967 resultados para Social Software


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Ante el problema creciente del consumo en los centros de datos, unido a la adopción paulatina de las mejores prácticas actuales para mejorar la eficiencia energética, se hace imprescindible un cambio radical en el enfoque de la energía en dichos centros de datos para poder seguir reduciendo de manera significativa su impacto medioambiental. En este artículo presentamos una propuesta inicial para la optimización integral del consumo de energía en centros de datos, que ha sido validado en un escenario de monitorización poblacional de salud, con ahorros de hasta un 50% frente al estado del arte en eficiencia energética. Defendemos una conciencia global del Estado y el comportamiento térmico del centro de datos, utilizando modelos predictivos para anticipar las variables determinantes para la optimización. Además, las estrategias de optimización energética de los centros de datos del futuro tienen que ser sociales: los distintos elementos (servidores, software de gestión, sistemas de refrigeración) deben tener cierta conciencia del estado de los demás elementos del sistema y de cómo el entorno los puede perjudicar o favorecer, buscando el consenso en estrategias colaborativas para reducir el consumo total.


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Research into software engineering teams focuses on human and social team factors. Social psychology deals with the study of team formation and has found that personality factors and group processes such as team climate are related to team effectiveness. However, there are only a handful of empirical studies dealing with personality and team climate and their relationship to software development team effectiveness. Objective We present aggregate results of a twice replicated quasi-experiment that evaluates the relationships between personality, team climate, product quality and satisfaction in software development teams. Method Our experimental study measures the personalities of team members based on the Big Five personality traits (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism) and team climate factors (participative safety, support for innovation, team vision and task orientation) preferences and perceptions. We aggregate the results of the three studies through a meta-analysis of correlations. The study was conducted with students. Results The aggregation of results from the baseline experiment and two replications corroborates the following findings. There is a positive relationship between all four climate factors and satisfaction in software development teams. Teams whose members score highest for the agreeableness personality factor have the highest satisfaction levels. The results unveil a significant positive correlation between the extraversion personality factor and software product quality. High participative safety and task orientation climate perceptions are significantly related to quality. Conclusions First, more efficient software development teams can be formed heeding personality factors like agreeableness and extraversion. Second, the team climate generated in software development teams should be monitored for team member satisfaction. Finally, aspects like people feeling safe giving their opinions or encouraging team members to work hard at their job can have an impact on software quality. Software project managers can take advantage of these factors to promote developer satisfaction and improve the resulting product.


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La capacidad de transporte es uno de los baremos fundamentales para evaluar la progresión que puede llegar a tener un área económica y social. Es un sector de elevada importancia para la sociedad actual. Englobado en los distintos tipos de transporte, uno de los medios de transporte que se encuentra más en alza en la actualidad, es el ferroviario. Tanto para movilidad de pasajeros como para mercancías, el tren se ha convertido en un medio de transporte muy útil. Se encuentra dentro de las ciudades, entre ciudades con un radio pequeño entre ellas e incluso cada vez más, gracias a la alta velocidad, entre ciudades con gran distancia entre ellas. Esta Tesis pretende ayudar en el diseño de una de las etapas más importantes de los Proyectos de instalación de un sistema ferroviario: el sistema eléctrico de tracción. La fase de diseño de un sistema eléctrico de tracción ferroviaria se enfrenta a muchas dudas que deben ser resueltas con precisión. Del éxito de esta fase dependerá la capacidad de afrontar las demandas de energía de la explotación ferroviaria. También se debe atender a los costes de instalación y de operación, tanto costes directos como indirectos. Con la Metodología que se presenta en esta Tesis se ofrecerá al diseñador la opción de manejar un sistema experto que como soluciones le plantee un conjunto de escenarios de sistemas eléctricos correctos, comprobados