178 resultados para Sagüi (Callithrix jacchus)


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Detection of a visual signal can be facilitated by simultaneous presentation of a similar subthreshold signal. Here we show that the facilitatory effect of a subthreshold signal can persist for more than 16 s. Presenting a near-threshold Gabor signal (prime) produced a phase-independent increase in contrast sensitivity (40%) to similar successive signals (target) for a period of up to 16 s. This effect was obtained only when both prime and target were presented to the same eye. We further show that the memory trace is inactivated by presenting high-contrast signals before the target. These results suggest that activated neurons in the primary visual cortex retain a near-threshold memory trace that persists until reactivated.


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At early stages in visual processing cells respond to local stimuli with specific features such as orientation and spatial frequency. Although the receptive fields of these cells have been thought to be local and independent, recent physiological and psychophysical evidence has accumulated, indicating that the cells participate in a rich network of local connections. Thus, these local processing units can integrate information over much larger parts of the visual field; the pattern of their response to a stimulus apparently depends on the context presented. To explore the pattern of lateral interactions in human visual cortex under different context conditions we used a novel chain lateral masking detection paradigm, in which human observers performed a detection task in the presence of different length chains of high-contrast-flanked Gabor signals. The results indicated a nonmonotonic relation of the detection threshold with the number of flankers. Remote flankers had a stronger effect on target detection when the space between them was filled with other flankers, indicating that the detection threshold is caused by dynamics of large neuronal populations in the neocortex, with a major interplay between excitation and inhibition. We considered a model of the primary visual cortex as a network consisting of excitatory and inhibitory cell populations, with both short- and long-range interactions. The model exhibited a behavior similar to the experimental results throughout a range of parameters. Experimental and modeling results indicated that long-range connections play an important role in visual perception, possibly mediating the effects of context.


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The Escherichia coli protein DbpA is unique in its subclass of DEAD box RNA helicases, because it possesses ATPase-specific activity toward the peptidyl transferase center in 23S rRNA. Although its remarkable ATPase activity had been well defined toward various substrates, its RNA helicase activity remained to be characterized. Herein, we show by using biochemical assays and atomic force microscopy that DbpA exhibits ATP-stimulated unwinding activity of RNA duplex regardless of its primary sequence. This work presents an attempt to investigate the action of DEAD box proteins by a single-molecule visualization methodology. Our atomic force microscopy images enabled us to observe directly the unwinding reaction of a DEAD box helicase on long stretches of double-stranded RNA. Specifically, we could differentiate between the binding of DbpA to RNA in the absence of ATP and the formation of a Y-shaped intermediate after its progression through double-stranded RNA in the presence of ATP. Recent studies have questioned the designation of DbpA, in particular, and DEAD box proteins in general as RNA helicases. However, accumulated evidence and the results reported herein suggest that these proteins are indeed helicases that resemble in many aspects the DNA helicases.


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En la actualidad, los modelos de competencias se encuentran ampliamente extendidos y resultan de gran utilidad para la gestión de los recursos (Advesh Consultancy Services, 2012; Pereda y Berrocal, 1999 y Sagi-Vela, 2004). Estos modelos tuvieron su origen en 1973 con el trabajo de McClelland, en el cual se propone la evaluación de las competencias, en lugar de las capacidades cognitivas, como constructos clave para predecir el rendimiento laboral. De entre todos los autores que han desarrollado modelos de competencias cabe destacar los modelos de Boyatzis, Murphy y Wheeler (2000), con sus tres filosofías operativas: pragmática, intelectual y humana. El gran valor de las filosofías operativas reside en su capacidad de explicar la conducta del individuo, tanto en su entorno laboral como en el resto de las esferas de su vida. Esto se debe a que dichas filosofías constituyen sistemas de valores que determinan la forma en la que el individuo percibe y evalúa su contexto...


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Part of Rimsky-Korsakov's music to Pi︠e︡snʹ o vi︠e︡shchem Olegi︠e︡: p. [127-128].


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Wastewater treatment coupled with energy crop cultivation provides an attractive source of cheap feedstock. This study reviews an advanced, closed-loop bioenergy conversion process [biothermal valorisation of biomass (BtVB)], in which pyroformer is coupled to a gasifier. BtVB process was developed at European Bioenergy Research Institute (EBRI), Aston University, UK and demonstrates an improved method for thermal conversion of ash-rich biomass.


