915 resultados para Sand removal


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The aim of this study was to evaluate tetracycline antibiotic (TA) removal from contaminated water by Moringa oleifera seed preparations. The composition of synthetic water approximate river natural contaminated water and TA simulated its presence as an emerging pollutant. Interactions between TA and protein preparations (extract; fraction and lectin) were also evaluated. TA was determined by solid phase extraction followed by high performance liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry. Moringa extract and flour removed TA from water. Extract removed TA in all concentrations and better removal (40%) was obtained with 40 mg L1; seed flour (particles < 5mm), 1.25 g L1 and 2.50 g L1 removed 28 and 29% of tetracycline, respectively; particles > 5 mm (0.50 g L1) removed 55% of antibiotic. Interactions between TA and seed preparations were assayed by haemagglutinating activity (HA). Specific HA (SHA) of extract (pH 7) was abolished with tetracycline (5 mg L1); fraction (75%) and lectin HA (97%) were inhibited with TA. Extract SHA decreased by 75% at pH 8. Zeta potential (ZP) of extract 700 mg L1 and tetracycline 50 mg L1 , pH range 5 to 8, showed different results. Extract ZP was more negative (10.73 mV to 16.00 mV) than tetracycline ZP (0.27 mV to 20.15 mV); ZP difference was greater in pH 8. The focus of this study was achieved since moringa preparations removed TA from water and compounds interacting with tetracycline involved at least lectin binding sites. This is a natural process, which do not promote environmental damage.


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Zearalenone (ZEN) is a mycotoxin that has relatively low acute toxicity. However, it is a potent oestrogen, interfering with the reproductive tract of animals. Among other effects, ZEN decreases animals fertility, and induces fibrosis in the uterus, breast cancer and endometrial carcinoma (Zinedine et al., 2007). Anti-mycotoxin additives (AMA) are defined as a group of products that, when added to animal feed, are capable of adsorbing, inactivating, or neutralizing mycotoxins in the gastrointestinal tract of animals. One example of these products are adsorbents based on yeast cell walls, a safe and beneficial animal feed additive (Abreu et al., 2008). When based on active cells, yeast based products also act as a probiotic, contributing to improve the general animal health because it stimulates their immune system and promotes the integrity of intestinal mucosa (Albino et al., 2006). Strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from silage were tested for their ZEN removal capability. Their effect on - and b-zearalenol (-ZOL and b-ZOL) was also tested. Strains were grown on YPD separately supplemented with ZEN, -ZOL and b-ZOL, and their elimination from culture media was quantified over time by HPLC-FL.


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Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by certain moulds, being ochratoxin A (OTA) one of the most relevant. Its chemical structure is a dihydro-isocoumarin connected at the 7-carboxy group to a molecule of L--phenylalanine via an amide bond. OTA contamination of wines might be a risk to consumer health, thus requiring treatments to achieve acceptable standards for human consumption [1]. According to the Regulation No. 1881/2006 of the European Commission, the maximum limit for OTA in wine is 2 µg/kg [2]. Therefore, the aim of this work was to know the effect of different fining agents on OTA removal, as well as their impact on white and red wine physicochemical characteristics. To evaluate their efficiency, 11 commercial fining agents (mineral, synthetic, animal and vegetable proteins) were used to get new approaches on OTA removal from white and red wines. Trials were performed in wines artificially supplemented (at a final concentration of 10 µg/L) with OTA. The most effective fining agent in removing OTA (80%) from white wine was a commercial formulation that contains gelatine, bentonite and activated carbon. Removals between 10-30% were obtained with potassium caseinate, yeast cell walls and pea protein. With bentonites, carboxymethylcellulose, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone and chitosan no considerable OTA removal was verified. In red wine, removals between 6-19% were obtained with egg albumin, yeast cell walls, pea protein, isinglass, gelatine, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone and chitosan. The most effective fining agents in removing OTA from red wine were an activated carbon (66%) followed again by the commercial formulation (55%), being activated carbon a well-known adsorbent of mycotoxins. These results may provide useful information for winemakers, namely for the selection of the most appropriate oenological product for OTA removal, reducing wine toxicity and simultaneously enhancing food safety and wine quality.