por resolución de modelos de ecuaciones. Correctos desde el punto de vista de validez de distintos parámetros eléctrico, como de costes presupuestarios e impacto de costes indirectos. Por tanto, el diseñador al haber hecho uso de esta Metodología, tendría en un espacio de tiempo relativamente corto, un conjunto de soluciones factibles con las que poder elegir cuál convendría más según sus intereses finales. Esta Tesis se ha desarrollado en una vía de investigación integrada dentro del Centro de Investigaciones Ferroviarias CITEF-UPM. Entre otros proyectos y vías de investigación, en CITEF se ha venido trabajando en estudios de validación y dimensionamiento de sistemas eléctricos ferroviarios con diversos y variados clientes y sistemas ferroviarios. A lo largo de los proyectos realizados, el interés siempre ha girado mayoritariamente sobre los siguientes parámetros del sistema eléctrico: - Calcular número y posición de subestaciones de tracción. Potencia de cada subestación. - Tipo de catenaria a lo largo del recorrido. Conductores que componen la catenaria. Características. - Calcular número y posición de autotransformadores para sistemas funcionando en alterna bitensión o 2x25kV. - Posición Zonas Neutras. - Validación según normativa de: o Caídas de tensión en la línea o Tensiones máximas en el retorno de la línea o Sobrecalentamiento de conductores o Sobrecalentamiento de los transformadores de las subestaciones de tracción La idea es que las soluciones aportadas por la Metodología sugieran escenarios donde de estos parámetros estén dentro de los límites que marca la normativa. Tener la posibilidad de tener un repositorio de posibles escenarios donde los parámetros y elementos eléctricos estén calculados como correctos, aporta un avance en tiempos y en pruebas, que mejoraría ostensiblemente el proceso habitual de diseño para los sistemas eléctricos ferroviarios. Los costes directos referidos a elementos como subestaciones de tracción, autotransformadores, zonas neutras, ocupan un gran volumen dentro del presupuesto de un sistema ferroviario. En esta Tesis se ha querido profundizar también en el efecto de los costes indirectos provocados en la instalación y operación de sistemas eléctricos. Aquellos derivados del impacto medioambiental, los costes que se generan al mantener los equipos eléctricos y la instalación de la catenaria, los costes que implican la conexión entre las subestaciones de tracción con la red general o de distribución y por último, los costes de instalación propios de cada elemento compondrían los costes indirectos que, según experiencia, se han pensado relevantes para ejercer un cierto control sobre ellos. La Metodología cubrirá la posibilidad de que los diseños eléctricos propuestos tengan en cuenta variaciones de coste inasumibles o directamente, proponer en igualdad de condiciones de parámetros eléctricos, los más baratos en función de los costes comentados. Analizando los costes directos e indirectos, se ha pensado dividir su impacto entre los que se computan en la instalación y los que suceden posteriormente, durante la operación de la línea ferroviaria. Estos costes normalmente suelen ser contrapuestos, cuánto mejor es uno peor suele ser el otro y viceversa, por lo que hace falta un sistema que trate ambos objetivos por separado. Para conseguir los objetivos comentados, se ha construido la Metodología sobre tres pilares básicos: - Simulador ferroviario Hamlet: Este simulador integra módulos para construir esquemas de vías ferroviarios completos; módulo de simulación mecánica y de la tracción de material rodante; módulo de señalización ferroviaria; módulo de sistema eléctrico. Software realizado en C++ y Matlab. - Análisis y estudio de cómo focalizar los distintos posibles escenarios eléctricos, para que puedan ser examinados rápidamente. Pico de demanda máxima de potencia por el tráfico ferroviario. - Algoritmos de optimización: A partir de un estudio de los posibles algoritmos adaptables a un sistema tan complejo como el que se plantea, se decidió que los algoritmos genéticos serían los elegidos. Se han escogido 3 algoritmos genéticos, permitiendo recabar información acerca del comportamiento y resultados de cada uno de ellos. Los elegidos por motivos de tiempos de respuesta, multiobjetividad, facilidad de adaptación y buena y amplia aplicación en proyectos de ingeniería fueron: NSGA-II, AMGA-II y ɛ-MOEA. - Diseño de funciones y modelo preparado para trabajar con los costes directos e indirectos y las restricciones básicas que los escenarios eléctricos no deberían violar. Estas restricciones vigilan el comportamiento eléctrico y la estabilidad presupuestaria. Las pruebas realizadas utilizando el sistema han tratado o bien de copiar situaciones que se puedan dar en la realidad o directamente sistemas y problemas reales. Esto ha proporcionado además de la posibilidad de validar la Metodología, también se ha posibilitado la comparación entre los algoritmos genéticos, comparar sistemas