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Use of agricultural residues, like wheat or rice straw for energy generation, is the most effective measure in terms of costs and availability. The present paper focuses the need of such measure, its impact on the environment as practiced today (open burning). The application of intermediate pyrolysis technology for straw conversion in India is discussed herein. A 20 kg/h Pyroformer has been coupled to a direct quenching system without filtration. The process temperature was around 360 ?C and the yields for the product fractions, char pyrolysis oil, and non-condensable gas fractions were, 32%, 35%, and 33% respectively. The pyrolysis oil was condensed in a quenching unit using bio-diesel or diesel. The blend produced was 30 % pyrolysis liquid and 70 % bio-diesel. The engine has been tested with the pyro-oil/biooil mixture over a long term (75 hours). An overall economic analysis of the process has been carried out.


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This paper presents a goal programming model to optimise the deployment of pyrolysis plants in Punjab, India. Punjab has an abundance of waste straw and pyrolysis can convert this waste into alternative bio-fuels, which will facilitate the provision of valuable energy services and reduce open field burning. A goal programming model is outlined and demonstrated in two case study applications: small scale operations in villages and large scale deployment across Punjab's districts. To design the supply chain, optimal decisions for location, size and number of plants, downstream energy applications and feedstocks processed are simultaneously made based on stakeholder requirements for capital cost, payback period and production cost of bio-oil and electricity. The model comprises quantitative data obtained from primary research and qualitative data gathered from farmers and potential investors. The Punjab district of Fatehgarh Sahib is found to be the ideal location to initially utilise pyrolysis technology. We conclude that goal programming is an improved method over more conventional methods used in the literature for project planning in the field of bio-energy. The model and findings developed from this study will be particularly valuable to investors, plant developers and municipalities interested in waste to energy in India and elsewhere. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Today, focus is shifting to creation of bio-energy, biofuel and bioproducts from cellulosic biomass derived from various sources, including existing and new crops and their residues, trees and forest residues, and municipal or industrial wastes. At present, biomass co-firing in modern coal power plants with efficiencies up to 45% is the most cost-effective biomass use for power generation. Due to feedstock availability issues, dedicated biomass plants for combined heat and power (CHP), are typically of smaller size and lower electrical efficiency compared to coal plants. The financial model discussed in the chapter is suitable for all countries both in the West and in the developing world. From the economic analysis given in the chapter it can be concluded that intermediate pyrolysis technology proves to be very effective in terms of product qualities of the oil produced and also the return on investment is around 4 to 5 years.


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South Africa’s first democratic constitution of 1996, which defines the content and scope of citizenship, emerged out of what the country’s Constitutional Court accurately described as ‘a deeply divided society characterized by strife, conflict, untold suffering and injustice which generated gross violations of human rights, the transgression of humanitarian principles in violent conflicts and a legacy of hatred, fear, guilt and revenge’ (cited in Jagwanth, 2003: 7). The constitution was internationally noteworthy for its expressed protection of women’s and sexual minority rights and its extension of rights of citizenship to socio-economic rights, such as rights of adequate healthcare, housing and education (SAGI, 1996). During South Africa’s first two decades of democracy, the Constitutional Court has proven its independence by advancing citizenship rights on a number of occasions (O’Regan, 2012). The struggle for citizenship was at the heart of the liberation struggle against the apartheid regime and within the complex dynamics of the anti-apartheid movement, increasingly sophisticated and intersectional demands for citizenship were made. South Africa’s constitutional rights for citizenship are not always matched in practice. The country’s high rates of sexual violence, ongoing poverty and inequality and public attitudes towards the rights of sexual minorities and immigrants lag well behind the spirit and letter of the constitution. Nevertheless, the achievement of formal citizenship rights in South Africa was the result of a prolonged and complex liberation struggle and analysis of South Africa demonstrates Werbner’s claim that ‘struggles over citizenship are thus struggles over the very meaning of politics and membership in a community’ (1999: 221). This chapter will begin with a contextual and historical overview before moving onto analyzing the development of non-racialism as a basis for citizenship, non-sexism and gendered citizenship, contestations of white, militarized citizenship and the achievement of sexual citizenship by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) rights movement. As shall be made clear, all these citizenship demands emerged during the decades of the country’s liberation struggle.