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The presence of mycotoxins in foodstuff is a matter of concern for food safety. Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by certain molds, being ochratoxin A (OTA) one of the most relevant. Wines can also be contaminated with these toxicants. Several authors have demonstrated the presence of mycotoxins in wine, especially ochratoxin A (OTA) [1]. Its chemical structure is a dihydro-isocoumarin connected at the 7-carboxy group to a molecule of L--phenylalanine via an amide bond. As these toxicants can never be completely removed from the food chain, many countries have defined levels in food in order to attend health concerns. OTA contamination of wines might be a risk to consumer health, thus requiring treatments to achieve acceptable standards for human consumption [2]. The maximum acceptable level of OTA in wines is 2.0 g/kg according to the Commission regulation No. 1881/2006 [3]. Therefore, the aim of this work was to reduce OTA to safer levels using different fining agents, as well as their impact on white wine physicochemical characteristics. To evaluate their efficiency, 11 commercial fining agents (mineral, synthetic, animal and vegetable proteins) were used to get new approaches on OTA removal from white wine. Trials (including a control without addition of a fining agent) were performed in white wine artificially supplemented with OTA (10 µg/L). OTA analysis were performed after wine fining. Wine was centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 min and 1 mL of the supernatant was collected and added of an equal volume of acetonitrile/methanol/acetic acid (78:20:2 v/v/v). Also, the solid fractions obtained after fining, were centrifuged (4000 rpm, 15 min), the resulting supernatant discarded, and the pellet extracted with 1 mL of the above solution and 1 mL of H2O. OTA analysis was performed by HPLC with fluorescence detection according to Abrunhosa and Venâncio [4]. The most effective fining agent in removing OTA (80%) from white wine was a commercial formulation that contains gelatine, bentonite and activated carbon. Removals between 10-30% were obtained with potassium caseinate, yeast cell walls and pea protein. With bentonites, carboxymethylcellulose, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone and chitosan no considerable OTA removal was verified. Following, the effectiveness of seven commercial activated carbons was also evaluated and compared with the commercial formulation that contains gelatine, bentonite and activated carbon. The different activated carbons were applied at the concentration recommended by the manufacturer in order to evaluate their efficiency in reducing OTA levels. Trial and OTA analysis were performed as explained previously. The results showed that in white wine all activated carbons except one reduced 100% of OTA. The commercial formulation that contains gelatine, bentonite and activated carbon (C8) reduced only 73% of OTA concentration. These results may provide useful information for winemakers, namely for the selection of the most appropriate oenological product for OTA removal, reducing wine toxicity and simultaneously enhancing food safety and wine quality.


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Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2016.03.148.


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Los sistemas de agua dulce constituyen fuentes vitales para el desarrollo de la vida. Entre otras causas, el excesivo y poco controlado uso de pesticidas por las prácticas agrícolas modernas ha contribuido con la degradación de estos ecosistemas en la provincia de Córdoba (Secretaría de Ambiente, 2008). Los pesticidas son compuestos tóxicos y químicamente estables en el ambiente. Diversas especies microbianas presentan la capacidad para mineralizar dichos compuestos, siendo uno de los mecanismos de descomposición más importante. En el presente trabajo se pretende (1) Detectar y cuantificar principios activos de pesticidas en diferentes aguas ambientales de la región centro-sur de la provincia de Córdoba; (2) Aislar y caracterizar especies bacterianas a partir de muestras de aguas superficiales y subterráneas de la región que demuestren ser eficientes en la biodegradación de diferentes pesticidas. Para ello, se estudiará la presencia de 10 pesticidas organoclorados y organofosforados (lindano, 2,4D, DDT, p,p-DDE, �-endosulfán, �-endosulfán, clorpirifós, dimetoato) y herbicidas (atrazina) en muestras de agua superficiales y subterráneas (8 - 12m de profundidad) de la región agrícola centro-sur de Córdoba. Se establecerán diferentes puntos de muestreo en las principales cuencas hidrográficas: Río Tercero y Embalse de Río Tercero, Canal Desviador de Bell Ville, Laguna La Salada, Río Saladillo, Río Carcarañá y Río Cuarto. La determinación de pesticidas se realizará mediante Cromatografía de Gases (GC). Conjuntamente, se realizará el aislamiento de microorganismos a partir de las muestras de agua suplementadas con diferentes concentraciones de pesticidas (López et al., 2005) y se procederá a la caracterización morfológica y bioquímica (Lechevalier, 1989). Se realizarán curvas de crecimiento (DO600) y se determinará la viabilidad celular mediante el método de recuento en placa. El potencial catabólico de cada aislamiento se determinará analizando la concentración residual de pesticidas en el sobrenadante de los cultivos (Benimeli et al, 2003) y mediante ensayos de resting-cell (Hernández et al, 2008). Finalmente se realizará la caracterización genética (Weisburg, 1991) de los aislamientos que demuestren una mayor eficiencia en la biodegradación de pesticidas. El presente estudio pretende abordar una temática prioritaria como es la contaminación ambiental de ecosistemas acuáticos de la provincia de Córdoba. la detección de principios activos de pesticidas sería, por lo tanto, un indicador de contaminación de origen antropológica y brindaría información respecto al deterioro de la calidad del agua. Por otra parte, el aislamiento de bacterias adaptadas a las condiciones ecológicas de la región y capaces de metabolizar eficientemente diferentes pesticidas como fuentes de carbono y energía sería beneficioso para su utilización en futuros ensayos de biorremediación.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2013