eléctricos escogidos con los reales y llegar a conclusiones muy satisfactorias. La Metodología sugiere una vía de trabajo muy interesante, tanto por los resultados ya obtenidos como por las oportunidades que puede llegar a crear con la evolución de la misma. Esta Tesis se ha desarrollado con esta idea, por lo que se espera pueda servir como otro factor para trabajar con la validación y diseño de sistemas eléctricos ferroviarios. ABSTRACT Transport capacity is one of the critical points to evaluate the progress than a specific social and economical area is able to reach. This is a sector of high significance for the actual society. Included inside the most common types of transport, one of the means of transport which is elevating its use nowadays is the railway. Such as for passenger transport of weight movements, the train is being consolidated like a very useful mean of transport. Railways are installed in many geography areas. Everyone know train in cities, or connecting cities inside a surrounding area or even more often, taking into account the high-speed, there are railways infrastructure between cities separated with a long distance. This Ph.D work aims to help in the process to design one of the most essential steps in Installation Projects belonging to a railway system: Power Supply System. Design step of the railway power supply, usually confronts to several doubts and uncertainties, which must be solved with high accuracy. Capacity to supply power to the railway traffic depends on the success of this step. On the other hand is very important to manage the direct and indirect costs derived from Installation and Operation. With the Methodology is presented in this Thesis, it will be offered to the designer the possibility to handle an expert system that finally will fill a set of possible solutions. These solutions must be ready to work properly in the railway system, and they were tested using complex equation models. This Thesis has been developed through a research way, integrated inside Citef (Railway Research Centre of Technical University of Madrid). Among other projects and research ways, in Citef has been working in several validation studies and dimensioning of railway power supplies. It is been working by a large range of clients and railways systems. Along the accomplished Projects, the main goal has been rounded mostly about the next list of parameters of the electrical system: - Calculating number and location of traction substations. Power of each substation. - Type of Overhead contact line or catenary through the railway line. The wires which set up the catenary. Main Characteristics. - Calculating number and position of autotransformers for systems working in alternating current bi-voltage of called 2x25 kV. - Location of Neutral Zones. - Validating upon regulation of: o Drop voltages along the line o Maximum return voltages in the line o Overheating/overcurrent of the wires of the catenary o Avoiding overheating in the transformers of the traction substations. Main objective is that the solutions given by the Methodology, could be suggest scenarios where all of these parameters from above, would be between the limits established in the regulation. Having the choice to achieve a repository of possible good scenarios, where the parameters and electrical elements will be assigned like ready to work, that gives a great advance in terms of times and avoiding several tests. All of this would improve evidently the regular railway electrical systems process design. Direct costs referred to elements like traction substations, autotransformers, neutral zones, usually take up a great volume inside the general budget in railway systems. In this Thesis has been thought to bear in mind another kind of costs related to railway systems, also called indirect costs. These could be enveloped by those enmarked during installation and operation of electrical systems. Those derived from environmental impact; costs generated during the maintenance of the electrical elements and catenary; costs involved in the connection between traction substations and general electric grid; finally costs linked with the own installation of the whole electrical elements needed for the correct performance of the railway system. These are integrated inside the set has been collected taking into account own experience and research works. They are relevant to be controlled for our Methodology, just in case for the designers of this type of systems. The Methodology will cover the possibility that the final proposed power supply systems will be hold non-acceptable variations of costs, comparing with initial expected budgets, or directly assuming a threshold of budget for electrical elements in actual scenario, and achieving the cheapest in terms of commented costs from above. Analyzing direct and indirect costs, has been thought to divide their impact between two main categories. First one will be inside the Installation and the