780 resultados para Santo Domingo de Silos
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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias, con especialidad en Salud Pública) U. A. N. L.
Contiene: Dissertacion historica II: que demuystra aver cursado el Patriarca Santo Domingo los estudios de artes, y de theologia en la ciudad de Palencia ... Obispado, y escritos de Idacio Galiciano el Historico ...
Contiene : Dissertacion historica II: que demuestra aver cursado el Patriarca Santo Domingo los estudios de artes, y de theologia en la ciudad de Palencia ... Obispado, y escritos de Idacio Galiciano el Historico ... ; Dissertacion III : curiosa, sobre la patria, obispado, y escritos de Idacio Galiciano el Hitorico ..
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Sign.: [calderón]5, A-C4
La primera obra relata el viaje de 1572-1573, la segunda el viaje de 1577-1580, la tercera el de 1585-1586 y la última del viaje de 1595-1596, en el que murió.
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Standing are Fritz, Joseph and Lilly. The youngest is Hans. Erich is seated center and Walter is seated on the far right.
With few exceptions, the bulk of the collection pertains to the work of the Agro-Joint. Records of the Agro-Joint Director General. Agreements of the American Relief Administration (ARA) and the Joint Distribution Committee with the Soviet government, 1922-1923. Agreements between the Agro-Joint and the Soviet government, 1924, 1927, 1928. Agreements of the Agro-Joint and the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements (ASJFS) with the Soviet government, 1929, 1930, 1933, 1938. Materials relating to relief work of the JDC within the framework of the American Relief Administration, 1922, including the appointment of J. Rosen as the JDC representative at the ARA. Statistics, reports, miscellaneous correspondence relating to JDC activities in Russia. Minutes, memos, reports, legal documents, certificate of incorporation, and general correspondence relating to the ASJFS, its formation, fund-raising activities, 1927-1939. Records of the Agro-Joint Main Office, Moscow. Annual and periodi c reports of the Agro-Joint including statistics, financial estimates, financial reports, analyses of expenditures, relating to Agro-Joint work, 1924-1937. General correspondence files: incoming and outgoing letters, reports, and memoranda. Materials relating to land surveys and allocations in the Crimea: statistics, surveys, memos, correspondence, relating to the Salsk district, Chernomor district, Changar peninsula, Azov, Kuban, Odessa district, Samara district, Povolzhe, Krivoy Rog, Kherson, The Far East, Siberia. Materials relating to contacts with KOMZET. Correspondence, minutes of KOMZET meetings, statistical information, reports. By-laws of the OZET (Obshchestvo po Zemleustroystvu Trudyachtchikhsya Evreev - Association For the Settlement of Toiling Jews On Land) and AGRO-KUSTBANK (Evreysky Agrarno-Kustarny Bank - Jewish Agricultural and House Workers Bank). Register of Agro-Joint assets transferred to KOMZET. Records of the Agro-Joint Agricultural Department. Materials
The aim of this thesis is to examine migration of educated Dominicans in light of global processes. Current global developments have resulted in increasingly global movements of people, yet people tend to come from certain places in large numbers rather than others. At the same time, international migration is increasingly selective, which shows in the disproportional number of educated migrants. This study discovers individual and societal motivations that explain why young educated Dominicans decide to migrate and return. The theoretical framework of this thesis underlines that migration is a dynamic process rooted in other global developments. Migratory movements should be seen as a result of interacting macro- and microstructures, which are linked by a number of intermediate mechanisms, meso-structures. The way individuals perceive opportunity structures concretises the way global developments mediate to the micro-level. The case of the Dominican Republic shows that there is a diversity of local responses to the world system, as Dominicans have produced their own unique historical responses to global changes. The thesis explains that Dominican migration is importantly conditioned by socioeconomic and educational background. Migration is more accessible for the educated middle class, because of the availability of better resources. Educated migrants also seem less likely to rely on networks to organize their migrations. The role of networks in migration differs by socioeconomic background on the one hand, and by the specific connections each individual has to current and previous migrants on the other hand. The personal and cultural values of the migrant are also pivotal. The central argument of this thesis is that a veritable culture of migration has evolved in the Dominican Republic. The actual economic, political and social circumstances have led many Dominicans to believe that there are better opportunities elsewhere. The globalisation of certain expectations on the one hand, and the development of the specifically Dominican feeling of ‘externalism’ on the other, have for their part given rise to the Dominican culture of migration. The study also suggests that the current Dominican development model encourages migration. Besides global structures, local structures are found to ve pivotal in determining how global processes are materialised in a specific place. The research for this thesis was conducted by using qualitative methodology. The focus of this thesis was on thematic interviews that reveal the subject’s point of view and give a fuller understanding of migration and mobility of the educated. The data was mainly collected during a field research phase in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic in December 2009 and January 2010. The principal material consists of ten thematic interviews held with educated Dominican current or former migrants. Four expert interviews, relevant empirical data, theoretical literature and newspaper articles were also comprehensively used.
