986 resultados para Savonius rotor


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Työn tavoitteena oli toteuttaa simulointimalli, jolla pystytään tutkimaan kestomagnetoidun tahtikoneen aiheuttaman vääntömomenttivärähtelyn vaikutuksia sähkömoottoriin liitetyssä mekaniikassa. Tarkoitus oli lisäksi selvittää kuinka kyseinen simulointimalli voidaan toteuttaa nykyaikaisia simulointiohjelmia käyttäen. Saatujen simulointitulosten oikeellisuus varmistettiin tätä työtä varten rakennetulla verifiointilaitteistolla. Tutkittava rakenne koostui akselista, johon kiinnitettiin epäkeskotanko. Epäkeskotankoon kiinnitettiin massa, jonka sijaintia voitiin muunnella. Massan asemaa muuttamalla saatiin rakenteelle erilaisia ominaistaajuuksia. Epäkeskotanko mallinnettiin joustavana elementtimenetelmää apuna käyttäen. Mekaniikka mallinnettiin dynamiikan simulointiin tarkoitetussa ADAMS –ohjelmistossa, johon joustavana mallinnettu epäkeskotanko tuotiin ANSYS –elementtimenetelmäohjelmasta. Mekaniikan malli siirrettiin SIMULINK –ohjelmistoon, jossa mallinnettiin myös sähkökäyttö. SIMULINK –ohjelmassa mallinnettiin sähkökäyttö, joka kuvaa kestomagnetoitua tahtikonetta. Kestomagnetoidun tahtikoneen yhtälöt perustuvat lineaarisiin differentiaaliyhtälöihin, joihin hammasvääntömomentin vaikutus on lisätty häiriösignaalina. Sähkökäytön malli tuottaa vääntömomenttia, joka syötetään ADAMS –ohjelmistolla mallinnettuun mekaniikkaan. Mekaniikan mallista otetaan roottorin kulmakiihtyvyyden arvo takaisinkytkentänä sähkömoottorin malliin. Näin saadaan aikaiseksi yhdistetty simulointi, joka koostuu sähkötoimilaitekäytöstä ja mekaniikasta. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että sähkökäyttöjen ja mekaniikan yhdistetty simulointi on mahdollista toteuttaa valituilla menetelmillä. Simuloimalla saadut tulokset vastaavat hyvin mitattuja tuloksia.


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Viimevuosina kuvantamistekniikat ovat kehittyneet huomattavasti. Näiden uusien tekniikoiden avulla voidaan tarkastella erilaisia prosesseja aiempaa tarkemmin. Painelajittelun teoriat perustuvat pääasiassa makrotason mittauksien pohjalta tehtyihin matemaattisiin malleihin, ja itse lajittumistapahtumaa ei ole aiemmin päästy kovinkaan tarkasti havainnoimaan. Tämän työn tavoitteena olikin selvittää lajittumistapahtumaa uuden kuvantamistekniikan avulla. Työn kirjallisuusosassa esiteltiin lyhyesti painelajitin ja sen toiminta. Myös painelajittelun perusteoriat käytiin lyhyesti läpi. Teoriaosan pääpaino oli lajittumistapahtumassa ja siihen vaikuttavissa tekijöissä. Lisäksi teoriaosassa esiteltiin teollisen painelajittelun nykytilannetta, työtä varten tehdyn esiselvityksen pohjalta. Lajitinsimulaattorikoeajoissa selvitettiin kuitujen ja roskapartikkelien käyttäyty-mistä painelajittimessa kuvantamisen avulla. Kuvauksissa keskityttiin rakosihdin raon tapahtumiin, sekä sihtipinnan tapahtumiin. Kuvamateriaalista laskettiin kuitujen ja roskien liikenopeuksia lankasihtiprofiilin raossa, sekä sihdin pinnalla. Lisäksi tutkittiin kehänopeuden, tuotannon ja sakeuden vaikutusta liike-nopeuksiin. Kuvamateriaalista pyrittiin myös havainnoimaan mahdollista kuitujen takaisinvirtausta. Kuvantamisella saatiin uutta tietoa kuitujen ja roskapartikkelien liikkeestä painelajittimessa. Tuloksista kävi muun muassa ilmi, että roottorin elementin pienimmän välyksen kohdalla akseptoituu huomattava määrä massaa. Tämä selittyy sillä, että pienimmän välyksen kohta tuottaa huomattavan positiivisen painepulssin. Kuitujen ja roskapartikkelien nopeudet raossa noudattelivat muutenkin hyvin selkeästi elementin tuottamaa painepulssia. Lisäksi kuvamateriaalista havaittiin, että sihdin raon suulle kertyy profiilin korkuinen kuituflokki. Koko sihdin peittävää kuitumattoa ei havaittu.