other category will comply with the costs often happens during Railway Operation time. These costs normally are opposed, that means when one is better the other turn into worse, in costs meaning. For this reason is necessary treating both objectives separately, in order to evaluate correctly the impact of each one into the final system. The objectives detailed before build the Methodology under three basic pillars: - Railway simulator Hamlet: This software has modules to configure many railway type of lines; mechanical and traction module to simulate the movement of rolling stock; signaling module; power supply module. This software has been developed using C++ and Matlab R13a - Previously has been mandatory to study how would be possible to work properly with a great number of feasible electrical systems. The target comprised the quick examination of these set of scenarios in terms of time. This point is talking about Maximum power demand peaks by railway operation plans. - Optimization algorithms. A railway infrastructure is a very complex system. At the beginning it was necessary to search about techniques and optimization algorithms, which could be adaptable to this complex system. Finally three genetic multiobjective algorithms were the chosen. Final decision was taken attending to reasons such as time complexity, able to multiobjective, easy to integrate in our problem and with a large application in engineering tasks. They are: NSGA-II, AMGA-II and ɛ-MOEA. - Designing objectives functions and equation model ready to work with the direct and indirect costs. The basic restrictions are not able to avoid, like budgetary or electrical, connected hardly with the recommended performance of elements, catenary and safety in a electrical railway systems. The battery of tests launched to the Methodology has been designed to be as real as possible. In fact, due to our work in Citef and with real Projects, has been integrated and configured three real railway lines, in order to evaluate correctly the final results collected by the Methodology. Another topic of our tests has been the comparison between the performances of the three algorithms chosen. Final step has been the comparison again with different possible good solutions, it means power supply system designs, provided by the Methodology, testing the validity of them. Once this work has been finished, the conclusions have been very satisfactory. Therefore this Thesis suggest a very interesting way of research and work, in terms of the results obtained and for the future opportunities can be created with the evolution of this. This Thesis has been developed with this idea in mind, so is expected this work could adhere another factor to work in the difficult task of validation and design of railway power supply systems.


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Las redes sociales tienen un papel protagónico en la actualidad. Y es que hoy en día, no sólo se utilizan para la comunicación instantánea sino que también ponen a nuestra disposición otras muchas funcionalidades que nos hacen la vida más fácil tanto a nivel personal como profesional. Gracias a ellas, podemos reencontrarnos de una manera cómoda y sencilla con personas del pasado, compartir e intercambiar información en diferentes medios e incluso promover los productos y servicios que ofrezca una determinada empresa, logrando así un contacto más cercano con sus clientes y afiliados. Además en los últimos años las redes sociales también se han convertido en una nueva forma de búsqueda en Internet, de hecho se estima que podrían llegar a reemplazar a los motores de búsqueda. Según los datos obtenidos tras un estudio llevado a cabo por Entrepreneur, el 43% de los usuarios de internet utilizan las redes sociales como buscador de información o negocios1. El objetivo de este proyecto, denominado SocialFan, es el diseño y desarrollo de un generador de redes sociales. Con SocialFan el usuario podrá crear una red social totalmente a su gusto y sin necesidad de tener conocimientos previos informáticos, todo ello gracias a una interfaz muy sencilla y altamente personalizable. Cabe destacar también la existencia de un sistema de recomendación capaz de sugerir aquel contenido que pueda resultar del interés para cada uno de los usuarios. Con el fin de lograr el objetivo anterior, se han establecido relaciones entre los usuarios y poder encontrar así personas con personalidades y gustos similares. Señalar también que las redes sociales generadas a través de SocialFan cuentan con numerosas funcionalidades. La funcionalidad más importante consiste en la publicación del contenido que compone la red social. Este contenido puede ser aportado tan solo por el administrador de la red social o por todos losusuarios que la componen, tratándose en este último caso de una red colaborativa. Además los usuarios pueden valorar y comentar el contenido publicado por otros usuarios. Otra funcionalidad importante es el