871 resultados para Societal Discrimination


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We measured visual performance in achromatic and chromatic spatial tasks of mercury-exposed subjects and compared the results with norms obtained from healthy individuals of similar age. Data were obtained for a group of 28 mercury-exposed subjects, comprising 20 Amazonian gold miners, 2 inhabitants of Amazonian riverside communities, and 6 laboratory technicians, who asked for medical care. Statistical norms were generated by testing healthy control subjects divided into three age groups. The performance of a substantial proportion of the mercury-exposed subjects was below the norms in all of these tasks. Eleven of 20 subjects (55%) performed below the norms in the achromatic contrast sensitivity task. The mercury-exposed subjects also had lower red-green contrast sensitivity deficits at all tested spatial frequencies (9/11 subjects; 81%). Three gold miners and 1 riverine (4/19 subjects, 21%) performed worse than normal subjects making more mistakes in the color arrangement test. Five of 10 subjects tested (50%), comprising 2 gold miners, 2 technicians, and 1 riverine, performed worse than normal in the color discrimination test, having areas of one or more MacAdam ellipse larger than normal subjects and high color discrimination thresholds at least in one color locus. These data indicate that psychophysical assessment can be used to quantify the degree of visual impairment of mercury-exposed subjects. They also suggest that some spatial tests such as the measurement of red-green chromatic contrast are sufficiently sensitive to detect visual dysfunction caused by mercury toxicity.


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In a serial feature-positive conditional discrimination procedure the properties of a target stimulus A are defined by the presence or not of a feature stimulus X preceding it. In the present experiment, composite features preceded targets associated with two different topography operant responses (right and left bar pressing); matching and non-matching-to-sample arrangements were also used. Five water-deprived Wistar rats were trained in 6 different trials: X-R®Ar and X-L®Al, in which X and A were same modality visual stimuli and the reinforcement was contingent to pressing either the right (r) or left (l) bar that had the light on during the feature (matching-to-sample); Y-R®Bl and Y-L®Br, in which Y and B were same modality auditory stimuli and the reinforcement was contingent to pressing the bar that had the light off during the feature (non-matching-to-sample); A- and B- alone. After 100 training sessions, the animals were submitted to transfer tests with the targets used plus a new one (auditory click). Average percentages of stimuli with a response were measured. Acquisition occurred completely only for Y-L®Br+; however, complex associations were established along training. Transfer was not complete during the tests since concurrent effects of extinction and response generalization also occurred. Results suggest the use of both simple conditioning and configurational strategies, favoring the most recent theories of conditional discrimination learning. The implications of the use of complex arrangements for discussing these theories are considered.


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In the last decade, dialogue between science and society has found a forum in an increasing number of publications on topics such as public engagement with science and public trust in science. Concerning the latter, issues that include cases of research misconduct, accountability in research, and conflicts of interest (COIs) have shaped global discussions on the communication of science. In the publication setting, the perception that hiding COIs and/or not managing them well may affect public trust in the research record has grown among editors. We conducted a search for editorials addressing COIs between 1989 and 2011, using four major databases: Medline/PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Knowledge. We explored the content of these editorials and the relationship they established between COIs and the public trust in science. Our results demonstrate that the relationship between disclosure of COIs and public trust in science has become a major concern among editors. We, thus, argue that COIs should be discussed more openly and frequently in graduate courses in the sciences, around the globe, not only in biomedical but also in non-biomedical areas. This is a critical issue in contemporary science, as graduate students are the future voices and decision-makers of the research community. Therefore, COIs, especially in the broader context of science and society, merit closer attention from policymakers, researchers, and educators. At times of great expectations for public engagement with science, mishandling of COIs may have undesirable consequences for public engagement with science and confidence in the scientific endeavor.


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This work evaluated the physicochemical composition of 171 red Brazilian wines from the 2006 vintage, which were represented by 21 varietals. These wines were produced by 58 Brazilian wineries in different regions of the country, with latitudes varying from 9º to 31º South. Physicochemical wine analysis was performed in the same year and discrimination in the viticultural regions, varietal wines, and wineries was performed by means of the principal component analysis (PCA). The main results show that wines from São Joaquim had higher values of A420, A520, A620, color intensity, total phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, and dry extracts, while those from Toledo had lower values of these variables; those from Vale do São Francisco had higher values of potassium, pH, density, and volatile acidity; from Serra do Nordeste A, they had higher titratable acidity; and from Planalto Superior B, higher hue. Regarding the varietal wines, PCA mainly discriminated the wines produced from the varieties Ancellotta, Teroldego, Egiodola, Refosco, Marselan, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinotage, Pinot Noir, Malbec, Arinarnoa, Barbera, and Alfrocheiro. In relation to wineries, twenty two of them were discriminated by their higher values of some variables, i.e., three were characterized by color intensity; three by hue; eight by alcohol content; six by potassium, dry extract, density, and pH; and two by titratablel acidity.