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This paper is a literature review which describes the construction of state of the art of permanent magnet generators and motors constructing and discusses the current and possible application of these machines in industry. Permanent magnet machines are a well-know class of rotating and linear electric machines used for many years in industrial applications. A particular interest for permanent magnet generators is connected with wind mills, which seem to be becoming increasingly popular nowadays. Geared and direct-driven permanent magnet generators are described. A classification of direct-driven permanent magnet generators is given. Design aspects of permanent magnet generators are presented. Permanent magnet generators for wind turbines designs are highlighted. Dynamics and vibration problems of permanent magnet generators covered in literature are presented. The application of the Finite Element Method for mechanical problems solution in the field of permanent magnet generators is discussed.


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Induction motors are widely used in industry, and they are generally considered very reliable. They often have a critical role in industrial processes, and their failure can lead to significant losses as a result of shutdown times. Typical failures of induction motors can be classified into stator, rotor, and bearing failures. One of the reasons for a bearing damage and eventually a bearing failure is bearing currents. Bearing currents in induction motors can be divided into two main categories; classical bearing currents and inverter-induced bearing currents. A bearing damage caused by bearing currents results, for instance, from electrical discharges that take place through the lubricant film between the raceways of the inner and the outer ring and the rolling elements of a bearing. This phenomenon can be considered similar to the one of electrical discharge machining, where material is removed by a series of rapidly recurring electrical arcing discharges between an electrode and a workpiece. This thesis concentrates on bearing currents with a special reference to bearing current detection in induction motors. A bearing current detection method based on radio frequency impulse reception and detection is studied. The thesis describes how a motor can work as a “spark gap” transmitter and discusses a discharge in a bearing as a source of radio frequency impulse. It is shown that a discharge, occurring due to bearing currents, can be detected at a distance of several meters from the motor. The issues of interference, detection, and location techniques are discussed. The applicability of the method is shown with a series of measurements with a specially constructed test motor and an unmodified frequency-converter-driven motor. The radio frequency method studied provides a nonintrusive method to detect harmful bearing currents in the drive system. If bearing current mitigation techniques are applied, their effectiveness can be immediately verified with the proposed method. The method also gives a tool to estimate the harmfulness of the bearing currents by making it possible to detect and locate individual discharges inside the bearings of electric motors.


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This thesis examines and explains the procedure used to redesign the attachment of permanent magnets to the surface of the rotor of a synchronous generator. The methodology followed to go from the actual assembly to converge to the final purposed innovation was based on the systematic approach design. This meant that first a series of steps had to be predefined as a frame of reference later to be used to compare and select proposals, and finally to obtain the innovation that was sought. Firstly, a series of patents was used as the background for the upcoming ideas. To this end, several different patented assemblies had been found and categorized according the main element onto which this thesis if focused, meaning the attachment element or method. After establishing the technological frame of reference, a brainstorm was performed to obtain as many ideas as possible. Then these ideas were classified, regardless of their degree of complexity or usability, since at this time the quantity of the ideas was the important issue. Subsequently, they were compared and evaluated from different points of view. The comparison and evaluation in this case was based on the use of a requirement list, which established the main needs that the design had to fulfill. Then the selection could be done by grading each idea in accordance with these requirements. In this way, one was able to obtain the idea or ideas that best fulfilled these requirements. Once all of the ideas were compared and evaluated, the best or most suitable idea or ideas were separated. Finally, the selected idea or ideas was/were analyzed in extension and a number of improvements were made. Consequently, a final idea was refined and made more suitable at its performance, manufacture, and life cycle assessment. Therefore, in the end, the design process gave a solution to the problem pointed out at the beginning.