seguimiento de usuarios, el cual puede ser mutuo o no. Además estas redes sociales incorporan una búsqueda de usuarios y contenido que permite al usuario moverse con libertad por la página web sin necesidad de ceñirse a las recomendaciones realizadas. Sin embargo SocialFan no se limita a la generación de estas redes sociales sino que también permite la integración de la misma en una página web. Este caso puede ser más complicado de entender y podríamos preguntarnos ¿por qué un sitio web puede querer incorporar una red social? La respuesta a esta pregunta es que la interacción social nos permite conocer los gustos y opiniones de otros usuarios, lo cual aporta credibilidad y animan a los usuarios a interactuar y compartir sus experiencias. Para este proyecto se han implementado dos prototipos de uso del generador, creando dos redes sociales, la primera orientada al turismo en Madrid y la segunda orientada a los ejercicios de programación. Sin embargo, consideramos de gran importancia señalar que SocialFan no se limita a estos dos prototipos, sino que se trata de un proyecto muy extensible y genérico, lo que permite adaptarlo a muchos otros dominios, como podrían ser el mundo del arte, los deportes, las mascotas, etc. El proyecto se encuentra disponible vía web en los siguientes enlaces: http://container.fdi.ucm.es:20083/SocialFan http://container.fdi.ucm.es:20083/Madrid


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Context: Today’s project managers have a myriad of methods to choose from for the development of software applications. However, they lack empirical data about the character of these methods in terms of usefulness, ease of use or compatibility, all of these being relevant variables to assess the developer’s intention to use them. Objective: To compare three methods, each following a different paradigm (Model-Driven, Model-Based and Code-Centric) with respect to their adoption potential by junior software developers engaged in the development of the business layer of a Web 2.0 application. Method: We have conducted a quasi-experiment with 26 graduate students of the University of Alicante. The application developed was a Social Network, which was organized around a fixed set of modules. Three of them, similar in complexity, were used for the experiment. Subjects were asked to use a different method for each module, and then to answer a questionnaire that gathered their perceptions during such use. Results: The results show that the Model-Driven method is regarded as the most useful, although it is also considered the least compatible with previous developers’ experiences. They also show that junior software developers feel comfortable with the use of models, and that they are likely to use them if the models are accompanied by a Model-Driven development environment. Conclusions: Despite their relatively low level of compatibility, Model-Driven development methods seem to show a great potential for adoption. That said, however, further experimentation is needed to make it possible to generalize the results to a different population, different methods, other languages and tools, different domains or different application sizes.


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Introduction : Les adolescents avec déficiences physiques en transition vers la vie adulte éprouvent des difficultés à établir une participation sociale optimale. Cette étude explore les retombées d'un programme de cirque social sur la participation sociale de ces jeunes selon leur point de vue et celui de leurs parents. Méthode : Étude qualitative exploratoire d’orientation phénoménologique. Neuf personnes avec déficiences physiques, âgées de 18 et 25 ans, ont participé au programme pendant neuf mois. Données recueillies : perceptions de leur qualité de participation sociale à partir d’entrevues semi-structurées en pré, mi-temps et post-intervention avec les participants et un de leurs parents. Le guide d’entrevue validé est ancré sur le Modèle du développement humain- Processus de production du handicap - 2 (HDM-PPH2). L’enregistrement audio des entretiens a été transcrit en verbatim. Le contenu a été analysé avec le logiciel Nvivo 9 à travers une grille de codage préalablement validée (co-codage, codage-inverse). Résultats : Corpus de 54 entrevues. L’âge moyen des jeunes était de 20,0 ± 1,4 années et de 51 ± 3,6 années pour les parents. Selon tous, la participation sociale des jeunes adultes a été optimisée, surtout sur le plan de la communication, des déplacements, des relations interpersonnelles, des responsabilités et de la vie communautaire. La perception de soi et les habiletés sociales, également améliorées, ont favorisé une plus grande auto-efficacité. Conclusion : Cette étude soutient donc le potentiel du cirque social comme approche novatrice et probante en réadaptation physique pour cette population, et appuie la pertinence d’autres études rigoureuses mesurant les diverses retombées possibles et identifiées.


