919 resultados para Signal amplitude
Esta tese tem como principal objectivo a investigação teórica e experimental do desempenho de um sensor polarimétrico baseado num cristal líquido para medição da concentração de glicose. Recentemente uma série de sensores polarimétricos baseados em cristais líquidos foram propostos na literatura e receberam considerável interesse devido as suas características únicas. De facto, em comparação com outros moduladores electro-ópticos, o cristal líquido funciona com tensões mais baixas, tem baixo consumo de energia e maior ângulo de rotação. Além disso, este tipo de polarímetro pode ter pequenas dimensões que é uma característica interessante para dispositivos portáteis e compactos. Existem por outro lado algumas desvantagens, nomeadamente o facto do desempenho do polarímetro ser fortemente dependente do tipo de cristal líquido e da tensão a ele aplicada o que coloca desafios na escolha dos parâmetros óptimos de operação. Esta tese descreve o desenvolvimento do sensor polarimétrico, incluindo a integração dos componentes de óptica e electrónica, os algoritmos de processamento de sinal e um interface gráfico que facilita a programação de diversos parâmetros de operação e a calibração do sensor. Após a optimização dos parâmetros de operação verificou-se que o dispositivo mede a concentração da glicose em amostras com uma concentração de 8 mg/ml, com uma percentagem de erro inferior a 6% e um desvio padrão de 0,008o. Os resultados foram obtidos para uma amostra com percurso óptico de apenas 1 cm.
A two terminal optically addressed image processing device based on two stacked sensing/switching p-i-n a-SiC:H diodes is presented. The charge packets are injected optically into the p-i-n sensing photodiode and confined at the illuminated regions changing locally the electrical field profile across the p-i-n switching diode. A red scanner is used for charge readout. The various design parameters and addressing architecture trade-offs are discussed. The influence on the transfer functions of an a-SiC:H sensing absorber optimized for red transmittance and blue collection or of a floating anode in between is analysed. Results show that the thin a-SiC:H sensing absorber confines the readout to the switching diode and filters the light allowing full colour detection at two appropriated voltages. When the floating anode is used the spectral response broadens, allowing B&W image recognition with improved light-to-dark sensitivity. A physical model supports the image and colour recognition process.
A large area colour imager optically addressed is presented. The colour imager consists of a thin wide band gap p-i-n a-SiC:H filtering element deposited on the top of a thick large area a-SiC:H(-p)/a-Si:H(-i)/a-SiC:H(-n) image sensor, which reveals itself an intrinsic colour filter. In order to tune the external applied voltage for full colour discrimination the photocurrent generated by a modulated red light is measured under different optical and electrical bias. Results reveal that the integrated device behaves itself as an imager and a filter giving information not only on the position where the optical image is absorbed but also on it wavelength and intensity. The amplitude and sign of the image signals are electrically tuneable. In a wide range of incident fluxes and under reverse bias, the red and blue image signals are opposite in sign and the green signal is suppressed allowing blue and red colour recognition. The green information is obtained under forward bias, where the blue signal goes down to zero and the red and green remain constant. Combining the information obtained at this two applied voltages a RGB colour image picture can be acquired without the need of the usual colour filters or pixel architecture. A numerical simulation supports the colour filter analysis.
Results on the use of a double a-SiC:H p-i-n heterostructure for signal multiplexing and demultiplexing applications in the visible range are presented. Pulsed monochromatic beams together (multiplexing mode), or a single polychromatic beam (demultiplexing mode) impinge on the device and are absorbed, accordingly to their wavelength. Red, green and blue pulsed input channels are transmitted together, each one with a specific transmission rate. The combined optical signal is analyzed by reading out, under different applied voltages, the generated photocurrent. Results show that in the multiplexing mode the output signal is balanced by the wavelength and transmission rate of each input channel, keeping the memory of the incoming optical carriers. In the demultiplexing mode the photocurrent is controlled by the applied voltage allowing regaining the transmitted information. A physical model supported by a numerical simulation gives insight into the device operation.
