183 resultados para Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A mutant that exhibited increased melanin pigment production was isolated from Aspergillus nidulans fungus. This pigment has aroused biotechnological interest due to its photoprotector and antioxidant properties. In a recent study, we showed that melanin from A. nidulans also inhibits NO and TNF-α production. The present study evaluates the mutagenicity and cytotoxicity of melanin extracted from A. nidulans after its exposure to liver S9 enzymes. The cytotoxicity of multiple concentrations of melanin (31.2-500 μg/mL) against the McCoy cell line was evaluated using the Neutral Red assay, after incubation for 24 h. Mutagenicity was assessed using the Ames test with the Salmonella typhimurium strains TA98, TA97a, TA100, and TA102 at concentrations ranging from 125 μg/plate to 1 mg/plate after incubation for 48 h. The cytotoxicity of A. nidulans melanin after incubation with S9 enzymes was less than (CI50 value= 413.4 ± 3.1 μg/mL) that of other toxins, such as cyclophosphamide (CI50 value = 15 ± 1.2 μg/mL), suggesting that even the metabolised pigment does not cause significant damage to cellular components at concentrations up to 100 μg/mL. In addition, melanin did not exhibit mutagenic properties against the TA 97a, TA 98, TA 100, or TA 102 strains of S. typhimurium, as shown by a mutagenic index (MI) <2 in all assays. The significance of these results supports the use of melanin as a therapeutic reagent because it possesses low cytotoxicity and mutagenic potential, even when processed through an external metabolising system.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Byrsonima crassa Niedenzu (Malpighiaceae) is used in Brazilian folk medicine for the treatment of diseases related mainly to gastric ulcers. In a previous study, our group described the gastric protective effect of the methanolic extract from the leaves of B. crassa. The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of methanolic extract and its phenolic compounds on the respiratory burst of neutrophils stimulated by H. pylori using a luminol-based chemiluminescence assay as well as their anti-H. pylori activity. The suppressive activity on oxidative burst of H. pylori-stimulated neutrophils was in the order of methyl gallate > (+)-catechin > methanol extract > quercetin 3-O-alpha-L-arabinopyranoside > quercetin 3-O-beta-D-galactopyranoside > amentoflavone. Methyl gallate, compound that induced the highest suppressive activity with IC50 value of 3.4 mu g/mL, did not show anti-H. pylori activity. B. crassa could be considered as a potential source of natural antioxidant in gastric ulcers by attenuating the effects on the damage to gastric mucosa caused by neutrophil generated reactive oxygen species, even when H. pylori displays its evasion mechanisms.
Background Agroforestry is a sustainable land use method with a long tradition in the Bolivian Andes. A better understanding of people’s knowledge and valuation of woody species can help to adjust actor-oriented agroforestry systems. In this case study, carried out in a peasant community of the Bolivian Andes, we aimed at calculating the cultural importance of selected agroforestry species, and at analysing the intracultural variation in the cultural importance and knowledge of plants according to peasants’ sex, age, and migration. Methods Data collection was based on semi-structured interviews and freelisting exercises. Two ethnobotanical indices (Composite Salience, Cultural Importance) were used for calculating the cultural importance of plants. Intracultural variation in the cultural importance and knowledge of plants was detected by using linear and generalised linear (mixed) models. Results and discussion The culturally most important woody species were mainly trees and exotic species (e.g. Schinus molle, Prosopis laevigata, Eucalyptus globulus). We found that knowledge and valuation of plants increased with age but that they were lower for migrants; sex, by contrast, played a minor role. The age effects possibly result from decreasing ecological apparency of valuable native species, and their substitution by exotic marketable trees, loss of traditional plant uses or the use of other materials (e.g. plastic) instead of wood. Decreasing dedication to traditional farming may have led to successive abandonment of traditional tool uses, and the overall transformation of woody plant use is possibly related to diminishing medicinal knowledge. Conclusions Age and migration affect how people value woody species and what they know about their uses. For this reason, we recommend paying particular attention to the potential of native species, which could open promising perspectives especially for the young migrating peasant generation and draw their interest in agroforestry. These native species should be ecologically sound and selected on their potential to provide subsistence and promising commercial uses. In addition to offering socio-economic and environmental services, agroforestry initiatives using native trees and shrubs can play a crucial role in recovering elements of the lost ancient landscape that still forms part of local people’s collective identity.
