942 resultados para Scholars, Jewish
The records consist of documentation of the American Jewish Committee's project to describe Jewish participation in the United States Armed Forces during World War I. The bulk of the material consists of questionnaires that the AJC sent to servicemen to determine Jewish identity, which contain information on personal identification and details of military service. Responses to the questionnaire come from both Jews and non-Jews. In addition, the collection contains office papers concerning the project and a ledger of manuscripts. The manuscripts document the distribution of records the Office of Jewish War Records collected, as well as list Jews who died or were given military honors.
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Clippings on Jewish cemetery in Erlangen.
The Upper Valley Jewish Community (UVJC) is an egalitarian congregation on the campus of Dartmouth College. The congregation hosts a Hebrew School and publishes the newsletter, "The Jewish Connection." This collection consists of several issues of the publication, "The Jewish Connection," as well as other miscellaneous invitations and programs for a variety of events.
Nespaper clippings and other materials on the Jewish persecution under Nazi period in Auerbach and Bensheim.
Report on the Jewish community in Moenchengladbach (1933-1937); letter to Walter Froehlich confirming his election to chair the Jewish community in Moenchengladbach (1936); membership card for the "Juedische Kulturbund, Moenchengladbach).
The collection contains more than 60 black and white photographs from the first decades of the 20th century found in the synagogue of Mediaş (Mediasch, Medgyes), Romania. The photographs were found in the process of an on-going clean-up and restoration project and for the most part are unidentified. The photographs are of community members and their relatives and friends; they consist of group family portraits, individual portraits, babies, and children. Some of the photographs originate from Mediaş and other nearby Transylvanian towns, while others were printed by foreign printing shops and were presumably sent to relatives living in Mediaş.
Community record book 1846-1939; documents; business contracts; papers of individuals.
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Manuscripts: "Schicksal der Leiwener Juden von der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus bis heute;" Geschichte der ehemaligen Judengemeinde in Leiwen." Contains references to the history of different Jewish families from Leiwen.
Photocopy of handwritten "Urkunde ueber die Geschichte der juedischen Gemeinde zu Witten und den Bau ihres neuen Tempels" (1885) + typed manuscript of same. Photo of interior of Witten synagogue (1935). Press clippings and other documentations on Jewish life in Witten collected by Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (1988).
List of synagogues and Jewish cemeteries in Czechoslovakia that have been destroyed by the Nazis, 1939-1945, accompanied by some photographs (photocopies).
Photocopies of documents by Baruch Bilstein and Wolf Levi of Ruelfenrod regarding the Jewish cemetery of Ruelfenrod
Bernhard Lowe, September 1999 (no ackn.)