We study the implications for two-Higgs-doublet models of the recent announcement at the LHC giving a tantalizing hint for a Higgs boson of mass 125 GeV decaying into two photons. We require that the experimental result be within a factor of 2 of the theoretical standard model prediction, and analyze the type I and type II models as well as the lepton-specific and flipped models, subject to this requirement. It is assumed that there is no new physics other than two Higgs doublets. In all of the models, we display the allowed region of parameter space taking the recent LHC announcement at face value, and we analyze the W+W-, ZZ, (b) over barb, and tau(+)tau(-) expectations in these allowed regions. Throughout the entire range of parameter space allowed by the gamma gamma constraint, the numbers of events for Higgs decays into WW, ZZ, and b (b) over bar are not changed from the standard model by more than a factor of 2. In contrast, in the lepton-specific model, decays to tau(+)tau(-) are very sensitive across the entire gamma gamma-allowed region.
Myocardial perfusion-gated-SPECT (MP-gated-SPECT) imaging often shows radiotracer uptake in abdominal organs. This accumulation interferes frequently with qualitative and quantitative assessment of the infero-septal region of myocardium. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of ingestion of different fat content on the reduction of extra-myocardial uptake and to improve MP-gated-SPECT image quality. In this study, 150 patients (65 ^ 18 years) who were referred for MP-gated-SPECT underwent a 1-day-protocol including imaging after stress (physical or pharmacological) and resting conditions. All patients gave written informed consent. Patients were subdivided into five groups: GI, GII, GIII, GIV and GV. In the first four groups, patients ate two chocolate bars with different fat content. Patients in GV – control group (CG) – had just water. Uptake indices (UI) of myocardium (M)/liver(L) and M/stomach–proximal bowel(S) revealed lower UI of M/S at rest in all groups. Both stress and rest studies using different food intake indicate that patients who ate chocolate with different fat content showed better UI of M/L than the CG. The UI of M/L and M/S of groups obtained under physical stress are clearly superior to that of groups obtained under pharmacological stress. These differences are only significant in patients who ate high-fat chocolate or drank water. The analysis of all stress studies together (GI, GII, GIII and GIV) in comparison with CG shows higher mean ranks of UI of M/L for those who ate high-fat chocolate. After pharmacological stress, the mean ranks of UI of M/L were higher for patients who ate high- and low-fat chocolate. In conclusion, eating food with fat content after radiotracer injection increases, respectively, the UI of M/L after stress and rest in MP-gated-SPECT studies. It is, therefore, recommended that patients eat a chocolate bar after radiotracer injection and before image acquisition.
Mestrado em Fisioterapia.
Combined tunable WDM converters based on SiC multilayer photonic active filters are analyzed. The operation combines the properties of active long-pass and short-pass wavelength filter sections into a capacitive active band-pass filter. The sensor element is a multilayered heterostructure produced by PE-CVD. The configuration includes two stacked SiC p-i-n structures sandwiched between two transparent contacts. Transfer function characteristics are studied both theoretically and experimentally. Results show that optical bias activated photonic device combines the demultiplexing operation with the simultaneous photodetection and self amplification of an optical signal acting the device as an integrated photonic filter in the visible range. Depending on the wavelength of the external background and irradiation side, the device acts either as a short- or a long-pass band filter or as a band-stop filter. The output waveform presents a nonlinear amplitude-dependent response to the wavelengths of the input channels. A numerical simulation and two building-blocks active circuit is presented and gives insight into the physics of the device.
Optical fiber microwires (OFMs) are nonlinear optical waveguides that support several spatial modes. The multimodal generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation (MM-GNLSE) is deduced taking into account the linear and nonlinear modal coupling. A detailed theoretical description of four-wave mixing (FWM) considering the modal coupling is developed. Both, the intramode and the intermode phase-matching conditions is calculated for an optical microwire in a strong guiding regime. Finally, the FWM dynamics is studied and the amplitude evolution of the pump beams, the signal and the idler are analyzed.