The aim of this thesis is to examine migration of educated Dominicans in light of global processes. Current global developments have resulted in increasingly global movements of people, yet people tend to come from certain places in large numbers rather than others. At the same time, international migration is increasingly selective, which shows in the disproportional number of educated migrants. This study discovers individual and societal motivations that explain why young educated Dominicans decide to migrate and return. The theoretical framework of this thesis underlines that migration is a dynamic process rooted in other global developments. Migratory movements should be seen as a result of interacting macro- and microstructures, which are linked by a number of intermediate mechanisms, meso-structures. The way individuals perceive opportunity structures concretises the way global developments mediate to the micro-level. The case of the Dominican Republic shows that there is a diversity of local responses to the world system, as Dominicans have produced their own unique historical responses to global changes. The thesis explains that Dominican migration is importantly conditioned by socioeconomic and educational background. Migration is more accessible for the educated middle class, because of the availability of better resources. Educated migrants also seem less likely to rely on networks to organize their migrations. The role of networks in migration differs by socioeconomic background on the one hand, and by the specific connections each individual has to current and previous migrants on the other hand. The personal and cultural values of the migrant are also pivotal. The central argument of this thesis is that a veritable culture of migration has evolved in the Dominican Republic. The actual economic, political and social circumstances have led many Dominicans to believe that there are better opportunities elsewhere. The globalisation of certain expectations on the one hand, and the development of the specifically Dominican feeling of ‘externalism’ on the other, have for their part given rise to the Dominican culture of migration. The study also suggests that the current Dominican development model encourages migration. Besides global structures, local structures are found to ve pivotal in determining how global processes are materialised in a specific place. The research for this thesis was conducted by using qualitative methodology. The focus of this thesis was on thematic interviews that reveal the subject’s point of view and give a fuller understanding of migration and mobility of the educated. The data was mainly collected during a field research phase in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic in December 2009 and January 2010. The principal material consists of ten thematic interviews held with educated Dominican current or former migrants. Four expert interviews, relevant empirical data, theoretical literature and newspaper articles were also comprehensively used.
El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo del Estudio epidemiológico de la Prevalencia de brucelosis equina en el Municipio de San Pedro de Lóvago Departamento de Chontales. El municipio de San Pedro de Lóvago está limitado al norte con los municipios de La Libertad y Santo Domingo, al sur con los Municipios de Sto. Tomas y Acoyapa, al Este con el Municipio de Sto. Tomas y al Oeste con el Municipio de Juigalpa. La Zona donde se encuentra ubicado posee un clima semihumedo conocido como de Sabana Tropical, predominando la producción pecuaria con carácter ganadero y donde la tenencia de la tierra está orientada hacia haciendas de ganadería extensiva. El trabajo experimental cubrió 19 comarcas, durante los meses de Abril y Octubre del 2005, donde se tomaron muestras serológicas de todos los equinos en edad reproductiva que se encontraron en las fincas pertenecientes a las cooperativas San Pedro y Manantial. Se usaron como variables de estudio la edad, sexo, comarcas y categorías. Los resultados que se obtuvieron, indicaron que en el municipio existe una Prevalencia del 0% de brucelosis equina, de un total de 511 animales muestreados por lo tanto no existe diferencia significativa entre las variables estudiadas, considerándose al Municipio de San Pedro de Lóvago libre de brucelosis equina durante el periodo estudiado.
De la semilla de tempate Jatropha curcus L.se extrae un aceite, que por medio de un proceso industrial sencillo, se obtienen un sustituto del diesel . con el fin de evaluar el efecto de dos metodos de siembraf dos sistemas de labranza sobre dos variedades, se establecieron 13 ensayos de campos en tres regiones del pais la region 11; las localidades de el torrero Cristo Rey,Monte Olivo, San Lucas, Los Vargas y Altos de La cruz (Cerro Negro), Santo Tomás del Norte, Salale, san Nicolas y El terrero. En la region V; Juigalpa y Santo Domingo y en la region VI; Sebaco,cada ensayó incluye ocho combinaciones de los tres factores en estudio (1} variedad (Nicaragua y Cabo Verde), {2) labranza ( convencional y minima), y (3) método de siembra (directa yen bolsa ). Los tratamientos fueron arreglados en un diseño de bloques completo al azar con cuatro re peticiones. Los costos de siembra mas bajos correspondieron a siembra directa con cero labranza y los costos mas a 1 tos fu ero n par a 1 a siembra en bolsa con labranza convencional. La mayor altura de planta se obtuvo con labranza convencional y siembra en bolsa en las localidades de Juigalpa. cristo Rey y El Trreon respectivamente. La variedad Cabo Verde obtuvo los mejores rendimientos en la mayoria de los tratamientos y localidades. En cuanto a manejo labranza convencional combinada con siembra en bolsa produjo los mayores rendimientos. La localidad con mejor rendimiento fue El Torreón con la variedad Cabo verde, labranza convencional y siembra en bolsa.