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There is growing interest in the use of context-awareness as a technique for developing pervasive computing applications that are flexible, adaptable, and capable of acting autonomously on behalf of users. However, context-awareness introduces various software engineering challenges, as well as privacy and usability concerns. In this paper, we present a conceptual framework and software infrastructure that together address known software engineering challenges, and enable further practical exploration of social and usability issues by facilitating the prototyping and fine-tuning of context-aware applications.


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Nas últimas décadas o comportamento organizacional vem sendo foco de estudos visto a necessidade de se conhecer crenças, afetos e sentimentos, elementos cada vez mais importantes num processo rumo ao alcance de resultados organizacionais, principalmente num cenário de grande disputa e conquista por espaço em um mercado cada vez mais competitivo. Dessa forma, reconhece-se a importância do papel que o conhecimento sobre o comportamento humano tem na eficácia da gestão. O contexto da Economia Solidária aparece como uma forma de organização onde possui princípios organizativos que compreendem a posse coletiva dos meios de produção pelas pessoas que a utilizam, e gestão democrática da empresa, caracterizando a autogestão. A autogestão é uma forma de administração democrática e participativa, onde todos os trabalhadores devem ter acesso à informação de tudo o que acontece na empresa para poder definir metas de produção, políticas de investimentos e modernização, política de pessoal entre outras. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar as relações de interdependência do capital psicológico, percepções de suporte social e percepções de suporte no contexto organizacional de empreendimentos econômicos solidários. Os participantes desse estudo escolhidos aleatoriamente foram 106 cooperados, e o instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário de autopreenchimento composto por quatro medidas validadas para o contexto brasileiro. As informações coletadas, todas representadas por indicadores numéricos, formaram um banco de dados para tratamento no software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), versão 18.0. Foram realizadas análises descritivas, correlações entre as variáveis (r de Pearson) e regressão linear. Também foram calculados os alfas de Cronbach para as escalas utilizadas. Os resultados obtidos apontam correlações positivas e significativas entre percepção de suporte social e as três dimensões de percepções de suporte social no trabalho e confirmam o capital psicológico como moderador entre percepções de suporte social e percepções de suporte social no trabalho.


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This paper examines the role of creative resources in the emergence of the Japanese video game industry. We argue that creative resources nurtured by popular cartoons and animation sector, combined with technological knowledge accumulated in the consumer electronics industry, facilitated the emergence of successful video game industry in Japan. First we trace the development of the industry from its origin to the rise of platform developers and software publishers. Then, knowledge and creative foundations that influenced the developmental trajectory of this industry are analyzed, with links to consumer electronics and in regards to cartoons and animation industry.