Tunable wavelength division multiplexing converters based on amorphous SiC multilayer photonic active filters are analyzed. The configuration includes two stacked p-i-n structures (p(a-SiC:H)-i'(a-SiC:H)-n(a-SiC:H)-p(a-SiC:H)-i(a-Si:H)-n(a-Si:H)) sandwiched between two transparent contacts. The manipulation of the magnitude is achieved through appropriated front and back backgrounds. Transfer function characteristics are studied both theoretically and experimentally. An algorithm to decode the multiplex signal is established. An optoelectronic model supports the optoelectronic logic architecture. Results show that the light-activated device combines the demultiplexing operation with the simultaneous photodetection and self-amplification of an optical signal. The output waveform presents a nonlinear amplitude-dependent response to the wavelengths of the input channels. Depending on the wavelength of the external background and irradiation side, it acts either as a short- or a long-pass band filter or as a band-stop filter. A two-stage active circuit is presented and gives insight into the physics of the device.
Combined tunable WDM converters based on SiC multilayer photonic active filters are analyzed. The operation combines the properties of active long-pass and short-pass wavelength filter sections into a capacitive active band-pass filter. The sensor element is a multilayered heterostructure produced by PE-CVD. The configuration includes two stacked SiC p-i-n structures sandwiched between two transparent contacts. Transfer function characteristics are studied both theoretically and experimentally. Results show that optical bias activated photonic device combines the demultiplexing operation with the simultaneous photodetection and self amplification of an optical signal acting the device as an integrated photonic filter in the visible range. Depending on the wavelength of the external background and irradiation side, the device acts either as a short- or a long-pass band filter or as a band-stop filter. The output waveform presents a nonlinear amplitude-dependent response to the wavelengths of the input channels. A numerical simulation and a two building-blocks active circuit are presented and give insight into the physics of the device. (c) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The development of high performance monolithic RF front-ends requires innovative RF circuit design to make the best of a good technology. A fully differential approach is usually preferred, due to its well-known properties. Although the differential approach must be preserved inside the chip, there are cases where the input signal is single-ended such as RF image filters and IF filters in a RF receiver. In these situations, a stage able to convert single-ended into differential signals (balun) is needed. The most cited topology, which is capable of providing high gain, consists on a differential stage with one of the two inputs grounded. Unfortunately, this solution has some drawbacks when implemented monolithically. This work presents the design and simulated results of an innovative high-performance monolithic single to differential converter, which overcomes the limitations of the circuits.The integration of the monolithic active balun circuit with an LNA on a 0.18μm CMOS process is also reported. The circuits presented here are aimed at 802.11a. Section 2 describes the balun circuit and section 3 presents its performance when it is connected to a conventional single-ended LNA. Section 4 shows the simulated performance results focused at phase/amplitude balance and noise figure. Finally, the last section draws conclusions and future work.
Introdução: O síndrome patelo-femural é uma das disfunções músculo-esqueléticas mais comuns ao nível do joelho. É de etiologia multifatorial, sendo a rotação lateral da tíbia um dos fatores contribuintes, sendo que pode potenciar alterações da biomecânica da articulação patelo-femural por aumentar as forças de reação sobre a articulação. Brian Mulligan sugere que a técnica para a correção da rotação lateral da tíbia pode ser benéfica no alívio da dor e no aumento da amplitude de flexão do joelho, em pacientes com síndrome patelo-femural, apesar da evidência acerca da efetividade desta técnica ser ainda escassa. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos da técnica de mobilização com movimento de rotação medial da tíbio-femural com flexão do joelho, ao nível da intensidade da dor e da amplitude de movimento de flexão do joelho, durante o agachamento, em indivíduos com síndrome patelo-femural. Métodos: Estudo experimental, com uma amostra constituída por 20 estudantes universitários, do género feminino, com síndrome patelo-femural e dor ao agachamento bilateral. Estes foram distribuídos aleatoriamente por dois grupos: experimental (intervenção com técnica de mobilização com movimento) e placebo (intervenção placebo). Foram avaliadas a amplitude de flexão do joelho com um goniómetro eletrónico (Biometrics®) e a intensidade de dor com a Escala Visual Analógica, durante o agachamento bilateral, antes e imediatamente após as respetivas intervenções. O nível de significância foi de 0,05. Resultados: A realização da Análise da Covariância revelou que, relativamente à intensidade da dor, foi possível constatar que existiram diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos (p<0,001). Entre a avaliação inicial e a final, o grupo experimental diminuiu mais 2,1cm na Escala Visual Analógica do que o grupo placebo. Em relação à avaliação da amplitude articular, foi possível constatar que, existiram diferenças significativas, entre os dois grupos (p=0,004). Entre a avaliação inicial e a final, o grupo experimental teve mais 8,6º de aumento na amplitude articular do que o grupo placebo. Conclusão: Para indivíduos com síndrome patelo-femural, a técnica de mobilização com movimento para correção da rotação lateral da tíbia, parece ser benéfica no alívio da dor e no ganho de amplitude de flexão do joelho, analisando o movimento de agachamento bilateral.
