985 resultados para Scanning tunneling microscopy.


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The charge transport mechanism of oligo(p-phenylene ethynylene)s with lengths ranging from 0.98 to 5.11 nm was investigated using modified scanning tunneling microscopy break junction and conducting probe atomic force microscopy methods. The methods were based on observing the length dependence of molecular resistance at single molecule level and the current-voltage characteristics in a wide length distribution. An intrinsic transition from tunneling to hopping charge transport mechanism was observed near 2.75 nm. A new transitional zone was observed in the long length molecular wires compared to short ones. This was not a simple transition between direct tunneling and field emission, which may provide new insights into transport mechanism investigations. Theoretical calculations provided an essential explanation for these phenomena in terms of molecular electronic structures.


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The applications of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) in intrinsically conducting polymer research is briefly reviewed, including morphology observation, nanofabrication, microcosmic electrical property measurements, electrochemistry researches, in-situ measurements of film thickness change, and so on. At the same time, some important variations of SPM and the related techniques are briefly introduced. Finally, the future development of SPM in the study of intrinsically conducting polymers is prospected.


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Scanning probe microscopy (SPM), including scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), has become a powerful tool in building nanoscale structures required by modern industry. In this article, the use of SPM for the manipulation of atoms and molecules for patterning nanostructures for opt-electronic and biomedical applications is reviewed. The principles and procedures of manipulation using STM and AFM-based technologies are presented with an emphasis on their ability to create a wide variety of nanostructures for different applications. The interaction among the atoms/molecules, surface, and tip are discussed. The approaches for positioning the atom/molecule from and to the desired locations and for precisely controlling its movement are elaborated for each specific manipulation technique. As an AFM-based technique, the dip-pen nanolithography is also included. Finally, concluding remarks on technological improvement and future research is provided.


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The adsorption behavior of methanol, ethanol, n-butanol, n-hexanol and n-octanol on mica surface was investigated by atomic force microscopy. All these alcohols have formed homogeneous films with different characteristics. Upright standing bilayer structure was formed on methanol adsorbed mica surface. For ethanol, bilayer structure and monolayer one were simultaneously formed, while for n-butanol and n-hexanol, rough films were observed. What was formed for n-octanol? Close-packed flat film was observed on n-octanol adsorbed mica substrate, the film was assumed to be a tilted monolayer. The possible adsorption model for each alcohol molecule was proposed according to its adsorption behavior.


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The kinetics of facilitated ion-transfer (FIT) reactions at high driving force across the water/1,2-dichloroethane (W/DCE) interface is investigated by scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM). The transfers of lithium and sodium ions facilitated by dibenzo-18-crown-6 (DB18C6) across the polarized W/DCE interface are chosen as model systems because they have the largest potential range that can be controlled externally. By selecting the appropriate ratios of the reactant concentrations (Kr c(M)+/c(DB18C6)) and using nanopipets as the SECM tips, we obtained a series of rate constants (k(f)) at various driving forces (Delta(O)(W) phi(ML+)(0') - Es, Delta(O)(W) phi(ML+)(0') is the formal potential of facilitated ion transfer and Es is the potential applied externally at the substrate interface) based on a three-electrode system. The FIT rate constants k(f) are found to be dependent upon the driving force. When the driving force is low, the dependence of 1n k(f) on the driving force is linear with a transfer coefficient of about 0.3. It follows the classical Butler-Volmer theory and then reaches a maximum before it decreases again when we further increase the driving forces. This indicates that there exists an inverted region, and these behaviors have been explained by Marcus theory.


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The growth of cationic lipid dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) toward bilayer lipid membrane (BLM) by solution spreading on cleaved mica surface was studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Bilayer of DODAB was formed by exposing mica to a solution of DODAB in chloroform and subsequently immersing into potassium chloride solution for film developing. AFM studies showed that at the initial stage of the growth, the adsorbed molecules exhibited the small fractal-like aggregates. These aggregates grew up and expanded laterally into larger patches with time and experienced from monolayer to bilayer, finally a close-packed bilayer film (5.4 +/- 0.2 nm) was approached. AFM results of the film growth process indicated a growth mechanism of nucleation, growth and coalescence of dense submonolayer, it revealed the direct information about the film morphology and confirmed that solution spreading was an effective technique to prepare a cationic bilayer in a short time.


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The growth kinetics of self-assembled monolayers formed by exposing freshly cleaved mica to octanol solution has been studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). AFM images of samples immersed in octanol for varying exposure times showed that before forming a complete monolayer the octanol molecules aggregated in the form of small islands on the mica surface. With the proceeding of immersion, these islands gradually grew and merged into larger patches. Finally, a close-packed film with uniform appearance and few defects was formed. The thickness of the final film showed 0.8 nm in height, which corresponded to the 40degrees tilt molecular conformation of the octanol monolayer. The growth mechanisms consisted of nucleation, growth, and coalescence of the submonolayer films. The growth process was also confirmed by FTIR. And the surface coverage of the submonolayer islands estimated from AFM images and FTIR spectra as a function of immersion time was quite consistent.