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Synchronous machines with an AC converter are used mainly in large drives, for example in ship propulsion drives as well as in rolling mill drives in steel industry. These motors are used because of their high efficiency, high overload capacity and good performance in the field weakening area. Present day drives for electrically excited synchronous motors are equipped with position sensors. Most drives for electrically excited synchronous motors will be equipped with position sensors also in future. This kind of drives with good dynamics are mainly used in metal industry. Drives without a position sensor can be used e.g. in ship propulsion and in large pump and blower drives. Nowadays, these drives are equipped with a position sensor, too. The tendency is to avoid a position sensor if possible, since a sensor reduces the reliability of the drive and increases costs (latter is not very significant for large drives). A new control technique for a synchronous motor drive is a combination of the Direct Flux Linkage Control (DFLC) based on a voltage model and a supervising method (e.g. current model). This combination is called Direct Torque Control method (DTC). In the case of the position sensorless drive, the DTC can be implemented by using other supervising methods that keep the stator flux linkage origin centered. In this thesis, a method for the observation of the drift of the real stator flux linkage in the DTC drive is introduced. It is also shown how this method can be used as a supervising method that keeps the stator flux linkage origin centered in the case of the DTC. In the position sensorless case, a synchronous motor can be started up with the DTC control, when a method for the determination of the initial rotor position presented in this thesis is used. The load characteristics of such a drive are not very good at low rotational speeds. Furthermore, continuous operation at a zero speed and at a low rotational speed is not possible, which is partly due to the problems related to the flux linkage estimate. For operation in a low speed area, a stator current control method based on the DFLC modulator (DMCQ is presented. With the DMCC, it is possible to start up and operate a synchronous motor at a zero speed and at low rotational speeds in general. The DMCC is necessary in situations where high torque (e.g. nominal torque) is required at the starting moment, or if the motor runs several seconds at a zero speed or at a low speed range (up to 2 Hz). The behaviour of the described methods is shown with test results. The test results are presented for the direct flux linkage and torque controlled test drive system with a 14.5 kVA, four pole salient pole synchronous motor with a damper winding and electric excitation. The static accuracy of the drive is verified by measuring the torque in a static load operation, and the dynamics of the drive is proven in load transient tests. The performance of the drive concept presented in this work is sufficient e.g. for ship propulsion and for large pump drives. Furthermore, the developed methods are almost independent of the machine parameters.


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The disintegration of recovered paper is the first operation in the preparation of recycled pulp. It is known that the defibering process follows a first order kinetics from which it is possible to obtain the disintegration kinetic constant (KD) by means of different ways. The disintegration constant can be obtained from the Somerville index results (%lsv and from the dissipated energy per volume unit (Ss). The %slv is related to the quantity of non-defibrated paper, as a measure of the non-disintegrated fiber residual (percentage of flakes), which is expressed in disintegration time units. In this work, disintegration kinetics from recycled coated paper has been evaluated, working at 20 revise rotor speed and for different fiber consistency (6, 8, 10, 12 and 14%). The results showed that the values of experimental disintegration kinetic constant, Ko, through the analysis of Somerville index, as function of time. Increased, the disintegration time was drastically reduced. The calculation of the disintegration kinetic constant (modelled Ko), extracted from the Rayleigh’s dissipation function, showed a good correlation with the experimental values using the evolution of the Somerville index or with the dissipated energy


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Työssä selvitetään voidaanko täryseulan dynamiikkaa simuloida monikappaledynamiikkaohjelmiston avulla. Seulan simulointimallilla tutkitaan toimintaparametrien vaikutusta koneen liikerataan. Lisäksi tutkitaan voidaanko Jeffcott roottorimallin avulla simuloida yhdestä täryakselista koostuvan täryseulan liikerata. The objective of this study is to simulate dynamics of the vibrating screen using multibody dynamics. The effect of the operating parameters is studied using the simulation model. In addition the principles of Jeffcott rotor are applied to find out the trajectories of the vibrating screen consisting of single axis.


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Uusien erikoissähkökoneiden testaus perinteisten standardien mukaan on osittain haasteellista. Erikoissähkökoneille, kuten kestomagneettitahtikoneelle ei ole esitetty suoranaisia standardin vaatimia testejä, joten siihen joudutaan soveltamaan olemassa olevia erillismagnetoiduntahtikoneen standardeja. Testien tavoitteena on olla luotettavia sekä vertailukelpoisia. Mittausten on oltava toistettavissa. Mittaustavasta riippuen voidaan saada erilaisia tuloksia, jotka vaikuttavat lopputulokseen. Standardien mukaisessa testauksessa saadaan mittauksista samanlaisia ja samalla saadaan mittausvirheen mahdollisuus pienemmäksi ja tällä tavoin tulokset keskenään vertailukelpoisemmiksi. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan kahta erilaista erikoissähkokonetta, kestomagneettitahtikonetta ja massiiviroottoriepätahtikonetta. Työssä selvitetään standardin IEC 60034 soveltuvuutta tyyppitesteihin, joita kyseiset konetyypit vaativat. Lisäksi työssä vertaillaan standardin IEC 60034 mukaisen hyötysuhteen määrittämistä. Se antaakin useita vaihtoehtoja hyötysuhteen määrittämiselle.