Introdução: O Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glide tem sido sugerido como uma técnica com potenciais benefícios na redução da dor e no aumento da amplitude de flexão lombar em indivíduos com dor lombar. Contudo, não existe evidência sobre esta técnica na atividade muscular dos eretores espinhais. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos imediatos de um Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glide na atividade muscular dos eretores espinhais, na intensidade da dor e na amplitude real de flexão lombar, em indivíduos com dor lombar crónica não específica. Métodos: Estudo experimental com uma amostra de 20 estudantes universitários, com dor lombar crónica não específica e com dor à flexão da coluna lombar, que foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em dois grupos: experimental - Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glide e placebo – intervenção placebo. Foram avaliadas a atividade muscular dos eretores espinhais recorrendo à eletromiografia de superfície (bioPLUX research®), a intensidade da dor através da Escala Visual Analógica e a amplitude real de flexão lombar pelo método de duplo inclinómetro (Universal Inclinometer®), antes e após a intervenção, pela análise do movimento de flexão-extensão do tronco. O nível de significância foi de 0,05. Resultados: Foram encontradas diferenças significativas, em ambos os grupos, para a fase de relaxamento (Grupo experimental: p=0,013 e Grupo placebo: p=0,047), assim como para a fase de extensão, no grupo experimental (p=0,037), verificando-se uma diminuição da atividade muscular da baseline para a avaliação final. A Análise da Covariância revelou que, relativamente à intensidade da dor, verificaram-se diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos (p=0,002), sendo que o grupo experimental diminuiu mais 2cm na Escala Visual Analógica do que o grupo placebo. Pela análise da amplitude real de flexão lombar, embora o aumento não fosse significativamente diferente entre os grupos (p=0,086), o grupo experimental teve mais 1,7º de aumento do que o grupo placebo. Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem que, a curto prazo, o Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glide parece produzir um efeito significativo na diminuição da atividade muscular dos eretores espinhais, durante o movimento dinâmico de extensão do tronco, assim como no alívio da dor. Embora não se tenham observado alterações significativas no aumento da amplitude articular, os resultados no grupo experimental foram superiores à diferença mínima detetável, sugerindo um efeito positivo da técnica aplicada.
An Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring system deals with several challenges related with noise sources. The main goal of this text was the study of Adaptive Signal Processing Algorithms for ECG noise reduction when applied to real signals. This document presents an adaptive ltering technique based on Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm to remove the artefacts caused by electromyography (EMG) and power line noise into ECG signal. For this experiments it was used real noise signals, mainly to observe the di erence between real noise and simulated noise sources. It was obtained very good results due to the ability of noise removing that can be reached with this technique. A recolha de sinais electrocardiogr a cos (ECG) sofre de diversos problemas relacionados com ru dos. O objectivo deste trabalho foi o estudo de algoritmos adaptativos para processamento digital de sinal, para redu c~ao de ru do em sinais ECG reais. Este texto apresenta uma t ecnica de redu c~ao de ru do baseada no algoritmo Least Mean Square (LMS) para remo c~ao de ru dos causados quer pela actividade muscular (EMG) quer por ru dos causados pela rede de energia el ectrica. Para as experiencias foram utilizados ru dos reais, principalmente para aferir a diferen ca de performance do algoritmo entre os sinais reais e os simulados. Foram conseguidos bons resultados, essencialmente devido as excelentes caracter sticas que esta t ecnica tem para remover ru dos.