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The production and commercialization of Brazilian grape juice is increasing annually, mainly due to its typicality, quality, and nutritional value. The present research was carried out in view of the great significance of Brazilian grape juice for the grape and wine industry. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to assess its composition as well as the discrimination between grape juice and other beverages. Twenty four samples of whole, sweetened, and reprocessed grape juices, grape nectar, and grape beverage were evaluated. Classical variables were analyzed by means of physicochemical methods; tartaric and malic acids, by HPLC; methanol, by gas chromatography; minerals, by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. These products were discriminated by the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Results show that whole and sweetened grape juices were discriminated from other grape products because they featured higher values of total soluble solids, tartaric and malic acids, most minerals, phenolic compounds, and K/Na ratio, whereas grape nectar and grape beverage presented higher values of ºBrix/titratable acidity ratio. Reprocessed juice was discriminated due to its higher concentrations of Li and Na and lower hue.


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This study investigates societal effectiveness of transport sector’s Research & Development (R&D) operations. In this study effectiveness refers to organization’s capability to produce the intended and desired impacts through its operations. The aim of this study is to identify the motives for evaluating societal effectiveness and recognize the critical success factors for improving effectiveness. The theoretical framework focuses first in the policy context of effectiveness evaluation in public sector and secondly the framework introduces the concept and process of effectiveness evaluation. The empirical part is carried out as a case study, which investigates societal effectiveness of Finnish Transport Agency’s (FTA’s) R&D. The aim is to recognize FTA’s critical success factors for improving R&D operations’ societal effectiveness. Based on these factors, the organization is able to define indicators for measuring effectiveness in the future operations. In this study societal effectiveness is investigated from R&D purchasers’ and R&D end- users’ points of views according to Purchaser-Provider-model. The results indicate that societal effectiveness evaluation is important part of R&D operations, but the implementation of the evaluation as part of daily operations is challenging. Because of limited resources, the organization is forced to strong priorization and therefore R&D tasks are secondary after the operational tasks. Based on the results the critical success factors can be recognized as resources and priorization, clear strategy and objectives, internal communications, cooperation between public and private sector and R&D implementation and dissemination.


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Sequence-Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR) appears as a useful technique for genetic purity testing and variety discrimination, applicable to species in which some other techniques have failed. In particular, this technique is very attractive with species in which RAPD results were not consistent. The RAPD polymorphic bands were cloned, sequenced and from the sequence information, primers pairs for normal PCR were developed. Since the probability of obtaining successful SCAR primers from RAPD polymorphic bands was about 50%, a larger number of RAPD polymorphic bands are needed to develop sufficient SCAR primers for varietal discrimination in vinca. In addition, the efficiency of the SCAR technique is strongly affected by the quality of DNA extracted from seeds. The SCAR banding patterns obtained from vinca seed were consistent and repeatable making the results reliable for genetic purity testing and variety discrimination. The SCAR technique is simple, fast, relatively inexpensive and allows the use of DNA extracted from dry seeds, which is very important in a seed-quality evaluating program


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This article evaluates the impacts of the imposition of tariffs on the Brazilian soluble coffee mainly by European countries as of the 1990s. More particularly, it verifies whether the imposition of discriminatory trade tariffs by the European Union and of non-discriminatory ones by some Eastern European countries reflects on the international demand for this commodity. For this purpose, dynamic models of global demand for Brazilian soluble coffee were estimated for the 1995-2003 period using data from the International Coffee Organization. Findings suggest that existing tariffs significantly account for the reduction of Brazilian share of soluble in the world market.


