964 resultados para Secure Authentication for Broadcast (DNP3-SAB)


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Most urban dwelling Australians take secure and safe water supplies for granted. That is, they have an adequate quantity of water at a quality that can be used by people without harm from human and animal wastes, salinity and hardness or pollutants from agriculture and manufacturing industries. Australia wide urban and peri-urban dwellers use safe water for all domestic as well as industrial purposes. However, this is not the situation remote regions in Australia where availability and poor quality water can be a development constraint. Nor is it the case in Sri Lanka where people in rural regions are struggling to obtain a secure supply of water, irrespective of it being safe because of the impact of faecal and other contaminants. The purposes of this paper are to overview: the population and environmental health challenges arising from the lack of safe water in rural and remote communities; response pathways to address water quality issues; and the status of and need for integrated catchment management (ICM) in selected remote regions of Australia and vulnerable and lagging rural regions in Sri Lanka. Conclusions are drawn that focus on the opportunity for inter-regional collaborations between Australia and Sri Lanka for the delivery of safe water through ICM.


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Digital signatures are often used by trusted authorities to make unique bindings between a subject and a digital object; for example, certificate authorities certify a public key belongs to a domain name, and time-stamping authorities certify that a certain piece of information existed at a certain time. Traditional digital signature schemes however impose no uniqueness conditions, so a trusted authority could make multiple certifications for the same subject but different objects, be it intentionally, by accident, or following a (legal or illegal) coercion. We propose the notion of a double-authentication-preventing signature, in which a value to be signed is split into two parts: a subject and a message. If a signer ever signs two different messages for the same subject, enough information is revealed to allow anyone to compute valid signatures on behalf of the signer. This double-signature forgeability property discourages signers from misbehaving---a form of self-enforcement---and would give binding authorities like CAs some cryptographic arguments to resist legal coercion. We give a generic construction using a new type of trapdoor functions with extractability properties, which we show can be instantiated using the group of sign-agnostic quadratic residues modulo a Blum integer.


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Distributed Network Protocol Version 3 (DNP3) is the de-facto communication protocol for power grids. Standard-based interoperability among devices has made the protocol useful to other infrastructures such as water, sewage, oil and gas. DNP3 is designed to facilitate interaction between master stations and outstations. In this paper, we apply a formal modelling methodology called Coloured Petri Nets (CPN) to create an executable model representation of DNP3 protocol. The model facilitates the analysis of the protocol to ensure that the protocol will behave as expected. Also, we illustrate how to verify and validate the behaviour of the protocol, using the CPN model and the corresponding state space tool to determine if there are insecure states. With this approach, we were able to identify a Denial of Service (DoS) attack against the DNP3 protocol.


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In this paper we tackle the problem of finding an efficient signature verification scheme when the number of signatures is signi.- cantly large and the verifier is relatively weak. In particular, we tackle the problem of message authentication in many-to-one communication networks known as concast communication. The paper presents three signature screening algorithms for a variant of ElGamal-type digital signatures. The cost for these schemes is n applications of hash functions, 2n modular multiplications, and n modular additions plus the verification of one digital signature, where n is the number of signatures. The paper also presents a solution to the open problem of finding a fast screening signature for non-RSA digital signature schemes.


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In a traditional anti-jamming system a transmitter who wants to send a signal to a single receiver spreads the signal power over a wide frequency spectrum with the aim of stopping a jammer from blocking the transmission. In this paper, we consider the case that there are multiple receivers and the transmitter wants to broadcast a message to all receivers such that colluding groups of receivers cannot jam the reception of any other receiver. We propose efficient coding methods that achieve this goal and link this problem to well-known problems in combinatorics. We also link a generalisation of this problem to the Key Distribution Pattern problem studied in combinatorial cryptography.


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A set system (X, F ) with X= {x 1,...,x m}) and F = {B1...,B n }, where B i ⊆ X, is called an (n, m) cover-free set system (or CF set system) if for any 1 ≤ i, j, k ≤ n and j ≠ k, |B i >2 |B j ∩ B k | +1. In this paper, we show that CF set systems can be used to construct anonymous membership broadcast schemes (or AMB schemes), allowing a center to broadcast a secret identity among a set of users in a such way that the users can verify whether or not the broadcast message contains their valid identity. Our goal is to construct (n, m) CF set systems in which for given m the value n is as large as possible. We give two constructions for CF set systems, the first one from error-correcting codes and the other from combinatorial designs. We link CF set systems to the concept of cover-free family studied by Erdös et al in early 80’s to derive bounds on parameters of CF set systems. We also discuss some possible extensions of the current work, motivated by different application.


