992 resultados para Social studies


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This dissertation assesses from an under-explored angle the enduring contention over Travellers’ ethnic recognition in the Republic of Ireland, particularly over the last decade. The novelty of this study concerns not only its specific focus on and engagement with the debate on ‘Traveller ethnicity’ among Traveller activists. It also pertains to the examination of Travellers’ arguments for and against ethnicity in light of critical theorisations as well as insights from identity politics. Furthermore, the adoption of a Critical Discourse Analytical framework offers new perspectives to this controversy and its potential implications. Finally, this thesis’ relevance extends beyond the contention on ‘Traveller ethnicity’ in itself. It also draws attention to the complex dynamics of colonisation and appropriation between the global and the local. Particularly, it points to the interplay between international human rights discourses and the local ones, formulated by NGOs struggling for equality. In this way it sheds light on more general issues such as the dialectical potential of human rights discourses: the benefits and pitfalls of framing recognition claims in the legalistic terms of human rights. In this study it is argued that the contention on ‘Traveller ethnicity’ defies a simplistic polarisation between Irish Travellers and the Irish State since it has been simultaneously played out within the Travelling community. Specifically, this study explores how ‘Traveller ethnicity’ has been introduced, embraced, promoted and contested within Traveller politics to the point of becoming a hotly debated and divisive issue among Traveller activists and at the heart of the community itself. Putting Traveller activists centre-stage, their discourses for and against ‘Traveller ethnicity’ are examined and assessed against one another and their potential implications for Traveller politics, policies and identities are pointed out. Contending discourses are historically contextualised as the product of specific structural, material and discursive configurations of power and socio-economic relations within Irish society. Discourses for and against ‘Traveller ethnicity’ are assessed as being significant beyond the representational level. They are regarded as contributing to dialectically constitute Travellers’ ways of being, representing and acting. Furthermore these discourses are considered as sites and means of power struggles, whose stakes are not only words, but relate to issues of power and leadership within the Travelling community; adjudications over material resources; the adoption of certain policy approaches over others; and, finally, the consolidation of certain subject positions over others for Travellers to draw upon and relate to mainstream society. This study highlights an ongoing ideological struggle for the naturalisation of ‘Traveller ethnicity’ as a self-evident ‘fact’, which involves no active choice by Travellers themselves. Overall, ‘Traveller ethnicity’ appears to constitute an enduring source of dilemmas for the Travelling community. These revolve around the contradictory potential of ethnicity claims-making —both its perils and advantages— and its status as a potent political strategic resource that can both challenge and reinforce existing power relations, policies and identities.


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This report provides an update to research conducted in 2008 on the experiences and access to supports available to family carers in Cork and published as Hearing Family Carers (O’Riordan, O’hAdhmaill and Duggan 2010). It includes additional research carried out in 2013 with some of the original participants who partook in the earlier research. Given the more recent changes in supports in the context of austerity measures it was considered necessary to consult carers again with reference to their more current experiences, supports and the challenges they face in their informal caring roles.


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This dissertation is a cultural biography of Mestre Cobra Mansa, a mestre of the Afro-Brazilian martial art of capoeira angola. The intention of this work is to track Mestre Cobrinha's life history and accomplishments from his beginning as an impoverished child in Rio to becoming a mestre of the tradition-its movements, music, history, ritual and philosophy. A highly skilled performer and researcher, he has become a cultural ambassador of the tradition in Brazil and abroad. Following the Trail of the Snake is an interdisciplinary work that integrates the research methods of ethnomusicology (oral history, interview, participant observation, musical and performance analysis and transcription) with a revised life history methodology to uncover the multiple cultures that inform the life of a mestre of capoeira. A reflexive auto-ethnography of the author opens a dialog between the experiences and developmental steps of both research partners' lives. Written in the intersection of ethnomusicology, studies of capoeira, social studies and music education, the academic dissertation format is performed as a roda of capoeira aiming to be respectful of the original context of performance. The result is a provocative ethnographic narrative that includes visual texts from the performative aspects of the tradition (music and movement), aural transcriptions of Mestre Cobra Mansa's storytelling and a myriad of writing techniques to accompany the reader in a multi-dimensional journey of multicultural understanding. The study follows Cinezio Feliciano Pe anha in his childhood struggle for survival as a street performer in Rio de Janeiro. Several key moves provided him with the opportunity to rebuild his life and to grow into a recognized mestre of the capoeira angola martial art as Mestre Cobra Mansa ("Tame Snake" in Portuguese). His dedicated work enabled him to contribute to the revival of the capoeira angola tradition during the 1980's in Bahia. After his move to the United States in the early 1990's, Mestre Cobrinha founded the International Capoeira Angola Foundation, which today has expanded to 28 groups around the world. Mestre Cobra returned home to Brazil to initiate projects that seek to develop a new sense of community from all that he has learned and been able to accomplish in his life through the performance and study of capoeira angola.