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Leishmaniasis are endemic diseases wild spread in the New and Old World, caused by the flagelated protozoan Leishmania. In the New World, the distribution of different forms of leishmaniasis is mostly in tropical regions. In the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast Brazil, 85% of the captured sand flies fauna is Lutzomyia longipalpis. The distribution of the sand fly vector in the state overlaps with the disease distribution, where the presence of sand flies is associated with presence of animals shelters. The aim of this study was to analyse the blood meal preference of sand flies vector from the genus Lutzomyia spp. in laboratory conditions, to verify the vector life cicle at different temperatures sets and to identify the main blood meal source in endemic areas for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) at peri-urban regions of Natal. Sand flies samples were collected from the municipalities of São Gonçalo do Amarante and Nísia Floresta where female sand flies were grouped for the colony maintenance in the laboratory and for the analysis of the preferred source of sand fly blood meal in natural environment. The prevalence of blood meal preference and oviposition for the females sand flies was 97% for Cavia porcellus with oviposition of 19 eggs/female; 97% for Eqqus caballus with 19 eggs/female; 98% for human blood with 14 eggs/female; 71.3% for Didelphis albiventris with 8.4 eggs/female; 73% for Gallus gallus with 14 eggs/female; 86% for Canis familiaris with 10.3 eggs/female; 81.4% for Galea spixii with 26 eggs/female; 36% for Callithrix jachus with 15 eggs/female; 42.8% for Monodelphis domestica with 0% of oviposition. Female sand flies did not take a blood meal from Felis catus. Sand flies life cycle ranged from 32-40 days, with 21-50 oviposition rates approximately. This study also showed that at 32°C the life cycle had 31 days, at 28° C it had 50 days and at 22°C it increased to 79 days. Adjusting the temperature to 35°C the eggs did not hatch, thus blocking the life cycle. A total of 1540 sand flies were captured, among them, 1.310 were male and 230 were female. Whereas 86% of the sand flies captured were Lu. longipalpis as compared to 10.5% for Lu. evandroi and, 3.2% for L. lenti and 0.3% for Lu whitmani. The ratio between female and male sandfly was approximately 6 males to 1 female. In Nísia Floresta, 50.7% of the collected females took their blood meal from armadillo, 12.8% from human. Among the female sand flies captured in São Gonçalo do Amarante, 80 of them were tested for the Leishmania KDNA infectivity where 5% of them were infected with Leishmania chagasi. Female Lutzomyia spp. showed to have an opportunistic blood meal characteristic. The behavioral parameters seem to have a higher influence in the oviposition when compared to the level of total proteins detected in the host s bloodstream. A higher Lu. longipalpis life cycle viability was observed at 28°C. The increase of temperature dropped the life cycle time, which means that the life cycle is modified by temperature range, source of blood meal and humidity. Lu longipalpis was the most specie found in the inner and peridomiciliar environment. In Nísia Floresta, armadillos were the main source of blood meal for Lutzomyia spp. At São Gonçalo do Amarante, humans were the main source of blood meal due to CDC nets placed inside their houses


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Objetivo: Brindar una guía de práctica clínica basada con la evidencia más reciente para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la Enfermedad Hepática Grasa No alcohólica teniendo en cuenta la efectividad y seguridad de las intervenciones dirigidas a pacientes, personal asistencial, administrativo y entes gubernamentales de cualquier servicio de atención en Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Esta guía fue desarrollada por un equipo multidisciplinario con apoyo de la Asociación Colombiana de Gastroenterología, el Grupo Cochrane ITS y el Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Se desarrollaron preguntas clínicas relevantes y se realizó la búsqueda de guías nacionales e internacionales en bases de datos especializadas. Las guías existentes fueron evaluadas en términos de calidad y aplicabilidad. Una guía cumplió los criterios de adaptación, por lo que se decidió adaptar 3 preguntas clínicas. El Grupo Cochrane realizó la búsqueda sistemática de la literatura. Las tablas de evidencia y recomendaciones fueron realizadas con base a la metodología GRADE. Las recomendaciones de la guía fueron socializadas en una reunión de expertos con entes gubernamentales y pacientes. Resultados: Se desarrolló una guía de práctica clínica basada en la evidencia para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la Enfermedad Hepática Grasa No alcohólica en Colombia Conclusiones: El diagnóstico y manejo oportuno de la Enfermedad Hepática Grasa No alcohólica contribuirá a disminuir la carga de la enfermedad en Colombia y las enfermedades asociadas