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The comparative response of three sorghum (E-57, TEY 101 and C- 102) and of three corn cultivars (HMD-7974, Centralmex and Piranão) to N, P and K applications was studied in a soil from Anhembi, SP, classifield as Distrophic quartz sand (AQd) was studied. Leaf analyses were made to assess the nutritional status of the two crops. Main conclusions were the following. 1. Sorghum yieldel more than corn; 2. Both sorghum and corn varieties showed different capacities to absorb N, P and K from the soil and to fertilizer application; 3. There was no response to K2O fertilization; 4. Only Piranão increased yield when suplemented with a mixture of micronutrientes; 5. Direct relationships between rates of N and P2O5 and yield and leaf content were found; 6. Direct relationships between rates of N and P2O5 and yield and leaf content were found; 7. The following leaf levels were considered to be adequate, respectively for sorghum and corn: N - 2,00 - 2,25%, 3,25 - 3,50%; P - 0,30 - 0,40, 0,45 - 0,50; K -2,00 - 2,50, 2,20 - 2,40%; Ca - 0,20 - 0,40, 0,44- 0,72% Mg - 0,25 - 0,40, 0,34 - 0,60%; S - 0,50 - 0,70, 0,72 -0,80; Cu - 7 - 10, 11 - 15%; Fe - 84 - 170, 98 - 125%; Mn - 58 - 72, 66 - 85%; Zn - 10 - 14, 18 - 22; critical levels, however, do very depending upon cultivar.


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The activity pattern of the small sand lizard, Liolaemus occipitalis Boulenger, 1885, was investigated in the coastal sand dunes at Quintão beach (Palmares do Sul, southern, Brazil), between September 1998 and August 1999. The results showed that L. occipitalis is active all along the year, but with variations in its daily and seasonal activity patterns associated to climatic changes in the habitat. Lizard activity pattern was distributed as follows: under the sand, burrowed (73%), under vegetation (14%), dislocation (7%) and basking (6%). Mean habitat temperatures (air and substrate) were significantly different. The results indicate that L. occipitalis is a thigmothermic and heliothermic species that regulates its body temperature through behavioral mechanisms, and that thermoregulation is mainly associated with substrate.


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Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) waltoni m.sp., uma nova espécie de flebótomo é descrita e ilustrada. Observações ecológicas disponíveis são apresentadas. (AU)


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Several species of wild caught sand flies were collected in the same site where a subspecies of leishmania mexicana was isolated from the rodent Proechimys iheringi denigratus. The absence of natural infection in these sand flies permitted us to test, with relative assurance, the susceptibility of wild caught females to infection by this parasite. the success obtained in these experimental infections suggest that one or more of the sand fly species encountered in high numbers in the same site where the infected rodents were captured may be the vector(s) of this subspecies of l. mexicana.


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The male and female of Psychodopygus leonidasdeanei n.sp., (Diptera : Psychodidae) are described and illustrated from specimens collected in Shannon traps near Santarém, Pará State, Brazil. This species is a member of the squamiventris series and information is given on the distribution of the members of this series in Pará. A pictorial guide to separate the males and some females from others in the series is given.


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Lutzomyia furcata transmitted Leishmania chagasi to a hamster 10 days after being experimentally fed on an infected spleen. An individual female Psychodopygus carrerai carrerai that had fed on a hamster lesion caused by Leishmania mexicana amazonensis transmitted this parasite 6 days later to another hamster. Transmission electron microscopy of this fly's head revealed a small number of degenerate promastigotes in the foregut, but only a few were attached.