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Sonderpädagogisch orientierter Unterricht thematisiert Hören auf dreierlei Weise: Innerhalb von Artikulationsförderung (Lautproduktion) geht es um die Unterscheidung, Wiederholung einzelner Phoneme oder Phonemgruppen, deren Zusammenbinden zu Wörtern, Sätzen usw. und damit um Aufbau und Stabilisierung auditiv-motorischer Regulationskreise bei der Sprachproduktion. In der Wahrnehmungsförderung geht es um Unterscheidung und Benennung von Klängen oder Geräuschen. Ansätze der Medienerziehung heben den Unterschied konservierter/vermittelter und tatsächlicher Klangereignisse hervor. In allen drei Perspektiven geht es um die Ausbildung, Verbesserung, Schulung des Hörorgans und der darauf bezogenen kognitiven und sprachlichen Leistungen. Was dabei allerdings vernachlässigt bleibt ist der ursprüngliche Weltbezug des Hörens. Denn wir hören nicht an sich, sondernd stets irgendwas. Der Klangcharakter der Welt (Schläft ein Lied in allen Dingen) ist nicht eine unverbindliche Metapher sondern korrespondiert mit unserer Fähigkeit zu hören. Nachfolgend wird deshalb vorgeschlagen, Hören als Anliegen des Sachunterrichts zu begreifen und im Rahmen einer ästhetischen Elementarerziehung zu thematisieren. Einige Unterrichtsbeispiele illustrieren, welchen Ertrag eine solche Sicht hat. Dabei soll auch deutlich werden, daß Hörerziehung kein Additivum sein kann, sondern wichtiges Glied schulischer Kommunikationsförderung. (DIPF/Orig.)


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This paper presents the findings of a qualitative research project that explores the experiences and aspirations of disabled young people in Northern Ireland as they make and deal with the transition to adulthood. The study involved young people with disabilities (n=76) in four areas of Northern Ireland, ensuring a geographical spread, an urban/rural mix and representation of both communities. Young people with learning disabilities were included as well as those with physical and/or sensory impairments. This paper focuses on those who were completing job training or work placements and examines the role of such schemes in assisting young people’s transition to adulthood. The research found that many young people had positive experiences of work placement and job training and that social interaction was important to them. Few young people, however, had made the actual transition from work placement or training to ‘real’ employment.


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This article explores the potential for an integrated family centre to meet the demands of agencies to assess child protection risks whilst meeting family requirements to engage in partnership to enhance child welfare.


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Privacy has now become a major topic not only in law but in computing, psychology, economics and social studies, and the explosion in scholarship has made it difficult for the student to traverse the field and identify the significant issues across the many disciplines. This series brings together a collection of significant papers with a multi-disciplinary approach which enable the reader to navigate through the complexities of the issues and make sense of the prolific scholarship published in this field.

The three volumes in this series address different themes: an anthropological approach to what privacy means in a cultural context; the issue of state surveillance where the state must both protect the individual and protect others from that individual and also protect itself; and, finally, what privacy might mean in a world where government and commerce collect data incessantly. The regulation of privacy is continually being called for and these papers help enable understanding of the ethical rationales behind the choices made in the sphere of regulation of privacy.