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Concentrated winding permanent magnet machines and their electromagnetic properties are studied in this doctoral thesis. The thesis includes a number of main tasks related to the application of permanent magnets in concentrated winding open slot machines. Suitable analytical methods are required for the first design calculations of a new machine. Concentrated winding machines differ from conventional integral slot winding machines in such a way that adapted analytical calculation methods are needed. A simple analytical model for calculating the concentrated winding axial flux machines is provided. The next three main design tasks are discussed in more detail in the thesis. The magnetic length of the rotor surface magnet machines is studied, and it is shown that the traditional methods have to be modified also in this respect. An important topic in this study has been to evaluate and minimize the rotor permanent magnet Joule losses by using segmented magnets in the calculations and experiments. Determination of the magnetizing and leakage inductances for a concentrated winding machine and the torque production capability of concentrated winding machines with different pole pair numbers are studied, and the results are compared with the corresponding properties of integral slot winding machines. The thesis introduces a new practical permanent magnet motor type for industrial use. The special features of the machine are based on the option of using concentrated winding open slot constructions of permanent magnet synchronous machines in the normal speed ranges of industrial motors, for instance up to 3000 min-1, without excessive rotor losses. By applying the analytical equations and methods introduced in the thesis, a 37 kW 2400 min-1 12-slot 10-pole axial flux machine with rotor-surfacemounted magnets is designed. The performance of the designed motor is determined by experimental measurements and finite element calculations.


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Diplomityössä on käsitelty tuulivoimalan generaattorin roottorin valmistusta ja magneettien kiinnitystä. Työ on osa projektia, jonka tarkoituksena on ollut tuottaa kohdeyritykselle vaihtoehtoinen tuulivoimalan generaattorin roottorirakenne. Työhön on koottu projektissa käsitellyt asiat roottorin valmistustekniikan osalta. Työssä on selvitetty kustannuksien kannalta paras vaihtoehto roottorin valmistamiseksi sisältäen kuljetukset ja magneettien kokoonpanon. Valmistusmenetelminä on vertailtu hitsausta ja valamista. Magneettien osalta tarkasteltiin uuden vaihtoehtoisen kiinnitysmenetelmän tuomia säästöjä nykyiseen ratkaisuun verrattuna. Uusien roottorien kustannuksia on verrattu nykyiseen rakenteeseen. Tutkimusmenetelminä on käytetty projektiryhmän palavereja, haastatteluja ja kirjallisuusselvityksiä. Lopputuloksena kohdeyritykselle luotiin uusi roottorikonsepti, jossa yhdistyvät edullisempi roottorin valmistus ja magneettien kiinnitys. Roottorin valmistaminen valamalla osoittautui selvästi edullisemmaksi kuin hitsaaminen levyistä. Magneettien kiinnitystä yksinkertaistettiin käyttämällä seostettuja magneetteja ja magneettikehyksiä. Roottorin konstruktiomuutoksien avulla mahdollistettiin suurempi magneettien määrä, joka mahdollistaa suuremman tehontuoton.


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Painelajittimet ovat yleisimpiä hiokkeen lajitteluun käytettyjä lajittimia. Painelajittimien suorituskyky on parantunut viimeisten vuosikymmenien aikana niin paljon, että pyörrepuhdistuksesta on pääosin voitu luopua osana hiokkeen lajittelua. Painelajittimen erinomaisuus perustuu siihen, että sillä voidaan erottaa massasta hyvinkin erilaisia epäpuhtauksia. Nykyään vallitsevia painelajittelun trendejä ovat sakeuden nosto, energiankulutuksen vähentäminen sekä eri fraktioiden erottumisen tehostuminen. Kaikilla pyritään vähentämään vedenkäyttöä ja parantamaan massan ominaisuuksia jatkoprosesseja silmälläpitäen. Tässä työssä tarkasteltiin painelajittimen roottorin kierrosnopeuden vaikutusta akseptimassan laatuun. Luodaan malli freeness-pudotukselle lajittimen yli. Sekä tarkastellaan myös automaatioon pohjautuvan säädön käyttöönottoa lajittimen akseptimassan freenesvaihteluiden tasaamiseksi. Toisaalta tehdään myös suppea selvitys lajittimien energiankulutuksista erilaisilla roottorin pyörimisnopeuksilla. Tuotantokäytössä oleviin lajittimiin asennettujen invertterisäätöjen ja koepisteistä saatujen tulosten avulla voidaan todeta, että laskemalla roottorin pyörimisnopeutta voidaan lajittimessa tapahtuvaa freenespudotusta kasvattaa. Samalla saavutetaan hyötyjä myös muissa massan ominaisuuksissa, kuten vetolujuudessa. Automaattisäädön käyttöönotolla saavutetaan huomattavasti pienempi hajonta akseptimassan freeneksessä. Rejektilinjan lajittimissa hajonta lähes puolittui ja päälinjan lajittimissa päästiin noin kolmanneksen parannukseen. Energian kulutuksia tutkittaessa huomataan, että roottorin kierrosnopeutta alentamalla voidaan merkittävästi vähentää lajittimien energian kulutusta. Parhaassa tapauksessa voidaan säästää neljännes lajittelun energiakustannuksissa.