Native trees and shrubs are essential components of rural landscapes in the semi-arid inner-Andean valleys of Bolivia. They can be found as hedges and bushes in various agroecosystems such as terrace walls, slopes, field boundaries and fallow land. Their distribution and floristic composition are the result of dynamic spatial and temporal interactions between local farmers and the environment. Local uses of natural resources and biodiversity reflect the constantly evolving Andean culture, which can be generally characterised as an intertwining of the human, natural, and spiritual worlds. The aim of the present ethnobotanical study was to analyse the dynamics of traditional ecological knowledge, to ascertain local farmers’ perceptions and uses of native woody species in Andean communities and to associate the results with local conservation activities for the trees and shrubs concerned. Our case study was carried out within two communities of the Tunari National Park (Dept. Cochabamba) in Bolivia. For data collection, research methods from social science (semi-structured interviews, participative observation, participatory mapping) as well as vegetation surveys were combined. Local actors included women and men of all ages as well as families from different social categories and altitudinal levels of permanent residence. Our study indicates that, due to a multitude of socio-economic pressures (e.g. migration of young people) as well as changes in use of biodiversity (e.g. replacement of native by exotic introduced species), the traditional ecological knowledge base of native trees and shrubs and their respective uses has become diminished over time. In many cases it has led to a decline in people’s awareness of native species and as a consequence their practical, emotional and spiritual relationships with them have been lost. However, results also show that applied traditional ecological knowledge has led to local conservation strategies, which have succeeded in protecting those tree and shrub species which are most widely regarded for their multifunctional, constant and exclusive uses (e.g. Schinus molle, Prosopis laevigata, Baccharis dracunculifolia). The presentation will discuss the question if and how applied traditional ecological knowledge positively contributes to local initiatives of sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in rural areas.
Contenido: Presentación -- Desarrollo de una nueva técnica de base colorimétrica para una rápida evaluación de la biodegradabilidad de materiales polímeros / M. L. Burdisso ; L. M. Salvatierra ; L. M. Pérez -- Evaluación de los mecanismos de eliminación de Pb2+ en sistemas de fitorremediación en lotes operados con Salvinia biloba raddi (acordeón de agua) / W. Tello Zevallos ; L. M. Salvatierra ; L. M. Pérez -- Estudio a escala laboratorio y planta piloto, de la adsorción de NO y SO2 sobre CR2O3/AL2O3 a altas temperaturas, provenientes de fuentes fijas / Ignacio D. Coria ; Oscar Carattoli, Sabrina Hernández Guiance ; Diana Hamann -- Monitoreo de condiciones de higiene y seguridad del ambiente en entornos industriales usando redes de sensores inalámbricos / Eduardo Rodríguez ; Claudia Deco ; Luciana Burzacca ; Mauro Pettinari ; Santiago Costa ; Cristina Bender -- Análisis de la eficiencia técnica de programas de desarrollo empresarial : avance de investigación II / Luis Piacenza ; Pablo Salvático ; Azul Chamorro -- Estudio de los procesos de transferencia de masa, cantidad de movimiento y energía en el secado de granos de origen agrícola : desarrollo de herramientas de cálculo aplicables al diseño de equipos y control de procesos / Guillermo Boffa ; Francisco Casiello ; Ana María Farias ; Oscar Galaretto ; Fernando Giannico ; Luis Herrera -- Marginalidad urbana y organizaciones de la sociedad civil en el barrio San Francisquito de la ciudad de Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina / Carlos Fernández ; María Elena Aradas Díaz -- Construyendo la memoria del barrio San Francisquito / Graciela Enria -- Análisis desde la ingeniería ambiental dsobre la problemática de recuperar plásticos desechados los cuales son incorporados a materiales o elementos constructivos en una vivienda económica como respuesta socio-ambiental / A. Espinosa ; J. L. Parodi ; A. D'Alleva ; S. Forestieri ; M. Avendaño ; V. Bitteti -- Cuantificación de la capltura de CO2 por la flora nativa de totora en un humedal costero de Perú / H. Pérez Pinedo ; E. Luccini ; L. Herrera ; M. Parodi ; M. Matar ; L. Barrea ; M. Mechni ; E. Masramón
Los rodales de Maytenus boaria en la cordillera de Mendoza constituyen relictos arbóreos en riesgo. Se realizaron relevamientos fitosociológicos de estos en quebradas de la Cordillera Frontal. Se observaron bosques puros en laderas y mixtos en terrazas. Los rodales puros se localizaron por encima de 1500 m s. n. m. en: 1) quebradas cerradas en umbrías y solanas en ambientes fríos, que corresponden al piso de Mulguraea scoparia y Colliguaja integerrima; las condiciones más frías de umbría son evidenciadas por Junellia juniperina, Bowlesia tropaeolifolia, Gutierrezia gilliesii, Mutisia subspinosa, Ephedra breana, Geranium berteroanum y Calceolaria pinifolia; las condiciones más cálidas de solana por Schinus fasciculatus, Lycium chilense y Buddleja mendozensis; 2) valles abiertos en umbrías en ambientes frescos donde crecen las especies del Monte: L. chilense, Baccharis salicifolia, Larrea nitida y Proustia cuneifolia; estas tres últimas junto con Eupatorium buniifolium indican mayor disponibilidad de agua en laderas y terrazas. En los ambientes frescos se relevaron también los bosques mixtos de M. boaria y Ochetophila trinervis con Rosa rubiginosa, P. cuneifolia, E. buniifolium en terrazas por debajo de 1500 m s. n. m. Son bosques azonales que constituyen rodales aislados de escasa extensión en sitios con alta disponibilidad de agua.
