l’espagnol comme langue d’origine à Montréal ? (2) Quelles sont les attitudes des parents et des enfants face à la conservation et à la perte de l’espagnol ? (3) Quelles types de stratégies emploient les parents pour maintenir l’utilisation de l’espagnol à la maison ? (4) Quelle importance a le bilinguisme (français – anglais) dans le maintien et la perte de l’espagnol à Montréal ? L’analyse de nos données nous permet d’identifier que les cinq principaux facteurs impliqués dans la conservation de l’espagnol à Montréal sont : (i) l’exposition à la langue ; (ii) l’utilisation de la langue formelle ; (iii) la motivation ; (iv) le contact avec la famille ; (v) l’exposition à la culture d’origine. Notre recherche démontre que les familles étudiées ont une attitude favorable face à la conservation de leur langue, ce qui ne semble pas être déterminée par l’implémentation des « politiques linguistiques » ou stratégies explicites à la maison. Pour terminer, nos données démontrent aussi que, contrairement à notre hypothèse, le contexte bilingue particulier à Montréal ne semble pas influer de façon significative sur la conservation de l’espagnol.
The intelligibility of historical justice is linked to matters of agency and causation. This article presents an account of historical justice limited to transgenerational collective agents which is immune to the agency and causation problems affecting traditional theories of diachronic justice. The novel theory is applied to the case of African Americans, to whom no reparations for past wrongs have been made up to now. When conceived as a transgenerational collective agent – i.e. as a nation–, the African Americans are shown to be owed reparations by the American polity. These reparations are deemed necessary to the goal of reconciliation and to the establishment of relations of mutual respect, which are construed as preconditions to effective distributive justice, here and now.
The paper aim is to analyse the influence of the European Employment Strategy (EES)in the implementation of the Spanish labour market policies. The first part of the paper describes the evolution and content of the EES. In the second one, the definition of activation is also explained. In addition to that, the ways how the EES develops and promotes active labour market policies are examined. The evolution of labour market policies in Spain and the current configuration of both active and passive policies are studied in the next three chapters. In these parts, the paper investigates to which extent the provisions of the EES have been implemented in Spain. The paper shows that: i) activation has been rising in the European countries since the implementation of the EES; ii) this fact has also happened in relative terms (comparing the evolution of active to passive policies); iii) Spain has been one of the countries which has led these processes; iv) the EES seems to have been influencing
The development of markets for technology has eased the acquisition of technology and reshaped the innovation strategies of firms that we classify as producers of innovations or as imitators. Innovative activities of firms include research, acquisition of technology and downstream activities. Within an industry, firms producing innovations tend to conduct more research and downstream activities than those imitating innovations. Acquisition of technology is equally important for both. To implement innovation strategies, firms producing innovations require both the capability to scan the external environment for technology and the capability to integrate new technology. Firms producing innovations require both, while firms imitating innovations require scan capabilities only