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The social processes involved in engaging small groups of 3-15 managers in their sharing, organising, acquiring, creating and using knowledge can be supported with software and facilitator assistance. This paper introduces three such systems that we have used as facilitators to support groups of managers in their social process of decision-making by managing knowledge during face-to-face meetings. The systems include Compendium, Group Explorer (with Decision Explorer) and V*I*S*A. We review these systems for group knowledge management where the aim is for better decision-making, and discuss the principles of deploying each in a group meeting. © 2006 Operational Research Society Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose – Traditionally, most studies focus on institutionalized management-driven actors to understand technology management innovation. The purpose of this paper is to argue that there is a need for research to study the nature and role of dissident non-institutionalized actors’ (i.e. outsourced web designers and rapid application software developers). The authors propose that through online social knowledge sharing, non-institutionalized actors’ solution-finding tensions enable technology management innovation. Design/methodology/approach – A synthesis of the literature and an analysis of the data (21 interviews) provided insights in three areas of solution-finding tensions enabling management innovation. The authors frame the analysis on the peripherally deviant work and the nature of the ways that dissident non-institutionalized actors deviate from their clients (understood as the firm) original contracted objectives. Findings – The findings provide insights into the productive role of solution-finding tensions in enabling opportunities for management service innovation. Furthermore, deviant practices that leverage non-institutionalized actors’ online social knowledge to fulfill customers’ requirements are not interpreted negatively, but as a positive willingness to proactively explore alternative paths. Research limitations/implications – The findings demonstrate the importance of dissident non-institutionalized actors in technology management innovation. However, this work is based on a single country (USA) and additional research is needed to validate and generalize the findings in other cultural and institutional settings. Originality/value – This paper provides new insights into the perceptions of dissident non-institutionalized actors in the practice of IT managerial decision making. The work departs from, but also extends, the previous literature, demonstrating that peripherally deviant work in solution-finding practice creates tensions, enabling management innovation between IT providers and users.


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Background: Impairment in social cognition may contribute to deficits in social functioning in patients with bipolar disorder (BD). In this study, a complex social cognition task was administered during a neuroimaging session. The behavioral and neural correlates of social cogniton in patients with BD were compared to healthy comparison (HC) subjects. Methods: The task was administered to 25 HC and 25 patients with depression scores ranging from euthymic to depressed at the time of assessment. The task required participants to evaluate situations that were “enhancing” or “threatening” to self-esteem, directed at both oneself, and at other people. For instance, self-esteem enhancing scenarios involved vignettes of activities such as receiving praise during a sports game, while a threatening scenario involved, for example, receiving criticism at a party. Participants were then required to evaluate characters in the scenarios on the basis of positive (“kind”) or negative (“mean”) descriptors. Evaluations were classified from extremely negative to extremely positive. The frequencies of behavioral responses were analyzed using chi-square tests and fMRI data were analyzed using Statistical Parametric Mapping software. Results: Patients differed significantly from HCs in their evaluation of threatening scenarios, directed at both oneself and at other people (p<0.001). Patients had a lower proportion of responses in the neutral category, and more responses in the positive and negative categories, relative to HCs. Neuroimaging results reveal differential patterns of prefrontal-cortical and limbic-subcortical activation in BDs throughout the task [p<0.05 (unc.)]. Conclusions: Findings will contribute to understanding difficulty in interpersonal functioning in patients with BD.


