231 resultados para Sondeo estratigráfico
O estudo da arquitetura Neocolonial presente em Belém - PA consiste em analisar a história arquitetônica paraense, a partir daquela, compreendendo a intencionalidade nas suas formas e retórica que marcam um momento considerado importante para o Brasil. Buscar suas referências, os projetistas destas residências, assim como o período de suas construções, será uma das formas de conhecer mais sobre esta fase da arquitetura brasileira que, nesta cidade, ganhou número considerável de adeptos, legando a “busca pela liberdade” que a arquitetura moderna ansiava alcançar. Tem-se por objetivo identificar a diversidade estilística do Neocolonial na sua produção no bairro de Nazaré, em Belém, relacionando as transformações morfológicas ocorridas nestes prédios edificados inicialmente para “arquitetura residencial”, através das práticas dos métodos: etnográfico e estratigráfico, aos três objetos de estudo selecionados, bem como analisar a gramática compositiva e a morfologia nas residências Neocoloniais no bairro de Nazaré e as mudanças ocorridas e os grandes impactos, intervenções e perdas nos três prédios Neocoloniais escolhidos, assim como a sua relevância para o patrimônio arquitetônico paraense e brasileiro, a partir da discussão sobre a sua preservação.
É feita uma análise da evolução dos conhecimentos sobre as coquinas-reservatório da Formação Lagoa Feia, com base em cinco publicações de geologia de desenvolvimento dos campos de Badejo, Linguado e Pampo. Trata-se de uma única acumulação, onde o controle é misto, ou seja, estrutural, estratigráfico e principalmente diagenético. Falhas antitéticas herdadas do rifteamento pós-basáltico exercem um importante papel no controle das coquinas, promovendo crescimento da seção nos blocos baixos, e servindo de conduto para a circulação de água meteórica, relacionada à discordância pós-coquina que promove dissolução e criação de porosidade secundária nas coquinas. A compreensão do modelo de acumulação do óleo é fundamental tendo em vista oportunidades para projetos de recuperação suplementar de óleo.
The study area is located in the southern portion of Rio Itapicuru Greenstone Belt, Bahia, where were found rocks that belongs to the Canto Sequence, that comprises felsics and intermediary rocks, beyond metasediments. The studied maps and drill holes help to recognized stratigraphy column that was divided in three mains domains, from the base to the top: andesitics to felsics lavas domain, carbonaceous and metasedimentary domains. The data obtained in mapping and petrography analysis allows classify the area in three deformational phases, Dn, Dn+1, Dn+2. The metamorphism recognized according to the mineralogical associations permitted to classify a progressive regional metamorphism (lower to medium greenchist facies) till biotite zone, falling until chlorite zone due to retrometamorphism. The auriferous mineralizations are mainly related to hydrothermal veins included in the different lithologies, mainly in carbonaceous schists
The Rio Claro Formation, Tertiary-Quaternary age, is composed of unconsolidated sediments deposited by fluvial systems. In Paulínia (SP) region geological studies comprising sedimentological, structural and geomorphological aspects indicate that the Rio Claro Formation is constituted by deposits of a meandering fluvial system. Data from SPT drillings were used to obtain sedimentary textural information in order to generate stochastic stratigraphic models. Particle size analysis was carried with the core samples which resulted in the distinction of five litofacies, three of which can be grouped into only one mudstone unit. The other two facies represent channel belt facies, being clayey sands and medium to coarse sands. Geostatistical modeling of the stratigraphic architecture followed together with correlation of analogue outcrop data and conceptual models for this type of depositional system. 100 models were generated with the SPT drillings and 50 models were generated with data from an analogue outcrop, which allowed constraining of both simulation sets to the depositional model given for the region. T-PROGS methodology has good applicability in simulating stratigraphic frameworks and its inherent limitations may be approached with parallel studies, such as stochastic modeling of analogue outcrops or geophysical methods
The Itararé Group is the record of one of the most significant glaciation events of the Gondwana. Of neocarboniferous-eopermian age, this unit has facies associations interpreted as resulted from shallow marine settings with glacial and deglacial water influence. The role of glaciers on the tectonic-sedimentary processes of the Itararé Group is striking, as typical facies such as diamictites, tilites, shales and rhythmites with dropstones are generated, besides the existence of glacially striated and polished surfaces. This work had as main goal to contribute to the geological knowledge of the Itararé Group in the central eastern portion of São Paulo State, using as basis outcrops from Itu, Salto and Porto Feliz, and also pertinent bibliographic data and well profiles located in the surrounding areas. About the stratigraphic framework, genetic association and paleogeography of these deposits, this work concludes that the area studied comprises the basal section of the Itararé Group. The stacking of the facies recognized during the field work begins with the striated and polished surfaces of the basement, described in Salto, superposed by tilites and diamictites with glacial movement features. Over these are the turbidites from Itu, associated with the glacier retreat. The outcrops of Porto Feliz are at the top of this succession, with deposits generated by flows with lateral and vertical variations, sometimes with prevalence of tractive conditions, and sometimes with sediments transported largely by suspension. Paleocurrent measurements show main flow directions towards NW, the same as glacial striae, suggesting the influence of reworking of sediments by the meltwater during deglacial periods
Results of apatite fission tracks from twelve samples collected across a Borborema Province transect, northeastern Brazil, revealed two major paleothermal events: a cooling event occurred between Albian and late Cenomanian (110 - 80 Ma) and a second cooling event starting on early Paleocene (66 Ma). Given the wide expression of the studied area (sampling trend along four brazilian states) a correlation between the distribution of fission track data and the current geological / geomorphological scenario was made possible, considering the area’s tectono - stratigraphic past and its thermochronologic evolution until now. The fact that the employed thermochronologic tool relates to a relatively shallow geothermometer, substancially information for understanding the behavior of basement brittle tectonic was achieved. These data were used to analyze faults origin and reactivation, associated with sedimentary basins evolution in the context of South America - Africa continental breakup.