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Fokuserande händelser är plötsliga, ovanliga och för med sig negativa konsekvenser för ett stort antal människor. Det handlar om det vi i vardagligt tal kallar kriser och katastrofer. En intensiv medierapportering i kombination med oroade medborgare gör att kriser och katastrofer är viktiga samhällspåfrestningar som beslutsfattare måste hantera. Syftet med avhandlingen är att öka förståelsen för hur fokuserande händelser påverkar samhälleliga processer. Avhandlingens två övergripande forskningsfrågor tar fasta på jämförelsen av olika typer av fokuserande händelser. För det första, skillnader i hur naturkatastrofer och katastrofer som tillkommit genom mänskligt handlade påverkar samhället, och för det andra, hur händelser med olika stark fokuseringskraft påverkar samhället. Medborgarreaktioner studeras i en experimentell laboratoriestudie, den mediala rapporteringen analyseras genom kvantitativ innehållsanalys av texter och bilder, och på den parlamentariska arenan analyseras riksdagsdebatten genom kvantitativ innehållsanalys. De temaområden som identifieras i den teoretiska referensramen ligger till grund för analysen och tar fasta på de känslor som händelsen ger upphov till, hur händelsen kontextualiseras (framing), skuldbeläggning samt möjliga lösningar som förs fram. Resultatet från studierna visar att skillnader mellan olika typer av händelser syns tydligast hos medborgare, uttryckt genom starkare emotionella reaktioner för händelser med stark fokusering, och på den mediala arenan, genom mer utrymme för dessa händelser. Då kriser och katastrofer med olika stark fokuseringskraft når riksdagen får de däremot ett relativt likadant mottagande. I jämförelsen mellan naturkatastrofer och människoskapade händelser visar resultaten att naturkatastrofer ofta diskuteras som specifika händelser, medan människoskapade händelser placeras i en bredare samhällelig kontext och diskuteras under längre tid. Avhandlingen bidrar till diskussionen om hur våra känslor och vår kognition samspelar i krissituationer. De omedvetna signaler som vår kropp ger oss gällande hur vi ska reagera på en farlig situation kan påverka om vi är rädda, oroliga eller till och med positivt inställda. I ljuset av de tre studierna är det tydligt att de emotionella reaktionerna minskar ju högre upp i den politiska processen vi kommer. Trots att medborgare och medier reagerar starkt är de emotionella reaktionerna på den politiska arenan relativt milda och skuldbeläggningen näst intill icke-existerande.


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There is much evidence to support an age-related decline in source memory ability. However, the underlying mechanisms responsible for this decline are not well understood. The current study was carried out to determine the electrophysiological correlates of source memory discrimination in younger and older adults. Event-related potentials (ERPs) and continuous electrocardiographic (ECG) data were collected from younger (M= 21 years) and older (M= 71 years) adults during a source memory task. Older adults were more likely to make source memory errors for recently repeated, non-target words than were younger adults. Moreover, their ERP records for correct trials showed an increased amplitude in the late positive (LP) component (400-800 msec) for the most recently presented, non-target stimuli relative to the LP noted for target items. Younger adults showed an opposite pattern, with a large LP component for target items, and a much smaller LP component for the recently repeated non-target items. Computation of parasympathetic activity in the vagus nerve was performed on the ECG data (Porges, 1985). The resulting measure, vagal tone, was used as an index of physiological responsivity. The vagal tone index of physiological responsivity was negatively related to the LP amplitude for the most recently repeated, non-target words in both groups, after accounting for age effects. The ERP data support the hypothesis that the tendency to make source memory errors on the part of older adults is related to the ability to selectively control attentional processes during task performance. Furthermore, the relationship between vagal tone and ERP reactivity suggests that there is a physiological basis to the heightened reactivity measured in the LP response to recently repeated non-target items such that, under decreased physiological resources, there is an impairment in the ability to selectively inhibit bottom-up, stimulus based properties in favour of task-related goals in older adults. The inconsistency of these results with other explanatory models of source memory deficits is discussed. It is concluded that the data are consistent with a physiological reactivity model requiring inhibition of reactivity to irrelevant, but perceptually-fluent, stimuli.


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Reduced capacity for executive cognitive function and for the autonomic control of cardiac responsivity are both concomitants of the aging process. These may be linked through their mutual dependence on medial prefrontal function, but the specifics ofthat linkage have not been well explored. Executive functions associated with medial prefrontal cortex involve various aspects ofperformance monitoring, whereas centrally mediated autonomic functions can be observed as heart rate variability (HRV), i.e., variability in the length of intervals between heart beats. The focus for this thesis was to examine the degree to which the capacity for phasic autonomic adjustments to heart rate relates to performance monitoring in younger and older adults, using measures of electrocortical and autonomic activity. Behavioural performance and attention allocation during two age-sensitive tasks could be predicted by various aspects of autonomic control. For young adults, greater influence of the parasympathetic system on HRV was beneficial for learning unfamiliar maze paths; for older adults, greater sympathetic influence was detrimental to these functions. Further, these relationships were primarily evoked when the task required the construction and use of internalized representations of mazes rather than passive responses to feedback. When memory for source was required, older adults made three times as many source errors as young adults. However, greater parasympathetic influence on HRV in the older group was conducive to avoiding source errors and to reduced electrocortical responses to irrelevant information. Higher sympathetic predominance, in contrast, was associated with higher rates of source error and greater electrocortical responses tq non-target information in both groups. These relations were not seen for 11 errors associated with a speeded perceptual task, irrespective of its difficulty level. Overall, autonomic modulation of cardiac activity was associated with higher levels of performance monitoring, but differentially across tasks and age groups. With respect to age, those older adults who had maintained higher levels of autonomic cardiac regulation appeared to have also maintained higher levels of executive control over task performance.


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A dominant firm holding import quota engages in inter-temporal price discrimination when facing a competitive fringe engaged in seasonal production. This causes a welfare loss that comes in addition the loss attributable to limitation of imports below the free trade level.