Evaluar la contaminación por metales pesados en los ecosistemas permite conocer la capacidad bioindicativa de especies vegetativas. El objetivo fue determinar la concentración de metales pesados en Prosopis laevigata, Acacia spp. y Schinus molle bajo el efecto de usos suelo y temporalidad. El área se sitúa en la colindancia de los Municipios de Soledad de Graciano Sánchez y San Luis Potosí fragmentada por usos de suelo: agropecuario, comercio y servicios, residencial urbano y minero. Fueron tomadas muestras de hojas de las tres especies en las estaciones de verano, otoño, invierno y primavera y se evaluó la concentración de metales pesados a través de la técnica de ICP-MS. Los análisis estadísticos indicaron niveles de Aluminio (Al) > Cinc (Zn) > Plomo (Pb) > Cobre (Cu) > Titanio (Ti) > Vanadio (V) > Arsénico (As) > Cromo (Cr) > Cadmio (Cd) > Cobalto (Co). Los elementos Al, As, Cd, Cr, Pb y Ti presentaron niveles por encima del umbral normal en vegetación. El uso de suelo tuvo efecto significativo con Al, Ti, Cd, As y Pb; los árboles ubicados en los usos de suelo minero, comercio y servicios tuvieron la mayor concentración. La especie tuvo efecto significativo con Al y Pb siendo Acacia spp. el que presentó la mayor capacidad de acumulación. La temporada del año impactó significativamente en la acumulación de As, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr y Ti en las tres especies. La dinámica antropogénica de los diferentes usos de suelo genera partículas y residuos con metales pesados impactando en la disponibilidad y acumulación en las especies evaluadas. Se contribuye a evaluar el impacto ambiental en el sistema fragmentado recomendando dar continuidad a este tipo de estudios.
High resolution palynological and geochemical data of sediment core GeoB 3910-2 (located offshore Northeast Brazil) spanning the period between 19 600 and 14 500 calibrated year bp (19.6-14.5 ka) show a land-cover change in the catchment area of local rivers in two steps related to changes in precipitation associated with Heinrich Event 1 (H1 stadial). At the end of the last glacial maximum, the landscape in semi-arid Northeast Brazil was dominated by a very dry type of caatinga vegetation, mainly composed of grasslands with some herbs and shrubs. After 18 ka, considerably more humid conditions are suggested by changes in the vegetation and by Corg and C/N data indicative of fluvial erosion. The caatinga became wetter and along lakes and rivers, sedges and gallery forest expanded. The most humid period was recorded between 16.5 and 15 ka, when humid gallery (and floodplain) forest and even small patches of mountainous Atlantic rain forest occurred together with dry forest, the latter being considered as a rather lush type of caatinga vegetation. During this humid phase erosion decreased as less lithogenic material and more organic terrestrial material were deposited on the continental slope of northern Brazil. After 15 ka arid conditions returned. During the humid second phase of the H1 stadial, a rich variety of landscapes existed in Northeast Brazil and during the drier periods small pockets of forest could probably survive in favorable spots, which would have increased the resilience of the forest to climate change.