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The gestation process, in general, is a very important event on a woman’s life and it brings phisical, phisiological and emotional changes, which by itself is an experience full of intense feelings. By late-aged pregnancy we mean those which occurs at the age of 35 or further. The occurance of this type of pregnancy is rising in Brasil and throughout the world, factors such as, better access to birth control resources and the search for financial stability explains the pregnancy delay. Important processes like resilience and social support can help late-aged pregnant women, in a benefical way, to adapt to the gestation process. Resilience is the capacity that a certain individual or group of individuals have to go through an adverse situation, be able to overcome it and become streghtened, transforming it in motivation for its biopsichosocial development. Social support is a complex and dinamic process that involves transactions between individuals and their social networks, meeting the social needs, promoting and complementing the personal resources that they have to face new demands. This research has the intention of raising information about the issues of late-aged pregnant women in the County of Natal- RN, the main objective was to evaluate the resilience indicators and the social support on late-aged pregnant women in the Natal-RN County. A transversal cut, correlational and descriptive research that was done with 150 lateaged pregnant women. The tools that were used were: A form with sociodemographic and gestation info, the scale of resilience and social support. An eletronic spreadsheet sofware (Excel e SPSS 21.0) was used to analize data which helped on the statistics according to its variables and the objective of this work. For the nominal variables, relative frequencies were used and for continuous the Pearson correlation and determination coefficient were used, regarding that; the sample had a normal distribution. The project fulfilled the ethnic aspects prescribed by Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council, with a favorable decision (356.436/ 2013) of the UFRN Ethics on Research Committee. Most of the pregnant women had a low money income and education level, born in the state of Rio Grande do Norte they had an average age of 37,49 (±2,577), catholic, married, house wives, they had more than one child and were on their third trimester of pregnancy; they also had a low past abortion rate, not having planned their pregnancy, with an average of 4,22 (±2,506) pre-natal appointments, residing with an average of 3,673 (±1,397) people, having used any sort of birth control device and having high indicators of resilience and social support. The correlations kept between resilience, social support and some of the social demographics and gestation variables were considered low. Such data points out the fact that most of these women were in a stable relationship; they hadn’t had a past of abortion, they were involved with some kind of religion, they were not first pregnancy mothers, had an age on which they are not considered inexperienced mothers and even had scored high on the social support scale, these may all possibly be the most contributing factors on development and resilience building on these 35 years or more mothers. We expect that the data and information from this research may add up knowledge, actions and improvements regarding late-aged pregnant women and the pregnancy phenomena in general.


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Studies reveal that in recent decades a decrease in sleep duration has occurred. Social commitments, such as work and school are often not aligned to the "biological time" of individuals. Added to this, there is a reduced force of zeitgeber caused by less exposure to daylight and larger exposure to evenings. This causes a chronic sleep debt that is offset in a free days. Indeed, a restriction and extent of sleep called "social Jet lag" occurs weekly. Sleep deprivation has been associated to obesity, cancer, and cardiovascular risk. It is suggested that the autonomic nervous system is a pathway that connects sleep problems to cardiovascular diseases. However, beyond the evidence demonstrated by studies using models of acute and controlled sleep deprivation, studies are needed to investigate the effects of chronic sleep deprivation as it occurs in the social jet lag. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of social jet lag in circadian rest-activity markers and heart function in medical students. It is a cross-sectional, observational study conducted in the Laboratory of Neurobiology and Biological Rhythmicity (LNRB) at the Department of Physiology UFRN. Participated in the survey medical students enrolled in the 1st semester of their course at UFRN. Instruments for data collection: Munich Chronotype Questionnaire, Morningness Eveningness Questionnaire of Horne and Östberg, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Actimeter; Heart rate monitor. Analysed were descriptive variables of sleep, nonparametric (IV60, IS60, L5 and M10) and cardiac indexes of time domain, frequency (LF, HF LF / HF) and nonlinear (SD1, SD2, SD1 / SD2). Descriptive, comparative and correlative statistical analysis was performed with SPSS software version 20. 41 students participated in the study, 48.8% (20) females and 51.2% (21) males, 19.63 ± 2.07 years. The social jet lag had an average of 02: 39h ± 00:55h, 82.9% (34) with social jet lag ≥ 1h and there was a negative correlation with the Munich chronotype score indicating greater sleep deprivation in subjects prone to eveningness. Poor sleep quality was detected in 90.2% (37) (X2 = 26.56, p <0.001) and 56.1% (23) excessive daytime sleepiness (X2 = 0.61, p = 0.435). Significant differences were observed in the values of LFnu, HFnu and LF / HF between the groups of social jet lag <2h and ≥ 2h and correlation of the social jet lag with LFnu (rs = 0.354, p = 0.023), HFnu (rs = - 0.354 , p = 0.023) and LF / HF (r = 0.355, p = 0.023). There was also a negative association between IV60 and indexes in the time domain and non-linear. It is suggested that chronic sleep deprivation may be associated with increased sympathetic activation promoting greater cardiovascular risk.