A tectono-stratigraphic study of bivalve coquina-reservoir of Linguado Field allowed to identify two trends of permoporosity development. The delineation of these depositional-diagenetic traps were made through structural and stratigrafic cross-sections and maps. It resulted in the identification of shelf-ramp systems (tilted to SSE), it tickens from 60 to 70 meters and ends against an antithetic fault. The main coquina is bounded by fine siliciclastic units, white clay (low Gamma Ray values) or shale (high Gamma Ray values) lithologies, influencing diagenesis of basal or top coquina limestones (cimented, non-porous). Also in the middle of coquina-reservoir the “clayer” material is also associated with cemented carbonates, with also compartimentalize the reservoir into two subzones. The coquina porosity of the subzones is taken from density-neutron logs, while induction log estimates permeabilities and fluid saturations. It’s noticed the porosity development into pairs, good one followed by a regular/poor one and vice versa. These pairs form verticals succession, pair cycles where porosity improves or decreases upwards. These two scales of pore heterogeneity impose strong layering to the reservoir, and influences fluid saturations, oil-water contacts and porosity cut-offs. In a cross-section with density and induction logs, it can be observed the porosity variation along the shelf-ramp coquina (between 3LI_0004_RJS e 3RJS_0157C_RJ), the porosity is better developed in a downdip direction in the case of the two shelf wells, and also be the three ramp wells. The southern west downdip, 3RJS_0157C_RJ well, has best porosity pairs-cycles; however, its lowest structural conditions favour water saturation. Therefore it is fundamental for reservoir fluid evaluation a cross-plot analysis of RHOB-NPHI and Induction logs
The Namorado Oil Field represents the beginning of the oil exploration in Brazil, in the 70s, and it is still a subject of researches because the importance of this turbidite sandstone in the brazilian oil production. The Namorado’s production level was denominated “Namorado sandstone”, it is composed by turbidite sandstone deposited during the Albian-Cenomanian. In order to define the structural geometry of the main reservoir, geological and geophysical tools like RECON and Geographix (Prizm – Seisvision) softwares were used, and its application was focused on geological facies analysis, for that propose well logs, seismic interpretation and petrophysical calculations were applied. Along this work 15 vertical wells were used and the facies reservoirs were mapped of along the oil field; it is important to mentioned that the all the facies were calibrated by the correlation rock vs log profile, and 12 reservoir-levels (NA-1, NA-2, NA-3, NA-4, NA-5, NA-6, NA-7, NA-8, NA-9, NA-10, NA-11 e NA-12) were recognized and interpreted. Stratigraphic sections (NE-SW and NW-SE) were also built based on stratigraphic well correlation of each interpreted level, and seismic interpretation (pseudo-3D seismic data) on the southeastern portion of the oil field. As results it was interpreted on two- and three-dimensional maps that the deposition reservoir’s levels are hight controlled by normal faults systems. This research also shows attribute maps interpretation and its relationship with the selection of the reservoir attribute represented on it. Finally the data integration of stratigraphic, geophysical and petrophysical calculations lets us the possibility of obtain a detail geological/petrophysical 3D model of the main reservoir levels of “Namorado sandstone” inside the oil/gás field
The Bonito oil field, located on southwest of Campos Basin-RJ, has been explored since 1982. The main reservoir is composed by calcarenites of Quissamã Formation (Macaé Group) from Albian, but two other carbonate levels are present on the field, firsts is Coqueiros Formation (Aptian) and the second Siri Member (Oligo-Miocene). In this context and considering that carbonates reservoirs are a challenge for exploratory geoscientists, since the difficulty on recognize the effective reservoir distribution. This work aim to characterize the geophysical/geological facies based on seismic attributes responses, related to reservoir geometrical distribution, for the tree carbonates intervals on Bonito oil Field. A tree dimensional interpretation of the levels has been developed, based on well cross correlation and a 3D seismic interpretation, resulting on the stratigraphic and structural framework of the field, which showed a NE-SW fault trend controlling the Aptian carbonates reservoirs, and halocnetics structures showing a structural trap on Albian carbonates reservoirs. The definition of the structural/ stratigraphic framework possibly the seismic attributes calculations over the reservoir intervals. To select the best response in comparison with the reservoir distribution, obtained by seismic interpretation, the attributes response were compared with isopachs maps of each carbonate stratigraphic level. The attributes Maximum Amplitude, Maximum Magnitude and Rms Amplitude showed a good answer to reservoir distribution. The Rms Amplitude also showed a good correlation with physical rock properties, like RHOB bulk density, for the Albian and Aptian carbonates, as consequence it is possible make a characterization of reservoir distribution based on seismic attribute answer