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In the theory part the membrane emulsification was studied. Emulsions are used in many industrial areas. Traditionally emulsions are prepared by using high shear in rotor-stator systems or in high pressure homogenizer systems. In membrane emulsification two immiscible liquids are mixed by pressuring one liquid through the membrane into the other liquid. With this technique energy could be saved, more homogeneous droplets could be formed and the amount of surfactant could be decreased. Ziegler-Natta and single-site catalysts are used in olefin polymerization processes. Nowadays, these catalysts are prepared according to traditional mixing emulsification. More homogeneous catalyst particles that have narrower particle size distribution might be prepared with membrane emulsification. The aim of the experimental part was to examine the possibility to prepare single site polypropylene catalyst using membrane emulsification technique. Different membrane materials and solidification techniques of the emulsion were examined. Also the toluene-PFC phase diagram was successfully measured during this thesis work. This phase diagram was used for process optimization. The polytetrafluoroethylene membranes had the largest contact angles with toluene and also the biggest difference between the contact angles measured with PFC and toluene. Despite of the contact angle measurement results no significant difference was noticed between particles prepared using PTFE membrane or metal sinter. The particle size distributions of catalyst prepared in these tests were quite wide. This would probably be fixed by using a membrane with a more homogeneous pore size distribution. It is also possible that the solidification rate has an effect on the particle sizes and particle morphology. When polymeric membranes are compared PTFE is probably still the best material for the process as it had the best chemical durability.


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Supersonic axial turbine stages typically exhibit lower efficiencies than subsonic axial turbine stages. One reason for the lower efficiency is the occurrence of shock waves. With higher pressure ratios the flow inside the turbine becomes relatively easily supersonic if there is only one turbine stage. Supersonic axial turbines can be designed in smaller physical size compared to subsonic axial turbines of same power. This makes them good candidates for turbochargers in large diesel engines, where space can be a limiting factor. Also the production costs are lower for a supersonic axial turbine stage than for two subsonic stages. Since supersonic axial turbines are typically low reaction turbines, they also create lower axial forces to be compensated with bearings compared to high reaction turbines. The effect of changing the stator-rotor axial gap in a small high (rotational) speed supersonic axial flow turbine is studied in design and off-design conditions. Also the effect of using pulsatile mass flow at the supersonic stator inlet is studied. Five axial gaps (axial space between stator and rotor) are modeled using threedimensional computational fluid dynamics at the design and three axial gaps at the off-design conditions. Numerical reliability is studied in three independent studies. An additional measurement is made with the design turbine geometry at intermediate off-design conditions and is used to increase the reliability of the modelling. All numerical modelling is made with the Navier-Stokes solver Finflo employing Chien’s k ¡ ² turbulence model. The modelling of the turbine at the design and off-design conditions shows that the total-to-static efficiency of the turbine decreases when the axial gap is increased in both design and off-design conditions. The efficiency drops almost linearily at the off-design conditions, whereas the efficiency drop accelerates with increasing axial gap at the design conditions. The modelling of the turbine stator with pulsatile inlet flow reveals that the mass flow pulsation amplitude is decreased at the stator throat. The stator efficiency and pressure ratio have sinusoidal shapes as a function of time. A hysteresis-like behaviour is detected for stator efficiency and pressure ratio as a function of inlet mass flow, over one pulse period. This behaviour arises from the pulsatile inlet flow. It is important to have the smallest possible axial gap in the studied turbine type in order to maximize the efficiency. The results for the whole turbine can also be applied to some extent in similar turbines operating for example in space rocket engines. The use of a supersonic stator in a pulsatile inlet flow is shown to be possible.


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The objective of this master's thesis is to compare two different generator systems for wind turbines. It is the doubly fed induction generator system with three stage gearbox and the direct drive permanent magnet generator system. The comparison of generator systems is based on annual energy production for a given wind climate. For comparison a 3 MW, 15 rpm wind turbine is used. Modelling of a turbine rotor, gearbox and converters were done. Design of two generators was done and their performance was examined.