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A novel method to study electron-transfer (ET) reactions between ferrocene in 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) and a redox couple of K3Fe(CN)(6) and K4Fe(CN)(6) in water using scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) with a three-electrode setup is reported. In this work, a water droplet that adheres to the Surface of a platinum disk electrode is immersed in a DCE solution. The aqueous redox couple serves both as a reference electrode on the platinum disk and as an electron donor/acceptor at the polarized liquid/liquid inter-face. With the present experimental approach, the liquid/liquid interface can be polarized externally, while the electron-transfer reactions between the two phases can be monitored independently by SECM. The apparent heterogeneous rate constants for the ET reactions were obtained by fitting the experimental approach curves to the theoretical values. These rate constants obey the Butler-Volmer theory i.e., them, are found to be potential dependent.


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In this work, we report the findings of a study on scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) to investigate the interfacial electron-transfer (ET) reaction between the 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane radical anion (TCNQ(.-)) in 1,2-dichloroethane and ferricyanide in an ice-like matrix (a mixture of insulting ice and conductive liquid) under low temperatures. Experimental results indicate that the formed liquid/ice-like matrix interface is superficially similar in electrochemical characteristics to a liquid/liquid interface at temperatures above -20 degreesC. Furthermore, imaging data show that the surface of the ice-like matrix is microscopically flat and physically stable and can be applied as either a conductive or an insulting substrate for SECM studies. Perchlorate ion was selected as the common ion in both phases, the concentrations of which controlled the interfacial potential difference. The effect of perchlorate concentration in the DCE phase on interfacial reactions has been studied in detail. The apparent heterogeneous rate constants for TCNQ(.-) oxidation by Fe(CN)(6)(3-) in another phase under different temperatures have been calculated by a best-fit analysis, where the experimental approach curves are compared with the theoretically derived relationships. Reaction rate data obey Butler-Volmer formulation before and after the freezing point, which is similar to most other known cases of ET reactions at liquid/liquid interfaces. However, there is a sharp change observed for heterogeneous rate constants around the freezing point of the aqueous phase, which reflects the phase transition. At temperatures below -20 degreesC, surface-confined voltammograms for the reduction of ferricyanide were obtained, and the ice-like matrix became an insulating one, which indicates that the aqueous phase is really a frozen phase.


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Scanning probe microscopy was used to simultaneously determine the molecular chain structure and intrinsic mechanical properties, including anisotropic elastic modulus and friction, for lamellae of highly oriented high-density polyethylene (HDPE) obtained by the melt-drawn method. The molecular-scale image of the highly oriented lamellae by friction force microscopy (FFM) clearly shows that the molecular chains are aligned parallel to the drawing direction, and the periodicities along and perpendicular to the drawing direction are 0.26 and 0.50 nm, respectively. The results indicate that the exposed planes of the lamellae resulting from the melt-drawn method are (200), which is consistent with results of transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. Because of the high degree of anisotropy in the sample, coming from alignment of the molecular chains along the drawing direction, the measured friction force, F, determined by FFM is strongly dependent on the angle, theta, between the scanning direction and the chain axis. The force increases as theta is increased from 0 degrees (i.e., parallel to the chain axis) to 90 degrees (i.e., perpendicular to the chain axis). The structural anisotropy was also found to strongly influence the measurements of the transverse chain modulus of the polymer by the nanoindentation technique. The measured value of 13.8 GPa with transverse modulus was larger than the value 4.3 GPa determined by wide-angle X-ray diffraction, which we attributed to anisotropic deformation of the lamellae during nanoindentation measurements that was not accounted for by the elastic treatment we adopted from Oliver and Pharr. The present approach using scanning probe microscopy has the advantage that direct correlations between the nanostructure, nanotribology, and nanomechanical properties of oriented samples can be determined simultaneously and simply.


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In this paper, we studied the reactions of both potassium ferricyanide and hexaammineruthenium(III) chloride at a 4-aminobenzoic acid (4-ABA) modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE) by scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) in different pH solutions. The surface of the modified electrode has carboxyl groups, the dissociation of which are strongly dependent upon the solution pH values. The rate constant kb of the oxidation of ferrocyanide on the modified electrode can be obtained by fitting the experimental tip current-distance (I-T-d) curves with the theoretical values. The surface pK(a) of the 4-ABA modified GCE was estimated from the plot of standard rate constant k(o) versus the solution pH and is equal to 3.2, which is in good agreement with the reported result. The SECM approach curves for Ru(NH3)(6)(3+) both on the bare and the modified electrodes show similar diffusion control processes. These results can be explained by the electrostatic interactions between the modified electrode surface and the model compounds with different charges. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science BN. All rights reserved.


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Nanoindentation technique and scanning force microscopy have been used to measure directly the polyethylene modulus along the chain axis. Single crystals of polyethylene were employed in order to obtain well-aligned chain segments. To minimize effects of scanner creep, a Z scan rate of 3 Hz was employed. The "X Rotate" value of 25 degrees was selected to eliminate effects of lateral tip motion. The results were analyzed by the Oliver -Pharr method for which direct observation and measurement of the contact area are not required. Considering the influence of tip roundness on the projected contact area, the nanoindentation results were analyzed by the Sawa method. The chain modulus obtained from the thinner polyethylene single crystal sample was 204 +/- 21 GPa by the Oliver-Pharr method and 168 +/- 17 GPa by the Sawa method. The lower values than expected were due to substrate effects and anisotropy of chain deformation during nanoindentation. An extrapolation of the chain modulus obtained by various strains to zero nanoindentation eliminated the effect of substrate and anisotropy of chain deformation. The corresponding chain modulus obtained from the thicker sample was 278 GPa by the Oliver-Pharr method and 267 GPa by the Sawa method, respectively, in better agreement with the value of 340 Cpa determined theoretically. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.