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Located in northeastern Brazil, the evolution of Araripe Basin has been associated with the fragmentation of Gondwana and opening of the South Atlantic. The Santana Formation belongs to the post-rift sequence of the basin and is characterized by the presence of laminated limestones in the lower portion (Mb. Crato), evaporite (Ipubi) and siliciclastics (Mb. Romualdo). For better understanding of the Romualdo's stratigraphy, depositional environments and tract of systems, a stratigraphic analysis was made with representative columnar sections of the unit. Sedimentary facies have been described in detail, as well as paleocurrents measured at different stratigraphic levels. It was found that the contact of Mb. Romualdo with the carbonate-evaporite section (Mbs. Crato and Ipubi) is a unconformity, evidenced by residual lags and thin layers of conglomerates above the contact. Above the conglomeratic levels predominate fine sandstones / medium interlayered with calciferous green shales. The percentage of shales increases towards the top, featuring retrogradational stacking culminating in layers of coquinas, excellent stratigraphic mark in the basin. Thin layers of coquins of gastropods comprising equinoids, located on the shale section, present in three sections marine deposits are associated with surfaces ravine. The upper section is characterized by recurrent facies of green shales, sandstones intercalated with sandstones progressively become more frequent towards the top of the unit, featuring the regressive part of the cycle. The sandstones present cross-stratification, often with mud clasts and clay layers in the foresets, and beddings of flaser type and wavy in heterolitic facies, suggesting the action of tidal currents. Paleocurrents measured in the sandstones show gaps with opposite flow directions outlining bipolar standards, which reinforce the interpretation of shallow marine environment influenced by tides during the sedimentation...
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
El Síndrome de Burnout (SBO) es definido por Thomaé, Ayala, Sphan y Stortti como una respuesta al stress laboral crónico que se caracteriza por tres síntomas principales: agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y baja realización personal. Suele darse con más frecuencia en aquellos trabajadores que interactúan constantemente con los usuarios directos: servicios de salud, atención, asistencia social. Se trata de una experiencia subjetiva interna que agrupa sentimientos y actitudes y que tiene un cáliz negativo para el sujeto, dado que implica alteraciones, problemas y disfunciones psicofisiológicas. El actual informe se enmarca dentro del proyecto acreditado 'Identificación de factores asociados a la re - intervención en problemáticas asistenciales de jóvenes II', que se está realizando en el Grupo de Investigación GIPJURI de Psicología Jurídica de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Para la consecución de sus objetivos acudimos a los Centros de Protección de los Derechos del Niño (CPDeN) que son unidades técnico operativas con una o más sedes, creadas por la ley nacional 26.061 de Protección Integral de los Derechos de las niñas, niños y adolescentes; y la ley provincial 13.298 de la Promoción y Protección de los Derechos de los Niños, que desempeñan las funciones de facilitar que el niño que tenga amenazados o violados sus derechos, pueda acceder a los programas y planes disponibles en su comunidad . El trabajo que dimos en llamar 'Factores de riesgo asociados en la aparición del SBO en nuevas instituciones', además de enmarcarse en dicho proyecto, se presenta a continuación y en base a los datos recolectados para un informe previo denominado 'El Síndrome de Burnout (SBO) en nuevas instituciones'. Este último se realizó durante el año 2010 a modo de sondeo de situación en relación al SBO en los Centros de Protección de los Derechos de los Niños del partido de General Pueyrredón. Se evaluaron tres escalas de manera anónima mediante el inventario de Maslach, éstas fueron 'agotamiento emocional' (EE), 'despersonalización' (D) y 'realización personal' (PA). De una población total de 30 profesionales se tomó una muestra de 25 que accedieron a responder al cuestionario de manera voluntaria. Los datos obtenidos revelan en general un alto nivel de EE, así como también de PA. Por otro lado contamos con una serie de entrevistas semiestructuradas administradas a 28 de los 30 profesionales a través de las cuales obtuvimos información de tipo cualitativa; con la cual nos proponemos arribar a hipótesis acerca de las variables que puedan estar interviniendo en relación al síndrome con el fin de, en un futuro proyecto, pensar en medidas o acciones institucionales para prevenir su aparición o detener su proliferación