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We consider the following problem: users in a dynamic group store their encrypted documents on an untrusted server, and wish to retrieve documents containing some keywords without any loss of data confidentiality. In this paper, we investigate common secure indices which can make multi-users in a dynamic group to obtain securely the encrypted documents shared among the group members without re-encrypting them. We give a formal definition of common secure index for conjunctive keyword-based retrieval over encrypted data (CSI-CKR), define the security requirement for CSI-CKR, and construct a CSI-CKR based on dynamic accumulators, Paillier’s cryptosystem and blind signatures. The security of proposed scheme is proved under strong RSA and co-DDH assumptions.


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To provide card holder authentication while they are conducting an electronic transaction using mobile devices, VISA and MasterCard independently proposed two electronic payment protocols: Visa 3D Secure and MasterCard Secure Code. The protocols use pre-registered passwords to provide card holder authentication and Secure Socket Layer/ Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) for data confidentiality over wired networks and Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) between a wireless device and a Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) gateway. The paper presents our analysis of security properties in the proposed protocols using formal method tools: Casper and FDR2. We also highlight issues concerning payment security in the proposed protocols.


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We study the natural problem of secure n-party computation (in the passive, computationally unbounded attack model) of the n-product function f G (x 1,...,x n ) = x 1 ·x 2 ⋯ x n in an arbitrary finite group (G,·), where the input of party P i is x i  ∈ G for i = 1,...,n. For flexibility, we are interested in protocols for f G which require only black-box access to the group G (i.e. the only computations performed by players in the protocol are a group operation, a group inverse, or sampling a uniformly random group element). Our results are as follows. First, on the negative side, we show that if (G,·) is non-abelian and n ≥ 4, then no ⌈n/2⌉-private protocol for computing f G exists. Second, on the positive side, we initiate an approach for construction of black-box protocols for f G based on k-of-k threshold secret sharing schemes, which are efficiently implementable over any black-box group G. We reduce the problem of constructing such protocols to a combinatorial colouring problem in planar graphs. We then give two constructions for such graph colourings. Our first colouring construction gives a protocol with optimal collusion resistance t < n/2, but has exponential communication complexity O(n*2t+1^2/t) group elements (this construction easily extends to general adversary structures). Our second probabilistic colouring construction gives a protocol with (close to optimal) collusion resistance t < n/μ for a graph-related constant μ ≤ 2.948, and has efficient communication complexity O(n*t^2) group elements. Furthermore, we believe that our results can be improved by further study of the associated combinatorial problems.


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The power of sharing computation in a cryptosystem is crucial in several real-life applications of cryptography. Cryptographic primitives and tasks to which threshold cryptosystems have been applied include variants of digital signature, identification, public-key encryption and block ciphers etc. It is desirable to extend the domain of cryptographic primitives which threshold cryptography can be applied to. This paper studies threshold message authentication codes (threshold MACs). Threshold cryptosystems usually use algebraically homomorphic properties of the underlying cryptographic primitives. A typical approach to construct a threshold cryptographic scheme is to combine a (linear) secret sharing scheme with an algebraically homomorphic cryptographic primitive. The lack of algebraic properties of MACs rules out such an approach to share MACs. In this paper, we propose a method of obtaining a threshold MAC using a combinatorial approach. Our method is generic in the sense that it is applicable to any secure conventional MAC by making use of certain combinatorial objects, such as cover-free families and their variants. We discuss the issues of anonymity in threshold cryptography, a subject that has not been addressed previously in the literature in the field, and we show that there are trade-offis between the anonymity and efficiency of threshold MACs.


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In 2001, the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) was identified in Brisbane, Australia. An eradication program involving broadcast bait treatment with two insect growth regulators and a metabolic inhibitor began in September of that year and is currently ongoing. To gauge the impacts of these treatments on local ant populations, we examined long-term monitoring data and quantified abundance patterns of S. invicta and common local ant genera using a linear mixed-effects model. For S. invicta, presence in pitfalls reduced over time to zero on every site. Significantly higher numbers of S. invicta workers were collected on high-density polygyne sites, which took longer to disinfest compared with monogyne and low-density polygyne sites. For local ants, nine genus groups of the 10 most common genera analyzed either increased in abundance or showed no significant trend. Five of these genus groups were significantly less abundant at the start of monitoring on high-density polygyne sites compared with monogyne and low-density polygyne sites. The genus Pheidole significantly reduced in abundance over time, suggesting that it was affected by treatment efforts. These results demonstrate that the treatment regime used at the time successfully removed S. invicta from these sites in Brisbane, and that most local ant genera were not seriously impacted by the treatment. These results have important implications for current and future prophylactic treatment efforts, and suggest that native ants remain in treated areas to provide some biological resistance to S. invicta.


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Information security and privacy in the healthcare domain is a complex and challenging problem for computer scientists, social scientists, law experts and policy makers. Appropriate healthcare provision requires specialized knowledge, is information intensive and much patient information is of a particularly sensitive nature. Electronic health record systems provide opportunities for information sharing which may enhance healthcare services, for both individuals and populations. However, appropriate information management measures are essential for privacy preservation...