The articles presented in each of these collections have been chosen for the quality of their scholarship and their utility to the researcher, and feature a variety of approaches. The articles which debate the technical context of privacy are accessible to those from the arts and humanities; overall, the breadth of approach taken in the choice of articles has created a series which is an invaluable and important resource for lecturers, researchers and student.


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O referencial recente dos estudos sociais da infância, em que as crianças são vistas como actores competentes que contribuem activamente para a produção do seu contexto envolvente e lhe atribuem significado, tem uma tradução metodológica na investigação: darlhes voz é uma prioridade, na medida em que possuem uma perspectiva única acerca da sua condição de vida. Neste âmbito, tem-se assistido ao desenvolvimento de pesquisas e métodos inovadores de carácter inclusivo e participativo de forma a conseguir captar as experiências e perspectivas das crianças. Assim, e com referência a uma etapa do projecto “Crianças e Internet”, a decorrer no Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (financiado pela Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian), pretende-se apresentar uma reflexão exploratória a propósito da utilização de metodologias qualitativas de cariz etnográfico. Foram estudadas 30 crianças residentes na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, provenientes de meios sociais distintos, entre os 10 e os 14 anos de idade. Optou-se pela combinação de múltiplas técnicas: observação em casa e do cenário tecnológico doméstico; recolha e interpretação de fotografias e print-screens tiradas pelas crianças sobre as suas actividades no computador e na internet; e realização de focusgroups, onde as informações individualmente recolhidas foram postas à discussão do grupo. O objectivo principal é portanto, a partir destes resultados, apresentar e discutir algumas potencialidades e obstáculos das técnicas utilizadas.


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Sex, Time and Place extensively widens the scope of what we might mean by 'queer London studies'. Incorporating multidisciplinary perspectives – including social history, cultural geography, visual culture, literary representation, ethnography and social studies – this collection asks new questions, widens debates and opens new subject terrain. Featuring essays from an international range of established scholars and emergent voices, the collection is a timely contribution to this growing field. Its essays cover topics such as activist and radical communities and groups, AIDS and the city, art and literature, digital archives and technology, drag and performativity, lesbian London, notions of bohemianism and deviancy, sex reform and research and queer Black history. Going further than the existing literature on Queer London which focuses principally on the experiences of white gay men in a limited time frame, Sex, Time and Place reflects the current state of this growing and important field of study. It will be of great value to scholars, students and general readers who have an interest in queer history, London studies, cultural geography, visual cultures and literary criticism.


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Ce mémoire tente de comprendre comment l’enfant en bas âge construit son espace relationnel en lien avec l’ordinateur, en s’inspirant de la nouvelle sociologie de l’enfance qui reconnaît celui-ci comme un acteur socialement compétent ayant un pouvoir de création. Suite à une série d’entrevues, faites auprès de six jeunes enfants, il semble que ces derniers peuplent leur espace relationnel en attribuant des rôles à ceux qui les entourent (joueur, travailleur, enseignant, apprenant, etc.). Poussant un peu plus loin ma réflexion, trois dimensions se sont démarquées, venant agir comme liants des multiples trajectoires (Massey, 2005) qui coïncident et, par conséquent, forment l’espace relationnel de l’enfant: l’inconciliabilité, l’émancipation et l’affectivité. Ces trois dimensions sont à mon avis essentielles pour comprendre pleinement comment l’enfant conçoit et vit ses relations autour de l’ordinateur.


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Die Inspektion von Schule und Unterricht hat eine lange Tradition. Auf der Grundlage von Dokumenten aus der hessischen Schulgeschichte wird gezeigt, dass anfänglich der einzelne Lehrer, sein sittliches Verhalten und insbesondere sein Umgang mit der unterrichtlichen Disziplin im Zentrum der Beobachtungen stand. Das moderne Inspektionswesen nutzt demgegenüber das sozialwissenschaftliche Instrumentarium um anstelle punktueller Erfolgskontrollen schulische und unterrichtliche Entwicklungsprozesse in ihrer Komplexität zu beobachten, zu beschreiben und zu bewerten.


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Esta Monografía se centra en mostrar cómo el intento por conservar la identidad colectiva de la Liga de los Estados Árabes impide ceder ante el deseo de Somalilandia de ser reconocida como Estado independiente.